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Post on 02-Jun-2018






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Mapping parameters and variables represent values in mappings and mapplets

When we use a mapping parameter or var iable in a m apping first we declare the

mapping parameter or variable for use in each mapplet or mapping Then we

define a value for the mapping parameter or variable before we run the sessio n


A mapping param eter represen ts a constant value that we can define

before running a sessio n




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A mapping param eter retains the same value throughout the entire


Example When we want to extract records of a particular month during ETL

process we will create a Mapping Parameter of data type and use it in query to

compare it with the timestamp field in SQL override

After we create a parameter it appea rs in the Express ion Edito r

We can then use the parameter in any expression in the mapplet or


We can also use parameters in a so urce qualifier filter user-defined join o r

extract override and in the Expression Editor of reusable transformations


Unlike mapping parameters mapping variables are values that can change

between sessions

The Integration Service saves the latest value of a mapping variable to the

repository at the end of each successful sessio n

We can override a saved value with the parameter file

We can also clear all saved values for the session in the Workflow


We might use a mapping variable to perform an incremental read of the source

For example we have a so urce table containing time stamped transactions and we

want to evaluate the transactions on a daily basis Instead of manually entering a

sessio n o verride to filter source data each time we run the sess ion we can create

a mapping variable $$IncludeDateTime In the source qualifier create a filter to

read only ro ws who se transaction date equals $$IncludeDateTime such as

TIMESTAMP = $$IncludeDateTime

In the mapping use a variable function to set the variable value to increment one

day each time the session runs If we set the initial value of $$IncludeDateTime to

812004 the first time the Integration Service runs the session it reads only rows

dated 812004 During the session the Integration Service sets

$$IncludeDateTime to 8 2200 4 It saves 8 2200 4 to the repos itory at the end o f

the session The next time it runs the session it reads only rows from August 2



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Working with links


Types o f Tasks - 1

Types o f Tasks - 2

Indirect Method for Loading

SCD - Type 1

SCD - Type 2SCD - Type 3

Incremental Aggregation

Mapping Templates

Grid Processing

Work Flow Variables

Push Down Optimization

Chat with Me

Chat with Me Offline


Used in fo llowing transformat ions




Update Strategy

Initial and Def ault Value

When we declare a m apping parameter or variable in a mapping or a mapplet we

can enter an initial value When the Integration Service needs an initial value and

we did not declare an initial value for the parameter or variable the Integration

Service uses a default value based on the data type of the parameter or variable

Data -gtDefault Value

Numeric -gt0

String -gtEmpty String

Date time -gt111

Variable Values Start value and current value of a mapping variable

Start Value

The start value is the value of the variable at the start of the session The

Integration Service looks for the start value in the following order

1 Value in param eter file

2 Value saved in the repos itory

3 Initial value

4 Default value

Current Value

The current value is the value of the variable as the s essio n progress es When a

session starts the current value of a variable is the same as the start value The

final current value for a variable is saved to the repository at the end of a

successful session When a session fails to complete the Integration Service

does not update the value of the variable in the repository


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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Note If a variable function is not used to calculate the current value of a mapping

variable the start value of the variable is s aved to the repository

Variable Data type and Aggregation Type When we declare a mapp ing variable in a

mapping we need to configure the Data type and aggregation type for the variable

The IS uses the aggregate type of a Mapping variable to determine the final current

value of the mapping variable

Aggregatio n types are

Count Integer and small in teger data types are valid o nly

Max All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Min All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Variable Functio ns

Variable functions determine how the Integration Service calculates the current

value of a mapping variable in a pipeline

SetMaxVariable Sets the variable to the maximum value o f a group o f values It

igno res rows m arked for update delete or reject Aggregation type se t to Max

SetMinVariable Sets the variable to the minimum value of a group of values It

ignores rows marked for update delete or reject Aggregation type set to Min

SetCountVariable Increments the variable value by one It adds one to the

variable value when a ro w is m arked for ins ertion and s ubtracts o ne when the row

is Marked for deletion It ignores rows marked for update or reject Aggregation

type set to Co unt

SetVariable Sets the variable to the configured value At the end of a session it

compares the final current value of the variable to the start value of the variable

