mark komissarov mentalno vidjenje , mental infoviewing

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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praksa infoviđenja izvod iz njegove knjigePractice infoviewing excerpt from his book


Read the book and decided to share the Commission TEXT practitioners FRIENDS

part 1


OF PERCEPTION in the brain METHOD FOR BRAND KOMISSAROVA. This technique was developed by me to activate the center of information perception of the world in direct contact with the students. That is, at school or at a seminar. Distance learning requires some adaptation techniques, the use of other ways to communicate with students. Therefore, leaving the key provisions of the methodology I will correct and comment attached to distance learning. indispensable attribute of your independent course is a video application. Captured on video all you need for a successful learning material being presented. activation method Information Center Perception (DSC) is based on the removal of a psychological barrier in the human mind to the possibility of information perception of the world and to encourage the brain to the top for external information on a new channel for it. Availability psychological barrier in the brain due to the fact that hundreds of millions of years of evolution, all the information from the world enters our brain only five channels - through the five senses. This way of information seems to us the only possibility. For so long this idea stuck in our "genetic" level. Our brains are convinced that different and can not be. purpose of lessons - to overcome this presumption and to open a new channel for the brain receiving information from the outside. I developed methods of teaching and to achieve this goal.

Part 2

activation DSC technique involves two successive stages:

I. Removing the psychological barrier at the level of human consciousness.

II. Removing the psychological barrier at the subconscious level person. I. Removing the psychological barrier at the level of human consciousness. Purpose: Removing plaque from the mystical phenomenon of "clairvoyance" and providing students conscious approach to the development of information perception of the world. Here you have to watch the video on the disk number 1. It represented real people with activated InfoCenter. You will see their opportunities. Rather, the possibilities of information perception. Further, the CD contains my presentation. I talk about these amazing opportunities and answer questions. reviewing the submitted materials, you will realize that Infovidenie not mysticism, and the reality that it really exists. you believe in it at the conscious level. But this is absolutely not enough. The fact is that our brains at the gene level "knows" what to see without eyes can not. Convince him that on a subconscious level - that's the main and most difficult task. difficult, but possible. Therefore, forward, to the second stage!

Part 3

II. Removing the psychological barrier at the subconscious level of man. Goal: Overcoming the genetic memory of the brain can not get information from the outside except through the five senses. basic technique: In the classroom the student is placed in a situation where his brain is not able to obtain the requested information in a traditional way. Brain has to "seek" a new channel of information. As such it becomes a channel for DSC. The brain begins to receive information from the outside on the new channel for itself in a controlled mode of perception. That is, each time a student checks the validity of the information available to him. multiple repetition of positive reinforce subconscious perception of reality of the information that would eventually lead to the removal of existing barriers and enhance the DSC. Here we are with you and get to practical training. Follow my directions. and writing, and what you see on the disk number 2.

Part 4

of the Manual, necessary for training:

1) A set of colored sheets of paper

2) Colored plastic or paper cups

3) Color tennis or rubber balls

4) A deck of cards

5) Children's book about animals with large bright pictures

6) White sheets of paper with printed in large letters, the words

7) Grand stationery envelope

8) shoe box.

Earlier, I said that to myself activate DSC man can. Necessary physical participation of another person. Better if it will be at the workshop under the guidance of an experienced coach, prepared at my school. But, if we are talking about distance learning, let it be your good friend. Or supporter, who also wants to learn how to learn the information.

Part 5

Replacing each other as a student and a coach, you will be able to conduct the necessary exercises. The main thing is that you understand the meaning and purpose of each of these exercises. And do not fear failure. It just can not be.

First, and most important. For millions of its evolutionary history of the brain of any living being "knows" what to get visual information from the outside it can only help your eyes. Another is given. When we want to see something, we turn our face towards the objects of interest and the brain "asks" the eyes,

"eyes that you see?" And being in the eyes visual image and identify it, the brain receives a response to a question.

We will learn to receive visual information, avoiding the eyes. Our eyes are closed. But the brain is only one known way of seeing - eye.

So when you close your eyes, pick up a colored piece of paper and try to determine what color is it, in your head between the brain and the eyes will begin the following dialogue:

Brain: "The eyes what you see ? "

eyes, "Nothing. We're closed. "

Brain: "So what! On the drive, I saw that you can see with your eyes closed. Come on, look! What do you see? "

Part 6

And you start trying to see something. See eyes. You will begin to move his eyebrows, eyelashes will actively shake, but see the color of the paper through closed eyelids you can not.

