manual-i particulars of organisation, functions and … · manual-i...

Post on 29-Jul-2018






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Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties.

1.1 Objective / purpose of the Public authority.

Ø To establish three tier Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as institutions of Self Government.

1.2 Mission / Vision Statement of the Public authority.

Ø To enable PRIs to plan and implement schemes for economic development of rural poor.

Ø To achieve rural prosperity and ensure quality life through PRIs.

1.3 Brief history of public authority and context of its formation.

Ø The Government of India Act of 1935 which provided Orissa with the status of a new province, also made provision for the constitution of a Provincial Assembly. The election for the first Provincial Assembly took place in January, 1937 which included 56 seats meant for elected representatives including 41 general rural seats, 6 for scheduled castes, 2 for women, 2 for landlords, 4 for the Mohammedans and one for a Christian. After independence the new Assembly passed the Orissa Gram Panchayat Act 1948. The 2nd pre-independence Assembly was elected by limited franchise. The Orissa State Assembly was constituted on January 1, 1948 after merger of 25 princely states with 66 members. In the year 1948 a separate department was formed for the administration of Assembly affairs under the control of Home Department. Till then administration of Orissa was being managed by 8-Departments as detailed below.

1. Home,

2. Finance

3. Revenue

4. Education

5. Commerce & Labour

6. Law

7. Public Works

8. Health & local Self Government Department.


Initially the Secretariat functioned at Puri for some time before.

PRI Structure

Zilla Parishad 30/854/10 ST

Panchayat Samiti

Gram Panchayat

Devolution of P

73rd Amendment &

21 Function of 11

Poverty alleviation Fund.

Empowerment of poor 100862 PRI

36086 women

27376 ST

16910 SC

Panchayati Raj

It was shifted to Cuttack and then to Bhubaneswar in mid 1950. Sri A.F.W.Dixon, ICS was the first person who was in charge of Secretary to Government in Education, Health & Local Self Govt. Department with Sri P.R. Mans field, CIE, ICS as Chief Secretary.

In the year 1950 some new departments called Agriculture and Forestry were created. The Labour branch was separated from Commerce Department and Local Self Govt. Department was also separated from Health Department. Thus Local Self Govt. Department became an independent department. Planning and Reconstruction Department hat was just created after the 2nd World War to look after postwar planning was re-designated as Planning Department in the year 1950.

The year 1956 experienced some major changes in Secretariat administration. A major department called Political and Services Department was created to handle affairs of New Capital, Community Development and Gram Panchayats among others. In the year 1962 Political and Services department was re-designated as Planning & Co-ordination Department Vide Notification No.8832-RB-7/62/Gen. Dt.12.7.1962. Community Development and Panchayati Raj Department, (CD) thus, became an independent department on July 11th 1962. At the beginning, the department had 2 branches i.e. (i) Community Development and Panchayati Raj and (ii) Gram Panchayats. The Social Welfare Branch was included in the department w.e.f 8th December, 1975 and the department was renamed as Community Development and Social Welfare Department.


Thus Secretariat administration was geared up in 1980 with creation of some new departments. Political and Services Department and Community development and Social Welfare Department were renamed as General Administration Department and Community development and Rural Reconstruction Department in the 90s the latter was again renamed as Panchayati Raj Department.

In 1994, Women and Child Development Department was created being a bifurcation from Panchayati Raj Department.

Panchayati Raj Department had two composite directorates i.e. Director, Special Projects and Director, Gram Panchayat. Director GP was also Examiner of Local Accounts as per section 100 of Orissa Gram Panchayat Act of 1964. This has since been amended by act of Assembly in December 2003 after separation of audit from Panchayat Raj department to Finance Department under the directorate of Local Fund Audit as Statutory Authority to conduct financial audit of local bodies viz Panchayat Samiti and gram Panchayats. The directorate of Special projects was strengthened to monitor District Rural Development Agencies for implementation of poverty eradication programmes like IRDP, ERRP, NREP, RLEGP, TRYSEM, DWCRA, IAY, JRY, EAS, JGSY, SGRY and SGSY.

Various training institution handled the capacity building efforts of this department till State Institute of Rural development was established in the year 1964. In the Seventh Plan Period 3 more extension training Centres were added at Keonjhar, Kalahandi and Bhubaneswar.

Similarly Orissa Rural Development and Marketing Society (ORMAS) an autonomous body under Panchayati Raj Department was constituted under Society Registration Act of 1960 in the year 1991. ORMAS aims at facilitating sustainable livelihood for rural producers through marketing support.

To-day out of 39 departments Panchayati Raj Department has the distinction of being one among the oldest departments. At present 3 tier Panchayati raj institutions have been introduced which has vastly added to its efficiency. Hence, it can be said, that the Panchayati Raj Department is an example of change with continuity.

Panchayati Raj Institutions.

Before coming into force of the Constitution of India during 1950, initiatives were made in Orissa for introduction of Panchayats.

The details are mentioned below:

The Orissa Gram Panchayat Act, 1948 is the first legislation prescribing constitution, power and functioning of Grama Panchayats in the State of Orissa. Provisions of the Act were to be extended to different areas of the State from time to time and could be withdrawn where necessary, as circumstances may warrant. It was assumed that successful functioning of Panchayats at selected cases would serve as examples to the surrounding villages, which might prompted to demand establishment of Grama Panchayats. This experiment however did not succeed because in many


villages people were misled by the propaganda that in the Panchayat areas people had to pay some additional taxes, fees etc. to the Panchayats without getting appreciable amenities in lieu thereof. Govrnment, therefore, adopted a scheme of establishing Panchayat covering an entire district or a sub-division w.e.f year 1952-53. The provision of permitting withdrawal of Panchayat from certain areas was deleted by the Orissa Grama Panchayats ( 2nd amendment) Act, 1957.

The number of Grama Panchayats set up in different areas are shown below :

1950-51 530

1951-52 (Phase-I) 519

1951-52 (Phase-II) 705

1951-52 (Phase-III) 1241

1951-52 (Phase-IV) 1348

1951-52 (Phase-V) 2261

1951-52 (Phase-VI) 341

Initially a Panchayat was being formed in a single village having minimum of population of 1500 or a group of villages having a minimum of population 1000. It was soon noticed that such a small unit is not economically viable. Therefore, some of the Panchayats established in the year 1950-51 were merged in the neighboring Panchayats in order to make them financially viable units.

During the period 1958 to 1961, Blocks were established in the State in selected areas. In the year 1961 the 3 tier system of PRIs were established in the State covering all villages. The Orissa Zilla Parishad Act was enacted in the year 1959 but Zilla Parishads were nor constituted immediately. Subsequently Zilla Parishad Act was amended as the Orissa Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad Act, 1959 in the year 1961 (Orissa Act 24 of 1961).

In the year 1961, three tiers of Panchayati Raj Institutions were introduced in Orissa. The growth chart of Panchayats after 1961 is indicated below:

Sl No Year Grama




Zilla Parishad.

1 1961 2350 214 13

2 1963 2350 304 13

3 1966-67 3826 307 13

4 1983-84 4391 314 13

5 1991-92 5263 314 13

6 2000-2002 6234 314 30


1.4 Duties of the Public Authority.

Ø Empowerment of Panchayat Raj Institutions.

Ø To provide funds to PRIs, to carryout development works and poverty

alleviation programmes in rural areas.

1.5 Main activities / functions of the Public authority.

Ø To handover such powers and authorities to PRIs in order to enable them

as institutions of self Govt. as mandated under 73rd amendment of


Ø To provide funds to the PRIs to implement wage employment schemes

and self employment programmes.

Ø Supervise and monitor implementation of wage employment and poverty

termination programmes.

1.6 List of services being provided by the public authority with a brief write up on


Ø The Department provides basic services in critical areas under finance

Commission grants which is normally not taken up under different on

going schemes.

Ø This Department provides following basic services-

(a) Rural connectivity.

(b) Rural housing for BPL families under IAY.

1.7 Organisational structure diagram at various levels namely State, Directorate,

Region, and Block etc.

Ø The organogram of Panchayati Raj Administration is available in

Panchayati Raj Web-site i.e



1.8 Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency.

Ø Participation of rural people in their respective Palli Sabha and Gram Sabha for transparency in processing their action plan.

Ø Helping the PRIs in smooth development works and beneficiary oriented programmes.

Ø Timely feed back on the quality and quantum of works.

Ø Activate participation of PRIs and the public in implementing poverty schemes.

1.9 Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation / contribution.

Ø For creation of awareness among the public regarding programmes and schemes of the Department guidelines, instructions and circulars have been hoisted in Panchayati Raj website.

Ø Selection projects, executants and beneficiaries under various schemes are finalized by organization of Palli Sabha and Gram Sabha where participation of the people is a must.

1.10 Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and public grievance resolution.

Ø A well defined grievance redressal forum is in place at various levels like State, District and Blocks to consider the grievances coming from various levels.

Ø Monitoring of the effective ness of programmes are done by monthly progress report review in the meetings and field tours by the higher officers from the Department as well as from the District.

Ø Vigilance and Monitoring Committees are at State, Districts and Block.

1.11 Address of main office and other offices and different levels (please categorize the address district wise for facilitating the understanding by the user.

Ø Details are available in Website.

1.12 Morning hours of the Office: 10.00 A.M.

Closing hours of the Office : 5.00 P.M


Powers & Duties of Officers POWERS DUTIES Sl.

No. Designation of

Officer Administrative Financial Others 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Commissioner-cum-Secy.

