makerere university powerpoint_presentation final

Post on 07-May-2015






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2. MAKS VISION AND MISSION Vision To be the leading institution for academic excellence and innovations in Africa. Mission To provide innovative teaching, learning, research and services responsive to National and Global needs. 3. INSIDE BUILDINGS TIMELINE MISSION AND VISION HALLS CHAPELS Guild CAMPAIGNS COLLEGES HANDS ON SKILLS 4. TIMELINE Established in 1922 as a humble technical school, Makerere University(MAK) is one of the oldest and most prestigious Universities in Africa. In January of that year, the school, which was later renamed Uganda Technical College, opened its doors to 14 day students who began studying Carpentry, Building and Mechanics. The College soon began offering various other courses in Medical Care, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences and Teacher Training. It expanded over the years to become a Center for Higher Education in East Africa in 1935. In 1937, the College started developing into an institution of higher education, offering post-school certificate courses. 5. BACKGROUND CONTINUED In 1949, it became a University College affiliated to the University College of London, offering courses leading to the general degrees of its then mother institution. With the establishment of the University of East Africa in June 29, 1963, the special relationship with the University of London came to a close and degrees of the University of East Africa were instituted. 6. CONTINUED On July 1, 1970, Makerere became an independent national university of the Republic of Uganda, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses leading to its own awards. Makerere University offers not only day but also evening and external study programmes to a student body of about 35,000 undergraduates and 3,000 postgraduates (both Ugandan and foreign). It is also a very active Centre for research. 7. CONTINUED The University transitioned from the Faculty-based to the collegiate system on 1 July and as of Friday 30 December 2011, Makerere University officially transformed into a Collegiate University with 9 Constituent Colleges and one School, operating as semi- autonomous units of the University. 8. FACILITIES MAIN BUILDING One of the oldest buildings MAIN LIBRARY established in 1949 9. THE SENATE BUILDING The Vice Chancellor, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Deans and Directors of colleges may be established within the University and their offices are located in the senate building. A number of professors and associate professors of the university that the university council determines, at least one professor or associate professor from each college or school also seat in the senate building. The University Bursar, Librarian, Dean of students and Secretary also seat in the Senate. 10. The chapels St. Francis for the Anglicans St. Augustine for the Catholics 11. College of Engineering, design ,art and technology. 12. Colleges at Makerere College of Agriculture and Environmental sciences College of Health Sciences 13. Hands on skill at technology 14. Colleges continued College of Humanities and Social sciences School of Education 15. Guild Campaigns 16. Security at Mak Garrett for checking students and passers by Security officer Kaweesi at Mak 17. Africa Hall of Residence for the Ladies 18. GENTS HALLS OF RESIDENCE Lumumba Hall Nsibirwa hall 19. Students resting and discussing in freedom square Students normally carry out group discussions in freedom square. Its known as a place of peace and fresh air away from stress. 20. MITCHEL HALL 21. Alumni presidents Makerere was home to many post independence African leaders, including former Ugandan president Milton Obote and late Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere. Former Tanzanian president Benjamin Mkapa current president of the DRC Joseph Kabila and recent Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki are also Makerere alumni. 22. THE GREAT MAKERERE OYEE 23. Audio about students projects at college of Engineering and their experiences INTRODUCTION 24. AUDIO ROSEMARY NANKABIRWA ON MIXING CEMENT WITH POZOLANAR 25. AUDIO ROSE ON MIXING CEMENT 26. AUDIO WYCLIFF ON THE BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES OF HIS PROJECT OF MIXING SOIL 27. Continuation of the challenges Wycliff has met while trying to finish his project as a final year student of civil engineering 28. AUDIO KILABIRA EDWARD POURING OUT ALL THE CHALLENGES HE HAS MET WHILE TRYING TO CARRY OUT HIS PROJECT 29. AUDIO WRAP UP OF THE STUDENTS PROJECTS 30. Video of technology at Makerere The malaria testing equipment 31. Malaria testing equipment The malaria testing equipment was first discovered by Makerere university students to help out detect malaria without being injected with sharp instruments. This can even be used by the pregnant mothers in Uganda and world wide. 32. Conclusion, Makerere University is the best in Uganda and was recently fourth highest ranked institution of higher learning in Africa. 33. THANKS BROUGHT TO YOU BY NAKAMYUKA DOROTHY 10/U/14915/EVE KWESIGA PASCAL 10/U/22442/PS

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