managing absence in the workplace

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Managing Absence in the Workplace

Managing Absence in the Workplace 1

How Can Clarity365 Improve Attendance?

Clarity365 collects absence data on individual employees, meaning managers can find out exactly how many days off staff are taking.

Clarity365 gathers information with great accuracy, removing all potential for disputes with staff.

Managers will be able to quickly identify absence trends among their staff.

No more frustration within the workplace.

As a result, all of the time usually spent debating the validity of absence claims is eliminated.

Managing Absence in the Workplace 2

Opening up Dialogue to Tackle Absence

Once dialogue is opened between manager and staff, the root issue of absence can be investigated and tackled properly.

The case may be that employees are encountering personal issues at home or they have an illness they do not want to disclose to senior members of the team.

A sensitive, diplomatic approach is then necessary from managers. Depending on the severity of the problem, it may be wise to sanction a period of leave for the person in question in order for them to work fully motivated.


Managing Absence in the Workplace 3

If the absence is a result of a personal issue, confidentiality is key. Staff may not want other members of the business to learn about the issue therefore it is vital to keep the information private.

Thanks to our software, businesses can identify when employees have worrying absence patterns, open up personal dialogue and improve their relationship with staff.

Managing Absence in the Workplace 4

Self-Service: More Productivity!

In an age where businesses see new technologies constantly emerge, it is easy to dismiss trends as nothing more than novelty gimmicks.

If enterprise owners were to adopt every technology suggested to them, is it likely they would be left with no cash and an office overflowing with hardware and installation disks.

After all, smart glasses were meant to revolutionise all our lives in 2013, but the world seemingly declined the invitation to look like Robocop.

Managing Absence in the Workplace 5

However, Clarity365 is a Trend That is Here to Stay…

It really could have a positive impact on your workforce and your wallet. Rather than tasking employees with arranging absences, Clarity365 can do it all for you, improving productivity and eliminating the tedious job of sorting through spreadsheets.

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