make your next career fair your last

Post on 24-Dec-2014






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This is my presentation over at e2i titled: "Pre-Career Fair Booster – Take Charge of your Career!". The objective is to better equip career fair participants in optimizing their chances by understanding the nuances and must-haves to pave a seamless path to securing that interview.



2. Reality checkBY MIKE ROWE 3. from thepreviouscareerfair? 4. Sending out DOZENS OFRESUME into an empty abyss? 5. USELESSINFORMATIONfrom anotherresume workshop? 6. Those days are OVER 7. Learnthat All JOB SEEKERSshould Know 8. To OUTSHINE & STAND OUT 9. And SECURE your 10. So how we do get STARTED? 11. BEFORE WE CONTINUE:Discard ALL baggage andlets start afresh 12. P L A N N I N G 13. Remember all TOUCH POINTS are importantReceptionistRecruiterHiring ManagerHuman Resource 14. Lets begin with strategy 15. Use this OPPORTUNITY to know whatfits you 16. PERSONALITY TESTS IN THE MARKET 17. Do it on the go - GoodCoUse GoodCoapp to testyourPERSONALITYon the go 18. WRONG JOBFIT =miserableWORK 19. COMPARE THE DIFFERENT INDUSTRIES 20. WHICH ARE SUN SETTING?Semi ConductorLow Mix High VolumeManufacturingResidential PropertyPostal Service 21. Not just now but imagine 3 years down theroadTech businessHealthcareDigital mediaGamingWHICH ARE SUN RISING? 22. KNOW WHICH INDUSTRYGOVERNMENT IS PRIORITIZING -ttp:// 23. COMPARETHEDIFFERENTCOMPANIES 24. Dont be small fish in big pond NEXT, WHICHFISH DO YOUWANT TO BE? 25. S T R A T E G Y 26. Time is of essence TIME WASTERApplying for unsuitable jobsSpending too much timewith interviewer 27. REVIEW ROLES AND RANK THEM1 Accountant 2 Finance Manager 3 Accounts Executive 4 Accounts ReceivablesExecutive5 Accounts Assistant 28. R E S U M E 29. TIME RECRUITERS TAKE TO READ YOURRESUME6 SECONDS 30. WHICH RESUME WOUDLD YOU RATHER BE? 31. LETS START WITH THEPHOTO 32. NO. 33. NO. 34. NO. 35. NO. 36. NO. 37. YES! 38. No. 39. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IS IMPORTANTSource: RecruitPlus Designer CV 40. Keywords keywords keywordsI D E N T I F Y 41. Collate a dozen similar positionsGET A DOZEN OF YOUR PREFERRED ROLES 42. LOOK FOR COMMON KEYWORDSCollectionCollection 43. Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollection Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection CollectionCollectionKeep REPEATING them 44. WORK EXPERIENCEIn reverse chorological order only Duration month year Company Name Description Url At least 3 bullets on responsibilities At least 2 bullets on achievement 45. What have RESULTED since you werehired? 46. Business hire you to SAVE $ or MAKE $ 47. WRITING ACCOMPLISHMENTSTATEMENTSExample:Resolved employee grievances by introducing disputeresolution process, lowering grievance rates by 50% inthe first year.Reduced overall purchasing costs by 10% in 2001 byimplementing product locator, and cost comparisonsoftware programs.Recruited, screened and hired 20 technical and salespositions for start-up company. Successfully organizedteam in 3 months, exceeding expectations andallowing company to launch new product line 6months earlier than expected. 48. SKILLS SECTIONSpecific and accurate words thatmatch the skills sought by thepotential employer.You should only list the skills that youcan actually perform.Avoid irrelevant skills. 49. WHAT SKILLS DO IHAVE TO OFFER?Why should I hire you? Dress it up E.g. Raw skill: I can cook After dressing: I can cook 24 kinds ofcuisine from Mediterranean toJapanese. 50. Too muchwork? 51. 1. CVSumo.com2. Resumewriter.sg3. 52. READY FOR CAREER FAIR? 53. NOT SOFAST 54. PRACTICE THAT HANDSHAKE 55. Pick your wardrobe 56. I N T E R V I E WQ U E S T I O N S 57. 10 MOST COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS1. What is your greatest strength?2. What is your greatest weakness?3. How do you handle stress and pressure?4. Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it.5. How do you evaluate success?6. Why are you leaving or have left your job?7. Why do you want this job?8. Why should we hire you?9. What are your goals for the future?10. Tell me about yourself. 58. RoaFdAblCocINks?G A ROAD BLOCK? 59. You selected the wrong job PROBABLY CHOSETHE WRONG JOBGo back to earlier slides 60. Dont do thNeoste all mistakes are reversible 61. Things NOT to do in front of yourinterview 62. WhineWHINE 63. ComplainCOMPLAIN 64. NegativeNEGATIVE 65. W A N T M O R ET I P S? 66. 67. AND MY PERSONAL 68. MORE STUFF TO READ 69. MAKE THISCAREER FAIRYOUR LASTPRESENTED BYADRIAN TANManaging Director, RecruitPlusPresident, SPRO

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