major civil war battles first bull run gettysburg atlanta appomattox antietam vicksburg gettysburg...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Major Civil War Battles

• First Bull Run

• Gettysburg

• Atlanta

• Appomattox

• Antietam

• Vicksburg


• Things To Picture• Date• Important People• Landmarks• The significance in the overall war

Ch 11 The Civil War


Sec 1 Choosing Sides

• General Winfield Scott asked Robert E. Lee to command the Union Army

• However, Lee was from Virginia, so he chose to support and lead the confederacy

Advantages and Disadvantages

• 7 of the 8 military colleges in the nation were in the south

• ¾ of the U.S. Navy and officers were in the North

• All but one of the navy’s shipyards were under Union control

• Congress passed the Legal Tender Act – Feb. 1862, to allow the government to issue a national currency and start to print colored money called greenbacks

• The Union navy blockaded southern ports and cut off the south’s economy of trade

• In 1862 Congress required states to use conscription, or the draft

• This caused riots in many states

• Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus – a person’s right not to be imprisoned unless charged with a crime and given a trial

• He did so to silence anti-war critics in the North especially in border states

Weak Southern Government

• The Confederate Constitution limited Jefferson Davis’ powers much like the Articles of Confederation

First Modern War

• New cone shaped bullets were used

• Instead of standing in line troops started to use trenches and barricades to defend themselves

War Strategies

• Jefferson Davis wanted the war to be a Defensive war of attrition

• The Union plan was called the Anaconda Plan – this was proposed by Winfield Scott

Sec 2 The Early Stages

• In the first few months of the war Lincoln was under pressure to attack General PGT Beauregard and the confederates quickly

• The place would be south of Washington, near Manassas Junction

• Confederate reinforcements were led by Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

The Naval War

• Blockade Runners – smaller faster ships used to smuggle goods, became effective against the blockade

• Union ships led by David G. Farragut, captured New Orleans control of the Mississippi River 1862

The War in the West

• In Feb. 1862, Union General Ulysses S. Grant had victories at Forts Henry and Donelson

• The Union army won the Battle of Shiloh even after a surprise attack from the Confederates but twenty thousand troops were killed

War in the East

• George B McClellan took over the Union army after McDowell’s defeat at the First Bull Run

• The Union wanted to capture Richmond

• Lee then attacked the Union forces defending Washington and that became the second Battle of Bull Run

• Confederates troops won and were just 20 miles from Washington

• McClellan and his troops took position along Antietam Creek

• The Antietam victory was huge for the Union and devastating for the south

• This convinced Lincoln it was time to end slavery in the South

• On Sept 1862, Lincoln announced he would issue the Emancipation Proclamation

• Slaves would be free as of Jan 1, 1863 in the “states in rebellion”

Sec 3 Life During the War

• As the southern economy collapsed during the civil war, the north experienced a great time of growth and production

• African Americans were allowed to enlist in the Union army after the Emancipation proclamation

• The 54th Massachusetts was the first black regiment in the north and they were key in the battle of Fort Wagner

Medical Care

• Clara Barton was famous for her devotion and care of soldiers in the civil war

• Florence Nightingale – a British nurse was a huge influence on American women who wanted to go into nursing

Sec 4The Turning Point

• The Union army successfully completed their strategy of cutting the south into two with the battle of Vicksburg

• Grant put the city under siege and cut off its food supplies until confederate troops surrendered on July 4, 1863


• Lincoln fired McClellan because he let Lee escape at Antietam

• He gave command to Ambrose Burnside

• Burnside attacked Lee at Fredericksburg (Chancellorsville) and the union army suffered enormous casualties

• Burnside was then replaced with Joseph Hooker

• Lee defeated Hooker and then attacked Pennsylvania

• Hooker was replaced with Gen. George Meade

• Meade and Lee would then meet up at Gettysburg

• Lee ordered Gen. George Pickett to charge 15,000 confederates at the Union

• The Confederacy lost 28,000 men, 1/3 of Lees’ army, the Union lost 23,000

• President Lincoln came to Gettysburg in November 1863 to dedicate the battlefield as a cemetery and delivered the Gettysburg Address

Sec 5 The War Ends

• On Sept 1, Sherman’s troops occupied the city of Atlanta and burned down 1/3 of the city

• Nov 15, 1864, Sherman started his March to the Sea

• He destroyed everything in his path until they reached the coast and seized Savannah on Dec. 21, 1864

• Lincoln won re-election in 1864 against his old General, McClellan

• The 13th Amendment – banned slavery in the U.S.

• Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865

• April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot and killed Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre

• The civil war results…– The Union was preserved and strengthened

the power of federal government over the states

– Slavery was ended– The South’s society and economy were


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