Based o n the aggregate type of the variable it saves a final value to the repos itory

Creat ing Mapping Paramet ers and Variables

1 Open the folder where we want to create parameter o r variable

2 In the Mapping Designer click Mappings gt Parameters and Variables -or-

In the Mapplet Designer click Mapplet gt Parameters and Variables

3 Click the add button


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4 Enter name Do no t remo ve $$ from nam e

5 Select Type and Data type Select Aggregation type for m apping variables

6 Give Initial Value Click ok

Example Use of Mapping of Mapping Parameters and Variables

EMP will be source table

Create a target table MP_MV_EXAMPLE having co lumns EMPNO ENAME


TOTAL_SAL = SAL+ COMM + $$BONUS (Bonus is mapping parameter that

changes every month)

SET_VAR We will be added one month to the HIREDATE of every


Create shortcuts as necessary

Creat ing Mapping

1 Open folder where we want to create the mapp ing

2 Click Too ls -gt Mapping Designer

3 Click Mapping- gt Create-gt Give name Ex m_m p_mv_exam ple

4 Drag EMP and target table

5 Transform ation -gt Create -gt Select Expressio n for list -gt Create ndashgt Done



7 Create Parameter $$Bonus and G ive initial value as 200

8 Create variable $$var_max of MAX aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

9 Create variable $$var_min of MIN aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

10 Create variable $$var_count of COUNT aggregation type and initial value 0

COUNT is vis ible when datatype is INT or SMALLINT

11 Crea te variable $$var_set of MAX aggregation type


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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12 Create 5 output ports ou t_ TOTAL_SAL out_MAX_VAR out_MIN_VAR

out_COUNT_VAR and ou t_SET_VAR

13 Open expression editor for TOTAL_SAL Do the same as we did earlier for

SAL+ COMM To add $$BONUS to it select variable tab and select the parameter

from mapping parameter SAL + COMM + $$Bonus

14 Open Expression editor for out_max_var

15 Select the variable function SETMAXVARIABLE from left side pane Select

$$var_max from variable tab and SAL from ports tab as shown



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17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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Necessity Of


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Performance tuning o f

A mapping param eter retains the same value throughout the entire


Example When we want to extract records of a particular month during ETL

process we will create a Mapping Parameter of data type and use it in query to

compare it with the timestamp field in SQL override

After we create a parameter it appea rs in the Express ion Edito r

We can then use the parameter in any expression in the mapplet or


We can also use parameters in a so urce qualifier filter user-defined join o r

extract override and in the Expression Editor of reusable transformations


Unlike mapping parameters mapping variables are values that can change

between sessions

The Integration Service saves the latest value of a mapping variable to the

repository at the end of each successful sessio n

We can override a saved value with the parameter file

We can also clear all saved values for the session in the Workflow


We might use a mapping variable to perform an incremental read of the source

For example we have a so urce table containing time stamped transactions and we

want to evaluate the transactions on a daily basis Instead of manually entering a

sessio n o verride to filter source data each time we run the sess ion we can create

a mapping variable $$IncludeDateTime In the source qualifier create a filter to

read only ro ws who se transaction date equals $$IncludeDateTime such as

TIMESTAMP = $$IncludeDateTime

In the mapping use a variable function to set the variable value to increment one

day each time the session runs If we set the initial value of $$IncludeDateTime to

812004 the first time the Integration Service runs the session it reads only rows

dated 812004 During the session the Integration Service sets

$$IncludeDateTime to 8 2200 4 It saves 8 2200 4 to the repos itory at the end o f

the session The next time it runs the session it reads only rows from August 2



8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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Working with links


Types o f Tasks - 1

Types o f Tasks - 2

Indirect Method for Loading

SCD - Type 1

SCD - Type 2SCD - Type 3

Incremental Aggregation

Mapping Templates

Grid Processing

Work Flow Variables

Push Down Optimization

Chat with Me

Chat with Me Offline


Used in fo llowing transformat ions




Update Strategy

Initial and Def ault Value

When we declare a m apping parameter or variable in a mapping or a mapplet we

can enter an initial value When the Integration Service needs an initial value and

we did not declare an initial value for the parameter or variable the Integration

