mandy meloy 9.15.11. a portal for wisconsin health professionals. this site was...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Mandy Meloyameloy@wisc.edu9.15.11

A portal for Wisconsin health professionals.

This site was designed to serve those working in Local health departments Federally qualified community health centers Others providing health services in rural and

underserved communities in Wisconsin

Serves those without access to academic or hospital libraries.

2005: Northern Wisconsin AHEC received a NLM grant to build a

website which included subscription databases to reach nursing programs and public health departments in Northern Wisconsin

Provided 100s of rural health practitioners access to evidence-based practice

2008: After grant funding ended, Informed Caring was unable to

sustain subscription databases

2009-2011: WI AHEC statewide undertook a redesign of the site to

reach a statewide audience UW School of Medicine and Public Health partnership fund National Health Service Corps National Network of Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwestern Region

In many cases, public health professionals and health professionals working in community health centers or rural/underserved communities don’t have

Access Time Knowledge Trust of websites

According to the Informed Caring Portal Improvement Project survey- Sept. 2010

Biggest obstacle to information Not able to obtain a full-text article: 87% Not wanting to pay for an article: 83%

What kind of information is needed? Best practice models/benchmarking: 100% Data and statistics: 93% Evidence-based practice: 92% Diseases/ conditions: 85% Health status indicators: 80% Patient education and teaching resources: 78%

Are you interested in library services (if no access)? Wanted reference assistance available: 75% Wanted access to an article or library material: 70%

According to the Informed Caring Portal Improvement Project survey- Sept. 2010

Web-based resources Population and Public Health/ Preventive Resources Healthcare Professional/ Clinical Resources Patient/Education Resources Health Topics – Wisconsin’s Top 12 Wisconsin Specific

Unpublished resources Wisconsin AHEC teaching and mentoring resources Preliminary Reports

Assistance from the WI AHEC librarian Reference Help Document Delivery Library Services

User Forum Builds a Community Informed Caring Information

Need new home page here

Benchmarks/Best Practice and Patient Education Calculating BMI

Mammogram Immunizations,

, Using Websites

•National Guideline Clearinghouse•Badgerlink


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