march and the shepherd, interpretation

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 March and the Shepherd, interpretation


    March and the Shepherd

    Once upon a time there was a shepherd that had

    more sheep and rams than the shore of the sea had

    grains of sand. With all this, his soul was always

    burdened with the fear that one of them could die.

    The winter was long, and the shepherd bid the

    months: December, be favorable to me! January, do

    not kill my animals with freezing cold! February,

    if you are good to me, I will honor you always!

    The months were listening to the shepherds

    prayers, and sensitive as they are to each act of

    homage, they granted them. They sent neither rain

    nor hail, nor livestock diseases, and the sheep and

    the wethers continued to graze all winter long and

    they didnt even catch a cold.

    March also passed. That is, the month most

    difficult of character, and it went well. The last

    day of the month arrived, and by now the shepherd

    was no longer afraid of anything. Now it was April,

    the springtime, and the flock was safe. He quit his

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    usual supplicant tone, and chose to laugh

    scornfully and play the braggart: Oh March! Oh

    March! You who are the terror of flocks, to whom do

    you believe to give fright? To the lambs? Ah ah

    March, I am no longer afraid! We are in spring, you

    cannot hurt me, third-rate March; you can go to


    Upon hearing the ingrate that dared to talk

    like that to him, March felt a fly jump to his nose

    (became perturbed). Offended, he ran to his brother

    Aprils house and said to him:

    Oh my brother April,

    Lend me three of your days

    To punish the shepherd boy

    that I want to make repent.

    April, who was fond of his brother March, lent

    him the three days. For starters, March ran all

    around the world, gathered the winds, tempests and

    pestilences that were around and unloaded it all on

    the flocks of the shepherd. On the first day, the

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    wethers and sheep that werent in good shape died.

    On the second day, it was the lambs turn. On the

    third day, not a single living animal remained in

    all the flock, and the shepherd was left with only

    his eyes to cry.

    March and the Shepherd is a fictional work whose

    origins are based in and stem from the tradition of

    Italian folklore. This particular legend is quite

    popular, which may be compared to Little Red

    Riding Hood, a widely known fable among the people

    of the U.S., also stemming from Italian origins, by

    the way, and is taught to children at a very early

    age, along with many other famous fairytales. It is

    important to take note and ponder the implications

    of rendering palatable an inconspicuously and

    complexly rich plate of such delicious treat of

    realizing that there is really more to the

    composition than initially meets the eye. After the

    internalization of these superior groupings,

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    conclusions and assertions that are hidden in the

    many forms of the retold new version of a story

    each time someone reads it, advanced thoughts

    without being consciously aware of performing the

    act of ideas as a single idea. This allows the

    concepts within the tale to be defined without

    specific prescription of meaning, but rather a

    contextual description of meaning, told at

    different stages in your physical and mental

    development. The same stories that we learn as

    children remain with us all With each retelling of

    the story, the story itself may be seen as

    splitting into certain breeds depending on the

    nature of the alterations that make themselves

    manifest through the unique position of itself at

    any given moment, until, at some point, it takes

    the image of form of being that truly does exist,

    but it is so far off from the previously

    originating or point perceived point of

    conceptualization that may have at some other time

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    and place been known, told time and time again.

    Since it has maintained its existence in the

    temporal realm of the oral tradition, it has not

    always had the luxury of resisting change as well

    as it does now, relative to the same amount in the

    world, of course. With more people being born every

    second than ever before, the amount of space per

    capita on this planet is diminishing at a rate

    equal to the inverse of the same point in time on

    an exponential growth graph of its population,

    represented by a decay graph, people that were once

    separate are now forced to get along with and

    share the territory that is inhabited by another

    people that maintain their own respective ideas

    separate from your own. These things, when grouped

    with the fairly recent development of a

    frighteningly homogenous version of the idea of

    mass media, push for globalization, and the growing

    threat of monoculturalism supported and perpetrated

    by that same conglomerate, the television, and the

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    internet have all contributed to the growing

    facility in the exchange of propositions about the

    world in which we live as well as the quest to

    actually achieve some form of truth in this form.

