march april 2016 annual community wide yard the community...

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March-April 2016

A little Saturday Shopping For

A Worthwhile Cause

Homeowners can sell their former “treasures” in the com-

plete safety at Compton Park. (Community yard sales are

safer than holding one in your garage or driveway, effec-

tively opening your home to strangers.)

At Compton Park shoppers can search for the spectacular

all the while enjoying a lovely day in the park all for a

great cause and don’t forget the goodies! Members are on

hand to sell home baked treats to tempt and delight!

It is a lot of work, example Marion

Brookover seen to the right is sorting

the donated treasurers, but it is all for a

good cause. The proceeds will benefit

the TPWC’s USF Scholarship Fund.

Reserve a space ($15) and bring

your own table.

No table? One is available for $15

Bring your goodies and sell, sell, sell!

Just come and shop!!!

For more information or with questions about how to re-

serve a spot or donate good for sale by the TPWC go

online to or

contact Elvea Kelly at 615-9600.

The Tampa Palms Women’s Club

Serving the Community

Annual Community - Wide Yard Sale The Safe Way To Sell & Shop

Saturday, April 2ndSaturday, April 2ndSaturday, April 2nd

9 AM 9 AM 9 AM --- 1 PM1 PM1 PM

Compton Park*Compton Park*Compton Park*

* Compton Park in the heart of Tampa Palms between

Tampa Palms Elementary School and the New Tampa


16101 Compton Drive.

813 972-0897



Bruce B Downs Highlights

The widening of Bruce B Downs remains critical to the look

and safety of the Tampa Palms community. The project is

proceeding fairly smoothly, on time and with as little interfer-

ence with community life as the County and the many con-

tractors can make happen.

Final preparations are un-

derway to open the west-

side lanes for traffic:

Gravity walls are being


Sidewalks are being


The base for the pavement is in place, as seen in this pho-

to, looking north along City Plaza

The intersections for Tampa Palms Blvd and Amberly

have already been paved to make way for the new lanes.

Traffic Signal Cautions

At both the Amberly and Tampa Palms Blvd intersections

with BB Downs, the traffic signals for eastbound traffic have

been located to a point about 35 feet from the edge of the new

lanes, requiring motorists to stop about 50 feet from the edge

of roadway to see them.

When the new lanes open (mid-to late April) the signals will

seem distant from the traffic but less out of place.

These are temporary signals and will be in place until the east

side lanes and signals are built - late 2016 or early 2017.

PAGE 2 MAR -APL 2016

News From the TPOANews From the TPOANews From the TPOA

Planning A Party This Spring Or Summer?

It hardly seems possible but the annual graduation,

prom, wedding, and shower season is almost here.

Even with the expanded faculties, dates fill up fast. If

you are planning an occasion and Compton Park meets

your needs, please contact the TPOA’s Community

Director, Jo Ann Conrad (977-3337), to select your

date and firm up your plans.

Remember, Compton Park

facilities are a Tampa

Palms amenity that is

available only to Tampa

Palms residents.

Compton is not available

to non-residents.

Interested In Timely Updates For Tampa Palms?

Between TPOA newsletters and community-wide

meetings , there is a source of community news - the

Tampa Palms-TPOA Facebook page. You can click in

for BB Downs updates an other community news.


Tampa Palms Women’s Club A Chic April Is Planned

Mar-Apl 2016

2016 Tampa Palms Spring Fashion Show

Thursday, April 21, 2016


For twenty-nine years the members of the Tampa Palms

Women’s Club (TPWC) have shared their personal

style, flair for fun and their enormous charitable spirit

with the Tampa Palms Community.

This year marks the 24th time the TPWC has sponsored

the Tampa Palms Spring Fashion Show. On April

21st it will be fashion, luncheon and plenty of fun…. all

for an excellent cause, the OASIS Network. See infor-

mation to the right.

March Adventure

This month the adventure combines an intriguing tour ro

the Tampa Bay History Center with a world-class lunch

at the Columbia Restaurant located in-house at the Tam-

pa Bay History Center.

Tampa Bay History Center

Thursday March 31st

Carpools meet at 9 AM at Compton Park and depart at


There are two special temporary exhibits, in addition to

the permanent displays:

Bringing Home the Sunshine: Collecting

Florida Souvenirs.

This is a collection of memorabilia (both

museum pieces and from private collectors)

that represent Florida’s place as a tourist

mecca over the years.

