marcellin college randwick€¦ · year 11 leadership program while the year 12s were engaged in...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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Much has been written and spoken about the value of what might be termed a ‘holistic’ education. Many educational institutions refer to it and it is often associated with other terms such as ‘all-round’ or ‘broad-based’ education. So what is a working definition of ‘holistic’ education? With reference to our old friend Wikipedia, we read:

Education with a holistic perspective is concerned with the development of every person’s intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potentials. It seeks to engage students in the teaching/learning process and encourages personal and collective responsibility.

AETERNA NON CADUCAThe Eternal not the Transitory


27 MARCH 2017 | NO. 4 | | Ph: (02) 9398 6355 | Fax: (02) 9398 9049

From the Headmaster

Year 11 Leadership ProgramWhile the Year 12s were engaged in exams and retreat, almost forty of the Year 11s were involved in Leadership Training on Wednesday afternoons. An important part of our mission here is to produce leaders into the future – this goes right back to St Marcellin’s challenge to all in Marist schools to produce ‘good Christians and good citizens’. People who will work for the benefit of those in their community, using Jesus Christ as their model. Over the past 3 weeks the boys have had presentations and workshops on leadership from 3 different presenters:

• Authentic Christian leadership • Leadership at MCR• Leadership in our community

The boys were fortunate to have the State member for Maroubra and President of the ‘Old Boys’ Mr Michael Daley to speak to them on the last week. Michael is a great example of an MCR Old Boy who gives outstanding service to our community, here locally as well as more broadly.

CSDA Public SpeakingOn Friday, 17 March we had four students, Teaghan Raffo (Year 7), Ari Tjandra (Year 8), William Darby (Year 9) and Sebastian Hodge (Year 9) compete in the Grand Finals of the CSDA Public Speaking at Marist College North Shore. To have four boys make it through to this final stage was a significant achievement in itself. All four boys were excellent speakers and wonderful ambassadors for MCR.

Congratulations in particular to Ari Tajandra who finished first in the Year 8 division and to Sebastian Hodge who finished second in the Year 10 division – all the more meritorious because Sebastian is only in Year 9. Articulate and persuasive communication is a skill that enhances one’s ability to influence and make a difference. Well done to the boys and the staff who mentored and coached them.

If I was looking for a way to sum up the work we do here at Marcellin College, this wouldn’t be too far off the mark. A brief run through the events of the last 3 weeks will give some insight into the holistic nature of what we do.

Year 12 Mid-Year ExamsThe Year 12s recently completed a rigorous exam period where they were assessed on the work they have done since beginning the HSC courses in fourth term last year. These exams will count towards their HSC assessment mark at the conclusion of their courses in September. They also provide invaluable feedback to the boys as they continue to build their knowledge and refine their exam technique.

Year 12 RetreatAt the conclusion of the exams, the young men of Year 12 headed to ‘The Hermitage’ at Mittagong for their Retreat. Regularly rated as one of the most significant events in their school life, the retreat offers an opportunity for individuals, groups, and indeed the whole cohort, to reflect on their spiritual journey and relationships – particularly their relationship with God. The timing of the retreat is optimal in that the boys are momentarily free from their academic commitments and can more readily focus on these broader aspects of their lives.


Sport – MCC Swimming and BasketballThe College won the MCC Swimming Championships last Thursday evening for the 23rd year in a row. When success comes regularly it might be tempting to think it happens just as a matter of course – nothing could be further from the truth. While having many talented swimmers is of course a big advantage, the discipline and rigour that is part of the preparation is also at the heart of this sustained success. Early morning commitment to training – from both the boys and the staff – is a key ingredient.

The Basketball Grand Finals were another highlight of the MCC Sporting Program. Marcellin was represented in all four grand finals and won all of them – three by very small margins. Again, a culture of hard work, discipline and composure under pressure was on display for all to see.

‘Active Teaching for Active Learners’The definition of holistic education referred to earlier talks about engaging students in the teaching/learning process and encouraging personal and collective responsibility. In recent weeks the staff have been working on articulating our M-Learning philosophy and refining it. A key refinement is developing strategies that provide Active Teaching for Active Learners. It is all about promoting levels of engagement and collective responsibility through collaboration.

So, we keep very busy in a range of areas. There is a broadness that will hopefully address the many aspects of the boys’

development, all underpinned by our Christian values. This is at the core of our mission and what drives our many and varied programs.

With blessing for the fortnight ahead.

