malaria in pregnancy library

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Malaria in Pregnancy Library


    About the Malaria in Pregnancy Library

    Latest Update

    The MiP Library was last updated in August 2011. Following this update the MiP Library now

    includes all literature references to Malaria in Pregnancy (see the inclusion criteria below)published up to the 15th of August 2011.

    Enhancements to the MiP Library this update: We are in the process of updating the keywords

    so that they conform to MeSH headings. Approximately two thirds (70%) of the database has

    been updated in this way.

    What is The Malaria in Pregnancy Library?

    The MiP Library is an up-to-date, comprehensive bibliographic database storing published andunpublished literature relating to malaria in pregnancy, including a trial registry of planned and

    ongoing trials, for use by scientists, funding agencies, industry and other interested parties. The

    Library is coordinated by the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortiums Secretariat at theLiverpoolSchool of Tropical Medicine(LSTM) in the UK, and was developed with contributions from

    many malaria in pregnancy experts around the globe and with technical support from the

    Effective Health Care Research Programme Consortiumat LSTM.

    What does The Malaria in Pregnancy Library contain?

    The MiP Library is updated quarterly and currently contains approximately 5168 references

    dating from 1899 to the present day covering the following areas.

    Disease burden

    Pathogenesis & immunity

    Pharmacovigilance, safety & pharmacokinetics

    Case management


    Policy & implementation


    In particular, it contains references to:

    Books, book chapters, conference proceedings, electronic citations, journal articles,reports, theses and dissertations, policy documents, unpublished articles and reports of

    ongoing trials and other research.

    Approximately 85% of the citations are from journals

    What is the source of these records?

    About two-thirds (66%) of the records originate from MEDLINE/PubMed. Other published
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    material has been located throughEMBASE,BIOSIS, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, ScienceCitation Index, Social Science Citation Index,LILACS,ELDIS, SIGLE, Scopus, theNLM

    Catalog, POPLINE, CSA Conference Papers Index, ASSIA and BHI. Unpublished literature hasbeen sourced throughProQuest Dissertations and Theses,Index to Theses and the FDA. Clinical

    Trials have been identified through Current Controlled Trials, US NIH Clinical Trials, UK NHS

    National Research RegisterandRePorter. Further references have been obtained throughWorldCatand through Google searches. Leading scientists working in the MiP field were also

    contacted for information regarding ongoing clinical trials or PhD projects. Information on

    policy has been obtained through searching WHO websites and through Google searches.

    What information is available about each reference?

    Each record contains information relating to the correct bibliographic citation for that article

    type, including the authors, the title of the article, and the name of the publication in which it can

    be located. Most records contain keywords, although these are not always consistent with theU.S. National Library of Medicine's MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) thesaurus, therefore the

    MiP Library does not yet offer MeSH searching.

    For ongoing trials, trial specific data are provided. These include the name(s) of the principleinvestigator(s); the primary funding agent; start and end dates; location; interventions; outcomes;

    study type.

    Some references include links to full-text online. Access to online documents is not necessarily

    free and will depend upon the access rights of the user of the MiP Library. Visitors to the MiP

    Library from developing countries may be entitled to free or reduced-cost access to onlinearticles through HINARI, PERii, and BIREME.

    Improving the MiP Library

    The MiP Library is a work-in-progress. In addition to the quarterly updates, the followingenhancements to the MiP Library are in-process:

    The update and maintenance of keywords to conform to MeSH headings

    How can you help us develop this resource?

    Do you know of any unpublished reports of clinical trials or other research studies on

    MiP not listed here?

    Are you involved in any current/ongoing trial(s) that could be included in our trial


    Please let us know details by e-mailing Annemieke van Eijk

    Who developed the software for the Malaria in Pregnancy Library?

    The MiP Library was developed with support from Update Software Ltdwho specialise in

    electronic publishing and software development in fields such as health care where researchinformation is needed to inform practice.

