managing for high peformance

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Stratagem provide workshops that explore great conversations to enable managers to enter into more beneficial dialogue with their team members and thus to engender great results through enhanced performance.


LDP 2/2009

Managing for high performance

Our purpose is to be the company that

professionals trust to connect them more deeply

with their business's goals, the people around

them, and their own aspirations.

Great conversations for great results

Stratagem Learning and Development Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)1962 848630 Fax: +44 (01962 870080 E-mail:

Do your people know that their day-to-

day job has a direct impact on your

company’s big picture?

How connected do your people feel to

your company’s vision and goals?

In communicating the reality and

validity of this connection, your managers rely on the strength of their

relationships with their team members.


How healthy are the relationships in your

business? How clearly do your managers

understand the importance of those relationships in

determining commitment? How effectively do

they try and use relationships to maximise their

team’s performance?

Our beliefOur beliefOur beliefOur belief

We believe that relationships have a huge bearing

on performance. We believe that relationships

should be built on co-operation and commitment,

rather than compliance and conflict. We believe

that a relationship – and thus performance – is built

on productive, sometimes called ‘great’,


Conversations between managers and their team

members come in many guises and contexts, but

‘great’ conversations should enable true

communication in both directions, leading to real

understanding and agreement.

Great conversations...Great conversations...Great conversations...Great conversations...

‘Great’ conversations are also aligned with the

culture of the organisation, so that the conversation

prompts, promotes and precipitates future success

in a real rather than a theoretical way.


Poor Conversations...Poor Conversations...Poor Conversations...Poor Conversations...

When conversations are not of sufficient quality,

issues are ducked, ignored or confused,

understanding is blurred or mistaken, and

commitment to goals is warped, lacking or


Where we come inWhere we come inWhere we come inWhere we come in

Stratagem Learning and Development delivers

workshops that build on the self-knowledge that

your managers will have gained in undergoing the

Insights Discovery Personal Effectiveness


These workshops explore great conversations, to

enable managers to enter into more beneficial

dialogue with their team members, and thus to

engender great results through enhanced


“They add value by getting under the skin of our business

so much that they feel part of the team, whilst maintaining

the objectivity to challenge our thinking and help us to find

practical, innovative ways to develop our people”

Severn Trent Water, October 2008

Stratagem Learning and Development Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)1962 848630 Fax: +44 (01962 870080 E-mail:





Through these workshops, we can help you align your people with your aspirations to achieve the

following core benefits:

•••• Shared goals: Shared goals: Shared goals: Shared goals: understanding the business you are in

•••• Shared culture: Shared culture: Shared culture: Shared culture: living the vision and values that bind you together

•••• Shared learning: Shared learning: Shared learning: Shared learning: fostering the need for innovation and improvement

•••• Shared information: Shared information: Shared information: Shared information: enhancing internal communication

•••• Shared effort: Shared effort: Shared effort: Shared effort: working interdependently to deliver results

In these workshops, the participants:

• See what great conversations about performance sound and feel like

• Learn what helps and hinders them in practice

• Practise skills in a supportive environment

• Commit to making personal changes to encourage great conversations and thus improve the

management of performance

A Stratagem intervention:

• Delivers – and has the delegates delivering – great conversations

• Is, above all else, experiential

• Is nevertheless grounded in the latest and most advanced behavioural thinking

• Is tailored to our understanding of your specific business goals and current challenges

• Presents real feedback from real people within the organisation as a starting point

• Employs professional role players to make the conversations ‘real’

• Leaves the organisation and the delegates with a toolkit of skills to make the learning ‘stick’

Stratagem is built around a core team of professionals:

• Whose job satisfaction is entirely derived from helping individuals, teams and organisations to

perform better

• Who respect the theoretical in designing their interventions, but the practical in delivering them

• Who believe strongly in the power of high-impact, high-involvement modules

• Who have been sharing their knowledge and aggregating their experience for the benefit of client

organisations for the last 15 years

Stratagem Learning and Development Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)1962 848630 Fax: +44 (01962 870080 E-mail:

Severn Trent Water Case Study

Managing for high performance at

Severn Trent Water

What they needed

What we did

What they said

“Working with Nevin and the team is stimu-

lating and enjoyable. They add value by

getting under the skin of our business so

much that they feel part of the team, whilst

maintaining objectivity to challenge our

thinking and help us find practical, innova-

tive ways to develop our people.”

Penny Brown

Leadership Development Manager


STW wanted to shine the spotlight on managing performance to give their developing customer focused culture an edge and drive.

We worked with STW to design an inter-

vention which focused on managing per-

formance by developing the ability from

Front Line Managers to Senior Managers

to grasp the need to develop real rela-

tionships with their staff and undertake

adult conversations aimed at achieving

both development and performance im-


The key elementskey elementskey elementskey elements of the programme were:

• what does managing for high per-formance mean?

• why does it matter?

• the pivotal role of managers

• the mindsets which help or hinder

• identifying own development needs and making a development plan

• great conversations in practice

• commit to make personal changes in behaviour

The approachapproachapproachapproach was highly experiential

using case studies, scenarios and profes-

sional role players. We used the role play-

ers to:

• play back what is happening in the business

• show how behaviours can be changed

• directly involve participants in the process

To make this authentic we undertook inter-

views with a wide range of people in STW

recording views and comments which we

could play back and build into case stud-

ies to enable delegates to practice with

issues they knew arose within the organi-


We rolled outrolled outrolled outrolled out the programme to a popula-

tion of 900 managers at all levels through-

out the organisation.

Stratagem Learning and Development Ltd.

Tel: +44 (0)1962 848630 Fax: +44 (01962 870080 E-mail:

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