Mr John Hickey - Headmaster

Public Speaking

Four Marcellin students made it through the regional grandfinal of the 2017 Catholic Schools Debating Association (CSDA) Public Speaking Competition at Marist North Shore on Friday, 18 March, in what was the College’s finest showcase of public speaking flair in years.

Teaghan Raffo (Year 7) delivered a brilliant oration on ‘Lost Socks’ while William Darby (Year 9) having progressed effortlessly through the first two rounds, channelled his inner Golem for the final in his speech on ‘Mud’.

Public speakers: Teaghan Raffo, Ari Tjandra, Sebastian Hodge, Hugh Doosey, James Tirado and William Darby

Both were unlucky not to be placed in the top four out of ten candidates. However, Ari Tjandra (Year 8) was in electrifying form, taking out 1st place for his heart-warming take on ‘Emotional Turmoil’. Meanwhile, Year 9 wünderkind Sebastian Hodge (competing in the Year 10 category) was placed second for his sophisticated and satirical diagnosis of a contemporary malaise: our obsession with Kardashian-style celebrity.

These students have excelled at the highest level of public speaking, triumphing over hundred of students to get there, and they are to be congratulated for all the hard work at lunchtimes and in the evenings homing their speeches, as well as the spirit of cooperation and teamwork with which they approached the preparation for the competition.

I thank Miss Naleen Greenwood for her assistance and late night driving skills, her Sat Nav Man, and all the parents and staff who have directed and assisted the boys in reaching their destinations.

Mr Ben RicePublic Speaking & Debating Coordinator

Congratulations to the MCR Swimming Squad - champions at the 2017 MCC Swimming Carnival

327 MARCH 2017

Week 9Fri, 31 Mar Headmaster’s AssemblyWeek 10Tue, 4 Apr Super Tuesday Wed, 5 Apr Year 12 Parent Teacher Evening @3.30pm - 7.00pmThu, 6 Apr Sports Photo Day 1Fri, 7 Apr Term 1 concludes

TERM 2 Week 1Mon, 24 Apr Staff Development Day (student free day)Tue, 25 Apr ANZAC Day public holidayWed, 26 Apr Students return to school Week 2Fri, 5 May Headmaster’s Assembly @09:30amWeek 3Mon, 8 May MCR Athletics Carnival9 – 11 May NAPLAN examinationsWeek 415 – 19 May Year 11 Half Yearly ExamsWeek 522 – 25 May Year 10 Half Yearly Exams


Tuesday: 8.00am - 11:15amThursday: 8.00am - 1:00pm

Price list and details on College websitePhone: 9398-6822



The Uniform Shop will open on the following days primarily for the purchase of Junior Blazers and winter sports uniforms. Junior Blazers are

to be worn in Term 2 and should be bought soon to ensure correct size.

Sat 1 April: 8.30 - 10.30am

Sat 22 April: 8.30 - 10.30am

Wed 26 April: 8.00 - 10.00am

Old Boys and members of the Marcellin community are invited to join us

ANZAC DayCeremony

Wednesday26 April 2017



From the Director of Teaching & M-Learning

The Science of Study - Learning How To LearnA recent online article from UK publisher ‘The Guardian’, and accessed through their twitter feed, ‘GuardianTeach’ presented some fabulously practical study tips for students and parents. It is supported by the latest research, and serves to de-bunk some contemporary myths around learning to learn. Here is a section of the article, which can be found at this link here.

• EAT BREAKFASTIt is estimated that around 27% of boys and 39% of girls skip breakfast some or all of the time. It’s not called the most important meal of the day for nothing: research has found that skipping this meal significantly reduces students’ attention and their ability to recall information. Simply having a bowl of cereal will give students the concentration and memory boost they need.

• PUT YOUR PHONE AWAYThis should be an obvious one, but for many it isn’t. Phones can be distracting; they are linked to fomo (fear of missing out), and evidence shows that undergraduate students who spend more time texting and using social media get lower grades. In another fascinating study, researchers found that the mere sight of a phone was enough to reduce a person’s ability to focus. The implication couldn’t be clearer: out of sight really is out of mind.

• THINK TWICE ABOUT USING HIGHLIGHTERS Despite being the favourite weapon of many students tackling revision, research suggests they don’t work very well. People learn and recall information better if they connect it to other pieces of information. Highlighters don’t do this, they isolate single pieces of information. Quite often, students end up highlighting whole chunks and passages of text, which can give the appearance of having worked hard, but is of little value.