    with a commonly accepted standard textual form the

    proliferation and propagation of translations and

    transformations relative to its placement within

    the various dimensions of existence have caused the

    original purpose and initial intent, produced

    results of its progenitors choice to toil in the

    creation of this story to become shrouded amongst

    the forest of trees that have sprouted from the

    planting several parameters to be considered one of

    a few different types of works, some having

    overlapping qualifications, almost the same but,

    the slight differences that exist among them will

    allow me to better convey future assertions, so

    please, bear with me; amazingly, it is

    contemporaneously a parable, fable, apologue, and

    allegory all rolled into one. This collection is,

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    contrastingly in spite of yet especially because

    of, each additional rendition, it becomes to the

    conscious object finding itself witness to a

    perceptible permutations manifested in the

    representational forms novel channeling of the

    original compilations original meaning determine

    of the interpreted perception of reality as it is

    appears to be existing and interacting with our

    beings presently all throughout our being of

    cohesive thought patterns of diverse etymology

    shadow figures with which we see and believe

    ourselves to be interacting interpretation of an

    individual abstract discernable aspects of reality

    based upon previous interactions of the self as

    perceived by itself and the other of actual ideas,

    such as months of the year, animals, specifically

    livestock, and people, in this case a clever

    shepherd boy, contained within the relation

    individually act as symbolic labels used by the

    initial composer to lead the reader to certain

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    conclusions upon completion allowing the

    performance of another sentient being to reference

    the uniquely extant and simultaneously lacking in

    fluctuations for which we have developed a sense

    that we are aware of that is capable of recognizing

    the differentiations and fluctuations of such

    collections of ideas previously experienced in a

    manner active incapacity and process and attachment

    construed together to form a cast of main

    characters whose purposes in existing and any

    perceived permutations, both possible and

    impossible, are superficial at best and vulgar at

    worst. The original body which happened to have

    the part of receiving these thoughts on the shadows

    of the development of existence. We can never

    actually see what exists, even our own selves are

    illusions meant to distract and divert you from

    realizing the truth about existence. We must give

    up all conventional thought and look to radical

    ideas and thoughts of perception and appearance and

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    what everything actually is and, more importantly,

    how and why things are the way they are to bring

    about a fresh momentum to the human race in its

    translation and eventual transformation across

    space and time and all the dimensions we can

    imagine as well as those that we cannot, so that we

    may then ponder on ideas that are more than

    exponentially distant from the ideas of our

    predecessors. They must have felt ingenious, but

    the realizations to which we are making ourselves

    avail these days is amazing to me. The average time

    for our beings to acquire knowledge about our

    existence is rapidly dividing itself into smaller

    and smaller pieces. This is all in relation to the

    human thought pattern and idea process, though.

    What about all the creatures that have ever existed

    and will exist far beyond the distinction of human

    beings on a planet known somehow to sometime to

    somebody as Earth? A new future, one ripe with the

    extravagance of unimaginable wonders that bring us

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    so far beyond what we are at present. We are lead

    astray from the acquisition of knowledge and

    complete and total understanding of the true form

    of the self. What nature could have dreamt in the

    dreams of our dreams, we can We all take our

    positions in accordance the sheet music of our life

    that has a definite made especially for us, based

    on the unique combination of circumstance and

    placement of the other parts in relation to your

    part; you to your part to the symphony of the

    instruments that our being make performance plays

    its part in the biggest game of telephone mixed

    with the intensity of a hit and run in aspects of

    being and transforming through its within the

    universe of which it has been distinguished as a

    specific part worthy of note. The paradox of the

    situation is that our notion of what an author does

    is completely wrong. All perceived reality is

    actually a false notion naively believed to be the

    truth, but in actuality it is nothing more than the

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    result of the interactions of the pressures and

    releases of existence and its constituents that are

    distinguished from the rest by the circumstance of

    our sentient minds journey in this bottle of flesh

    floating in an endless sea. The water moves the

    bottle along on its journey tossing it from side to

    side, gently bobbing, then the next thing that

    makes itself apparent to an observer is the

    hurricane that has swept over the violently

    thrashing it in a chaotic storm. If we are the

    bottle, still human, able to swim where we may, but

    overall incapable of actually incurring any real

    causality beyond that which has been dictated by

    the nature of the specific existence of the

    materials we are composed, nothing more. All of the

    unique thoughts and ideas boil down to the fact

    that we always have been and always will be part of

    this universe and no matter what parameters for how

    distinguishable or notable we are among the endless

    ocean, if you get far back enough, one becomes a

  • 7/28/2019 March and the Shepherd, interpretation


    mere speck, lacking any dimension whatsoever.