"Well, what do you see?" - will continue to stick to the eyes of your mind.

"Yes, we do not see anything. We're closed! "- Will respond with some irritation in his eyes.

"Well ... And if I Pridvinie to you this piece better?"

"We do not see. '

"A - away?"

"Do not see it!"

"And turn it to the other side? "

"Yes, we do not see! - Explode in the end eyes. - We're closed! "

And in the course of this dialogue your hands, it will zoom in to the eyes of the paper, we postpone it, then turn this piece of paper from different angles.

These shake century and hand movements indicate that you are trying to see eyes closed.

This is impossible!

When the eyes are closed, they can not see.

should break the link with the brain through the eyes, to interrupt their conversation.

in employment to enhance the DSC should exclude part of the vision in the process of obtaining visual information.

How can this be done?

There receiving "Internal locator."


Imagine that you have in the forehead is an internal locator. The same as at the airport. He is able to detect aircraft at a distance and to bring this information to the screen. Locator does not see the plane. He does not give the outlines on the screen. Only the information in the form of a point - at this point the object is. That's all.

Just getting to the same information you should seek.

Your brain does not have to ask for the eyes. They are closed, and still do not see anything. Try to get the information from the "radar."

"What color is this piece of paper?"

And in my head you are sure to come some color. This will be the answer to the question.

How to make the reply was correct?

's why we, just, and we are going to learn. Introductory exercise. His goal - to give the brain the first performance of the traffic channel of perception, to show the difference between information and thought. introductory exercise is performed with two sheets of colored paper. Red and yellow colors. Requires two people - a student and a coach. student closes his eyes. It in no way be trying to concentrate.

Part 8

On the contrary, you should stay calm, relaxed, enjoy the lessons.

Remember, you are starting to engage in very unusual things, and it will be very interesting!

Coach gives students a piece of paper in his hands and calls it the color.

At the seminar, his student, I usually say the following:

"I gave you a red sheet of paper.

Look at him.

No, not the eyes. They have you covered. After all, the most that you can catch through closed eyelids - a dark sheet or light. But not the color.

And how will you distinguish colors, if they are dark or light? So, do not try to be.

I'm telling you that this is a red piece of paper and you just know that it's red.

And - enjoy it.

Why are you happy?

Yeah that is red! "

Maybe it sounds stupid !

But this - welcome.

fact that the brain like the positive emotions. He easily "remembers" the state in which they are received. And committed to this state, it is easy to enter.

That should help the brain to remember the state of the Information Perception.



, "Very good!

You do everything right.

You do not move his eyebrows and eyelashes trembling. So you're not looking at the eyes. So be it. Just know that you hold in your hands a red paper. That's it! Your brain will remember the feeling of self-red.

You are all very good! "

Coach must praise the student. After student really tries to do incredible things. And that alone is worthy of admiration and praise!

"And now, I'm taking you and give red leaf yellow.

And you do the same - just see this color. No eyes.

KNOW that it is yellow.

After all, it's great that he is yellow, not red!

cool Why?

Because this is fine, except that in the world there is a red and yellow!

Try not to look for the cause for joy, just be happy! "

"consider" each colored sheet student need about 40-60 seconds. Then the next color. The eyes should be trained with the permanently closed. Have to work, so that he had forgotten about them, excluded from the process of eye perception.

Alternate yellow and red leaves have 10-12.

After that, the coach must give the student in one hand both leaf, offer to take them in different hands, spread them in side and say which color is in which hand.

Repeat this exercise 3-4 times.

Now, to move on to the next part of the introductory exercises.

Coach gives students one of these two colors, but does not speak, and

asks, "What color is leaf? "

Before you begin to implement this part of the exercise, very carefully read and understand what I'm going to tell you.

This is a key moment in the process of revitalization and education in Information perception.

received from Coach paper and heard his question: "What color?" You have to give an answer without hesitation, almost instantly.

This is very difficult.


After we became Homo Sapiens, because I always think of his actions on what we say. Remember the accusations of our loved ones, "Think about what you say!."

Here, everything has to be exactly the opposite. Giving an answer to the question of the color, in any case can not think.