    How to use theMalaria in Pregnancy Library
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    You can find full instructions on searching the Malaria in Pregnancy Library in the Help files.

    To view the Help files, click the Help button on the menu bar. The left-hand side of each "Help"page contains an index to the different functions available within theLibrary. Click on a function

    name to learn how to use that function.

    If you are unfamiliar with theLibrary, please look through these files before using the


    Clickhere to view them.

    When you view the Malaria in Pregnancy Library, the screen is divided into a left-hand and a

    right-hand section, with a menu bar along the top. The help file entitledLayoutgives you more


    The left-hand side of the screen lists the two sections of theLibrary:

    Bibliographic references

    Clinical trials

    You can browse the titles within a section by clicking on the name of that section. Document

    titles are displayed in blocks of 20. To view a document, click on the title. The document will

    be displayed in the right-hand part of the screen. The help file entitled Browsing & savinggivesyou more details.

    Some records include links to the original document or to the equivalent PubMed record.

    You can search for documents by entering terms in the Search phrase box on the left-hand side

    of the screen. The display will show the number of documents found in each section. Click the

    section name to see the titles of the documents found, and click the title to display thedocument in the right-hand part of the screen. You can view your search history through theHistory button on the menu bar. The History option also allows you to further refine your

    search by combining search results using Boolean operators. The help files entitledSearching &

    savingandHistory give you more details.

    TheLibrary includes 10 different record types. The help file entitledRefining your search

    includes a list of these. Clickhereto view this list.

    To print any document, click thePrinter-friendly view link at the top to display a printableversion. Use your browser's Print command to print it. The help file entitledPrintgives you

    more details.

    Technical support

    If you experience any difficulties while using this product, please contact the help desk at:
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    Update Software Ltd

    Summertown Pavilion

    Middle WaySummertown


    OX2 7LGUK

    Telephone: +44 (0)1865 513902

    Facsimile: +44 (0)1865 516918


    About the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium

    Who are we?

    The MiP Consortium is a five year programme of research to evaluate new and improvedexisting interventions for the prevention and treatment of malaria in pregnancy.
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    Ten major projects direct research in four key areas of malaria in pregnancy: prevention,

    treatment, burden assessment and how best to scale up existing strategies and interventions.

    Expert institutions from all over the world are involved in this research and share information toprovide the evidence needed to improve the control of malaria in pregnancy. The MiP

    Consortium is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the European Union.

    The activities of the Consortium are managed by a secretariat based at the Liverpool School of

    Tropical Medicine (LSTM) in the UK. For more information about the MiP Consortium, please

    visit ourwebsite.

    Financial Support for the development of the MiP Library

    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    Gates Malaria Partnership

    World Health Organisation

    Useful links

    Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium

    Financial Support for the development of the MiP Library

    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    Gates Malaria Partnership

    WHO Global Malaria Programme
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    Institutions that have contributed to the development of the MiP Library

    Centers for Disease Control (malaria page)

    Centre for Innovation against Malaria/GMP, The Gambia

    Centre for Medical Parasitology (CMP), University of Copenhagen

    DBL Centre for Health Research and Development

    Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo

    Epicentre, Paris

    Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona

    Institut de Recherche Pour le Dveloppement (IRD), Paris

    Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town, South


    Johns Hopkins' Program for International Education and Training in Reproductive Health(JHPIEGO)

    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

    London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine:

    - Malaria Centre page- Gates Malaria Partnership page

    Indian Council of Medical Research

    Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC), University of Bamako, Mali

    Medicines for Malaria Venture

    National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania


    Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium

    Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)

    Roll Back Malaria Partnership

    Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI), US

    Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU)

    Ministry of Health, the Republic of Uganda

    Universidad del Valle Sede San Fernando, Colombia
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    University of Malawi

    University of Melbourne

    University of Minnesota, US

    University of North Carolina, US

    University of Tbingen, Germany

    University of Yaound, Cameroon

    WHO Regional Office for Africa

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