malta15, mdina st.paul’s cathedral

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Of all the churches on the islands, St Paul's Cathedral is the finest and most mature example of Maltese Baroque. Tradition states the cathedral is built on the site of the villa belonging to the Roman governor, Publius, where the shipwrecked St Paul healed Publius' father and converted the grateful governor himself to Christianity. (Publius later became the first bishop of Malta and was martyred in Greece.)

The present cathedral was built following the earthquake of 1693, which destroyed much of southeast Sicily and Malta. The architect was Lorenzo Gafa, the structure was built in five years, and was consecrated in 1697. In front are the obligatory cannons, part of the knights' ordinance. The bell towers, each with six bells, are squat and a light octagonal dome, with eight stone scrolls above a high drum leading up to a neat lantern.

Front of the Casa Gourgion building at St. Paul`s Square at Mdina

Front of the Casa Gourgion

Casa Gourgion knocker

Saint Paul’s Cathedral square

The Cathedral of Mdina is dedicated to St. Paul whose shipwreck on the island in 60 AD is regarded as the beginning of the evangelization of Malta. Its anniversary on February 10 is a public holiday.The task of rebuilding the cathedral was entrusted to Lawrence Gafà and it is regarded as the masterpiece of this Maltese architect

Saint Paul’s Cathedral square

Madonna and child house plaque, Saint Paul’s Cathedral square

Saint Paul’s Cathedral square

Saint Pauls Cathedral Museum

Cicero stayed in a house on this site while preparing his case against the thieving Roman governor, Verres.

Saint Paul’s Cathedral Museum

Saint Paul’s Cathedral MuseumBecause Atlas was usually portrayed on his knees, a standing male figure is sometimes called telamon after Telamon, father of Ajax, who in the myth built an altar to Heracles.

Testaferrata Palace decoration of the garden balconies

Testaferrata Palace decoration of the garden balconies

Archbishop's Palace

Archbishop's Palace Cathedral entrance

Archbishop's Palace

The interior of the cathedral resembles that of a Roman church with a very rich decoration based on coloured marbles, funerary monuments and chapels with sumptuous altars. It can be considered the swansong of Italian artistic influence on Malta.










Caravaggio (1571 – 1610) made Malta his refuge when he became a fugitive from Papal authority for committing a murder in Rome.The Entombment of Christ, (1603–1604) original in Pinacoteca Vaticana

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Gabriela Cristescu

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Sound: Elina Garanca - Ligis Praulins-Dievaines adapted by A.Barry and K.M.Chichon

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