Chief Executive of this epartment supervising and monitoring of all schemes of Panchayati Raj Department. Empowerment, Strengthening of PRIs. Devolution of Powers.

Controlling officer of all Budget head of P.R. & G.P.Wing.

Empowerment and strengthening Panchayati Raj Instiuttion, improve the quality and life in Rural Orissa.

2. Director, Special Projects and Addl. Secy.

Supervision and Monitoring of age Employment, Rural Housing, and Self-employment programmes. DRDA Administration.

Full powers on sanction of contingency and all other financial p0owers as delegated by Commissioner-cum-Secy.

3. Director, P.R. and Addl. Secy.

Empowerment and strengthening of PRIs. Devolution of Powers of Office and Block Establishment matters.


4. Addl. Secy. (Vig) and Inspection

Vigilance & Monitoring of all Development programmes and enforcement of financial discipline.

5. Jt. Secretary (Sri B.Biswal)

Establishment matters of BDOs & other Block Officers, Rural Housing, Estt. Matter of SIRD, Sponsoring Officers/PRIs for various Training Programmes.

6. Jt. Secretary (Sri B. Kundu)

Office Establishment matter of OE-I & II of the Department. Creation & abolition of Posts/Transfer/Maintenance of Service Book/Purchase of Office Stationary/Sanction of GPF/Leave etc. Supervision of Diary, Issue & Despatch Sectio0n.

7. Dy. Secretary Incharge of implementation of SGRY, NFFWP and


(B. Baral) NREG Act 2005, Deals DRDA Administration. 8 Dy. Secy ( R.K.

Pani) Empowerment and strengthening of PRIs, Devolution of Power, 12th Finance Commission grants / K.L.Grant Legal cell.

9 FA-cum-Jt. Secy. (B.M. Prusty)

Preparation of Budget / Allotment and release of funds / Collection of UCs / Compliance of I.R / AR / CAG Report.

10 Dy.Dir (Ind)-cum- Dy. Secy ( S.R. Pradhan)

Implementation of Rural soft, Priasoft, PAMIS, BETAN, Implementation of SGSY Scheme.

11 Superintending Engineer

-Vigilance and monitoring of development works.

-Issue of guidelines on technical matters.

12 Jt. Director, Statistics

Monitoring of schemes & sending reports / returns to Govt. of India and other quarters.

13. Under Secy. (RE)( R. Khan)

Assists to the Dy.Secy. Sri Baral for the Sri Baral for the work entrusted to him as mentioned at Sl.No.7

14. Under (OE) (S.Patnaik)

Assists to the Jt. Secy. Sri B.Kundu for the works entrusted to him as at Sl.No.6

15. Under Secy. Accounts(DDO) (B.Majhi)

He is the drawing disbursing officer of the Deptt. and in charge of Accounts Sec. of the Deptt.

16. Under Secy. (B.Nayak)

Assists FA-cum-JS for the works entrusted to her as at Sl.No.9

17. Under Secy. (S.K.Jena)

Assists to Dy.Secy. Sri Pani for the works entrusted to him as Sl.No.8

18. Dy.Director (Stastics)(S.Das)

Assists to the Jt. Director, Statistics for the works entrusted to him as at Sl.No.12

19. AFA-cum-US Assists to FA-cum-Jt.Secy. in the matter of Budget & Planning and all other financial matters entrusted to her


as at Sl.No.9

MANNUAL-3 Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for Discharging Functions.

Sl. No.

Name/Title of the document Type of Documents

Brief write up of the documents

From where one can get a copy of rules, regulations, instructions, manual and records.

Address, Telephone No., FAX, E-mail & others

Fee charged by the Department for a copy of Rules, regulations, instructions, manual and records (if any)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Orissa Gram Panchayat Act-

1964 a) Orissa Gram Panchayat

Rules-1968 b) Orissa Gram Panchayat

Election Rules-1965 c) Orissa Gram Panchayat

(Constitution of standing Committee) Rules-2002

d) Orissa Gram Panchayat (Administration of Minor Forest Produce)Rules-2002






This act speaks about business of Gram Panchayat and Rules made there under speaks about procedure for Administration and Management of Gram Panchayat.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

2. Orissa Panchayat Samiti Act-1959 a) Orissa Panchayat Samiti

Budget Rules-1969 b) Orissa Panchayat Samiti



This act speaks about business of Panchayat Samiti and Rules made there under speaks about procedure for

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.


(Conduct of Business) Rules-1969

c) Orissa Panchayat Samiti Election Rules-1991

d) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Borrowing of Money and Granting of Loans) Rules, 1972.

e) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (conduct of Enquiry by the District Judge in to allegations on Doubts about Disqualification of Members) Rules-1973

f) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Traveling Allowance) Rules-1968

g) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Removal of Chairman and Vice-Chairman from Office) Rules,1968

h) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Dissolution, Reconstitution and Super session of Samiti Publication of Notification, Rules, 1987.

i) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Administration of Affairs) Rules, 1987.

j) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Constitution of Standing









Administration and Management of Panchayat Samiti


Committees) Rules, 2002. k) Orissa Panchayat Samiti

Accounting Procedure Rules, 2002.



3. Orissa Zilla Parisad Act, 1991. a) Orissa Zilla Parisad Rules,

2001 b) Orissa Zilla Parisad Rules,

2000 c) Orissa Zilla Parisad

(Division & Reservation of Constituencies) Rules,1995.

d) Orissa Zilla Parisad Election Rules,1995

Act Rules




This act speaks about business of Zilla Parisad and Rules made there under speak about procedure for Administration and Management of Zilla Parisad. Conduct of Zilla Parisad Election

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

4 Rules made under Article 243K a) Orissa State Election

Commissioner (Appointment condition of Service and Miscellaneous Provisions) Rules-1994.



The rules prescribe about details of constitution of State Orissa State Election Commission and appointment of State Election Commissioner.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

5. SRO No.641/200-Constiution of Orissa Zilla Parisad Standing Committee Rules-2000

Rule About Constitution of Standing Committee

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

6. SRO No.459/96- Orissa Zilla Parishad conduct of business Rules 1996

Rule About conduct of business of Zilla Parisad

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

7. G.O. No.568 Dt. 16.1.99 Instructions regarding duties of elected representatives and Govt. employees of Zilla Parishads.

Instructions Duties of Elected Representatives and Govt. Employees of Z.P.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.


8. G.O.No. 9688 Dt. 3.8.99 Government instructions holding meetings of Zilla Parishad

Instructions About holding of meetings of Z.P.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

9. G.O. No.2724 Dt. 23.2.99 Government instructions holding meetings of Zilla Parishad

Instructions About holding of meetings of Z.P.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

10. G.O. No.5192, Dt. 29.5.97 Government instructions holding meetings of Zilla Parishad

Instructions About holding of meetings of Z.P.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

11. G.O. No.5722, Dt. 18.6.98 Instructions for T.A. & DA of President and Vice-President of Z.P.

Instructions About TA/DA of Z.P. President and Vice-President

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

12. G.O. No.7208 dt. 11.7.02 Instructions for use of vehicles by President and Vice-President of Z.P.

Instructions Regarding use of vehicles by President and Vice-President.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

13. G.O. No.6031 Dt. 26.6.97 Honorarium for President and Vice-President and members of Z.P.

Instructions Regarding honorarium for President and Vice President and members.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

14. G.O. No.3589 dt. 15.3.99 Rules for Residential accommodation of President, Zilla Parisad.

Rules Residential Accommodation of Z.P. President.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

15. G.O. No.5581 dt. 3.5.99 Rules for writing CCRS of PA to Presidents

Rules CCR of PA to President , ZP

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

16. G.O. No.9934 dt. 29.9.03 Instructions regarding transfer of MIPs to PRIs

Instruction Transfer of MIP to PRIs PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.


17. G.O. No.6615 dt. 27.5.99 Subjects in Devolution of powers to Zilla Parishads

Instruction Devolution of powers to Zilla Parishads

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

18. Resolution No. 12530 dt. 26.12.02 Constitution ; of Committee for devolution of power to ZPs

Resolution Committee for devolution of power to ZPs

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

19. G.O. No.5103 dt. 19.4.99 Installation of Telephone for Vice-President of Z.P.

Instruction Telephone for Vice-President of Z.P.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

20. Notification No.2172 dt. 5.3.97 Declaration of P.D., DRDA, as Executive Officer of Zilla Parisad and DDO of Z.P.

Notification P.D., DRDA, as Executive Officer of Zilla Parisad and DDO of Z.P.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

21. No. 6331 Dt. 5.7.97 Instructions for maintenance of Accounts of Zilla Parishad.

Instruction Maintenance of Accounts of Zilla Parishad.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

22. The OPS Cloass-II (Recruitment & conditions of Service) Rules-1992 Amended Rules-2003 vide Notification SRO No.1488 dt. 31.12.92 & SRO No.120 dt. 12.2.2004

Rule Recruitment of DPO. PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

23. The ADPO/SDPO (Method of Recruitment and conditions of service) Rules-1994. Notification SRO No.975 dt. 1.11.94

Rule Recruitment of SDPO PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

24. The Orissa GPEO and PA (Method of recruitment and conditions of service) Rules-

Rule Recruitment of GPEO/PA

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.