Service uses a default value based on the data type of the parameter or variable

Data -gtDefault Value

Numeric -gt0

String -gtEmpty String

Date time -gt111

Variable Values Start value and current value of a mapping variable

Start Value

The start value is the value of the variable at the start of the session The

Integration Service looks for the start value in the following order

1 Value in param eter file

2 Value saved in the repos itory

3 Initial value

4 Default value

Current Value

The current value is the value of the variable as the s essio n progress es When a

session starts the current value of a variable is the same as the start value The

final current value for a variable is saved to the repository at the end of a

successful session When a session fails to complete the Integration Service

does not update the value of the variable in the repository


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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Note If a variable function is not used to calculate the current value of a mapping

variable the start value of the variable is s aved to the repository

Variable Data type and Aggregation Type When we declare a mapp ing variable in a

mapping we need to configure the Data type and aggregation type for the variable

The IS uses the aggregate type of a Mapping variable to determine the final current

value of the mapping variable

Aggregatio n types are

Count Integer and small in teger data types are valid o nly

Max All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Min All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Variable Functio ns

Variable functions determine how the Integration Service calculates the current

value of a mapping variable in a pipeline

SetMaxVariable Sets the variable to the maximum value o f a group o f values It

igno res rows m arked for update delete or reject Aggregation type se t to Max

SetMinVariable Sets the variable to the minimum value of a group of values It

ignores rows marked for update delete or reject Aggregation type set to Min

SetCountVariable Increments the variable value by one It adds one to the

variable value when a ro w is m arked for ins ertion and s ubtracts o ne when the row

is Marked for deletion It ignores rows marked for update or reject Aggregation

type set to Co unt

SetVariable Sets the variable to the configured value At the end of a session it

compares the final current value of the variable to the start value of the variable

Based o n the aggregate type of the variable it saves a final value to the repos itory

Creat ing Mapping Paramet ers and Variables

1 Open the folder where we want to create parameter o r variable

2 In the Mapping Designer click Mappings gt Parameters and Variables -or-

In the Mapplet Designer click Mapplet gt Parameters and Variables

3 Click the add button


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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4 Enter name Do no t remo ve $$ from nam e

5 Select Type and Data type Select Aggregation type for m apping variables

6 Give Initial Value Click ok

Example Use of Mapping of Mapping Parameters and Variables

EMP will be source table

Create a target table MP_MV_EXAMPLE having co lumns EMPNO ENAME


TOTAL_SAL = SAL+ COMM + $$BONUS (Bonus is mapping parameter that

changes every month)

SET_VAR We will be added one month to the HIREDATE of every


Create shortcuts as necessary

Creat ing Mapping

1 Open folder where we want to create the mapp ing

2 Click Too ls -gt Mapping Designer

3 Click Mapping- gt Create-gt Give name Ex m_m p_mv_exam ple

4 Drag EMP and target table

5 Transform ation -gt Create -gt Select Expressio n for list -gt Create ndashgt Done



7 Create Parameter $$Bonus and G ive initial value as 200

8 Create variable $$var_max of MAX aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

9 Create variable $$var_min of MIN aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

10 Create variable $$var_count of COUNT aggregation type and initial value 0

COUNT is vis ible when datatype is INT or SMALLINT

11 Crea te variable $$var_set of MAX aggregation type


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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12 Create 5 output ports ou t_ TOTAL_SAL out_MAX_VAR out_MIN_VAR

out_COUNT_VAR and ou t_SET_VAR

13 Open expression editor for TOTAL_SAL Do the same as we did earlier for

SAL+ COMM To add $$BONUS to it select variable tab and select the parameter

from mapping parameter SAL + COMM + $$Bonus

14 Open Expression editor for out_max_var

15 Select the variable function SETMAXVARIABLE from left side pane Select

$$var_max from variable tab and SAL from ports tab as shown



8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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copy 20 09 - Complete reference to Informatica is proudly brought to you by Naveen


