
Post on 25-Jan-2015






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MAKABAYAN- a new learning area that integrates several subjects with the goal of helping each Filipino to develop healthy personal and national identity.

What is said of MAKABAYAN as a learning area?


It is said to be a “laboratory of life” or a practice environment.

It is the learning area that provides the Filipino learner the quality time to demonstrate practical knowledge and skills of empathy, vocational efficiency and problem solving in daily life.

Love of country serves as the unifying principle for the diverse values in this learning area, thus it is called pagkakabayan or makabayan for short.

provides the balance as it addresses primarily societal needs. This is where the learner can apply practical knowledge and life skills and demonstrate deeper appreciation of Filipino culture. Thus, it emphasizes the development of self-reliant and patriotic citizens as well as the development of critical and creative thinking.

shall feature a stronger integration of competencies and values within and across its learning area component and the tool learning areas. It shall use integrative teaching approaches where appropriate and relevant for a more holistic learning.



to develop the personal, social and work special skills of learners especially their interpersonal skills, empathy with other cultures, vocational efficiency, problem-solving, and decision-making in daily life, that is, to develop socio-cultural and politico-economic literacy.

The need to empower Filipino learners for lifelong learning as this would allow them to best confront the challenges post by the changing social forces.


is TO;

develop cerebral competence and skills that are basic to literacy, productivity and entrepreneurship.

nurture desirable values that help one come up with appropriate assessment and judgment.

provide guidance in the development of a balanced personality.

equip learners with essential training for self-empowerment, leadership,responsible citizenship and intelligent fellowship.

introduce programs/activities that will develop students' appreciation for and potentials in sports.

provide opportunities from discovery and development of talents in arts, music and literature.

guide students in the selection of their profession or vocation.

help train future teachers by serving as a cooperating school for the 

College of Education.

Did you know? what is the RATIONALE behind the revision of the education curriculum and the introduction of


The rationale behind,



Connect related subjects from the different learning areas.

Improved the positive outlook towards work to increase productivity and lead to a peaceful country.

Increase each individual’s ability to cope in fast changing world.

Create multi-faceted basic education teachers.

Reduce the congestion of subject offered in basic education.

Reduce the hiring of teachers if one is able to teach different learning areas.

Increase the importance of the arts, music, sports, dance and, other aspects of Philippine culture.

Develop nationalism among the Filipinos and increase individual responsibility as a citizen.

What are the SUBJECT components of MAKABAYAN???

These are;

-Social studies-Geography,

history, and civics.

-Civics and culture. -Economics

-Technology and home economics and livelihood

-Music, arts, and physical and health education

-Values education

SOCIAL STUDIES. This subject covers Philippine history and government (first year), Asian studies, world history, and economics

Geography, history, and civics.

it focuses on the geographical features of the Philippines as part of Southeast Asia and the world, use of natural resources, and the relationship of physical geography to local culture.

Civics and culture.

Children engage in character-building activities, develop good behaviour, and are taught values such as love of country, good citizenship, respect for one's cultural heritage, and being pro-Filipino

also introduced to basic health knowledge, healthy practices, and simple scientific skills such as observing, and describing interaction with, their environment.

Technology and home economics and livelihood

This component includes home economics, agriculture and fisheries, industrial arts, and entrepreneurship.

Music, and arts.

These aim to develop learners' personal, social, and aesthetic skills and values. The subject covers the study of elements and styles of music learned through listening, singing, playing, reading, and creating. Philippine and foreign music and visual art materials are used to deepen understanding of musical and artistic ideas and values. The visual arts involve drawing, painting, and making two- and three-dimensional art.

Physical and health education

Physical education. This aims to physically and athletically develop learners through physical exercise, games, sports, and dance.

Health. This develops the learners' ability to attain and maintain holistic health (physical, mental, and interpersonal), and includes education on population, drugs, and safety.

Values education

This subject aims to form self-identity and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to discern, analyze, discuss, compare, and select values in real-life situations. The subject is taught through experiential learning and integrative teaching. The teacher guides students to discover, analyze, select, and adopt values and discuss them in an atmosphere of dialogue, freedom, and openness.


-consist of ten (10)


Makabayan is a work in progress not a completed work.

it should be a community-based.-strictly speaking that there is no

makabayan, but there are MAKABAYANS.

Conclusion: if the community change, there should be change.

- There should be an integration of lessons take place.

-schools designs makabayan according to the changing needs of it’s students and the community to which it belongs.

Makabayan is a work in progress from below, not from above.

Because no human being can possibly understand all the aspects of makabayan from cooking to car, repair to website design to martial arts to all sort of other intelligences, skills, and knowledge areas.

Take note: The content of makabayan has to come from the school themselves not from any central office.

No one in the central office of the Department of Education can dictate what the individual schools need to do.

Makabayan is our responsibility, not that of Dep-Ed.

Because the human beings we are educating are our own children or the children of our neighbours, we are responsible for the content of makabayan.

And we know what we want our children to become

Makabayan, like the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is integrative.

The idea of makabayan is to integrate previously distinct subjects, not merely to put together mechanically.

Makabayan has the psychomotor objective of engaging the multiple intelligences of students.

Most schools now realize that makabayan does not address merely the cognitive aspect of the human being.

Teachers must integrate physical involvement of students to the lesson.

Makabayan has the cognitive objective of acquainting students with the way the human body works in the context of human society.

The object of study in makabayan is the human body that students have to study the way the human being depends for its very existence on the way society is structured.

Makabayan has the affective objective of socializing students in the context of their generation.

All education is meant to train students to live as adults . They will become adults only in the future , not today.

Students must learn how to socialize and interact in their own pace

Makabayan is the content part of the BEC for which Filipino, English, Math, and Science are tools.

The other four learning areas in the curriculum are merely tool subjects. They are means to an end. The end is makabayan and it pertains to what life is really all about.

Makabayan prepares student for the long term goal of lifelong learning and short term goal of earning a livelihood

Makabayan is a skill course. That the content must be taught with a practical end in view-to allow students to find a livelihood a; entrepreneurs, managers, or employees.

Makabayan is the of the BEC.

The curriculum exist for only one purpose- to prepare students to become adults.

The four tool subject train, but MAKABAYAN educates students.



Makabayan is a learning area that;provide essential training for every individual to become more competitive being, in dealing with the different aspects of life.shapes every Filipino to turn into, an active citizen in the community.

It is important for us citizen of the society to have deeper understanding about the real life concept. To become more responsible to our duties. And it serve as a guide for us to be more productive as well as equipped individual.


As a future educator it is important for me to know better the significance of makabayan as a learning area, because the course content of the subject is more on values education and deal with life realities, that a learner should have and learn. It is my role and responsibility to integrate makabayan into the different learning areas taught in school.

To inculcate to them the essentiality of the subject because it is a big help for them to improve their ability’s, skills and competencies. And part of it, is to develop nationalism among Filipinos and to prepare students to become adult, because MAKABAYAN stand to educates students.


‘millenium curriculum’ Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Crisostomo, Shiela boon or bane? The Philippine Star.

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