2002. Notification SRO No.1044 Dt. 26.12.02

25. The VLW/LVLW (Recruitment and conditions of service) Rules, 1994

Rule Recruitment of VLW PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

26. Job chart of DPO/SDPO/GPEO - L.No.12529 dt. 31.7.69 - L.No.6212 dt. 20.4.79 - L.No.4991 dt. 24.5.90 - L.No.18376 dt. 3.10.96

Instruction Job chart of DPO/SDPO/GPEO

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

27. Job chart of VLW & EO (GP) - L.No.109342 dt.28.8.89 - L.No.1188 dt.12.6.2003

Instruction Job chart of VLW & EO (GP)

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

28. Resolution No. I- FE(I) 7/90-12082 dt. 20.11.1990 – statutory instructions for filling up of vacancies in the cadre of departmental BDO.

Resolution Regarding posting of departmental BDO.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

29. Notification No.II-FE(I)-56/93-6919/PR dt. 3.6.1993 & 7/97 18316/PR dt. 10.12.1998 Method of recruitment and conditions of service rules, 1992 and Amendment Rules

Rule PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

30. Notification No. I –FE(I) 2/99-8602/PR dt. 30.6.99 Decision of Govt. for upgrading 314 posts of BDO to be held by the officers of the OAS, Class-I (Jr. Branch)

Resolution Up gradation of 314 posts of BDOs to be held by the Officers of OAS Class-I (Jr. Branch.)

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

31. No.3703/PR dt. 22.3.04 Delegation of powers to

Resolution Delegation of powers to Collectors for

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..


Collectors to authorize Addl. BDOs or any other officers to exercise the powers duties and functions when the post of regular BDO lies vacant.

authorization to the ABDO or any other officer to act as BDO in absence of regular BDO.

32. Orissa Gram Panchayat Extension Officers and Progress Assistants (Method of recruitment and conditions of service) Rules-2002

Rules Recruitment of GPEO and PA

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

33. Preparation of Master Plan for Rural Connectivity in the State Relating to P.R. Deptt. (to All Collectors/All PDs) Lr. No.4817/PR dt. 10.6.05

Instruction Regarding Rural Connectivity.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

34. Emergency support function plan for emergency response for 2005-06 (to all Collectors/PDs) Lr. No.3480 PR Dt. 6.4.05

Instructions Plan for emergency response.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

35. Submission of U/Cs for the funds released under CRF/NCCP during 2004 for construction/restoration of Block office Buildings and GP/PS roads. (to all Collectors/PDs) Lr.No.100/PR dt. 5.1.05

Instructions Instruction of Buildings and Restoration of GP/PS Roads.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

36. Supply of drinking water in rural areas and fixation of working hours during summer season for tackling heat wave Lr. No.1983

Instructions Tackling heat wave. PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..


PR dt. 3.3.05 37. Transfer of old Water Bodies

(MIPs) from W.R.Deptt. to P.R. Deptt. Lr.No.10631 PR dt.l 29.12.04

Instructions Transfer of old Water Bodies.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule..

38. Observance of the State Disaster Preparedness Day and the National Day for disaster Reduction-2005 Lr. No.7344 PR dt. 31.8.05

Instructions Observance of the State Disaster Preparedness Day.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

39. Enrolment of PRI members as life member of Indian Red Cross Society to all ZP President/Collectors/PDs Lr No.6866 PR dt. 23.8.03

Instructions Membership of PRI members as life member of Indian Red Cross Society

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

40. Powers to GPs to identify the people suffering from hunger and help them lr. No.299 PR dt. 8.1.99

Instructions Identification of people suffering from hunger.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

41. Tour during Assembly Session Lr.No.10318 PR dt. 12.12.2000

Instruction Tour during Assembly Session

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

42. Regularization of Advance possession of land/mutation of land occupied for Block office buildings & staff Qtrs. Lr.No.6642 PR dt.l 9.8.2000

Instruction Regarding Advance Possession /mutation of land occupied for the Block

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

43. Preparation of Fresh GP/PS road list lr. No.9694 PR dt. 1.12.03

Instruction Preparation of list of fresh GP/PS road.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

44. Implementation of Bonded Circular Regarding Bonded PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by


Labour system (abolition) Act 1976 regarding constitution of District and sub-Divisional vigilance committee on Bonded Labour. Lr. No.4750 PR dt. 16.6.04

Labour the RTI Rule.

45. Utilisation of MPLAD fund by 2006 Lr. No.6070 PR dt.l27.7.05

Circular Utilisation of MPLAD fund

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

46. Guidelines to DRDA Administration issued by the Govt. of India, Deptt. of Rural Development effective from 1st April,1999

Guideline Regarding DRDA Administration, Govt. of India instructions.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

47. Formulation of the Orissa DRDA Employees Service regulations. Circular No.11269/CD dt. 7.12.1989 of the P.R. Deptt. (Defunct C.R. & R.R. Deptt.)

Regulation Formulation of Orissa Service Conditions of DRDA Employees.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

48. Sankar Committee Report pertaining to SGSY-DRDA Administration Circular No.8265/PR dt. 6.5.1999 of the P.R. Deptt.

Circular Sankar Committee PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

49. Identification of families below poverty line (BPL) for the 10th Five Year Plan (2002-2007). Circular No.Q-16025/2002-A1(RD) 13th September,2002 of the GOI, Ministry of R.D.l(Monitoring Division)

Circular Identification of BPL families.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.


50. Resolution No.24820/GP Dt. 16.12.02 Principles of distribution of Kendu Leaf Grant

Resolution Principles of Distribution of Kendu Leaf Grant

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

51. Circular No.9981 dt. 9.7.02 construction of GP Godown and GP Ghar out of SGRY Grant.

Circular Construction of GP godown and GP Ghar

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

52. Circular No.23650 dt.l 25.11.02 Incentive Awards to PRIs

Circular Incentive Awards to PRIs-Regarding.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

53. IAY guide lines of Government of India Lr. No.8783 dt. 30.10.04 Procedure of Selection of IAY beneficiaries

Guideline GOI guide lines for selection of IAY beneficiaries.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

54. Lr. No.4127 dt. 16.5.05 Payment of IAY installment to beneficiaries.

Instruction Mode of payment to IAY beneficiaries.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

55. Lr. No.4979 dt. 18.6.05 Strategy of IAy for 2005-06

Instruction Strategy of IAy for 2005-06

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

56. Lr.No.6354 dt. 4.8.05 Construction of IAY houses with RCC roof in coastal districts.

Instruction Regarding construction of IAY house with RCC roof in coastal district.

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

57. Circular No.5242 GP dt. 14.5.04 regarding conduct of Gram Sabha and Palli Sabha

Circular Regarding conduct of Gram Sabha and Palli Sabha

PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.

58. Circular No. 15181/GP Dt. 30.9.02 regarding Social Audit

Circular Regarding Social Audit PIO/APIO 2322894 As would be prescribed by the RTI Rule.




Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

Sl.No. Subject/Topic Is it mandatory to ensure public participation

(Yes/No) Arrangements for seeking public participation.

1 2 3 4 1. SGRY Yes Through Palli Sabha/Gram Sabha. 2. SGSY Yes Through Gram Sabha 3. NFFWP Yes Through Palli Sabha/Gram Sabha 4. IAY House Yes Through Palli Sabha/Gram Sabha 5. Finance Commission Award Yes Through Palli Sabha/Gram Sabha

MANNUAL-5 A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or

under its control.

Sl. No.

Category of the document

Name of the document and its introduction in one line

Procedure to obtain the documents

Held by/under control of

1 2 3 4 5 1

Acts Orissa Gram Panchayat Act,1964 speaks about constitution & function of Gram Panchayat

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

Orissa Panchayat Samiti Act,1959 speaks about constitution & function of Panchayat Samiti

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

Orissa Zilla Parisad Act,1991 Speaks about constitution & function of Z.P.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

Amendments after 73rd Constitution Amendment


OZP (Amendment) Act. 1993 (Orissa Act 17 of 1993)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OZP (Amendment) Act. 1994 (Orissa Act 22 of 1994)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Amendment) Act. 1994 (Orissa Act. 7 of 1994)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 1994 (Orissa Act. 6 of 1994)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Second Amendment) Act. 1994 (Orissa Act. 20 of 1994)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Second Amendment) Act. 1994 (Orissa Act. 21 of 1994)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


Orissa Panchayat Laws (Amendment) Act. 1994 (Orissa Act 3 of 1995)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 1995 (Orissa Act. 18 of 1995)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Amendment) Act. 1995 (Orissa Act. 20 of 1995)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section



OZP (Amendment) Act. 1995 (Orissa Act 21 of 1995)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 1997 (Orissa Act. 15 of 1997)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Amendment) Act. 1997 (Orissa Act. 16 of 1997)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OZP (Amendment) Act. 1997 (Orissa Act 17 of 1997)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 2000 (Orissa Act. 6 of 2001)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Amendment) Act. 2000(Orissa Act. 5 of 2001)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OZP (Amendment) Act. 2000(Orissa Act 4 of 2001)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 2001 (Orissa Act. 11 of 2001)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Amendment) Act. 2001(Orissa Act. 12 of 2001)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OZP (Amendment) Act. 2001(Orissa Act 13 of 2001)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 2003 (Orissa Act. 3of 2004)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OPS (Amendment) Act. 2003(Orissa Act. 15 of 2003)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


OGP (Amendment) Act. 2004(Orissa Act 9 of 2004)

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

2 Rules

a) Orissa Gram Panchayat Rules,1968

b) Orissa Gram Panchayat Election Rules,1965

Speaks about procedure for Administration and Management of Gram Panchayat.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

c) Orissa Gram Panchayat (Constitution of standing Committee) Rules-2002

Speaks about constitution of different committees of G.P.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

d) Orissa Gram Panchayat (Administration of Minor Forest Produce)Rules-2002 Speaks about dealing in 68 items of Minor Forest Produce by G.P.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


e) Orissa Panchayat Samiti Budget Rules-1969 Speaks about preparation of Budget of P.S.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

f) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Conduct of Business) Rules-1969 Speaks about conduct business of P.S. meeting

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

g) Orissa Panchayat Samiti Election Rules-1991

Procedure for PS election.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

h) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Borrowing of Money and Granting of Loans) Rules,1972. Speaks about borrowing and granting of loans.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

i) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (conduct of Enquiry by the District Judge in to allegations on Doubts about Disqualification of Members) Rules-1973 Speaks about conduct of enquiry by District Judge on disqualification of PS members.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

j) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Traveling Allowance) Rules-1968 Speaks about procedure for payment of TA to the PS Members.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.S. Section

k) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Removal of Chairman and Vice-Chairman from Office) Rules,1968

Speaks about publication of notification regarding removal of Chairman & Vice-Chairman.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

a) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Dissolution, Reconstitution and Supersession of Samiti Publication of Notificatiokn, Rules,1987.

