making customized tree like structure

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Integrating algorithmic design with digital fabrication

    Bruno FigueiredoFaculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon

    School of Architecture, Minho University

    Jos Pinto DuarteFaculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon

    Conceber e fabricar estruturas ramificadas personalizadasIntegrao de projecto algortmico com fabrico digital

    Bruno FigueiredoFaculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa

    Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho

    Jos Pinto DuarteFaculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa

    Making customized tree-like structures

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Traditional design process vs. Digital design process

    Processo de projecto tradicional vs. Processo de projecto digital

    1. Algorithmic approach, a framework design methodology

    2. Algorithmic approach as a non-standard design tool

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    The new paradigm requires the convergence of algorithmic design with digital

    manufacturing technologies. (Kolarevic, 2006)

    The new paradigm

    Serpentine Gallery Pavillion, lvaro Siza e Eduardo Souto Moura, com ARUP, Londres, 2005.

    Serpentine GalleryPavillion, lvaro Siza and Souto Moura, with ARUP, London, 2005.

    O novo paradigma requer a convergncia de concepo algortmica com

    tecnologias de fabrico digital.(Kolarevic, 2006)

    O novo paradigma

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    () architects built what they could represent and represented what they could build(Mitchell 2001)

    The new paradigm

    Torres Zollhof, Frank Gehry, Dusseldorf, 1996-99.

    Zollhof towers, Frank Gehry, Dusseldorf, 1996-99.

    () os arquitectos construam o que podiam representar

    e representavam o que podiam construir(Mitchell 2001)

    O novo paradigma

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Design problem

    Orientrailway station, Santiago Calatrava, Lisbon, 1998.

    Contradictory design/manufacture principles:.Handcrafted labor for manufacturing a complex-shaped concrete formwork. Industrial process for manufacturing a repetitive metal tree-like structure

    Princpios de projecto contraditrios:. Fabrico artesanal das cofragens com geometrias complexas. Fabrico industrial das estruturas metlicas todas iguais

    Problema de projecto

    Non-standard design in an industrialized process

    Personalizao do projecto num processo fabrico industrial

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Designing the system

    Five fundamental issues fordeveloping the generativedesign system:

    1. class of shapes to encode

    2. encode knowledge of form

    3. implement a framework

    4. material and manufacturetechnique

    5. assemblage process

    .Relaes paramtricas entre os componentes da estrutura

    Cinco questes fundamentais para desenvolver o sistemagenerativo de projecto:1. a classe de formas a codificar2. a codificao de conhecimentos sobre a forma3. uma estrutura para a implementao do sistema4. o material e a tcnica de fabrico

    5. um processo de montagem

    Projectar o sistema

    Parametric relations of tree-like components

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Implementing the system

    Implementar o sistema

    .1. Definio de relaes paramtricas da estrutura ramificada

    1. Setup of parametric relations of tree-like structure

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Implementing the system

    Implementar o sistema

    2. Repetio dos componentes ao longo do perfil da cobertura

    2. Setup repetition of components along the roof profile

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    Implementing the system

    Implementar o sistema

    3. Gerao de modelos tridimensionais dos componentes

    3. Generate a tridimensional model of structural components

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    Implementing the system

    4. Decompose and unfold the components onto a plane

    Implementar o sistema

    4. Decompe e desdobrar os componentes num plano

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Usar o sistema

    Using the system

    Usar o sistema

    O sistema generativo de projecto permite:

    .explorar diferentes configuraes do projecto

    .gerar informao digital para fabrico

    The generative designsystem allows to:

    . explore differentdesign configurations

    . generate the digitaldata for manufacture

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Using the systemr

    gerar seis unidadess os componentes.

    The DGS runs through a 4-phased process, where the user gives sucessives inputs

    O DGS executado num processo de 4 fases, onde o usurio d entradas sucessivas

    Usar o sistema

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Designing the components

    The design of the components is constrained by the manufacturing process, namely a CNC cutting

    machine, and so their shape is based on the interlocking of vertical and horizontal planes.

    A forma dos componentes limitada pelo processo de fabrico, ou seja, por uma

    mquina de corte CNC, deste modo a sua forma baseada na interligao por encaixe

    de planos verticais e horizontais.

    Projectar os componentes

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Designing the components

    The design of the components isconstrained by the manufacturing

    process, namely a CNC cutting

    machine, and so their shape is based

    on the interlocking of vertical and

    horizontal planes.

    A forma dos componentes limitada

    pelo processo de fabrico, ou seja, por

    uma mquina de corte CNC, deste

    modo a sua forma baseada na

    interligao por encaixe de planos

    verticais e horizontais.

    Projectar os componentes

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Designing for manufacture

    Processo de fabrico dos componentes desenrolados e etiquetados

    Unfold and labeled components fabrication process on a laser cutterProjectar a produo

    Unfold and labeled components fabrication process

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    1/50 physical model

    Modelo fsico 1/50

    162 structural components (27 for each tree)

    768 triangular plans for roof surface (128 for each tree)

    162 componentes estruturais (27 por rvore)

    768 planos trinagulares para a cobertura (128 por rvore)

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure



    Roof geometry variations vs. Structural units variations

    Variaes geomtricas da cobertura vs. Variae das unidades estruturais


  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure



    Roof geometry variations vs. Components proportions (p)

    Variaes geomtricas da cobertura vs. Proporo dos componentes


  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Future improvements

    To apply the system to a real design context other features should be considered as well:

    1. ground topographic variations.

    2. adapt the morphology of the structural units to the roof.

    3. develop feasible connections among roof parts, and between the roof and structural units.

    4. analyze the structural performance for optimal configurations

    5. automate the given tolerances of the interlocking parts to other CNC technologies, such aswater-jet cutting machines

    Futuras melhorias

    Para aplicar o sistema num contexto real de projecto, outros aspectos devero ser considerados:

    1. Variaes topogrficas

    2. Adaptar a morfologia das unidades estrututrais cobertura3. Desenvolver ligaes execuiveis entre os componentes da cobertura e as estruturas

    4. Introduzir a anlise da performance estrutural de modo a optimizar as solues

    5. Automatizar a entrada de tolerncias para os encaixes conforme a tecnologia de fabrico adoptada.

    Making customized tree like structures

  • 7/30/2019 Making customized tree like structure


    Integrating algorithmic design with digital fabrication

    Making customized tree-like structures

    Integrating algorithmic design with digital fabrication

    SIGraDi 2009 So Paulo

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