march 2013/adar nisan 5773 religious...

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March 2013/Adar Nisan 5773


PASSOVER BEGINSMonday evening, March 25


Tuesday, March 26-- 6:00 pm

HAVE YOU RESERVED YOUR SEAT?See Reservation Form On Page 4 of the Bulletin


Sunday, March 17 Breakfast at 9:30 -- Program 10 a.m.-Noon

Joint Program with Rockdale Temple for all ages

Our goal is to give Passover additional meaning by linking our ancient redemption with slavery and freedom of others. Join us whether you have kids in the school or not! See page 5 for more info.

FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 7:30 PMShabbat ServiceMusic: Marilyn Zelcer and Chinami Ikeda

SATURDAY, MARCH 29:30 am – Torah Study10:30 am – Shabbat ServiceTorah Portion: Exodus 30:11-34:35

FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 7:30 PMFamily Shabbat ServiceMusic: David Snyder

SATURDAY, MARCH 99:30 am – Torah Study10:30 am – Shabbat ServiceTorah Portion: Exodus 35:1-40:38

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 7:30 PMShabbat ServiceFRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Oneg Shabbat hosted by Sandy Hatfield in memory of Howard Schwartz

SATURDAY, MARCH 169:30 am – Torah Study10:00 am – Tot Shabbat with Charlene Gubitz10:30 am – Shabbat ServiceTorah Portion: Leviticus 1:1-5:26


Shabbat Service Music: Bob Pollack and Marilyn Zelcer

SATURDAY, MARCH 239:30 am – Torah Study10:30 am – Shabbat ServiceTorah Portion: Leviticus 6:1-8:36

TUESDAY, MARCH 26 9:00 am - Passover Service6:00 pm- CONGREGATIONAL SEDER (by reservation)

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 7:30 PMShabbat ServiceMusic: Bob Pollack and Marilyn Zelcer

SATURDAY, MARCH 309:30 am – Torah Study10:30 am – Shabbat ServiceTorah Portion: Exodus 33:12-34:26

MONDAY, APRIL 1, 9:00 AMEnd of Passover ServiceYizkor prayers will be recited

Tuesday, March 26, 9:00 amPassover Service

Monday, April 1, 9:00 amEnd of Passover Service

Yizkor Prayers will be recited



FROM THE RABBI ...Sandford R. Kopnick


We Jews are a great and interesting people. We love the idea of our freedom! We pray about freedom in our fixed liturgy. We embrace the Exodus—the ultimate freedom experience—with multiple mentions in our liturgy, and an entire holiday week devoted to its commemora-tion. And while we are not commanded to be free, we are commanded to “celebrate our freedom.” How ironic that so many in our community feel so oppressed by the rules surrounding that celebration! Those of us raised in a Jewish home with strong Ashkenazic rituals remember everything from dishes that needed to be changed, to selling of chometz (foods not appropriate for Passover), to removal of foods from the pantry that seemed to have nothing to do with matzah or bread. In addition, we endured eating matzah sandwiches for school lunch. Yet, gathering the family for the seder was always such a joyful event—and the family traditions surrounding the holiday were very endearing—even if there were moments that felt like anything but freedom. If you embrace the traditions of your childhood or have come to a traditional-style celebration of Passover, my prayer is that you continue to seek meaningful expressions of your commemoration, in order that you never fall into a “same-old, same-old trap”. If you’ve decided that there are too many rules in order to celebrate our freedom, and have moved away from celebrating Passover, consider a renewed interest and approach. Seders can be hard work—but any family or big dinner is. That’s not the point. Our traditions have great flavors connected to them—and reminding each other of the gift of freedom renews our interest in social justice. The current way our tradition celebrates the holiday didn’t anticipate the freedom of America. It is surprising that our movement has not developed a better way to celebrate passover in a truely free society. But lots of us have found joyous celebrations that feel non-oppressive, because we choose our celebrations and rituals freely. As you contemplate celebrating Passover this year, consider the following as ways to help respond to the commandments: 1. Select a haggadah that you find meaningful, and throw away the Maxwell House generic haggadot which, while providing an inexpensive text, also provide nothing to help stimulate the mind. 2. Be sure to eat a piece of matzah each day during the