Speaks about as on the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


b) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Administration of Affairs) Rules, 1987.

Speaks about General Administration of PS.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

c) Orissa Panchayat Samiti (Constitution of Standing Committees) Rules,2002. Speaks about Constitution of Standing Committee.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

d) Orissa Panchayat Samiti Accounting Procedure Rules, 2002. Speaks about Maintenance of Accounts of PS.

On request to PIO/APIO

PR Legal Cell

e) Orissa Zilla Parisad Rules,2001 Speaks about procedure for Administration & Management of Z.P.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

f) Orissa Zilla Parisad Rules,2000 Speaks about procedure for Administration & Management of Z.P.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

g) Orissa Zilla Parisad (Division & Reservation of Constituencies) Rules,1995.Orissa Zilla Parisad Election Rules,1995 Speaks about Delimitation and reservation of constituencies of Z.P. members.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

Rules made under Article 243K a) Orissa State Election Commissioner (Appointment condition of Service and Miscellaneous Provisions) Rules-1994. This prescribed about details of constitution SEC and appointment of State Election Commissioner.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

SRO No.641/200-Constiution of Orissa Zilla Parisad Standing Committee Rules-2000 Speaks about constitution of standing committees of Z.P.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section


SRO No.459/96- Orissa Zilla Parishad conduct of business Rules 1996 Speaks about as the cause title of the rule.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

G.O. No.3589 dt. 15.3.99 Rules for Residential accommodation of President, Zilla Parisad.

On request to PIO/APIO

Z.P. Section

G.O. No.5581 dt. 3.5.99 Rules for writing CCRS of PA to Presidents

On request to PIO/APIO

Z.P. Section

The OPS Class-II (Recruitment & conditions of Service) Rules-1992 Amended Rules-2003 vide Notification SRO No.1488 dt. 31.12.92 & SRO No.120 dt. 12.2.2004 Speaks about recruitment of DPO.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. FE Section

The ADPO/SDPO (Method of Recruitment and conditions of service) Rules-1994. Notification SRO No.975 dt. 1.11.94 Speaks about recruitment of SDPO.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. FE Section

The Orissa GPEO and PA (Method of recruitment and conditions of service) Rules-2002. Notification SRO No.1044 Dt. 26.12.02 Speaks about recruitment of GPEO and P.A.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. FE Section

The VLW/LVLW (Recruitment and conditions of service) Rules, 1994 Speaks about recruitment of VLW.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. FE Section

Notification No.II-FE(I)-56/93-6919/PR dt. 3.6.1993 & 7/97 18316/PR dt. 10.12.1998 Method of recruitment and conditions of service rules, 1992 and Amendment Rules

On request to PIO/APIO

PR FE(I) Section

Instructions G.O. No.568 Dt. 16.1.99 Instructions regarding duties of elected representatives and Govt. employees of Zilla Parishads. As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section


G.O.No. 9688 Dt. 3.8.99 Government instructions holding meetings of Zilla Parishad As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.2724 Dt. 23.2.99 Government instructions holding meetings of Zilla Parishad As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.5192, Dt. 29.5.97 Government instructions holding meetings of Zilla Parishad Holding of Meeting.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.5722, Dt. 18.6.98 Instructions for T.A. & DA of President and Vice-President of Z.P. As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.7208 dt. 11.7.02 Instructions for use of vehicles by President and Vice-President of Z.P. As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.6031 Dt. 26.6.97 Honorarium for President and Vice-President and members of Z.P. As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.9934 dt. 29.9.03 Instructions regarding transfer of MIPs to PRIs As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.6615 dt. 27.5.99 Subjects in Devolution of powers to Zilla Parishads As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

G.O. No.5103 dt. 19.4.99 Installation of Telephone for Vice-President of Z.P. As in the Title

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

No. 6331 Dt. 5.7.97 Instructions for maintenance of Accounts of Zilla Parishad. As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

ZP Section

Job chart of DPO/SDPO/GPEO - L.No.12529 dt. 31.7.69 - L.No.6212 dt. 20.4.79

On request to PIO/APIO

GP F.E.Section


- L.No.4991 dt. 24.5.90 - L.No.18376 dt. 3.10.96

As in the Title. Job chart of VLW & EO (GP)

- L.No.109342 dt. 28.8.89 - L.No.1188 dt. 12.6.2003

As in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

GP F.E.Section

Preparation of Master Plan for Rural Connectivity in the State Relating to P.R. Deptt. (to All Collectors/All PDs) Lr. No.4817/PR dt. 10.6.05 Regarding Rural connectivity.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Emergency support function plan for emergency response for 2005-06 (to all Collectors/PDs) Lr. No.3480 PR Dt. 6.4.05 Plan for emergency response.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Submission of U/Cs for the funds released under CRF/NCCP during 2004 for construction/restoration of Block office Buildings and GP/PS roads. (to all Collectors/PDs) Lr.No.100/PR dt. 5.1.05 Construction of Buildings & Restoration of GP/PS roads.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Supply of drinking water in rural areas and fixation of working hours during summer season for tackling heat wave Lr. No.1983 PR dt. 3.3.05 Regarding tackling heat wave.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Transfer of old Water Bodies (MIPs) from W.R.Deptt. to P.R. Deptt. Lr.No.10631 PR dt.l 29.12.04 Transfer of old bodies.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Observance of the State Disaster Preparedness Day and the National Day for disaster Reduction-2005 Lr. No.7344 PR dt. 31.8.05 As in title.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Enrolment of PRI members as life member of Indian Red Cross

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section


Society to all ZP President/Collectors/PDs Lr No.6866 PR dt. 23.8.03 Membership of PRI members as life member of Indian Red Cross Society.

Powers to GPs to identify the people suffering from hunger and help them lr. No.299 PR dt. 8.1.99 Identification of p0eople suffering from hunger.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Tour during Assembly Session Lr.No.10318 PR dt. 12.12.2000 As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Regularization of Advance possession of land/mutation of land occupied for Block office buildings & staff Qtrs. Lr.No.6642 PR dt.l 9.8.2000 As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Preparation of Fresh GP/PS road list lr. No.9694 PR dt. 1.12.03 As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev.Section

Circular No.23650 dt.l 25.11.02 Incentive Awards to PRIs As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Dev.Section

Lr. No.4127 dt. 16.5.05 Payment of IAY installment to beneficiaries. Mode of payment to IAY beneficiaries.

On request to PIO/APIO

R.H. Section

Lr. No.4979 dt. 18.6.05 Strategy of IAy for 2005-06 As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

R.H. Section

Lr.No.6354 dt. 4.8.05 Construction of IAY houses with RCC roof in coastal districts. As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

R.H. Section

Resolution Resolution No. 12530 dt. 26.12.02 Constitution ; of Committee for devolution of power to ZPs As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO


Resolution No. I- FE (I) 7/90-12082 dt. 20.11.1990 – statutory instructions for filling up of vacancies in the cadre of

On request to PIO/APIO

FE-I Section


departmental BDO. Speaks about posting of Departmental BDOs

Notification No. I –FE (I) 2/99-8602/PR dt. 30.6.99 Decision of Govt. for upgrading 314 posts of BDO to be held by the officers of the OAS, Class-I (Jr. Branch) Speaks about upgrading of 314 posts of BDO to be held by OAS, Class-I (Jr. Branch)

On request to PIO/APIO

FE-I Section

No.3703/PR dt. 22.3.04 Delegation of powers to Collectors to authorize Addl. BDOs or any other officers to exercise the powers duties and functions when the post of regular BDO lies vacant. As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

FE-I Section

Resolution No.24820/GP Dt. 16.12.02 Principles of distribution of Kendu Leaf Grant As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Dev.Section

Resolution No.3391/GP Dt. 23.2.05 "Utkal Sabuja Gram Yojana" Speaks about Plantation Programme to be taken up in the West land of GPs.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Dev.Section

Circular Implementation of Bonded Labour system (abolition) Act 1976 regarding constitution of District and sub-Divisional vigilance committee on Bonded Labour. Lr. No.4750 PR dt. 16.6.04 Regarding Bonded Labour

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev. Section

Circular Utilisation of MPLAD fund by 2006 Lr. No.6070 PR dt.l2.7.05 Speaks as in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

P.R. Dev. Section

Circular Circular No.9981 dt. 9.7.02 construction of GP Godown and GP Ghar out of SGRY Grant. As in the title.