    Perception is based in position and the position of

    an object in that universe and all of the other

    objects to it are governed by a complex

    mathematical formula that we cannot even begin to

    try to imagine what do not decide what they do. It

    has already been decided for them, and they must

    oblige. The story compiled itself, and the body in

    which the mind that was made privy to a shadow of

    the truth, not quite an outright lie, but the next

    best thing to actually knowing, seeing and

    understanding the real thing, as the shadows basis

    is, after all, in the figure or image of the

    perceived truth. This extended metaphor is a false

    realization of reality and is even more so than the

    perceived truth of our everyday lies, because its

    form is the result of the transformation in the

    recollection of that shadow over time available

    about existence should consider themselves the

    luckiest things in the universe, are governed by

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    the constant shifting of the universe that was set

    in motion when this universe was formed, not by the

    author or composer. We, as well as the characters

    in the story, though non-sentient object

    experienced within the dimensions we have senses

    capable of discerning fluctuations and a truly

    physical object incorrectly labeled as mental

    because we cannot see or sense it physically now

    due to the evolutionary stage of the human race,

    imperceptible to the human body, yet imaginable, at

    all lie in the intentions and desired result

    effected in this consolidation of thoughts and the

    recounting of this fabrication by the marker in

    highlighting specific ideas with the privilege of

    being called out in comparison to the rest of

    existence. In terms of and in relation to the

    several true and actual purposes that we maintain

    within ourselves innately simply by having been,

    continuing to be, possibly always having been and

    possibly always going to be similar objects

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    occupying the same grouping of dimensions that are

    they themselves extant within the same universe,

    and being governed in the same manner as all other

    forms of matter that constitute the whole of the

    existence that is the universe as it shifts our

    conception of perception and vice-versa. In the

    end, the intent of the creator was not to create a

    work that he saw realized everyday, but rather

    he/she desired that this conjoining of beliefs, as

    we must realize that they are indeed beliefs that

    form the basis of our postulations about existence

    and not knowledge; that we truly know nothing at

    all. The composer was to produce some desire as

    well as its own seeming through its never-ending

    expansion, lies in the purpose of it and thusly its

    appearance, which may have some interesting

    implications. Although it is impossible for us to

    ever truly perceive, realize, and know, let alone

    make that truth manifest itself within and/or

    without ourselves and/or others, just as the

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    characters in this story are strictly bound to the

    inevitable and continuous development of a

    deliberately ordered series of hypothetical events

    imagined and organized by a conscious mind

    traveling through the dimensions of existence

    encapsulated within some form of a material body

    capable of perceiving, interpreting, systematizing,

    and drawing assertions about what is considered by

    the being to be both physical and non-physical,

    i.e. that which is perceptible and imperceptible to

    it, manifestations of space, which is limited to

    the forms of perception a being is capable of using

    to interpret and imagine so as to develop a sense

    of it, and perhaps later, some physical capacity

    for interpreting fluctuations in matter referents

    that the being lacks capacity to directly observe

    and/or experience impossible to even perceive

    based on the perception of the reactions of their

    self in relation to various other selves that

    happen to find themselves existing within the same

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    universe at the same point in time and relatively

    close to the as the witness exists, and then for

    the specific purpose of imparting proscriptions

    about the nature and manner of the existence of

    specific aspects/appearance of that to another

    capable of interpreting the many symbolic

    renditions that have been produced over time, of

    this tale in a manner relative to their own

    understanding of experiences and events witnessed

    prior to another beings account of actual

    experiences and events that took place before the

    conceptualization and telling of this tale capable

    of leading one to knowledge of abstract ideas and

    morals that are pertinent to the orator/authors

    goals as a being in existence, as they without

    experiencing first-hand all of the events of which

    a mind has need to stimulate the connections

    between several observed reactions of existence.