seven days of Passover. 3. Refrain from bread products during the week of Passover. 4. Make a contribution to a worthy cause that promotes freedom (as you define it). 5. Try to create or attend a seder. If you’re creating one, perhaps its time to try a new recipe! 6. Join us for one of the festival services (first day and last day), to connect with the special liturgy and Torah readings which connect us to our history and can inspire new understandings. There is a lot from our tradition that we can find meaningful...and that’s great! But for those feeling oppressed by the holiday, Passover need not be a source of bondage rather than freedom. Liberate yourselves by seeking the essence of the holiday’s meaning, and doing something that helps you commemorate that meaning. It is a bit bizarre that celebrating freedom requires rules, but without some sense of obligation to our celebration—some might use their freedom for the one unacceptable outcome: doing nothing at all for Passover. Here’s to a meaningful season!

Rabbi Sandford Kopnick

Torah StudyNo Experience Required!!

Every Shabbat (Saturday) Morning

At 9:30 a.m.With Rabbi Kopnick and/or

Rabbinic Intern Carolan Glatstein

THE SHABBOS TISCH(The Shabbat Table)

Movie: The Debt

Starring Helen Mirren andSam Worthington

Saturday, March 9 after services

Lunch $10/personBy reservation to the

Temple office, please!Discussion follows film!


March 5 & March 12

Learning the Language of

Liturgy, the Motivation of the

Music, and the Dynamic of Dramaturgy

with Cantor Alane Katzew

The interrelationship between Kevah and Kavannah (fixed prayer and intentionality) in our worship is influenced by multiple factors. Over the course of three weeks we will examine the core elements of our fixed Liturgy through both historical and practical lenses. Through music we will seek to understand the influences of time and culture as they impact upon our current prayer experiences. Finally, we will explore the integration of these prayer elements toward making our own prayers more “real” by experimenting withdifferent strategies to evoke dramatic sacred moments. Join with Cantor Alane S. Katzew for this prayer empowering journey.

Cantor Alane Simons Katzew served as Worship and Music Consultant at the Union for Reform Judaism from 2002-2012, relocating to Cincinnati last summer with her husband. Cantor Katzew served congregations in Ohio, Illinois and New York. She was a cantor and faculty member at HUC-JIR in Jerusalem, thereby becoming the first invested woman cantor to function in the state of Israel.

DOWNTOWNMONDAY - MARCH 4 at noonat the office of Jon Hoffheimer

in the Mercantile Building


Rabbi Kopnick guides a discussion based on current events, recent sociological studies,

resolutions or official positions of the Union for Reform Judaism

April 12-14




Watch for more information!

Our special thanks to the Sass Family and a Friend of The Valley Temple whose donations make

this weekend possible



Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and Song of Songswith Carolan Glatstein, Rabbinic Intern

Tuedays at 7:30 pmApril 2 and April 9

While many of us seek to identify our children in one of these ways, the Hagadah is reminding us that all of our chil-dren learn differently. The Haggadah and the Seder, therefore, must address the needs of all of our children: the academic and the academically challenged; the disabled and the able - bodied; the mild and the extremely active. It’s not about giving our children labels, but rather understanding that the story is important enough to embrace all learning styles - not just the easiest to teach.

The Four SonsAn interpretation by Rabbi Sandford Kopnick inspired by the Family Participation Haggadah: A Different Night

We are now at the section of the service called the Four Sons. In a moment we will read about the four types of children identified by our Haggadah: the Wise, the Wicked, the Simple and “The One Who Does Not Know What to Ask.”

And so it is with all that we want to impart to our children. May we always remember that allowing our children to learn according to their gifts enables learning, while forcing a particular style upon them, might only communicate our impatience or lack of respect for the wonderful people they are. May we take the essence of this Haggadah passage to heart when we help our children find their voice as people and as Jews. Amen

READING (to be read prior to the final page which ends “next year in Jerusalem”)I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin

but by the content of their character.I have a dream today.I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough

places will be made plains, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of God shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This will be the day when God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning.“My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my parents died, land of the pilgrim’s pride!

