march / april 2018 the jive - · facebook roll night. they have played at...

Post on 04-May-2018






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President Lea 0410 561 952

Vice President Glenda 0411 146 763

Secretary Paul 0419 657 417

Treasurer Harry 0438 641 488

Memberships Larry 0413 987 398

Committee Members Bernadine 0400 489 522 Janice 0488 773 315 Judy 0439 548 312 Lyn 0412 241 549 Nigel 0467 069 582 Ray 0412 801 173

Merchandise Officer Judy 0439 548 312

Newsletter Editor Lyn 0412 241 549

Public Relations Nigel 0467 069 582

Dance Committee Leader Glenda 0411 146 763

Social Committee Leader Bernadine 0400 489 522

Festival Committee Larry 0413 987 398

Dance Bookings 1st Sat of each Month Glenda 0432 503 997

Social Night Mondays 7.30pm

RnR Lessons Thursdays 7.00pm

Postal Address PO Box 2046 Geelong Vic 3220 Ph: 0432 503 997

We’re at:

White Eagle House Felmongers Road Breakwater, Geelong Melway Ref 452 F1




The Jive

President’s Report P 1 & 2

Dance Class Report & Committee Member Profile P 2

Monday & Thursday nights Roster P 3

Birthdays, New Members & Rogues Gallery P 4

Rogues Gallery cont’d & Upcoming Events P 5

Hi Everyone. Another month almost gone and we’ll soon be into April.

It has been quite a full month for us Rockers. Our month started off with our Club Dance on March 3rd. What a great night. The theme was “Hawaiian” and almost everyone came dressed for the occasion. It really makes for a colourful night when everyone is dressed up in extreme-ly bright flowery clothes.

Rockin’ Daddies, who also dressed up for our theme night in their Hawaiian shirts, were our band for the March dance and, as normal, they certainly did not disappoint. Great music was enjoyed all night.

We had a best dressed and two women won this; Heather Oberli and Joyce Meanes. Both these ladies were very traditionally dressed in grass skirts and leis, oh and of course tops too (they weren’t that traditional with only coco-nut shells!!!). We also had a Hula Competition. Unfortunately only two couples were game enough to take up the challenge. The winning couple, whose names I unfortunately don’t have, put on a wonderful performance and of course our second couple Coral Lawn and Frank Meade also put up a great performance but were pipped at the post. Well done to all our winners.

A big thank you to our Dance committee for their work in planning this night and also a big thank you to the Seaview Club for allowing us to use some of the Hawaiian props to decorate the hall.

Our next dance is on Saturday April 7th. The band is The Jump Devils. This is the first time this band has played in Geelong for a Rock & Roll night. They have played at many Rock &

Roll nights throughout Melbourne.

This band’s sound harks back to the days of the 1940s and early 50s. Their music is naturally infectious with its very danceable tunes. I have been to many of their shows over the last 10 years and have never seen an empty floor. They have entertained many rock and rollers in Melbourne and I know they will put on a great show for their first rock & roll night in Geelong.

The band members are Chris ‘Stibbo Hanger – lead vocals and harp, Mark ‘Harpo’ Greenway – guitar, Alf Mott – Drums and John Walton – upright bass & vocals. John started The Jump Devils over ten years ago and they’ve played countless gigs around Melbourne and other regional areas. I’m very sure you will all enjoy their music come April 7th.

The Geelong Jukebox Rockers were also part of the bi-annual Wooden Boat Festival. Once again we were asked to come along to dance to a local band “The Vapourisers” at the Royal Geelong Yacht Club. We had a great turn up of members all dressed in their best rock & roll gear. A great night was had by all. Thank you so much to our troop of volunteers, who load-ed, unloaded, erected and dismantled the club’s floor.