• DON’T LISTEN TO MUSICParents around the world rejoice: you now have a legitimate reason to insist that your child stops listening to Justin Bieber on repeat. Students who study in a quiet environment can recall more than those who revise while listening to music. Extroverts, and those with an exceptional ability to control their attention, are not negatively affected as much: but it doesn’t help. At best, for these students, it just doesn’t hinder them as much as everyone else.

From: The Science of Revision: nine ways pupils can revise for exams more effectively, by Psychologist, Bradley BushAccessed from: 2017

Let’s continue to challenge our students, sons, grandsons to use their diary. It is also the perfect tool to communicate with your son’s classroom teacher.

Mr Chris ShieldsDirector of Teaching & M-Learning

527 MARCH 2017


Year 10 Work ExperienceAll Year 10 students are encouraged to submit their Work Experience paperwork and accompanying Google Forms. I have sent out a reminder email to parents and students with all necessary links and documents. Please check your “spam folder” or email me if you have not received any correspondence thus far. UNSW Law Admission Test (LAT)Students wishing to study law at UNSW are now required to sit an admission test. Registrations open May 2nd.For further details visit:

University of Notre Dame Notre Dame will be offering its Young Achievers Early Offer Program again this year for those who wish to commence uni in 2018. Applications can be submitted once students receive their mid-year Year 12 Report.For further details visit:

For these and any other Careers matters, please see me at school or email

Mr Nicolas Lee Careers and VET Coordinator




Please note that applications for Year 7 2019 will be available from Wednesday, 26 April until Friday, 9 June 2017.


Year 9 Visual Design Excursion

On March 21, 2017, the Year 9 Visual Design class visited the Art Gallery of NSW to explore the world of art. We first entered the exhibit ART EXPRESS 2017 which showcases the top Year 12 ‘Bodies of Work’ selected from the 2017 HSC. It was interesting to have an insight into what Year 12 students create for their HSC. The students’ sheer talents surprised me, as did their innovative techniques and intriguing ideas.From here we discovered my favourite artwork of the day. It was experienced by entering a dark room which had a light projector at the back. Light and smoke bellowed out of the machine and a large white oval appeared on the wall next to me. It looked like there was a tunnel of light, and when you

During the course of the afternoon we viewed, deciphered and discussed many artworks and their ability to communicate a message; to be “visually read” by the audience. We watched a video about art from a female's perspective and the difference between remembering to forget and forgetting to remember. It was a bit weird and confusing. There was also a sculpture called ‘Forever’. The large circular cage like structure was constructed out of Chinese bicycles. It expressed the importance of these bicycles in Chinese culture and how the country has become so polluted and overpopulated. It was a interesting artwork and could be interpreted in many ways.

We also learnt about typography. There was an artwork that consisted of Arabic letters in the form of a globe. Our tour guide was Lebanese and knew how to write, speak and read Arabic. He handed us a black piece of paper and some white pencils. He showed us how to write our names in this language and we spent some time practicing them in Arabic. Following this, we went to the Aboriginal gallery. An artwork focused on was a sculpture of a traditional hills hoist laden with fruit bats wrapped in Aboriginal paintings and symbols. The artwork represented a fusion of cultures and the Aboriginal people's want for

stood inside the projection, you could only see the smokey walls. Occasionally smoke filtered out which made it look like clouds on the edges of the tunnel. It was a truly immersive experience of an artwork, unlike anything I’d seen before.

claiming back the land taken from them.

Thank you tour guides, Miss Toohey and Mr Ross for chaperoning, our bus driver and our parents for paying for the trip.

Ivan Machamer - Year 9

727 MARCH 2017

Above: A group of Year 12 Standard English students visited the Opera House on Tuesday, March 21 to view Sydney Theatre Company’s performance of their HSC Area of Study: ‘Discovery’ set text, ‘AWAY’ (photos right). The production was excellent, and the boys commented that their understanding of the play was vastly improved by seeing it live on stage.

Year 12 English - HSC Area of Study ‘AWAY’

Above photo credits:,





18-21 ApriL 2017





To register, head to




18-21 APRIL 2017





Youth Ministry

Dear Staff, Parents and Boys,

It has been wonderful settling in to my new role as Youth Minister over the course of this term. I have been able to meet the majority of students and will continue to do so in the coming weeks. A major part of my role is to alert you all to the Parish and Archdiocesan events being held in the local area and encourage all to attend. Today I wish to share with you information about the Catholic Youth Services Archdiocesan Youth Camp, being held April 18th-21st. This annual camp is run by Catholic Youth Services and this year the theme is “I Thirst”. The camp is four days of talks, prayer, and lots of fun and games, and is open to all high schoolers. For more details, see the poster below.

