management of rajas and tamas through ahararasayana · case study linda, 42-year-old social worker...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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Management of Rajas and Tamas

through Ahara Rasayana

Sattvavajaya: victory over the mind;

victory of Sattva

Achieved by controlling the mind, and restraining the

attention from unwholesome sense objects.

• one of the three methods of chikitsa

– Daivavyapashraya, divine therapies

– Yuktivyapashraya, rational therapies

– Sattvavajaya, psychology

Rasayana: path of juiciness

of four kinds

1. Ahara rasayana, food path

2. Vihara rasayana, lifestyle path

3. Acharya rasayana, behavioral path

4. Aushada rasayana, herbal rejuvenators

Note to Self:

Charaka describes the key component of victory

over the mind as….drumroll please


Sattva and the Mind

Gunas: clear, stable, slow (space between thought

and action)

Feels like:

• stable emotions

• clarity for decision making

• feeling of inter-connection

• ability to “go with the flow” of life

• Patience. Space between thought and action

(awareness of karma)

Sattvic Food

• Primarily sweet taste: whole grains, vegetarian proteins, ripe fruits, fresh vegetables

• Locally grown: foods from the local ecosystem harmonize and connect human beings to the natural world, a key aspect of spirituality.

• Seasonal: foods that have maintained as much of their prana as possible will be life-giving

• Minimally processed: foods that have been “denatured” eventually cause a de-naturing of the self (feeling of disconnect which leads to depression, anxiety, loneliness, feeling unsafe).

• Balance the six tastes with moderate amounts of salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and astringent according to body type and season.

Rajas and the Mind

Gunas: mobile, fast, sharp

Feels like:

• over-stimulated

• anxious

• trouble sleeping

• irritable

• critical

• obsessed

Rajasic Foods

• Foods that are sour, spicy, and salty (so much of restaurant food!)

• Foods that increase mobile quality: caffeine, sugar

• Foods that increase sharp quality: coffee, chocolate,

alcohol, pickles and ferments in excess, red meats, onions and garlic, eating when angry or stressed

• Foods that increase fast quality hot peppers, booze,

caffeine. Fast quality reduces the likelihood of taking space before acting. This brings on more karmas.

Case Study

• Meg, 32-year-old former financial advisor turned personal trainer 3 years ago. Boston.

• PV type with Vata Vikriti. Currently at low weight, muscular build

• Presents with IBS 10-years; exhaustion, brain fog, anemia past 2 years; ADHD, depression/anxiety lifelong.

• Sleep affected by nightmares. Waking at 4AM for work.

• Using an anti-depressant and adderal for ADHD

• exercise- vigorous, 3-hrs daily

• bowels tend to be overactive

• mealtimes inconsistent, eats fast, skips meals

• Breakfast: powerbar or yogurt and granola

• Lunch: if having, salad

• Dinner: lean meat and greens

• snacks on trail mix throughout the day


• Intention is the key. Is the client ready to tune in?

• Drop working nights to 3x/wk, create space for

healthy meals

• Take evening tonic of warm milk, ghee, and spices

• Warm, moist, oily sit-down meals. Prioritize good

fats through coconut, avo, tahini, olive oils at

every meal

• Bed by 10PM, no riding the “second wind.”

Tamas and the Mind

Gunas: heavy, slow, dense, cloudy

Feels like

• brain fog

• depression

• a-motivation

• delusion

• resistance

• ama

Tamasic Foods

• Foods that increase heavy, dense qualities:

pastries, cold dairy, fatty meats, old food

• Foods that increase slow quality: refined flour,

bad fats, drugs, left-overs, iced drinks and


• Foods that increase cloudy quality: alcohol

and drugs, sugary drinks and candy in excess

(blood sugar).

Case Study

Linda, 42-year-old social worker from Maine.

• Pitta-Kapha type. Tridosha Vikriti.

• Presents with lifelong obesity, PCOS, eczema

exacerbated by take-out food, fatigue.

• Depression in family history.

• Elimination and bowel movements variable.

• Diet and daily schedule variable, works long

days and commutes one hour each way.

Ahara and Vihara

• Breakfast 7AM: Oatmeal and fruit; banana and

PB; eggs and fruit

• Lunch: cheese quesadilla

• Dinner: take-out mexican, sushi, or thai.

Largest meal of the day.

• Used to enjoy yoga classes for exercise but

feeling self-conscious about weight and not


Key factor is motivation and inspiration.

Get grounded in the body before making food

choices by taking a short walk before meal


Increase langhana qualities: quinoa, green veg

soups, triphala.

Stay positive. Keep it simple and well-organized.

Follow Up.

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