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Working with links


Types o f Tasks - 1

Types o f Tasks - 2

Indirect Method for Loading

SCD - Type 1

SCD - Type 2SCD - Type 3

Incremental Aggregation

Mapping Templates

Grid Processing

Work Flow Variables

Push Down Optimization

Chat with Me

Chat with Me Offline


Used in fo llowing transformat ions




Update Strategy

Initial and Def ault Value

When we declare a m apping parameter or variable in a mapping or a mapplet we

can enter an initial value When the Integration Service needs an initial value and

we did not declare an initial value for the parameter or variable the Integration

Service uses a default value based on the data type of the parameter or variable

Data -gtDefault Value

Numeric -gt0

String -gtEmpty String

Date time -gt111

Variable Values Start value and current value of a mapping variable

Start Value

The start value is the value of the variable at the start of the session The

Integration Service looks for the start value in the following order

1 Value in param eter file

2 Value saved in the repos itory

3 Initial value

4 Default value

Current Value

The current value is the value of the variable as the s essio n progress es When a

session starts the current value of a variable is the same as the start value The

final current value for a variable is saved to the repository at the end of a

successful session When a session fails to complete the Integration Service

does not update the value of the variable in the repository


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 412

Note If a variable function is not used to calculate the current value of a mapping

variable the start value of the variable is s aved to the repository

Variable Data type and Aggregation Type When we declare a mapp ing variable in a

mapping we need to configure the Data type and aggregation type for the variable

The IS uses the aggregate type of a Mapping variable to determine the final current

value of the mapping variable

Aggregatio n types are

Count Integer and small in teger data types are valid o nly

Max All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Min All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Variable Functio ns

Variable functions determine how the Integration Service calculates the current

value of a mapping variable in a pipeline

SetMaxVariable Sets the variable to the maximum value o f a group o f values It

igno res rows m arked for update delete or reject Aggregation type se t to Max

SetMinVariable Sets the variable to the minimum value of a group of values It

ignores rows marked for update delete or reject Aggregation type set to Min

SetCountVariable Increments the variable value by one It adds one to the

variable value when a ro w is m arked for ins ertion and s ubtracts o ne when the row

is Marked for deletion It ignores rows marked for update or reject Aggregation

type set to Co unt

SetVariable Sets the variable to the configured value At the end of a session it

compares the final current value of the variable to the start value of the variable

Based o n the aggregate type of the variable it saves a final value to the repos itory

Creat ing Mapping Paramet ers and Variables

1 Open the folder where we want to create parameter o r variable

2 In the Mapping Designer click Mappings gt Parameters and Variables -or-

In the Mapplet Designer click Mapplet gt Parameters and Variables

3 Click the add button


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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4 Enter name Do no t remo ve $$ from nam e

5 Select Type and Data type Select Aggregation type for m apping variables

6 Give Initial Value Click ok

Example Use of Mapping of Mapping Parameters and Variables

EMP will be source table

Create a target table MP_MV_EXAMPLE having co lumns EMPNO ENAME


TOTAL_SAL = SAL+ COMM + $$BONUS (Bonus is mapping parameter that

changes every month)

SET_VAR We will be added one month to the HIREDATE of every


Create shortcuts as necessary

Creat ing Mapping

1 Open folder where we want to create the mapp ing

2 Click Too ls -gt Mapping Designer

3 Click Mapping- gt Create-gt Give name Ex m_m p_mv_exam ple

4 Drag EMP and target table

5 Transform ation -gt Create -gt Select Expressio n for list -gt Create ndashgt Done



7 Create Parameter $$Bonus and G ive initial value as 200

8 Create variable $$var_max of MAX aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

9 Create variable $$var_min of MIN aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

10 Create variable $$var_count of COUNT aggregation type and initial value 0

COUNT is vis ible when datatype is INT or SMALLINT

11 Crea te variable $$var_set of MAX aggregation type


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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12 Create 5 output ports ou t_ TOTAL_SAL out_MAX_VAR out_MIN_VAR