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Dev. Section

Circular No.23650 dt. 25.11.02 On request to G.P. Dev. Section


Incentive Awards to PRIs. As in the Title


Circular No.5242 GP dt. 14.5.04 regarding conductn of Gram Sabha and Palli Sabha

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

Circular No. 15181/GP Dt. 30.9.02 regarding Social Audit

On request to PIO/APIO

G.P. Legal Section

Regulation Formulation of the Orissa DRDA Employees Service regulations. Circular No.11269/CD dt. 7.12.1989 of the P.R. Deptt. (Defunct C.R. & R.R. Deptt.) Speaks of service condition of DRDA employees.

On request to PIO/APIO

SGSY-I Section

Notification Notification No.2172 dt. 5.3.97 Declaration of P.D., DRDA, as Executive Officer of Zilla Parisad and DDO of Z.P. Speaks as in the Title

On request to PIO/APIO


Guidelines Guidelines to DRDA Administration issued by the Govt. of India, Deptt. of Rural Development effective from 1st April,1999 Speaks as in the Title.

On request to PIO/APIO

SGSY-I Section

Guidelines IAY guide lines of Government of India Lr. No.8783 dt. 30.10.04 Speak regarding procedure of selection of IAY beneficiaries

On request to PIO/APIO

R.H. Section

Chapter – 8 (Manual – 7)

The names, designation & other particulars of the Public Information Officers

8.1. Please provide contact information about the Public I Information Officers, Asst. Public Information Officers & Departmental Appellate Authority of the Public authority in the following format. Name of the Public Authority: Asst. Public Information Officers:


S.N. Name Designation STD Code

Ph. No. Fax E-mail Address

Office Home Public Information Officers: S.N. Name Designation STD

Code Ph. No. Fax E-mail Address

Office Home Department Appellate Authority: S.N. Name Designation STD

Code Ph. No. Fax E-mail Address

Office Home

Chapter – 9 (Manual – 8)

Procedure followed in Decision Making Process 9.1 The provision of Orissa Secretariat Instruction & Rule of business 9.2 Relevant Rules of Secretariat Instructions & guidelines of Govt. from time to

time should be followed 9.3 By Post, Phone, Fax, E-mail, Website & Special messengers 9.4. Under Secy., Deputy Secy., Joint Secy., Addl. Secy., Secretary & Govt. as may be

required under Rules. 9.5. As per the delegation of power 9.6 Sl. No 1 Subject on which the decision is to be taken

All the subject matter which are allocated to PR Deptt. under rule of business

Guidelines / Direction, if any

Central & State Govt. Guidelines / Directions prescribed. from time to time is being followed

Process of Execution Different programmes / shemes are being executed through the field functionaries of PR Deptt.


Designation of the Officers involved in decision making

Under Secy., Deputy Secy., Joint Secy., Addl. Secy., Secretary & Govt. as may be required under Rules

Contact information of above mentioned officers

Enclosed in Annexure – I

If not satisfied by the decision, where and how to appeal

Appeal before the next higher authority

Chapter – 10 (Manual – 9)

Directory of Officers & Employee

10.1 Please provide information district-wise in following format S.N. Name Designation STD

Code Ph. No. Fax E-mail Address

Office Home Enclosed in Annexure – II



Name of the Employee Designation Gross

2 1 Sarbashree/Smt.

