managing your camels in the cloud with ci/cd

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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Managing Your Camels in the Cloud

@christianposta Principal Architect at Red Hat 6/29/16

Christian Posta Principal Middleware Architect @ Red Hat

Twitter: @christianposta



•  “Microservices for Java developers” (6/2016)

•  Committer Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, Fabric8, others

•  Worked with large Microservices, web-scale, unicorn company

•  Blogger, speaker about DevOps, integration, and microservices

Do we need “integration?”

What kind of challenges are we going to run into?

How do we manage our integrations and microservices?

We’re off to do Microservices!

Infrastructure for scale

Organizational structure

Identify a useful domain model with boundaries

Transformation Challenges

Domain Complexity •  Break things into smaller,

understandable models •  Surround a model and its

“context” with a boundary •  Implement the model in code

or get a new model •  Explicitly map between

different contexts •  Model transactional

boundaries as aggregates

•  Where we went wrong

•  Architectural concepts for scaling

•  Domain Driven Design, CQRS, Event Sourcing

•  Monolith->Microservices hands-on

•  WildFly Swarm, Spring Boot, Apache Camel, Apache Kafka, Debezium, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift

SOA to Microservices: modernization with microservices and containers

Thursday, 3:30p-4:30p room 2022

Do we need integration?


•  Messaging (ActiveMQ, JMS, AMQP, STOMP, Kafka, etc)

•  Legacy (SOAP, mainframe, file processing, proprietary)

•  Managed file processing

•  Streaming

•  Message transformation

•  EIPs

Do we need integraton?

Real developers ride camels!

•  Small Java library

•  Very popular (200+ components for “dumb pipes”)

•  Powerful EIPs (routing, transformation, error handling)

•  Distributed-systems swiss-army knife!

•  Declarative DSL

•  Embeddable into any JVM (EAP, Karaf, Tomcat, Spring Boot, Dropwizard, Wildfly Swarm, no container, etc)

Apache Camel

•  Dynamic routing

•  Powerful testing/mocking framework

•  Circuit breakers, fallbacks, automatic retries, back-off

•  Idempotent consumers

•  Backpressure mechanisms

•  Beautiful REST DSL with built in Swagger support

Camel for microservices!

public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { rest().post(“/order/socks”) .description(“New Order for pair of socks”) .consumes(“application/json”) .route() .to(“activemq:topic:newOrder”) .log(“received new order ${body.orderId}”) .to(“ibatis:storeOrder?statementType=Insert”); }

Expose rest end point

public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from(“jms:topic:foo”) .hystrix() .to(“http://fooservice/”) .onFallback() .transform().constant(“fallback foo!”) .end() }

Circuit Breaker/fallback

public class OrderProcessorRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from(“jms:topic:foo”) .idempotentConsumer(header(“fooMessageId”), memoryCache) .to(“http://fooservice/”) .log(“got response ${body}”); }

Idempotent consumer

•  How to run them all locally?

•  How to integrate them?

•  How to package them (dependency management)

•  How to test?

•  Vagrant? VirtualBox? VMs?

•  Specify configuration

•  Process isolation

•  Service discovery

Problems developing microservices

Linux Containers

Red hat OpenShift

•  Developer focused workflow

•  Enterprise ready, supported

•  Higher level abstraction above containers for delivering technology and

business value

•  Build/deployment triggers

•  Software Defined Networking (SDN)

•  Docker native format/packaging

•  CLI/Web based tooling

Fuse integration services

•  Set of tools for integration developers

•  Package your Fuse/Camel services as Docker images

•  Run locally on CDK (container development kit)

•  Manage them with Kubernetes/OpenShift

•  Flat class loader JVMs

•  Supports Spring, CDI, Blueprint

•  Plugs-in to your existing build/release ecosystem (Jenkins/Maven/Nexus/Gitlab,etc)

Fuse integration services

•  How to run them all locally?

•  How to package them

•  How to test?

•  Vagrant? VirtualBox? VMs?

•  Specify configuration

•  Process isolation

•  Service discovery

•  Multiple versions?

Problems developing microservices: SOLVED

Microservices Platform on Kubernetes/OpenShift

Christian Posta Principal Middleware Specialist/Architect

Twitter: @christianposta



Questions, Discussion, Demo!

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