Many of our members have been out and about to the many rock and roll dances around the state. The Mulwala Rock & Roll Festival, the Ararat Jailhouse Rock Festival and Alley Catz dance with New South Wales band Retro Rockets to just name a few. Please remember we would all love to hear about your experi-ences at the many dances around this great country of ours. Please write up a report and send it to and we’ll

March / April 2018


pop it in the newsletter. We were saddened to hear of one of the club’s fa-vourites, Les Riley had taken ill over the last month. I am very happy to report that Les is recovering, albeit slowly and is aching to get back to his rock & roll. At the February dance we had a “get well” card for peo-ple to sign. This was given to Les on the Sunday after the dance and he was very humbled by all the mes-sages written to him and he asked me to thank every-one for their kind thoughts and messages. Get well Les and we hope to see you back on the floor soon. The first block of rock and roll classes for 2018 has just finished. This last block of classes has been very popular, as has been the case over the many years that Geelong Jukebox Rockers has run their classes. This year we’ve recruited another very experienced couple in Elva and Robin from Westcoast Rockers. They have been teaching rock and roll for many years in many regional towns in Victoria. We’ve already had many people enquiring and signing up for the next block of classes which starts on Thurs-day April 5th. So if you know anyone who would like to learn the old traditional 50s Rock & Roll send them along. They can either book in or just turn up on the 5th. The format for the classes is one of rotation for those who wish to and it promises to be a lot of fun. As is usually the case there is always more women than men, so if there are any experienced male mem-bers out there who can assist us with the beginner’s class we would very much appreciate your help. The date has now been set for our Volunteers Thank you Lunch. Very soon all of you wonderful people who have volunteered your time to help with the many and varied activities the club is involved in will receive an invitation to the lunch on Sunday April 15th. Please keep an eye out in your inboxes or letterboxes for your invitation and details of the day.

Well until next time Keep on Dancin’, have Fun and remember, respect for each other and a smile can be contagious! Lea Gilliland

Our classes are $10.00 per person and Beginners (rotating) starts at 7pm sharp, then intermediate starts at 8pm.

Our term runs for 6 weeks then we have party night where we have a social night and we all bring a plate of supper to share. Then there is a 1 week break before resuming again. Please see the time table.

If any members would like to help out on the door please see one of the Committee Members and put your name down.


Hi, I’m Paul Shadbolt, I have been a member of GJBR since 2012. I have been interested in dancing since 1967, when I took up Ballroom Dancing and learned some Jive then as well. It didn’t stick! I was in the RAAF for 21 years, beginning in1967 and retiring from the RAAF in 1988. Then various jobs, cul-minating in my retiring from work in 2016. I started dancing lessons, at GJBR, in 2011 as a means of exercise and getting out from in front of the TV, after being diagnosed with Depression. It worked, depres-sion gone and some 30Kg as well! I have also participated in the Floorshows of 2014 (Priscilla) and 2015 (Blues Brothers and Rocky Horror) and enjoyed the work involved. I joined the Committee in 2016, as an ordinary member. Shortly after that the Secretary resigned and I took it as a temporary position. This became permanent in 2017. Along the way, I’ve learned to dance again (At least I call it dancing!!) and have enjoyed lessons and then enjoyed helping run them. I’ve also learned quite a bit about the functioning of the club. And how to set up a Dance. On a personal note, I met my partner (Glenda) at Lessons in 2012 and the rest is History. I love RNR dancing, though one of my knees doesn’t!! And hope to be dancing for a long time to come.