3 4

1 S.N.Tripathi, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secy. 32636

2 Krushna Ch. Mohanty Director-cum-Addl. Secy. 25132

3 Chandrasekhar Kumar, IAS Director, Spl. Projects. 23620

4 Basudev Kundu Joint Secy. 21080

5 Baidhar Biswal Jt. Secy 23690

6 S.R.Pradhan Dy.Dir-cum-Dy.Secy. 18682

7 Baburam Barala Dy.Secy. 20964


8 Radhakanta Pani Dy.Secy. 19748

9 Laxmi Narayan Agrawalla Jt. Dir(S)-cum-Dy.Secy. 22738

10 Basanta Manjari Prusty FA-cum-Dy.Secy. 21347

11 Sudarshan Dash Dy.Director (S) 20131

12 Md. Rasid Khan Under Secy. 16941

13 Subodh Kumar Jena Under Secy 15506

14 Braja Kishore Nayak Under Secy 14090

15 Bhagabat Majhi Under Secy. 16878

16 Sudhiranjan Patnaik Under Secy. 15074

17 Suryamani Sharma I.A.O-cum Under Secy. 15525

18 Smt. Kasturi Pradhan A.O-cum-A.F.A 16427

19 Jagannath Patel Supdt. Engineer. 22490

20 Surya Kanta Pradhan Asst. Engineer 18227

21 Pravakar Sahu SO Lev-I 13762

22 Bata Krishna Bal SO Lev-I 12702

23 Rama Ch. Das SO Lev-I 12122

24 Ajit Kumar Sahoo SO Lev-I 13980

25 Giridhari Rout SO Lev-I 13612

26 Judhistir Sahoo SO Lev-I 11972

27 Prafulla Kumar Mohanty SO Lev-I 14442

28 Krushna Ch. Patra SO Lev-I 13612

29 Jagannath Bhujabal Estimator. 11397

30 Purna Ch.Panda SO Lev.II 10660

31 Kapila Nayak SO Lev.II 11316

32 Kailash Ch.Mallick SO Lev.II 11316

33 Gangadhar Mallik SO Lev.II 12086

34 Smt. Manorama Dei SO Lev.II 11316

35 Budheswar Majhi SO Lev.II 11316

36 G.Bhaskar Rao SO Lev.II 11316

37 Basanta Ku. das SO Lev.II 12006

38 Rabindranath Biswal SO Lev.II 10988


39 Shyama Sunder Mallick SO Lev.II 10988

40 Hambir Ch. Majhi SO Lev.II 11316

41 Braj Bihari Bharati SO Lev.II 11316

42 Sarat Kumar Pattnaik SO Lev.II 10660

43 Shyama Sunder Marandi SO Lev-II 11316

44 Kulamani Behera So Lev.II 11068

45 Nabakishore Sahoo SO Lev-II 11316

46 Damador Rath SO Lev-II 12006

47 Sourav Ch. Jena SO Lev-II 10988

48 Gourahari Mohapatra SO Lev-II 12006

49 Devi Prasad Pattnaik SO Lev-II 10988

50 Debendra Ku. Mohapatra Audit Supdt. 11316

51 Bibekananda Dalai Audit Supdt. 13398

52 Sukadev Singh Audit Supdt. 12006

53 Abinath Ch. Prusty Audit Supdt. 13746

54 Premananda Mohanty Supdt Lev.I 11658

55 Dhana Sankar Rao Supdt. Lev-I 11059

56 Suresh Ch.Sahoo Sr. Assistant 10223

57 Ch. Ramesh Ch.Kar Sr. Assistant 10223

58 Narahari Mishra Sr. Assistant 10005

59 Ganesh Pr. Mishra Sr. Assistant 10130

60 Gopabandhu Panigrahi Sr. Assistant 10005

61 Managobinda Purohit Sr. Assistant 9840

62 Gitanjali Mohanty Sr. Assistant 9225

63 Madhabananda Swain Sr. Assistant 10660

64 Nityananda Singh Sr. Assistant 10223

65 Amar Kumar Jena Sr. Assistant 9570

66 Kailash Ch.Sahoo Sr. Assistant 10223

67 Siva Narayan Mohapatra Sr. Assistant 9068

68 Lokanath Sahoo Sr. Assistant 9788

69 Sibaram Hembram Sr. Assistant 10223


70 Anil Kumar Parija Sr. Assistant 9788

71 Dayanidhi Nayak Sr. Assistant 9135

72 Bihari Pradhan Sr. Assistant 9913

73 Ramesh Ch. Behera Sr. Assistant 9788

74 Md. Intekhab Alam Sr. Assistant 10223

75 Biswamohan Mohapatra Sr. Assistant 9788

76 Bibhutibhusan Sahoo Sr. Assistant 9570

77 Pitambar Sahoo Sr. Assistant 8835

78 Krushna Pr. Nayak Sr. Assistant 9788

79 Madhabananda Das Sr. Assistant 10539

80 Ashok Kumar Sahoo Sr. Assistant 9353

81 Dibakar Khatua Sr. Assistant 9635

82 Sushil Kumar Parida Sr. Assistant 8700

83 Gouranga Ch. Patra Sr. Assistant 10223

84 Pradeep Kumar Ray Sr. Assistant 10005

85 Prasanna Kumar Panda Sr. Assistant 10168

86 Prafulla Ch. Jena Sr. Assistant 11310

87 J.Duryodhan Patro Sr. Assistant 9135

88 Harish Chandra Sahoo Sr. Assistant 8700

89 Pyarilal Mandal Sr. Assistant 8700

90 Niranjan Badu Sr. Assistant 10660

91 Nityananda Mohapatra Sr. Assistant 10660

92 Purnachandra Sahoo Sr. Assistant 9350

93 Krutibas Parida Sr. Assistant 8918

94 Madhabananda Nayak Sr. Assistant 11310

95 Rohit Kumar Karau Sr. Assistant 11049

96 Dhabaleswar Jena Sr. Assistant 11049

97 Amarendra Ku. Jena Sr. Assistant 11310

98 Ranganath Rath Sr. Assistant 11310

99 Shantilata Panda Sr. Assistant 8483

100 Sunakar Swain Sr. Assistant 10223


101 Niroj Kumar Parija Sr. Assistant 8200

102 Amar Kumar Pradhan Sr. Assistant 8700

103 Akshaya Kumar Tripathi Sr. Assistant 10223

104 Sudhansu Ranjan Jena Sr. Assistant 9635

105 Dheerendra Nath Pradhan Sr. Assistant 10223

106 Sujata Kumari Acharya Sr. Assistant 8700

107 Babaji Ch. Sahoo Sr. Assistant 10660

108 Mahendra Kumar Mahalik Sr. Assistant 8700

109 Jogendra Kumar Nayak Sr. Assistant 10223

110 Bhubanananda Sahoo Sr. Asst. 10810

111 Bibhu Pr. Pradhan Sr. Asst. 10223

112 Nath Ch. Nayak Sr. Asst. 8700

113 Habib Mohan Murmu Sr. Asst. 9135

114 Sanjay Ku. Majhi Sr. Asst. 8700

115 Surendra Kumar Mohanty Sr. Asst. 11310

116 Pratap Kumar Jena Sr. Asst. 8700

117 Ladu Kishore Mohanty Sr. Asst. 8918

118 Braja Kishore Pradhan Sr. Asst. 10660

119 Mani Sankar Pati Sr. Asst. 8700

120 Ajay Kumar Gamango Sr. Asst. 9135

121 Sukanta Kumar Subudhi Sr. Asst. 10788

122 Bhaskar Kumar Jena Sr. Asst. 9788

123 Akshaya Kumar Mahakud Sr. Asst. 10223

124 Manorama Jena Sr. Asst. 9635

125 Gita Pr. Das Sr. Asst. 11310

126 Satyanarayan Nanda Sr. Asst. 10788

127 Mamata Samantaray Sr. Asst. 8200

128 Sankar Kumar Das Sr. Asst. 10414

129 Rabindra Nath Tarai Sr. Asst. 10223

130 Chittaranjan Das Sr. Asst. 11310

131 Mamita Bisoi Sr. Asst. 8700


132 Shantilata Nayak Sr. Asst. 8483

133 Ajay Kumar Mallick Sr. Asst. 9635

134 Bishnu Sankar Das Sr. Asst. 9788

135 Ranjak Ranjan Dash Sr. Asst. 10223

136 Shyama Prasanna Mohanty Sr. Asst. 9788

137 Sushama Kiro Sr. Asst. 9635

138 Laxmi Mallik Sr. Asst. 9635

139 Debendra Ku. Nayak Sr. Asst. 10005

140 Chandrasekhar Kar Sr. Asst. 8612

141 Pranabandhu Raut Sr. Asst. 10223

142 Gopal Ch. Dash Sr. Asst. 9635

143 Damadar Gaipai Sr. Asst. 10223

144 Sunaram Murmu Sr. Asst. 10223

145 Fakir Ch. Sethi Sr. Asst. 10005

146 Prasanna Ku. Mishra Sr. Asst. 10223

147 Bibeka Nanda Sahoo Sr. Asst. 10005

148 Bindu Ch. Mallik Sr. Assistant 8700

149 Chandra Kanta Padhi Sr. Assistant 9635

150 Amiya Kumar Udgata Sr. Assistant 9570

151 Ajaya Kumar Mohanty Sr. Assistant 10660

152 Trilochan Sahoo Sr. Assistant 10223

153 Umasankr Das Sr. Assistant 10223

154 Padmalochan Nayak Sr. Assistant 10223

155 Kamal Kumar Mohanty Sr. Assistant 10223

156 Sharat Kumar Mohapatra Sr. Assistant 10788

157 Debadutta Mishra Sr. Assistant 10223

158 Bira Kishore Mohanty Sr. Assistant 10660

159 Rasananda Sahoo Sr. Assistant 10223

160 Janu Hansadah Sr. Assistant 10005

161 Maheswar Das Sr. Assistant 9353

162 Chitta Ranjan Sahoo Sr. Assistant 10660


163 B.Ch. Mallick Sr. Assistant 9635

164 Chittaranjan Nanda Sr. Assistant 10788

165 Prasanna Kumar Das Sr. Assistant 8100

166 Chittaranjan Mohanty Sr. Assistant 8700

167 Saroj Kumar Mohapatra Sr. Assistant 10223

168 Bira Kishore Singh Sr. Assistant 9570

169 Rajendra Ku. Rana Auditor 11310

170 Ranjan Ku. Dikshit Auditor 10660

171 Madhusudan Pati Auditor 10788

172 Harmohan Samanataray Auditor 10660

173 C.V.Raj Sekhar Auditor 10199

174 Sushanta Ku. Naik Auditor 11049

175 Pradipta Ranjan Das Auditor 9353

176 Hara Pr. Prusty Auditor 10788

177 Ratan Kumar Das Auditor 11310

178 Sarat Ch. Sahoo Auditor 10660

179 Hemanta Ku. Sarangi Auditor 11310

180 Abhaya Kumar Mohanty Auditor 11049

181 Subash Ch. Behera Auditor 11049

182 Ratikanta Rana Auditor 10660

183 Binodini Millick Auditor 11049

184 Sudarshan Jena Auditor 10730

185 Balaram Singh Auditor 10223

186 Akhil Ch. Maharana Auditor 10660

187 Tribikram Malan Auditor 10494

188 Sujata Sahoo Auditor 10223

189 Ramita Bala Behera Auditor 9635

190 Lokanath Khuntia Auditor 10788

191 Bijay Kumar Pradhan Auditor 10788

192 Fakir Mohan Mohanty Auditor 10223

193 Rajendra Ku. Sahoo Auditor 10049


194 Ananta Ch. Naik Auditor 10223

195 R. Gopal Swami Jr. Gr. Typist 6016

196 Krushna Ch. Mohapatra Peon 5186

197 Laxmidhar Behera Peon 5186

198 Rajendra Pradhan Peon 5621

199 Niranjan Sahoo Peon 8573

200 Arjuna Jena Peon 4874

201 Bansidhar Behera Peon 5186

202 Santanu Ku. Nayak Peon 5186

203 Charulata Das Peon 5186

204 Basanti Behera Peon 5397

205 Subashini Kabi Peon 5397

206 Dusmanta Barik Peon 5071

207 Kanhu Ch. Bhera Dairy Supdt. 9020

208 Basanta Kumar Rout Supdt. Lev-II 10253

209 S.V.P Rao Sr. Gr. Typist 7246

210 Gyanendra Nath Roul Sr. Gr. Typist 8208

211 Indramani Swain Sr. Gr. Typist 8208

212 K.Madhusudan Rao Sr. Gr. Typist 8208

213 Jay Krishna Mishra' Sr. Gr. Typist 8358

214 Maganta Behera Sr. Gr. Typist 7838

215 Bijay Kumar Nayak Sr. Gr. Typist 7770

216 Bhramar Bar Behera Sr. Gr. Typist 7738

217 Srikanta Nayak Zamadar 5501

218 Arjun Patra Peon 5379

219 Dasarathi Mishra Peon 5379

220 Abhimanyu Pradhan Peon 5336

221 Bahada Kujur Peon 5379

222 Sudarshan Mohanty Peon 5071

223 Budhia Tudu Peon 5379

224 Sanjay Kumr Sahoo Peon 5071


225 Bala Jena Statistical Investigator 10788

226 Gokul Ch. Jena Statistical Investigator 11310

227 Sanjay Ku. Mohapatra Statistical Investigator 11049

228 Sunanda Pattnaik Statistical Investigator 11832

229 Sanjukta Sahoo Statistical Investigator 11571

230 Manoj Kumar Samal Statistical Assistant 10045

231 Sushama Mohanty Statistical Assistant 9225

232 Manoj Mohan Mohapatra Artist/ SA 9135

233 Murari Prasad Mohanty SA 9635

234 Kamal Kishore Das SA 10223

235 Sukanta Kumar Pati SA 10168

236 Gopal Ch. Jena Sr. Assisstant 10223

237 Chandrabati Maharana Peon 5088