out_COUNT_VAR and ou t_SET_VAR

13 Open expression editor for TOTAL_SAL Do the same as we did earlier for

SAL+ COMM To add $$BONUS to it select variable tab and select the parameter

from mapping parameter SAL + COMM + $$Bonus

14 Open Expression editor for out_max_var

15 Select the variable function SETMAXVARIABLE from left side pane Select

$$var_max from variable tab and SAL from ports tab as shown



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17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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Note If a variable function is not used to calculate the current value of a mapping

variable the start value of the variable is s aved to the repository

Variable Data type and Aggregation Type When we declare a mapp ing variable in a

mapping we need to configure the Data type and aggregation type for the variable

The IS uses the aggregate type of a Mapping variable to determine the final current

value of the mapping variable

Aggregatio n types are

Count Integer and small in teger data types are valid o nly

Max All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Min All transfo rmation data types except binary data type are valid

Variable Functio ns

Variable functions determine how the Integration Service calculates the current

value of a mapping variable in a pipeline

SetMaxVariable Sets the variable to the maximum value o f a group o f values It

igno res rows m arked for update delete or reject Aggregation type se t to Max

SetMinVariable Sets the variable to the minimum value of a group of values It

ignores rows marked for update delete or reject Aggregation type set to Min

SetCountVariable Increments the variable value by one It adds one to the

variable value when a ro w is m arked for ins ertion and s ubtracts o ne when the row

is Marked for deletion It ignores rows marked for update or reject Aggregation

type set to Co unt

SetVariable Sets the variable to the configured value At the end of a session it

compares the final current value of the variable to the start value of the variable

Based o n the aggregate type of the variable it saves a final value to the repos itory

Creat ing Mapping Paramet ers and Variables

1 Open the folder where we want to create parameter o r variable

2 In the Mapping Designer click Mappings gt Parameters and Variables -or-

In the Mapplet Designer click Mapplet gt Parameters and Variables

3 Click the add button


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 512

4 Enter name Do no t remo ve $$ from nam e

5 Select Type and Data type Select Aggregation type for m apping variables

6 Give Initial Value Click ok

Example Use of Mapping of Mapping Parameters and Variables

EMP will be source table

Create a target table MP_MV_EXAMPLE having co lumns EMPNO ENAME


TOTAL_SAL = SAL+ COMM + $$BONUS (Bonus is mapping parameter that

changes every month)

SET_VAR We will be added one month to the HIREDATE of every


Create shortcuts as necessary

Creat ing Mapping

1 Open folder where we want to create the mapp ing

2 Click Too ls -gt Mapping Designer

3 Click Mapping- gt Create-gt Give name Ex m_m p_mv_exam ple

4 Drag EMP and target table

5 Transform ation -gt Create -gt Select Expressio n for list -gt Create ndashgt Done



7 Create Parameter $$Bonus and G ive initial value as 200

8 Create variable $$var_max of MAX aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

9 Create variable $$var_min of MIN aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

10 Create variable $$var_count of COUNT aggregation type and initial value 0

COUNT is vis ible when datatype is INT or SMALLINT

11 Crea te variable $$var_set of MAX aggregation type


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 612

12 Create 5 output ports ou t_ TOTAL_SAL out_MAX_VAR out_MIN_VAR

out_COUNT_VAR and ou t_SET_VAR

13 Open expression editor for TOTAL_SAL Do the same as we did earlier for

SAL+ COMM To add $$BONUS to it select variable tab and select the parameter

from mapping parameter SAL + COMM + $$Bonus

14 Open Expression editor for out_max_var

15 Select the variable function SETMAXVARIABLE from left side pane Select

$$var_max from variable tab and SAL from ports tab as shown



8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 712

17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 912


A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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4 Enter name Do no t remo ve $$ from nam e

5 Select Type and Data type Select Aggregation type for m apping variables

6 Give Initial Value Click ok

Example Use of Mapping of Mapping Parameters and Variables

EMP will be source table

Create a target table MP_MV_EXAMPLE having co lumns EMPNO ENAME


TOTAL_SAL = SAL+ COMM + $$BONUS (Bonus is mapping parameter that

changes every month)