    Reach the new level of understanding about

    existence, fulfills and the appropriate

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    prescriptions to be labeled as a parable, fable,

    apologue, and allegory, and though it does contain

    animals, it is not an allegory originating from

    Italian folklore. Since its initial composition and

    subsequent conveyance, lamming the confining prison

    of its womb and kiln, the plane of its

    manifestation, the mind of its first composer, and

    possible posterior recollection of having imagined

    such a thing at some other point in time and space,

    perhaps, by the intelligence that finds itself

    existing yet again within the same time and place

    of existence as the true object, the compilation of

    many concepts brought together as one whole,

    through the focus of its intelligence upon the same

    ideas, shadows, reactions to the mere existence and

    continuation thereof, of the former being, that

    are/were perceptible to it were actions performed

    by the referent whose presence as an object that

    exists within the same universe as an intelligence

    that also found itself temporarily bound within a

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    form of the once felt by the and attempting to

    construct the previously made image of the true

    reality and existence of the story, although, it is

    in a different time, in a different body, and, more

    than likely, in a different place, ultimately

    experienced via a minds vessel, and become known

    through some manner, be it versed in a manner oral,

    textual or corporeal in nature, or any combination

    thereof, to anyone else, ever, that is to say, at

    least not in the exact same manner as its

    originator, for, first of all, no one can really

    understand or know anything at all, and, secondly,

    the singular idea being referenced by this parable

    that does exist somehow, somewhere and in at least

    one or more of the many dimensions of which the

    universe in which we exist as particular elements

    manifested with varying capacities and based upon

    the forms in which we find ourselves realized,

    which are reactions to actions undertaken by

    existence itself and for reasons impossible to

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    conceive, let alone truly understand, by the

    progression of space through time, and witnessing

    this progression, known reality that unfolds within

    and without us constantly the universe we inhabit,

    embodies the whole grouping of thoughts and ideas,

    being as they are only shadows of the true

    existence of things, perceived through the mortal

    coil as past events witnessed after-the-fact and

    never trulyseen or known, bound by one

    intelligence can technically be formed by another

    intelligence created by that originator may be

    reached the perpetuation of this parable through

    the oral tradition, and eventual distribution in

    document form through transcription into text(s),

    it has seen many forms, having had its essential

    meaning altered time and time again from that of

    the original intended by its creator by the

    contributions of several individuals in and of

    itself; thusly edited and contribute addendum

    several authors, each incorporating their own

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    individual goal(s)/intentions/prerogatives to the


    Marzo e il pastore una parabola del folklore


    Oggi il 31 di marzo, mi viene in mente una

    leggenda.. Marzo e il Pastore

    Ai tempi dei tempi Marzo aveva 30 giorni, mentre

    Aprile ne aveva 31.

    Orbene, il pastore ogni giorno, accompagnando il

    gregge al pascolo, incontrava Marzo e con lui

    scambiava qualche parola:

    - Ciao, Marzo!

    - Ciao, Pastore! Dove stai andando?Al monte o al


    - B, oggi andr al piano, mi sembra che ci sia pi

    sole l...

    - Bravo, fai bene... ci vediamo!

    E Marzo, di corsa, andava al piano a scatenare un

    bel temporale.

    A sera i due si ritrovavano:

    - Come va, pastore?

    - Benissimo: sono stato al monte: un tempo


    - Bene bene, son contento per te, pastore.

  • 7/28/2019 March and the Shepherd, interpretation


    - Allora ciao, Marzo, a domani.

    - A domani, pastore!

    Il giorno dopo, Marzo incontr il pastore e gli


    - Allora, oggi che fai? Mi sembra che al monte ci

    sia un sole splendido.

    - E' vero, grazie, andr proprio al monte, oggi!

    A sera...

    - Com' andata oggi?

    - Benissimo, sono stato al piano: un'aria tiepida,

    un cielo limpido...Sembrava primavera.

    - Sono proprio contento, pastore! - disse Marzo,

    che invece si rodeva dalla rabbia, avendo scatenato

    la tempesta al monte...

    Per farla breve, ogni giorno il pastore la

    scampava... Finiti i 30 giorni del mese, il pastore

    incontr ancora Marzo:

    - E oggi dove vai?

    - Ah, oggi ne ne sto al piano, faccio meno fatica.

    Marzo era passato e il pastore si sentiva molto

    pi tranquillo, cos fece quello che aveva detto.

    Ma Marzo and di corsa da suo fratello Aprile e si

    fece prestare un giorno: cos pot attuare lavendetta scatenando l'ira di Dio al piano.

    A sera si ritrovarono:

    - Allora, pastore, com' andata oggi?

  • 7/28/2019 March and the Shepherd, interpretation


    - Non me ne parlare! Tuoni, fulmini, grandine

    grossa come uova... A stento sono riuscito a

    mettere in salvo il gregge! Mi sono preso anche il


    E cos da quella volta Marzo ebbe 31 giorni, perchsi era fatto prestare un giorno da Aprile.

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