making better call to actions and improving your bottom line

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Changing only your call to actions can increase revenue up to 300%. Watch this short video and improve your websites.



By simply changing the Call to Action on some sites you can raise conversion by

over 200%

If you are a 100k a year business - that’s making it a 200k business almost


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Episode 25: Vastly improve your Call To Actions and your bottom line


✓ Test your assumptions...

✓ Do heavy research into your customers and potential customers..

✓ The only way to really see if you are making improvements to the bottom line of your business is to test.

✓ “Testing is the truth” Dr Karl Blanks

TEST, test, TEST


1.) The right business model?

✓ In some businesses it’s a little more complex than changing the button text...

✓ For instance having a free trial of your product over a strictly high ticket offer may make your businesses uptake in customers overnight

✓ Anywhere from 1-10% of freemium customers can become paying customers. It’s a numbers game..

✓ There are also other business models and income streams to accommodate a freemium model such as advertising and related products.

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2.) Quality

✓ You need to follow through with your claims

✓ If you are selling a high quality product that falls to pieces within weeks then your business will fail long term.

✓ You need to have quality service and product to back up your initial claims - vital to any business.


✓ What is the benefit of your service?

✓ What do people get out of your product and of no other?

3.) Make it about me

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✓ Why won’t people click that call to action?

✓ What is their main objection?

✓ Email address probably 2 things - getting multiple emails and getting that email address sold to another list - SPAM.

✓ Stating no spam and we value your privacy can help greatly.

4.) Nullify the objection


4.) Nullify the objection

✓ GitTower - great version control system.

✓ One of the main objections is that the trial would be light on features.

✓ They clearly state near the call to action that all features are available in the trial.


✓ Having more than 1 call to action is ok.. Having 15 and you probably want to revisit your business goals and website model...

5.) Focus


✓ In most cases you want to place the call to action above the fold but for a more complex purchase the opposite is true.

✓ In a fascinating split test placing the call to action below the content and way below the fold (on an average screen) gathered a 304% better conversion rate.

✓ This was because it was a more complex purchase with multiple considerations.

✓ Generally you want to place the call to action above the fold or in a high position on the page.

6.) The fold

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✓ Colour can make a difference. Don’t rule out red - although it stands for stop.

✓ The main things to note:

✓ 1.) It stands out - good use of contrast

✓ 2.) It looks clickable

✓ 3.) It’s of reasonable size - too big can hurt! See link

7.) Size, colour?


✓ Call to actions are just one piece of the puzzle.

✓ Headlines, imagery, design, navigation and numerous other design and web elements are vital to turn your or your clients business into a more successful operation.

One piece of the puzzle

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✓ Do research and test your assumptions.

✓ 2.) Ask why people would not sign up and counter that argument and make sure that is stated near or on the call to action.

The One Thing To Take Away(Tottta)

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