making my poster

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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Making my poster

Step 1I began with the basic conventions of a poster such as the BDFC certificate, the company which had made the film i.e. Hammer and paramount and also the

institutional information. This means that I have all the basic conventions of a poster.

Step 2

•I then began experimenting with three

different photos to see which one I thought was

more effective.

First photo

What I did

•I uses the brush tool to blacken out the dolls eyes which I believe makes the doll look evil. I then contrasted the colours to

make the dolls hair stand out more vibrant and red, which can also be a

convention of danger. I believe that only showing half of the dolls face shows conventions that the doll is hiding


Second photo

What I did • I did the same as the first photo only this

time a blackened out the girls eyes and not the doll, which shows conventions that the girl has been possessed and also suggests that she has no soul. I used the “magic wand” tool to cut around the girl and I then blurred her hair so that she would blend in with the backdrop. I then used the burn tool to make her hair darker so that her face looks hidden, showing conventions of mystery behind the girl.

Third photo

What I did

• I used the magic wand tool to cut around the girl, then using the blur tool I blurred the outside of her image to blend in with the background. I used the burn tool to make her hair stand out brightly against her face which I then saturated to show conventions of lifelessness as her face has no colour. I darkened her eyes out again but kept the eyes of the doll, to suggest that the doll is “normal” but the girl is not.

Final photo

•I decided to go with photo three because it appeared more frightening than the others and also it covered the entire

poster, making it stand out. I also liked the idea of draining the colour out of the girls face to show conventions of death.

TaglineI thought the

tagline “she wants to play” was

effective because you don’t know

who the poster is talking about; the doll or the girl. I used a dot effect behind “play” in

red to show conventions of blood, denoting that the term “play” has a

sinister atmosphere about


Critic review • I have used “Dead central” for my critic review as they are known for

their reviews on various horror movies. I used the phrase “its spine

chilling” because the language is effective in the colour grey because it has conventions of lifelessness,

isolation and mystery.

Date release and website• I used the numbers 13 and 6

because they are associated with the devil so if it is released on this date it will make the audience feel nervous but excited to see it. I also added a website “” which means the audience can interact with the film as well as make them excited to see what will happen if you go onto the website to “play with dolly” I used the colour red for the date to make it stand out but also conventions of danger.

Title •I used the “Papryus” font

for the title “Dolly” because it looks simple yet sinister as the red shows conventions of blood and danger






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