maria popova article

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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TRANSCRIPT by Kieran Donaghy Maria Popova is a Bulgarian writer, critic and blogger living in Brooklyn, New York. She is most famous for her incredibly popular blog Brain Pickings, which covers a wide variety of cultural topics: history, current events, and images and texts from the past. Running Brain Pickings takes over 450 hours of work each month. Maria reads hundreds of pieces of content a day and anywhere between 12-15 books per week. From this, she posts the best to her blog and Twitter feed. She spends anywhere from three to eight hours writing a day, publishes three articles a day from Monday to Friday, and tweets four times per hour for 15 hours a day. All these articles are written and scheduled in advance. Maria tries not to write on Fridays, and likes to keep that day for sending emails and attending meetings. Maria does most of her long-form reading while at the gym. She skims the news while eating and listens to podcasts during her commutes. Her daily routine includes checking her email, skims the RSS feed, pre schedules ten tweets to be published on Twitter for the mid-afternoon in the morning, then going straight to the gym which she does the elliptical while reading. She then heads back to her apartment and eats breakfast while reading more. She then goes to one of her two offices in New York City where she writes for her blog, tweets, goes through feeds, and more. When her work is done, she does not watch TV, but instead, reads the newspaper.

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