From every mountain - side, let freedom ring.”So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire!Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York!Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!But not only that, let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!Let freedom ring from every hill and mole hill of Mississippi.From every mountainside, let freedom ring.When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we

will be able to speed up the day when all of God’s children, black and white, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of that old Negro spiritual. “Free at last, free at last? Thank God Almighty. we are free at last!” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Washington, 1963

F irst Seder - Monday, March 25Passover Festival and Shabbat Service

Tuesday, March 26, 9: 00 am

Congregational Seder - Tuesday, March 26, 6: 00 pmMake your reservation now!

Let All Who Are Hungry Come and Eat!

A Few Readings Which May Grace Your Passover Seder

First Seder – Monday, March 25


to the Temple by March 11This matzah will be included in the Passover food

boxes to be delivered to more than 400 Jewish fami-lies in the Cincinnati area by the Passover Delivery

Project of Jewish Family Service


Second Night of Passover -TUESDAY, MARCH 26 - 6:00 PM

Join us for a traditional Seder Service led by Rabbi Kopnick

$22 per adult; $12 per child under 13

RSVP BY March 20It is imperative that we receive your reservation immediately so we can let our caterer know!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..THE VALLEY TEMPLE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL SEDER

TUESDAY, MARCH 26 -- 6:00 PMNAME(S) (Please list names of all those who will attend, including children) _____________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________No. of Adults @ $22_________ No. of Children (under 13) @ $12__________


#. of Chicken meals _____ Adult; _____ Children #. of Vegetarian Meals _____ Adult _____ Children

Please add 3% of the cost of your dinner to Mazon to feed the hungry. I/We are including _____ for Mazon.


PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE A SEATING PREFERENCE ______________________________________



Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We need your help!By donating even just one of the traditional Seder foods listed below, you will be helping to keep our Temple Seder costs to a minimum. Please choose an item on the list below (feel free to provide one item or as many as you wish to donate) and drop your donation off at the Temple before Wednesday, March 20. Eggs and desserts can be dropped off by Monday, March 25. Call Kathie Tamarkin, the Temple office or email the Temple office as soon as possible to let us know what you will be donating. Thank you so much for your donations.

Jars of prepared Horseradish _____Boxes of Matzah______Bottles of kosher red wine _____Bottles of kosher grape juice ____Jars of Gefilte Fish ____Hard boiled peeled eggs_________Passover desserts ______________




10th GRAdE tRIp tO WAShINGtON, d.C.

Havdalah at the Jefferson Memorial

Our students lobbying at the offices of their reprenstaives

Our thanks to the Stark Family Youth Fund for subsidizing this trip

Let My People Go: A Passover Experience

at the National Underground

Railroad Freedom Center

Sunday March 17, 2013 9:30 am. – 12 Noon

A FREE intergenerational event for the congregations of Valley Temple and Rockdale

Temple. Experience the story of the Haggadah sur-rounded by the history of the American slave trade

and the Civil Rights Movement.

9:30 am. Breakfast in the Great Hall 10:00 am. A communal experience in the Harriet Tubman Theater 10:30 am – Age-appropriate break-out sessions for children and adults (themes to include: Story Telling, Decision-Making and Jewish Values, Who is a Hero?, Jewish Freedom Texts and the Story of Slavery in America, What Challenges to Freedom Still Exist?, Making a Difference)

W e h a v e i n t e n t i o n a l l y c r e a t e d l e a r n i n g opportunities for adults who come to participate and do not have children in our Religious School programs.

Come engage in the conversation: What do our stories mean? How do our stories intertwine? How do we see the present through the lens of freedom?

RSVP by calling Valley—513-761-3555 or emailing by March 13 so we can let t he Center know you are coming!


Funding for this program comes from the Bureau of Jewish Education Endowment Fund, administered by

the Jewish Community Education Council (JCEC) and the Mayerson JCC.

As the chairperson of the L’Chaim Committee, I wanted to give you a quick update. This is the fifth year the current committee has been working together to deliver the following goals:

Provide comfort and support to our fellow Temple members in their time of need as well as provide recognition and support to our fellow Temple members in their time of joy or celebration. We try to accomplish this in ways that are most meaningful to the individual(s) affected in as timely a manner as possible.