I will regularly be promoting events being run around the local Parish and Archdiocese, as well as attending many of them myself. If anyone has any questions or queries about the upcoming camp, or any other matter, feel free to contact me at

God Bless,

Mr Justin StoryYouth Minister


We acknowledge the traditional owners and

custodians of the land on which we stand.

We walk on a land once occupied by the Gadigal

people of the Eora Nation.

May we continue to love and respect the land as

they have.

927 MARCH 2017

From The Sports Coordinator

MCC SPORTOn Thursday 23rd March, our MCC Swimming team competed at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. The team had been training since Week 2 of the term and their hard work paid off with Marcellin winning 24 of the 50 events and being placed second 19 times. These outstanding results ensured winning the aggregate trophy for the 34th time in the last 35 years - a phenomenal record to have such a dominance over this period of time.

Congratulations to the Under 12’s Freestyle Relay team of Toby Doyle, Alex Kazija, Will Punton and Benedict Christensen who broke the record in a new time of 2:12.43. Marcellin collected four trophies on the night winning the Juvenile, Junior, Senior and Aggregate trophies. Special thanks to our coaches Ms Evans, Mr Weller, Mr Almeida and Mr Leary for the early starts and many hours they have devoted to coaching the team. Also, to all the Year 7 boys and Year 11 and 12 leaders who supported on the night. Having Marcellin boys support our teams at sporting events is invaluable and builds school spirit from a young age.

The MCC Golf and Squash Championships were held on Thursday 16th March. Although the Squash was played indoors, our golfers had to endure some very wet and windy conditions. The Golf team finished second overall on the day with Tommy Evans, Kieron Ryan and Joseph Serhan all winning their age groups. Our Squash team finished 4th overall on the day and showed a big improvement on their results compared to that of the last couple of years. With a young team, we look forward to continued improvement next season. Thank you to our Golf coaches Mr MacGee and Mr James as well as our Squash coaches, Mr Brock and Mr Roemling.

Our Cross Country team has been training for the last six weeks in preparation for their Championships this week. They will compete on Thursday, March 30 at King George Park, Rozelle with the competition commencing at 10.00am. We wish the boys and their coaches, Ms Flowers, Mr Ross, Mr Smith and Ms Clarke the best of luck for their competition.

Our Rugby League and Soccer trials commence this week and will continue into Week 10. All participants should have already registered their names with coaches and be ready to trial this Thursday during sport. Every boy will need to have their permission consent form signed by parents to be allowed to take part and must have correct equipment for these trials. Boys participating in the Rugby League will need to have a mouth guard. Marcellin has been approached by CHAMP Mouthguards, who are willing to fit the boys with a mouth guard. Please contact CHAMP directly if your son does require a mouthguard. Their contact number is (02) 9311 7447.

MCR SURFING Our Surfing Championships will take place in Week 10, Wednesday 5 April at Maroubra Beach starting at 7.00am (not on Thursday 6th as previously advertised). Nominations have been called for by our Surfing Coordinator, Ms Bourke. Boys will need to satisfy the entry conditions and have their own equipment to compete.

Mr Robert Capizzi Sports Coordinator

Photo: Marcellin College wins the MCC Swimming Carnival Aggregate Trophy for the 34th time in 35 years

Above: Our golfers represented us well at the MCC Golf Championships on 16 March


Applications for the MCC Rugby squad to attend the CCC Rugby trials

are for in Under 16’s and 18’s. All information is on the MCC website at

Please read the information letter on the website and then fill in all

necessary paperwork including CCC registration, MCC application

and permission form by Friday 31 March.

Further details contact Mr MacGee at


MCR Class of 1977 Reunion

Reunion for Year 10 1975 & Year 12 1977. Clovelly Surf Club, Friday 26 May @7.00pm Cost: $65 - covers venue hire & meal. CONTACT Bradley Peterson - M: 0415 404 516 E:

Multicultural March in randwick

Activities including Tai Chi, international movie screenings and dance workshops to celebrate multiculturalism in Randwick. All activities are free of charge, but some require bookings.

Click here for details or go to Randwick City Council website

1127 MARCH 2017


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