management ~ leadership

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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Managementversus (????)Leadership




Not!“Leadership is doing

the right things. “Management is

doing things right.”

So What???????

MANAGERS “do things right”

LEADERS “do the right things”

Leadership: Invite Associates/Colleagues/Talent to join an

Adventure in EXCELLENCE which will provide matchless Personal and Professional Growth and be of Dramatically Different Service

to selected Clients

Management: Do it!

LEADERSHIP (Eternal!): Invigorate a sizeable # of

people to Aspire to Excellence in pursuit of a

Common (Noble) Goal that revolves around service-of-exceptional-value to Clients

“Execution is the job of the

business leader.” —Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done


per se as a/the principal determinant of institutional


Remembering the

“Missing 98%”

“Never forget implementation boys. In our work it’s what I call the ‘missing 98 percent’ of the client puzzle.” —Al McDonald, former

Managing Director, McKinsey & Co.

“Leadership” v. “Management”

“In [President Bush’s] belief that America needed to respond resolutely to the dangers of

terrorism, tyranny and proliferation, he was mainly right.

His chief failures stem from incompetent execution.”

—The Economist/05.13.2006

“This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing how few oil

people really understand that you only find oil if you drill wells. You may think you’re finding it when you’re

drawing maps and studying logs, but you have to drill.”

Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter

You only find oil if you drill wells.

Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter

“We have a ‘strategic’ plan. It’s called doing

things.” — Herb Kelleher

A man approached JP Morgan, held up an envelope, and said, “Sir, in my hand I hold a guaranteed formula for success, which I will gladly sell you for $25,000.”

“Sir,” JP Morgan replied, “I do not know what is in the envelope, however if you show me, and I like it, I give you my word as a gentleman that I will pay you what you ask.”

The man agreed to the terms, and handed over the envelope.JP Morgan opened it, and extracted a single sheet of paper.

He gave it one look, a mere glance, then handed the piece of paper back to the gent.

And paid him the agreed-upon $25,000 …

1. Every morning, write a list of the things that need to be done that day.

2. Do them.

Excellence Basics

1. A Bias for Action2. Close to the Customer3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship4. Productivity Through People5. Hands On, Value-Driven6. Stick to the Knitting7. Simple Form, Lean Staff8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties”






"The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can.

Strike at him as hard as you can and as often as you can, and keep

moving on." —Grant

“The [Union senior] officers rode past the Confederates smugly without any sign of recognition except by one. ‘When General

Grant reached the line of ragged, filthy, bloody, despairing prisoners strung out on each side of the bridge, he lifted his hat and held it over his head until he passed the last man of that living funeral cortege. He was the only officer in that whole train who recognised

us as being on the face of the earth.’*”

*quote within a quote from diary of a Confederate soldier

CWVA to MBWA: “In these days of telegraph and steam I can

command while traveling and visiting about.” —U.S. Grant

Managing by wandering around” —HP circa 1980

Source: Ulysses S. Grant, by Geoffrey Perret

“I saw that leaders placed too much emphasis on what some call high-level

strategy, on intellectualising and philosophising, and not enough on

implementation. People would agree on a project or initiative, and then nothing would

come of it.” —Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

“Execution is a systematic process of rigorously discussing

hows and whats, tenaciously following through, and ensuring accountability.” —Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

“Execution is the job of the

business leader.” —Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

The Leader’s Seven Essential Behaviors

*Know your people and your business*Insist on realism*Set clear goals and priorities*Follow through*Reward the doers*Expand people’s capabilities*Know yourself

Source: Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/ Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

Action - Chetan on Bossidy & Charan

*Knowledge/External Focus (Competitors/Customers)

*Realism/Truth-telling (DO IT)


*Projects (Must MUST MUST add up to Vision) *Milestones (MUST BE MET or ONLY THE LEADER should take blame)

*Commitment/Energy (A Person without enthusiasm (towards the vision and goals, CANNOT be a Leader or even a Manager)

*RapidReview (only the ones who care, review)

*Consequences (+/-)

“We have a ‘strategic’ plan. Its called doing


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