The L’Chaim Committee has also recently taken on responsibility for Shiva support. Our goal is to over-see a Shiva program that is meaningful to the family, reasonable in cost and consistent for all members. We will offer either a defined Shiva meal or a pastry tray, whichever the family would prefer. The L’Chaim Committee will be happy to deliver the food, and the cost of the food will be covered by the L’Chaim Committee Fund.

Speaking of funding, please keep the L’Chaim Committee in mind should you choose to donate to any of the Temple tribute funds (included in the Congregational Care on the list of tribute funds). Your support will help the L’Chaim Committee support Temple members during their toughest times.

Finally, we are always looking for new Temple members to help us do our good work. We ask each member of our Committee to help us for a few months out of the year. If a Temple member needs a call, a meal, or other type of support, one of the monthly contacts would be the one to help .

We would love to have you join us; if you are interested, please contact me!

Linda Denham


Twelve members of the Men’s Club including Sam Lobar, Paul Newman, Elliot Spieler, Craig and Philip Hoff-heimer, Rob Festenstein, Jeff Schlaeger, Aaron Schneider, Brian Eiserman, Scott Steinberg, Julian Magnus, and Rabbi Sanford Kopnick, recently attended the candlepin bowl-ing at the Wyoming Civic Center, sponsored by the Men’s Club.

Candlepin bowling is a bit faster paced than traditional bowling and the ball is much smaller -- about the size of a softball. One gets three balls instead of two and the pins are skinner.

This was a great opportunity to spend time to-gether, get to know each other better, socialize and just have a few hours of fun. Our thanks to Len Elgowsky for organizing this event, even though he was unable to attend.

We look forward to future activities including Pu-rim Poker Play, Men’s Club Reds Day -open to the whole family, Go Carts and Cyclones Hockey , as well as the congregational picnic held in the summer. So, Men’ of the Valley Temple, if you haven’t done so already, please send in your $36 for a year’s membership. We want to encourage you to participate in the Denim and Diamonds fundraiser happpening June l by contacting Ivan Tamar-kin to volunteer. Also, plan to be involved with the Val-

Jay Brandt on the death of his Father, Harry Brandt Rabbi Sandford Kopnick on the death of his aunt, Marian Shifman








Alison Weikel,Director of eDUcAtion


Our tradition is filled with respect for partnerships. We are reminded each Shabbat that we are partners with God in God’s Creation. We have a partnership with God and a responsibility in repair-ing the world, caring for each other, and looking after animals. Particularly valued is the custom of finding a partner with whom to study classical Jewish texts. This partnership, known by the Aramaic term Chevruta, is fueled by passionate energy and mutual concern for each other’s spiritual welfare. (source:

Religious School is a partnership, too. You trust us with your children on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings and we value your input since you know your children best. Filling out forms, letting us know strategies that work at home or in everyday school, alerting us to changes in medication, family situations or sleeping patterns all help us make Sunday mornings the best possible environment for your children.

Please tell us if: · your child has a special interest or challenge· your child likes or does not like to write, to

draw, or to get messy· your child will be with a relative or friend due

to an out-of-town parent· your child participated in a sleep over on

Saturday night. · there is something different going on in your

child’s life

We have 26 sessions of religious school this year—- that is 58.5 hours—equivalent to roughly 8 everyday school days! We strive to fill these hours with the joy and the excitement of Jewish learning. We look forward to having you partner with us to make this happen.


Alison Weikel


Second Grade - 12 tribes

Third Grade - TuBhvat

FAMILY SERVICE ON MARCh 8 designed for school-age children and their fami-lies with a special prayerbook, acoustic guitar music and a story sermon. Bring your Hebrew students so they can read and hear the prayers they have been learning in class!


Sunday, March 3 11:20 AM- 12 Noon for PreK

Sunday, March 1011:20 AM- 12 Noon for Kindergarten

Valley Temple Mitzvah Corps Detroit Trip

We had a great turn out for our Used Book Sale on Feb. 3! Thank you to all who helped & bought books! Special thanks to Helen Waits for her efforts to make sure this was a successful event!