Re-placing Fort Brooke

This exhibit details the histo-

ry of that “camp on the Hills-

borough River,” AKA Ft

Brooke, which later became

our very own Tampa.

Celebrate the 2016 Fashion Season

As the Latest Styles & Accessories

Grace the Runway At

Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club

Showcasing Fashions By


10:15 am Doors Open

10:15 Am Social Time

11:00 am Live Auction*

* (Proceeds to Oasis charity)

11:30 am Fashion Show

Noon: Luncheon

Duet of petit Baguettes~Turkey w/ provolone, arugula,

honey mustard; Ham w/ tomato, basil, olive oil accom-

panied by Feld of Greens Salad and an array of season-

al fruit. Dessert features Blueberry Crumble Parfait.

1- 4:00 pm After Show Fashion Sales

Price: $30 per person (Proceeds to TPWC charity fund)

Detach Here


Name(s) ________________Dietary Restrictions_______________

Name(s) ________________Dietary Restrictions_______________

Amount Enclosed: _______ by personal check made payable to

Tampa Palms Women’s Club.

Mail to: Judy Alkow PO Box 46878, Tampa, Fl 33646

For more information, email:

PAGE 4 MAR -APL 2016

Questions About Problem Trees

And Who Is Responsible

Both the CDD and the TPOA receive questions from resi-

dents who want to know:

Am I responsible if a tree falls from my property onto

a neighbors home.

Who is responsible for a tree that worries me in an

adjoining property?

Can I cut limbs from a tree that crosses the boundary

onto my property?

The responsibility for a tree in Florida law depends on the

location of the tree, as well as, the health of the tree.

In the situation where a dead

tree falls on an adjoining proper-

ty and damages the adjoining

property owner's home, the

landowner who owns the tree is

responsible for damages.

If a live tree falls on an adjoin-

ing property (storms or winds)

and damages that property own-

er's home, the adjoining proper-

ty landowner is responsible for

his own damages. Insurance

companies follow these rules.

Sometimes an owner will be uncomfortable with a tree on

adjoining CDD property; it may lean or look less than

healthy. The CDD only removes trees with the required

City permit. If the City inspector cannot be convinced

that the tree is (a) dead or (b) posing imminent danger to

the adjoining property, no permit will be granted.

In situations such as these the CDD will normally try to

trim the tree to relieve the resident’s concerns. Branches

that cross a boundary may be trimmed.

Note: only about 40% of the conservation areas within

Tampa Palms belong to the CDD; the rest belong to the

City of Tampa or private owners.

For more information on the City’s tree removal policy,

go online to


Owners Learn About CLUE®,

Sometimes The Hard Way

C.L.U.E. ® is the name of a database service, Compre-

hensive Loss Underwriting Exchange, which is main-

tained by the company LexisNexis® for the benefit of the

insurance industry.

Insurance companies sub-

scribe to this service and pro-

vide C.L.U.E.® with a record

of all insurance claims paid for

properties they insure.

Insurance companies also query this database to assess

the future risk associated with a property and set rates.

Data provided in C.L.U.E.® reports includes policyhold-

er information, such as name, date of birth and policy

number, and claim information, such as date of loss, type

of loss and amounts paid.

The C.L.U.E.® record is tied to the property and may

contain claims for up to seven years; claims about which

the current owner may have no knowledge.

Less known is the fact that C.L.U.E.® also includes data

regarding inquiries, even if a claim is never filed. Exam-

ple: a homeowner calls and states there is flood damage

in his home from a broken pipe. The cost to repair is $3K

but after discussion about his $2K deductible, chooses

not to file a claim. The inquiry is still noted in the future

C.L.U.E.® reports.

Since amended in 2003, the Federal Fair Credit Act

(FACT) has required that LexisNexis® provide one free

report per year to any homeowner making a request.

Homeowners can check the C.L.U.E.® reports for inac-

curate or information unrelated to their home that could

be making them pay higher insurance rates. If mistakes

are found, owners can contact LexisNexis® Consumer

Center at 888-497-0011. LexisNexis® will verify the cor-

rections with the reporting insurance company and notify

the owner of the results within 30 days.

Information is available online from LexisNexis® at:

Are You C.L.U.E.®

Less? Florida Tree Law

PAGE 5 MAR -APL 2016

Residents Worry

Many residents have expressed concern about how Tampa

Palms will look after the completion of an eight lane high-

way that will run through the middle of the community.