SET_VAR We will be added one month to the HIREDATE of every


Create shortcuts as necessary

Creat ing Mapping

1 Open folder where we want to create the mapp ing

2 Click Too ls -gt Mapping Designer

3 Click Mapping- gt Create-gt Give name Ex m_m p_mv_exam ple

4 Drag EMP and target table

5 Transform ation -gt Create -gt Select Expressio n for list -gt Create ndashgt Done



7 Create Parameter $$Bonus and G ive initial value as 200

8 Create variable $$var_max of MAX aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

9 Create variable $$var_min of MIN aggregatio n type and initial value 1500

10 Create variable $$var_count of COUNT aggregation type and initial value 0

COUNT is vis ible when datatype is INT or SMALLINT

11 Crea te variable $$var_set of MAX aggregation type


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 612

12 Create 5 output ports ou t_ TOTAL_SAL out_MAX_VAR out_MIN_VAR

out_COUNT_VAR and ou t_SET_VAR

13 Open expression editor for TOTAL_SAL Do the same as we did earlier for

SAL+ COMM To add $$BONUS to it select variable tab and select the parameter

from mapping parameter SAL + COMM + $$Bonus

14 Open Expression editor for out_max_var

15 Select the variable function SETMAXVARIABLE from left side pane Select

$$var_max from variable tab and SAL from ports tab as shown



8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 712

17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 912


A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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12 Create 5 output ports ou t_ TOTAL_SAL out_MAX_VAR out_MIN_VAR

out_COUNT_VAR and ou t_SET_VAR

13 Open expression editor for TOTAL_SAL Do the same as we did earlier for

SAL+ COMM To add $$BONUS to it select variable tab and select the parameter

from mapping parameter SAL + COMM + $$Bonus

14 Open Expression editor for out_max_var

15 Select the variable function SETMAXVARIABLE from left side pane Select

$$var_max from variable tab and SAL from ports tab as shown



8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 712

17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 912


A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

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17 Open Expression editor for o ut_min_var and write the following expressio n

SETMINVARIABLE($$var_minSAL) Validate the express ion

18 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_count_var and write the following expressio n

SETCOUNTVARIABLE($$var_coun t) Validate the express ion

19 Open Expressio n editor for o ut_set_var and write the following expression


20 Click OK Expression Transformation below


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 812

21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 912


A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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21 Link all po rts from expres sio n to target and Validate Mapping and Save it

22 See mapping picture on next page


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 912


A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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copy 20 09 - Complete reference to Informatica is proudly brought to you by Naveen


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 912


A parameter file is a lis t o f parameters and asso ciated values for a

workflow worklet or s essio n

Parameter files provide flexibility to change these variables each time we

run a workflow o r sessio n

We can create multiple parameter files and change the file we use for a

session or workflow We can create a parameter file using a text editor

such as WordPad or No tepad

Enter the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


A parameter file con tains the foll ow ing types o f param eters and variables

Workflow variable References values and records information in a


Worklet variable References values and records information in a worklet

Use predefined worklet variables in a parent workflow but we cannot use

workflow variables from the parent workflow in a worklet Session paramet er Defines a value that can change from session to

sessio n such as a database connection or file name

Mapping parameter and Mapping variable


Parameter files contain several sections preceded by a heading The heading

identifies the Integration Service Integration Service process workflow worklet or

sessio n to which we want to assign parameters or variables

Make session and workflow

Give connection information for so urce and target table

Run workflow and see result


8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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8102019 Mapping Parameters Variableshtm

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullmapping-parameters-variableshtm 1012

Sample Parameter File f or Our example

In the parameter file folder and sessio n names are case sensitive

Create a text file in no tepad with name Para_Filetxt










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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session


To enter a parameter file in the workflow properties

1 Open a Workflow in the Workflow Manager

2 Click Workflows gt Edit

3 Click the Properties tab

4 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

5 Click OK

To enter a parameter file in the s essio n properties

1 Open a sess ion in the Workflow Manager

2 Click the Properties tab and open the General Options settings

3 Enter the parameter directory and nam e in the Parameter Filename field

4 Examp le DFilesPara_Filetxt o r $PMSourceFileDirPara_Filetxt

5 Click OK



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