Speaking of success...Hamantaschen baking, as always, was a great time, both for adults and Chai Life members! I almost think the adults had more fun! Chai Life alone make over 800 Hamantaschen! Special thanks to Temple members that delivered care packages after the flour settled...your help is appreciated!

We are always looking for new members - our next meeting date is March 10th - we will be meeting at 10 am at Bilog (just up the street from Temple) to have our book discussion...we are reading “Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul” - it’s not too late to get a copy & plan on a friendly, relaxed discussion over coffee & scones! Special thanks to Amy Huseman for leading the discussion!

Please join us on Friday, March 15 at Rockdale Temple for a joint Sisterhood Multi-generaltional Women’s Dessert Seder. Shabbat Services begin at 6:16 pm; the Seder begins at 7:30 pm.

Upcoming meeting dates are April 21 & May 5. Please stop by!

Susan Elgowsky Recording Secretary

I’m Jan Goldstein and I’m on the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) Central District board. I was go-ing to the Fried Leadership Conference in Cincinnati this year out of a sense of duty. But the minute it began, I real-ized how lucky I was to be there. Every minute included personal growth: spiritual (Havdalah by our own Carolan and Eric) social and just plain learning. I am so impressed with WRJ.

I learned about the 100 years (and counting) of incredible social action, service and philanthropy WRJ has performed locally and i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y .

Each Sisterhood is encouraged to celebrate the Centennial in some way. In one of the workshops the presenters and participants provided over 100 ideas of how to celebrate. One that sounded fun was to have each of

the meetings be a theme of a decade where we would dress from the 1920s, 1930s, etc and snack on period food. Another Sisterhood went through their archives and shared many of the ways their Sisterhood helped the Temple over the years.

Another workshop taught about four “frames” or ways that everyone views ideas. The key to any good meeting is the conflict developed from members viewing the idea from each of the four frames. Then the weak-nesses of the idea can be discussed and ironed out prior to implementation.

I hope others will join me for the next national conference in San Diego in December.




The Kroger Community Rewards program

requires all participants to re-register each April.

If you have already registered at,

it will be very simple to renew and continue helping Sisterhood to support Valley Temple programming just

by doing your grocery shopping!.If you are not yet participating in this

program, please register now! If you have any questions, please contact Chrissy Knarr.

Sisterhood Thanks You!!!


A special thanks to Clare Deutsch for organizing the Hamantaschen Baking project, an annual event, where mem-bers of ourcongregationmake hamantaschen to be used for the Purim dinner and carnival. Thanks to Jessica Wagner for organzing the Chai Life por-tion where the familiesbaked hamantaschen.


Volunteers are needed to help on various committeesThe enthusiasm is infectious -- please help us make this another

amazing event (and a huge fundraiser for the Temple) by contacting Kathie Tamarkin or Amy Paul to say you will help.

Help a little or a lot -- there is a job for everyone’s ability and time


Reach out to the merchants you patronize – Eat at a great restaurant every week? Purchase won-derful local jewelry? Play golf with your banker, lawyer, accountant, etc? These are all

great folks to ask for a sponsorship (Denim $50/Diamond $100), gift certificate or donated auction item.

Donate gift cards you haven’t used – You can donate gift cards you haven’t used in any amount. Someone else may love the restaurant you thought was ‘meh.’

Discreetly regift – That scarf you got for Chanukah just not your style? Already have one too many (item name here)? Donate the item to the Auction and lose the guilt.

Share what you love with others – Have season tickets for the Bengals, Reds, PlayHouse in the Park, Opera, etc? Share tickets to a game/performance as an auction item.

basket-Mania – Have fun putting together a theme basket: Great cooking items; kids’ rainy day fun; car safety; spa day.