Those worries were

heightened when workers

made adjustments to the

west-side entry last week-

end, including the tempo-

rary removal of the curb-

ing on the median.

Question posed to the TPOA and CDD include:

Are we going to lose our monuments? The answer is no.

Will the entries just become a commercial intersection

with no character? The answer is again no, there are

plans to enhance the character of Tampa Palms on BB

Downs by (and for the first time EVER), tying the east and

west side entries together in a single architectural plan.

When will this happen? Tentative plans are shown be-

low. These enhancements cannot be implemented until the

construction is complete in 2017.

Thirty Years Of Continual Improvement

On it 3rd birthday,

the Tampa Palms

community was cele-

brating with clowns

at the main entry.

East - side develop-

ment was well under-

way and City Plaza

was in the final plan-

ning stages.

Tampa Palms Blvd

ended just past the

Enclave village en-

trance and Compton

Dr. came to a stop at

Compton Park, near

the edge of power

line corridor.

Within just a few years there was a lot of roadway work

as Tampa Palms Blvd and Compton Dr were extended.

At the “front door” to Tampa Palms, sleepy Bruce Downs

(which had been two lanes except at the entrance to the

Tampa Palms community) was widened to four lanes.

Because of the widening new turn lanes had to be created

at the main entries, leaving the medians on Bruce B

Downs a virtual con-

struction site for several


Tampa Palms Over The Years

What’s Next For Tampa Palms?

West-Side Entry

East-Side Entry


Making A Difference For

Tampa Palms Elementary

Girl Scouts For The Community

The members of Girl Scout Troop 966 of Tampa Palms are

raising money to purchase & donate a new bicycle rack to

Tampa Palms elementary school. These are

eight 5th grad girls who are making this pro-

ject part of their sustainable project on their

Journey to complete the requirements for a

Bronze Award.

The Girl Scout Juniors, as per Girl Scout law, care for our

neighborhood and they have made a list of needs they can

support. They found a good cause in safety, particularly

when children are going to school.

The girls interviewed Principal Lippek and

the police: their findings indicate a desire to

see more kids on bicycles, and for those

kids to know the laws of the road.

For this reason Troop 966 has decided to

pursue a sustainably project by donating a

bike rack to the school and having the local

police come to give a lesson about street

smarts. They hope this can be a yearly


The girls are working hard to collect the money, creating

chocolate lollipops which you might have tasted, selling

cookies. The Tampa Palms Women Club gave them an op-

portunity work for support, by doing house chores.

Making the world a better place -Gina, Mallory, Isabella,

Carissa, Emory, Lily, Kaitlyn and Alexandria

Community Director: Jo Ann Conrad

Property Manager: Bonnie French

16101 Compton Drive M-F 9 AM - 5 PM

Phone: 977-3337

Fax: 978-8067


Web Site:

Board of Directors Bill Edwards, President 972-4238

Warren Dixon, Treasurer 977-3337

Marianne Trubelhorn, Secretary 977-3337

Ernie Munzen, VP 977-3337

Sally Fuson, Dir 977-3337

CDD 16311 TP Blvd. West

Maggie Wilson, Consultant

Phone: 977-3933

Fax: 977-6571


CDD Board of Supervisors

Gene Field (Chair) 977-1162

Patty Maney 977-7129

Jim Soley 222-3200

Jake Schoolfield 597-1432

Bill Shimer (Vice Chair) 971-8063

ABM (Landscaping ) Joe Laird, Area Manager 267-1756

Tampa Palms Parks

Compton Park 972-0897

Hampton Park 972-5699

River Park 971-6241

Police & Fire 911

Non-Emergency Police 231-6130

Non-Emergency Fire 223-4211

Local Schools

Tampa Palms Elementary 975-7390

Lawton Chiles Elementary 558-5422

Liberty Middle School 558-1180

Freedom High School 558-1185

Miscellaneous Street Repairs 622-1940

TECO 223-0800

Progressive Waste Solutions 248-2820

Water Department 274-8121

New Tampa Rec Center 975-2794

Stormwater (Floods or Dumping) 622-1901

MAR -APL 2016

M AR-APL 2016

March, 2016 Calendar

SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 9 Private Event 1 TPWC Canasta 5:30 Girl Scouts 6 Chess Club