Monday Social Night Music Roster Thursday Rock & Roll Class Door People

26/3/18 Dennis & Lina CM Lyn 29/3/18 Week Off

2/4/18 Janet & Warren CM 5/4/18 Terri & Barry

9/4/18 Kendall CM 12/4/18 Ray & Pauline

16/4/18 Terri & Barry CM 19/4/18 Bernadine & Nigel

23/4/18 Chris Ryan CM 26/4/18 Lea & Noel

30/4/18 Larry & Lyn CM Larry 3/5/18 Maria & Coral

7/5/18 Lea & Noel CM Lea 10/5/18 Glenda & Paul

14/5/18 Dennis Lina CM Lyn 17/5/18 Party Night

21/5/18 Janet & Warren CM 24/5/18 Week Off

28/5/18 Kendall CM 31/5/18 Judy & Harry

4/6/18 Terri & Barry CM 7/6/18 Di & Tony

11/6/18 Chris Ryan CM 14/6/18 Terri & Barry

18/6/18 Larry & Lyn CM Larry 21/6/18 Ray & Pauline

25/6/18 Lea & Noel CM Lea 28/6/18 Bernadine & Nigel

2/7/18 Dennis Lina CM Lyn 5/7/18 Lea & Noel

9/7/18 Janet & Warren CM 12/7/18 Party Night

16/7/18 Kendall CM 19/7/18 Week Off

23/7/18 Terri & Barry CM 26/7/18 Maria & Coral

30/7/18 Chris Ryan CM 02/8/18 Glenda & Paul


The Club would like to welcome the following new members

Michael Fawcett, Helen Fawcett, Steve Jauhari, Annette Jauhari,

Barry Murphy, Matt Harsanyi

A very Happy Birthday to these members who celebrate their Birthdays in April

March Dance

Bev Bedgood

Janice Braun

Tony Carameli

Russell Dare

Tony Earl

Nigel Hayes

Graeme Heddle

Margaret Holt

Diana Kramer

Carolyn McLeod

Keryn Mellow

Christine Morgan

Raelene Palmer

Andy Pressegh

Sharlene Rose

Leanne Scott

Robyn Smith

Rod Steere

Harry Stendt

Vicki Stokes

Doris Sultana

Joe Sultana

Andrew Whitford


Date What Where Band & Time Contact Cost

7th April 2018

GJBR’s Easter Theme

White Eagle House, Breakwater

Jump Devils 7.45-11.45pm

Bookings through ‘Trybooking”

Enquiries: Glenda 0432 503 997

$15 - M $20 - NM

5th May 2018

GJBR’s Mothers Day

White Eagle House, Breakwater

Shane Magro Combo 7.45-11.45pm

Bookings through ‘Trybooking”

Enquiries: Glenda 0432 503 997

$15 - M $20 - NM

19th May 2018

Seaview Club “Legends of 50’s & 60’s Rock n Roll & Movies”

Seaview Club, Lovely Banks

The Fender Benders Sandra 0418 337 215

$20 Must be

pre booked and pre paid

2nd June 2018

GJBR’s Rock n Roll

(Second hand clothing stall on site)

White Eagle House Breakwater

Moonlighters 7.45-11.45pm

Bookings through ‘Trybooking”

Enquiries: Glenda 0432 503 997

$15 - M $20 - NM

7th July 2018



White Eagle House Breakwater

Smokin Wingtips 7.45-11.45pm

Bookings through ‘Trybooking”

Enquiries: Glenda 0432 503 997


We’re looking for good news stories for our newsletter in 2018. If you have gone to a dance or have attended a festival or just having something great to share. Please right up a

report, add some photos and send it along to and we’ll add it into the newsletters. The cut-off date for all items is the Wednesday after the Geelong Jukebox Rockers Monthly Dance.

PRE-LOVED ROCK “n” ROLL GEAR SALE Have your clothes shrunk in the dark dark closet? Have they stretched in the wind on the clothesline? Never fear, our sale is here. Bring along your pre loved rock n roll gear and give someone else a chance to love your stuff! JUNE DANCE—For further details watch this space ***


Trybooking Guide—Geelong Jukebox Rockers

To book and pay for a Ticket to our Dance, go to our web page & follow the link to the Trybooking system or go to the

Trybooking Web page &search for Geelong Jukebox Rockers.

Click on Book Now

Select the number & type of Tickets you want and then click Next


The next screen asks for information of what Table No or “Who you would like to sit with”. You may optionally enter the ap-

propriate info like “ on Table 4 please” or “with the Fred Flintstone Rockers” etc. Then enter the full names of all of the people


The system will then show you your purchase.


Enter your Credit Card details and click Purchase

Once the payment is processed you can print out your tickets.

Also note that you can add the event to your electronic Calendar if you want

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