Need more info about the silent auction? Contact Jody Finley or the Temple office



Mike & Judy Green 03/25/1964 Michael& Janelle Gelfand 03/24/1973

Pam Levinson 03/01Zachary Schneider 03/01Jacob DelMauro 03/02Karen Rosenfield 03/02Joan Reckseit 03/02Barbara Neman 03/03Michael Gelfand 03/04Stephen Dessner 03/05Lawrence C. Freeman 03/06Beth Schwartz 03/06Anne Weitzenkorn 03/06Avery Frank 03/08Andrew Enneking 03/10Rainie Perlmutter 03/11Bob Broh 03/11Jenny Dapper 03/11Robert E. Levinson 03/12Helen Waits 03/12Samuel Lobar 03/13Phillip Levinson 03/14Wyatt Blatt 03/14Ann Shulman 03/14Cheryl Moeller 03/15Melissa Hoffheimer 03/16Erica Denham 03/19Richard Magnus 03/19Christy Goldner 03/20Nicole Sandor 03/20Rosalyn Plaut 03/20Lewis Rosin 03/21Grace Kaufman 03/21Michael Shayeson 03/21Karen Frecker 03/21Carl Gehr, Jr. 03/22Sharon Ran 03/22Leah DelMauro 03/22Ella Naveh 03/23David Neman 03/23John Shore 03/23Jeff Rhein 03/24Lynn Wertheimer 03/25Mike Wagner 03/25Bradley Mannheimer 03/25Max Pennix 03/26Marjorie Rauh 03/26Anne Schauer 03/27Noah Seltzer 03/28Martin Fritzhand 03/28Cody Hiller 03/30Avi Schneider 03/30Don Moeller 03/30

BRYNA SCHWARTZ MEMORIAL ONEG & HOSPITALITY FUND In memory of William Bachmann; from Diane & Ken MitmanIn memory of Edward Doseck; from Bob and Jenny BrohsIn memory of Elsa Wise Fleischer; from Joan F. Reckseit

CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn memory of Anita Siegel; from Ricki & Stuart Hodesh

CONGREGATIONAL CARE COMMITTEE FUNDIn memory of Robert D. Shore; from John & Ronnie Shore

JANE MUNICK MEMORIAL GARDEN FUNDIn memory of Doris Kessel; from Leo Munick & Alice Fegelman

LOUISE MARKS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUNDIn memory of Freda Rubin; from Jeff & Kathy SchlaegerIn memory of Helen Silver, from Sue & Jay Price

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Hilda Steiner; from The Moreira FamilyA gift from David and Sharon Feldstein

Sustaining the Generations ...We gratefully acknowledge the following contribu-

TO THE VALLEY TEMPLEA gift from Izar and Stacey Spivak

SOCIAL ACTION FUNDA gift from Neil Berman and Susan Marmo

FULL CIRCLE ... A LOVE STORYWritten by Bob Levinson and Zelda Luxenberg

Full Circle is a novella which takes place in Harbour’s Edge, a life care community that typifies the safety net available to our aging population by offering independent living coupled with services and assistance guaranteed to meet all future health needs.

The main characters, Rob and Stella, meet at Harbour’s Edge. The story describes the process by which each made the decision to move to an independent liv-ing facility and depicts the day-to-day experiences they encounter while embracing a new lifestyle. The story portrays the benefits as well as the fears, adjustments and coping skills they need to be happy in their new setting.

Full Circle is a love story, not only between Rob and Stella, but also for their new home at Harbour’s Edge and for the many new friends they make there. Through their lives, the reader experiences the various ways that people dealing with advancing age make provisions to ensure a quality of life, free of the worry they will end up alone or as a burden to their children.

This book, written by longtime Valley Temple member, Bob Levinson and his partner, Zelda Luxenberg, is a primer for how to live well into your 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond, especially if one spouse has an illness or if one becomes a widow or widower. Full Circle can be obtained online from Barnes & Noble or, and is also an ebook.

Sandford R. Kopnick, Rabbi Solomon T. Greenberg, Rabbi Emeritus Carolan Glatstein, Rabbinic Intern Wendy Walsh, Temple Administrator Alison Weikel, Director of Education Craig Hoffheimer, President Laura Beasley, Sandy Hatfield, Dianne Rabe Presidium, Women of Reform JudaismSam Lobar, Men’s Club President

513-761-3555WEB SITE: E-MAIL: or use links at

145 Springfield Pike Cincinnati, OH 45215

Tenth Graders Visit Washington, D.C.

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