238 Birendra Kumar Narendra S.I 11310

239 Alaka Pattnaik S.I 12665

240 Prasanna Kumar Sahoo S.I 10049

241 Sunita Naik S.I 11049

242 S. Ch. Mohanty S.I 11390

243 Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan S.I 12136

244 N.K.Pattnaik S.I 12093

245 U.N.Panda S.I 11890

246 Surendra Pr. Ram S.I 11990

247 Debananda Prusty S.I 6990

248 S.K.Swain Sr.Gr. Typist 7738

249 Bamadev Nayak Driver 7544

250 L.K.Sasmal Driver 7544

251 Purna Ch. Bhoi Driver 7491

252 Biranchi Narayan Sahoo Driver 6503

253 Ratnakar Pradhan Driver 6653

254 Tapan Kumar Pradhan Peon 5379

255 Sarun Bibi Peon 4989


256 Umesh Ch. Mohanty Peon 4989

257 Naba Kishore Barik Peon 5088

258 Narendra Kumar Sahoo Peon 5397

259 Prafulla Kumar Rath Peon 5397

260 Bira Kishore Nanda Data Entry Operator 5990

261 Rabindra Kumar Sahoo Data Entry Operator 6065

262 Narayan Ch. Sahoo Sr. Clerk 8526

263 Jagannath Sahoo Sr. Clerk 7830

264 Bijay Kumar Nayak Draughts Men 9788

265 Kalakar Pradhan Tracer 7482

266 Baikuntha Nath Behera Fierro Printer 6743

267 Basudev Purohit Jr. Clerk 6221

268 Pravakar Moharana Jr. Clerk 6482

269 Arun Kumar Sahoo Jr. Steno 8353

270 Jagannath Patra Peon 5501

271 Biranchi Patra Peon 5379

272 Dayanidhi Patra Peon 5499

273 Pranakrushna Raj Peon 5379

274 Mohan Charan Soren Peon 5379

275 Umesh Ch. Swain Peon 5379

276 Narendra Kumar Palai Sr. Translator 11199

277 Badyanath Barik Supdt. Lev.II 9665

278 Ch. Raju Babu Sr. Typist 9818

279 Krushna Ch. Samantaray Sr. Typist 9050

280 Nigamananda Nayak Sr. Typist 6990

281 Pravabati Swain Sr. Typist 8722

282 Raghunath Baral Sr. Typist 8034

283 Laxmidhar Swain Sr. Typist 8106

284 Sk. Samsol Hoda Sr. Typist 6990

285 Bipin Kumar Mishra Jr. Typist 6109

286 Trilochan Baral Jr. Typist 6139


287 Upendra Sahoo Jr. Typist 6512

288 Satyananda Sahoo Sr. Gr. Dairist 7544

289 Trilochan Sahoo Sr.Gr.Dairist 7656

290 Asraf Khan Recorder 5853

291 Dasal Pradhan Rec. Supplier 5412

292 Krushna Ch. Pradhan Rec. Supplier 5305

293 Babaji Behera Rec. Supplier 5516

294 Pravat Kumar Behera Try. Sarkar 5242

295 Bibhuti Bhusan Harichandan Zamadar 5336

296 Satyabadi Khundia Daftary 5186

297 Ranjit Kumar Singh Peon 5379

298 Smita Ranjan Pattnaik Peon 5379

299 Raj Kishore Rath Peon 4989

300 Kishore ch. Roul Peon 5517

301 Suresh Ch. Pattnaik Peon 4973

302 Mallika Rout Peon 4973

303 Kadhi Rout Peon 5275

304 Gahami Naik Peon 5275

305 Sushama Das Peon 4962

306 Brundaban Behera Choukidar 5186

307 Sambhunath Das Peon 5186

308 Dinabandhu Mallik Peon 5088

309 Pravu Ch. Naik Peon 5397

310 Prakash Panda Peon 5275

311 Gandhi Babubalendra Supdt. Lev-I 9665

312 Harekrushna Sahoo Sr. Gr. Typist 8556

313 Sabita Das Sr. Gr. Typist 7902

314 Brajamohan Rath Sr. Gr. Typist 6904

315 Bishnu Ch. Behera Sr. Gr. Typist 8066

316 Sukadev Sarangi Sr. Gr. Typist 8845

317 Rankanath Dash Sr. Gr. Typist 9383


318 Bijayini Bhuyan Jr. Gr. Typist 5770

319 Sudarshan Pati Jr. Gr. Typist 6512

320 Rashmi Bidhar Jr. Gr. Typist 5990

321 Ranjit Kumar Das Jr. Gr. Typist 7042

322 Jogendra Bhujabal Rec. Supplier 5629

323 Narayan Bhoi Sr.Gr. Diarist 7530

324 Bhaskar Ch. Dash Sr.Gr. Diarist 8036

325 Banchhanidhi Das Jr. Gr. Typist 5740

326 Pabitra Kumar Prusty Jr. Gr. Typist 6109

327 Renubala Mohanty Sr. Recorder 8186

328 Bijaya Kumar Dehuri Rec. Supplier 5305

329 Babaji Ch. Samal Rec. Supplier 5305

330 Khirod Kumar Kanungo Rec. Supplier 5629

331 Antaryami Pradhan Rec. Supplier 5543

332 Madhab Ch. Nayak Try. Sarkar 5455

333 Kailash Ch. Bhoi Daftary 5186

334 Kade Hansdah Daftary 5186

335 Iswar Ch. Behera Daftary 5186

336 Japani Ch. Nayak Daftary 5186

337 Remesh Ch. Das Daftary 5336

338 Chaitanya Kumar Nayak Daftary 5501

339 Sudhakar Mallick Daftary 5501

340 Radhamohan Dalei Daftary 5325

341 Siba Ch. Rout Jamadar 5186

342 Bichitrananda Kar Peon 5071

343 Bideshi Ku. Das Peon 5071

344 Gananath Nayak Peon 5186

345 Ashok Kumar Mohanty Peon 5171

346 Jayanarayan Adikari Peon 5379

347 Henashree Das Peon 5379

348 Basanta Kumar Swain Peon 5071


349 Dhuleswar Guru Peon 5186

350 Kamina Nayak Peon 5379

351 Basudev Behera Peon 5186

352 Sarbeswar Swain Peon 5186

353 Chakradhar Pradhan Peon 5501

354 Surendra Nath Sahoo Peon 5501

355 Urbasi Parichha Peon 5186

356 Nirmala Tripathy Peon 5186

357 Madri Laxmi Peon 5501

358 Harihar Behera Peon 5501

359 Jayanti Nayak Peon 5379

360 Kamini Parida Peon 5397

361 Laxminarayan Panigrahi Peon 5088

362 Binodini Dei Peon 5088

363 Sandhya Chakrabartee Peon 5088

364 Manorama Barik Peon 5397

365 Sadasiva Sarangi Peon 5088

366 Niranjan Kar Peon 5071

367 Nilakantha Mishra Peon 5071

368 Nilamadhaba Patnaik Peon 5379

369 Antaryami Patulia Peon 5379

370 Sampad Kumar Mishra Peon 5095

371 Ashok Kumar Pattnaik Peon 5379

372 Naba Kishore Mallick Peon 5379

373 Pravakar Dalei Peon 5379

374 Arati Rath Peon 5379

375 Basanti Swain Peon 5071

376 Anita Pattnaik Peon 5071

377 Braja Kishore Pradhan Peon 5397

378 Arun Kumar Ojha Choukidar 5501

379 Dayanidhi Bharati Driver 6109


380 Prasanna Kumar Mohapatra Driver 6642

381 Purna Ch. Routaray Driver 7530

382 Bandev Bhoi Driver 6653


The Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programme 13.1 i. Name of the programme/ Scheme : Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana

(SGRY). ii. Duration of the programme / Scheme : Started on 01/04/2002 and continuing

till Govt. of India decides to cease the programme.

iii. Objective of the programme : To provide additional wage

Employment and food security in rural areas along with the creation of durable community, social and economic infrastructure in the Rural area.

iv. Physical & Financial target of the : Physical Target-595.65 lakh mandays

programme ( for last year i.e. 2004-05)

Financial Target-527.57 crore (including value of Food grain)

v. Eligibility of beneficiary : All rural poor who are in need of wage employment and desire to do manual and unskilled work in and around his village / habitant.

vi. Pre-requisite of benefit : (a) Must be a rural poor. (b) Willing to do manual and unskilled

work. (c) The work must be taken in and around of the beneficiary’s village / habitant.

vii. Procedure to avail the benefits of : (a) The programme is self targeted in

nature programme.


The shelf of projects is approved and the executants/ beneficiary is selected by the Palli Sabha.

viii. Criteria for deciding eligibility : The project should be need based. The executants should be from the village where the project is located. Individual beneficiary must be under BPL.

ix. Details of benefits given in the : Benefit under the programme

constitute only wage. And wage of subsidy or other help given. Consist of Food programme (also mention the amount grain as well as cash.

x. Procedure for the distribution of the : Not applicable. Subsidy. xi. Where to apply or whom to contact : Block Development Officer / Gram

Panchayat in the office for applying.

xii. Application Fee ( where applicable) : NIL. xiii. Other Fees ( where applicable) : NIL xiv. Application format

(where applicable) : No application format. If the application is made on plain paper please mention it along with what the applicant should mention in the application)

xv. List of attachments (certificates / documents) xvi. Format of Attachments xvii. Where to contact in case of

process related : B.D.O / PD.,DRDA / Collector/ Director, Special complaints Project / Commissioner-cum-Secretary.

xviii. Details of the available fund ( at various levels) : Enclosed in a Separate sheet for 2005-

06 till-date. like District Level, Block Level etc.)


xix. List of beneficiaries in the

format given below : Will be available from the muster roll maintained at Panchayat /Block level.

13.2 i. Name of the programme/ Scheme : National Food For Work Programme.

(NFFWP) ii. Duration of the programme / Scheme : Started on 01/11/2004 and continuing

till Govt. of India decides to cease the programme.

iii. Objective of the programme : To provide additional wage Employment

and food security in rural areas along with the creation of durable community, social and economic infrastructure in the Rural area.

iv. Physical & Financial target of the : Physical Target-595.65 lakh mandays

programme (for last year i.e. 2004-05.)

Financial Target-527.57crore (including value of Foodgran)

v. Eligibility of beneficiary : All rural poor who are in need of wage

employment and desire to do manual and unskilled work in and around his village / habitant.

vi. Pre-requisite of benefit : (a) Must be a rural poor.

(b) Willing to do manual and unskilled work.

(c) The work must be taken in and around of the beneficiary’s village / habitant.

vii. Procedure to avail the benefits of : (a) The programme is self targeted in

nature programme. (b) The shelf of projects is approved and the executants/ beneficiary is selected by the Palli Sabha.

viii. Criteria for deciding eligibility : The project should be need based. The

executants should be from the village where the project is located. Individual beneficiary must be under BPL.


ix. Details of benefits given in the : Benefit under the programme constitute

only wage. And wage consist of Food programme (also mention the amount grain as well as cash. of subsidy or other help given.

x. Procedure for the distribution of the : Not applicable.