2 9 Private Event 10 Private Event 6 Fly Fishing 6 Private Event

3 10 TP Women’s Club

4 9 Private Event 5 Private Event

5 10 Private Event 10 Private Event 10 Private event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

March 13, Day Light Savings Time

March 14-18 Spring Break, No School

March 27 Easter Sunday

6 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 1 Private Event 4 Girls Scouts

7 9 Private Event 5 Private Event

8 9 Private Event 12 Private Event 5 Private Event 6 Chess Club

9 10 Private Event 6 Private Event 6 CDD meeting

10 10-2 TPWC Bridge 3 Private Event

11 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

12 10 Private Event 10 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

13 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 1 Private Event 2 Private Event

14 9 Private Event 4 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Covenants

15 ELECTION 1 TPWC Board 5:30 Girl Scouts 5 TPOA Board


9 Private Event 10 Sanctuary Board 1 TPWC Canasta 6 Private Event 7 Faircrest Annual


10 Private Event

18 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

19 10 Private Event 10 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

20 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 12 Boy Scouts 4 Girl Souts

21 9 Private Event 5 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

22 10 Private Event 12 Private Event 6 Chess Club 7 Sterling Manor

23 9 Private Event 5 NT ART Group 6 Private Event


10 TPWC Bridge

25 Good Friday 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

26 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

27 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event

28 9 Private Event 5 & 6 Private Events 7 Faircrest HOA


9 Private Event 6 Chess Club


6 Private Event


APRIL, 2016 1 9 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

2 8 AM Community Yard Sale

5 Private Event

April 2nd Community Yard Sale April 21 TPWC Fashion Show

3 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 2 Private Event 3 Boy Scouts 4 Private Event

4 9 Private Event 5 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

5 9 Private Event 1 TPWC Canasta 5:30 Girl Scouts 6 Chess Club 6:30 Kensington

6 9 Private Event 6 Fly Fishing 6 Private Event

7 10-2 TP Women’s Club

8 5 Private Event

9 10 Private Event 10 Private event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

10 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 3 Boy Scouts 4 Girl Scouts

11 9 Private Event 4 Private Event 5 Covenants Com

6 Cub Scouts


9 Private Event

12 Private Event

1 Private Event 6 Chess Club

13 10 Private Event 6 Private Event 6 CDD meeting

14 10 Private Event 10 TPWC Bridge

15 5 Private Event

16 10 Private Event 10 Private event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

17 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event

18 9 Private Event 5 Private Event 6 Cub Scouts

19 9 Private Event 1 TPWC Board Mtg 5 TPOA Board Mtg

5:30 Girl Scouts 6 Chess Club

20 9 Private Event 10 Sanctuary Board

1 TPWC Canasta 6 Private Event


10 Private Event 10 TPWC Fashion Show at Country Club

22 5 Private Event

23 9 Private Event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

24 9 Private Event 9:30 Private Event 4 Girl Scouts

25 9 Private Event 5 Private Event 6:30 Private Event 7 Faircrest HOA Mtg

26 9 Private Event 12 Private Event 6 Chess Club

27 5 NT ART Group 6 Private Event

28 10 TPWC Bridge


5 Private Event

30 9 Private Event 10 Private event 5 Private Event 5 Private Event

Tampa Palms CDD Meeting


March 9th at 6:00 p.m.

Compton Park Recreation Building

16101 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL 33647

1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Strategic Planning

4. Public Comments

5. Board Member Discussions

6. Project Updates

BB Downs Update

Community Appearance

Palm Tree News

Oak Park Paths

7. Misc. Board Business

8. Public Comments

9. Board Member Discussions

10. Adjourn

Time To Reset

Irrigation Timers

Tampa Palms residents are reminded to check their timer

settings on irrigation systems due to the time change to

Daylight Saving Time on Mar 13th.

This is also a good opportunity to make certain that irri-

gation is set for the proper assigned days and times. The

following year-round twice-a-week irrigation schedule is

currently in effect for locations in Tampa Palms:

• All addresses ending in 0, 1, 2, or 3 - Mon and Thur ;

• At addresses ending in 4, 5, or 6 - Tues and Fri;

• At addresses ending in 7, 8, or 9 - Wed and Sat

Residents with new plantings may phase in their land-

scape with additional watering days. For the first 30 days,

daily watering is allowed. For the next 30 days three days

a week is permitted. For more information go online to


“Tampa Palms” and the Palm Tree device are trademarks of the Tampa Palms Owners Association Inc.


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