Subsidy. xi. Where to apply or whom to contact: Block Development Officer / Gram

Panchayat. in the office for aplying.

xii. Application Fee (where applicable) : NIL. xiii. Other Fees (where applicable) : NIL xiv. Application format (where applicable) : No application format. If the application

is made on plain paper please mention it along with what the applicant should mention in the application)

xv. List of attachments (certificates / documents) xvi. Format of Attachments xvii. Where to contact in case of process

related : B.D.O / PD.,DRDA / Collector/ Director, Special Project /complaints Commissioner-cum-Secretary.

xviii. Details of the available fund ( at various levels : Enclosed in a Separate sheet. for 2005-

06 till-date. like District Level, Block Level etc.)

xix. List of beneficiaries in the format

given below : Will be available from the muster roll maintained at Panchayat /Block level.

13.3 i. Name of the programme/ Scheme : Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana



ii. Duration of the programme / Scheme: Started on 01/04/1999 and continuing till Govt. of India decides to cease the programme.

iii. Objective of the programme : To bring assisted poor families above the

poverty line by providing them income generating assets through a mix bank credit and govt.subsidy.

iv. Physical & Financial target of the: Physical Target-58229 Nos. of swarozgaries.

programme ( for last year i.e. 2004-05.)

Financial Target-145……lakh v. Eligibility of beneficiary : (a) Individual beneficiary must from rural

BPL Family. (b) 20 % of APL can avail the Benefit

under group assistance But subsidy benefit cannot be availed by them.

vi. Pre-requisite of benefit : (a) Must be a rural BPL. (b) Willing to avail credit to take up

micro enterprise. (c) Should possess the minimum skill requirement.

vii. Procedure to avail the benefits of : (a) Individual beneficiary through Gram

Sabha./ Palli Sabha. Also, programme the 3 member committee comprising BDO / Sarpanch / Banker identify the beneficiary.

(b)The group to be selected by the Block Level SGSY Committee.

viii. Criteria for deciding eligibility : Rural BPL. ix. Details of benefits given in the : (a) Bank Credit. programme (also mention the amount (b) Capacity Building. of subsidy or other help given. (c) Infrastructure Gap. (d) Marketing facility of the rural

product. (e) Beside subsidy is admissible upto

30 % of the project cost subject


maximum of Rs.7,500/- for individual beneficiary. In respect of SC/STs , however these will be 50 % and 10,000/- respectively. For Groups the subsidy would be at50 % of the project cost. Subject of percapita subsidy of Rs.10,000/- or Rs.1.25 lakh which ever is less. There will be no monitory irrigation subsidy projects.

x. Procedure for the distribution of the : Subsidy will be back-ended. Banks. subsidy. Would disburse the full project cost

including subsidy to the Swarozgaries as loan. The benefits of subsidy will also be available to Swarozgaries who prefer to avail themselves of required working capital in the form of cash credit. The operation of subsidy of subsidy amount by the bank will be as follows:

xi. Where to apply or whom to contact : Block Development Officer / Gram

Panchayat. in the office for applying.

xii. Application Fee (where applicable) : NIL. xiii. Other Fees (where applicable) : NIL xiv. Application format (where applicable): No prescribed application format. If

the application is made on plain paper please mention it along with what the applicant should mention in the application)

xv. List of attachments (certificates / documents) : NIL xvi. Format of Attachments : NIL xvii. Where to contact in case of process related: Bank Manager /B.D.O / PD.,DRDA

/ Collector/complaints Director, Special Project / Commissioner-cum-Secretary.


xviii. Details of the available fund (at various levels: Enclosed in a Separate sheet.

like District Level, Block Level etc.) for 2005-06 till-date xix. List of beneficiaries in the format given below: Will be available from at Block


13.4 i. Name of the programme/ Scheme : Indira Awas Yojana ii Duration of the programme / Scheme : Started during 1985-86 and

continuing till Govt. of India decide to cease the programme.

iii. Objective of the programme : To provide assistance for

construction of house to BPL belonging below the poverty line Rural House Hold non SC/ST rural house by providing

them a lump sum financial assistance.

iv. Physical & Financial target of the : Physical Target-74,735 nos. of

houses. programme ( for last year i.e. 2004-05.) Financial Target-18471.92 lakh

v. Eligibility of beneficiary rural areas

belonging to : Below poverty line House Holds leaving in the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes , freed bonded labourers and non SC/ST BPL rural households, widows and next of –kin to defense personnel / paramilitary forces killed in action residing in rural areas ( irrespective of their income criteria) ex-servicemen and retired member of paramilitary forces fulfilling the other conditions.

vi. Pre-requisite of benefit : (a) Must be a rural BPL.

(b) Having a homestead land under his possision

vii. Procedure to avail the benefits of : (a) Enclosed in a separate sheet. programme.

viii. Criteria for deciding eligibility : Gram Sabha.


ix. Details of benefits given in the : Dwelling Unit including smokeless chulla

programme (also mention the amount and sanitary latrine of subsidy or other help given. . (a) Rs.25,000/- in plane area.

(b) Rs.27,500/- in hilly & difficult area.

x. Procedure for the distribution of the : Financial Assistance in phased

manner subsidy. depending upon the progress of construction of dwelling unit xi. Where to apply or whom to contact : Gram Panchayat in the office for applying. xii. Application Fee ( where applicable) : Rs.10.00 xiii. Other Fees (where applicable) : Nil xiv. Application format (where applicable : Prescribed application format

If the application is made on plain paper please is enclosed. mention it along with what the applicant should mention in the application)

xv. List of attachments (certificates / documents): Nil xvi. Format of Attachments : Nil xvii. Where to contact in case of process related : G.P /B.D.O / PD.,DRDA /

Collector /complaints Director, Special Project / Commissioner -cum-Secretary.

xviii. Details of the available fund ( at various levels : Enclosed in a Separate sheet.

like District Level, Block Level etc.) for 2005-06 till-date. xix. List of beneficiaries in the format given below : Will be available from the

muster roll maintained at Panchayat / Block level.



� Office Library exists in the Department, but public are not visiting the same due to lack of infrastructure and awareness. The Library should be made ready from all aspects to impart information to the Public.

� Drama & Shows - A serial is prepared by the Department on PRIs and direct

schemes and the same will be broad cast through Gramset.

� Achievements of Government in different schemes/for different functions are published in newspapers at intervals for creating public awareness, take advantage of the schemes.

� Exhibitions are being organized by ORMAS/DRDAs wherein SGSY/SHG

products are sold giving benefit to beneficiaries. In the process, salient features of different schemes are highlighted in the said exhibition.

� Projects implemented by PRIs be published in the Notice Board of

Department/DRDA/PRIs for information and due response of the public.

� Inspection of records in the Office – Presently there is no provision for inspection of records at office by public, but in the spear of social audit, public be allowed to see/inspect records in Palli/Grama Sabha with respect to execution of any work.

� System of issuing copies of documents- There is no such provision at

Department level. But, we have issued instruction to Blocks for providing copies of Muster rolls, Registers/Records relating to works affecting the public by accepting Rs.2/- per page. This procedure should be extended to other areas/schemes and fees to this end will be standardized.

� Printed Manual - Printed manual laws, regulations, scheme, guidelines,

instructions of Government (State + Central) be available and have been web-hosted.

� Website of P.A-Rules and regulations, achievements and much other information

have been floated in Website ( ) of the Department.

� Other means of advertising success stories be advertised in TVs/Radio/Gram sat

and other electronic/print media along with schemes and achievements.


MANUAL – 17 - OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION 18.1 - Frequently asked questions and answers by the Public. 1. Who is the APIO/PIO and first Appellate Authority at the G.P level, P.S level,

Z.P.level, State level?

A. Vide Office Order of P.R Department dated 14.9.2005 and 19.9.2005.

2. What is the fee prescribed for filing application for seeking information?

A. As provided in the schedule of Notification bearing SRO No.477/2005 dated 1st October,2005 of I & P.R Department relating to promulgation of Orissa Right to Information Rules,2005.

3. Application fees for first appeal, application fees for 2nd appeal?

A. As above 4. What is the mode of deposit in above cases?

A. As provided in the schedule of P.R Department as stated above.

5. What is the fees to be charged for inspection of documents/A4 size paper for each folio (a) Typed copy/photocopy per page (b) Print out from computer per page/CD with cover/Floppy Diskette (1.44 MB)/Maps & Plans/Video Cassette/Microfilm/Microfiche/Certified sample of material?

A. As provided in the schedule of I & P.R Department as stated above.

6. How much fund has been allocated to the State under SGRY/SGSY/IAY/NFFWP in

physical and financial terms?

A. This has been web-hosted in the P.R Department Website ( Please visit that for getting the information.

18.2. Related to seeking information.

The schedule published by I & P.R Department in connection with the Notification of Orissa Right to Information Rules,2005 vide their SRO No.477/2005 will be applicable for this.

18.3. Training imparted to public by public authority.


The PRIs and beneficiaries of Self Help Groups have been trained at the District/Block level under SGSY Scheme. There is no provision of imparting training to public at the State level by the Department with respect to any programme/scheme.

18.4 No such certificate or no objection certificate etc. at the State level or by the 3

tier PRIs in connection with any work.

18.5/18.6/18.7 - The Department has nothing to comply.

18.8. Details of any other public services provided by any other public authority.

The Department provides basic services under 12th Finance Commission grants and it will take up the Water supply schemes, the master plans of which are under preparation.


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