Over millions of years of evolution of the brain of the living beings learned to distinguish information signals it receives from the different senses. And he never confuse the visual signal with the sound, odor with tactile.

signal coming to it from Infochuvstva new. He will not sign. And the main difficulty is that the signal is no different from the thought. The only possibility to distinguish between them:

The first thought is information!

Everything else - is the work of our consciousness.

And do you remember the first part of that intervention in the functioning of the organ of consciousness feeling totally unacceptable.


when you get a colored piece of paper and you have to answer the question: "What color is it?", the first thought that came to mind: "Red." But, you keep quiet.

brain can not think.

"So - he thinks. - Every owner is silent, so red does not suit him. Let them think that it is yellow.

Again silent?

Well, Green? Blue? The owner is still silent? What does he want from me?? " Everything! you lose information. Next you will find clean water divination: you have to choose an answer from the range of colors that you threw your brain. This divination to Information Perception has no relation. Your task: to catch the first idea and immediately announce it. Do not give your brain the opportunity to think, to throw you other ideas. Why first thought is information? point is that in order to answer the question, something should come to mind. Concrete question: "What color is this piece of paper?" To answer this question the brain to receive information from the outside. But on what source? only familiar brain source of visual information (and color - a visual information) - the eyes - closed. How can that be? brain desperately searching for a channel available. And, through the still very weak operating Infochuvstvo, he realizes: "Red." This comes as a thought. But the brain is not unconditional trust that channel the flow of information. He does not know him at all. The incoming signal is not distinguishable from the thought. Therefore, not stuck on it, the brain begins to generate other ideas.


and if you do not cut off the information, it will sink in a series of thoughts.

You will lose.

So once voiced by the first thought.

This - information!

you uttered it - mission accomplished for the brain. Decision is made. He stops to generate other solutions. And, if you mentioned the color is correct, the brain receives a positive emotion of knowing that he had found the right answer.

Suppose, first, the brain thinks it's random otgadka. But when he "guesses" 5 (!) Times 25 (!) Times 125 (!) Times, your brain will understand, "I - do not guess! I - I know! "And, gradually, he will" turn to face "a new source of his information, more and more trusting it. Infochuvstvo enters into everyday life will be the same senses, as usual for us, seeing, hearing, and so on.

purpose of the training will be achieved.

Well, the first thought is the information, and requires immediate public address. But it is important not to slide into the other extreme.

My experience with students shows that for the brain information on the new channel, it takes a while.

very short time, about a second.

But necessary.

If the student says the color immediately mikrozaderzhki without this, it is likely that he decided to name the color before it is received.

So, it worked consciousness. They decided, "I'll call this color", even before you give student colored piece of paper. And this decision to the Information Perception has no relation.

student must pick up a piece of paper and only then request and receive information. In this case, the answer is taken.

received via the senses, and not imaginary consciousness.

again to the Quick Start.

Coach gives students the red, the yellow sheet of paper. Student with his eyes closed calls color. Coach tells student right or wrong color named, takes the paper and gives the following. Student, while holding the eye permanently closed.


when the coach holds out another student a piece of paper, it does not have to be a different color. Recommended to do everything possible to calculate the student was unable to change the color of the algorithm. It, this algorithm does not have to be. The logic in the actions of coaches should be completely absent.

Brain student should understand that the definition of the color of the paper, he can only rely on its new channel - News perception. No "prompting" the signals from the outside do not have them taken into account.

Neither rustling, allegedly, is replaced paper.

Trainer No word like: "this is what color I am giving you now? '.

trainer should constantly change the rhythm of color change. Sometimes it is necessary to give students the same color 5-7 times in a row. That he ceased to count.

After all, with his eyes open, he will not pay attention to all of these tricks, and will call the color that he holds out coach. Regardless of the number of repetitions.

When coach feels that the students began to trust myself, to listen to that obtained the information signal in the brain, I must say to him:

"Listen to me carefully. You know, I have a lot of different colored sheets of paper. So, I'll give you now is not red or yellow, and something else.

You'll have to call it.

Similarly, as you call previous colors, without hesitation.

I'll give you a piece of paper, and you call me the color.


Here's the paper.

What color is it? "

Usually, at the seminar, I give the student the blue, green or orange paper.

Once the answer is offered to students to open their eyes. Most often, a student named color is correct.

Student struck his right answer

... It is also welcome.

When you give a student only two colors, he unwittingly have a choice: either the Red or Yellow. And then you change the color. And what he gets - not known.

calculates there is nothing.


remains to count only on themselves, on their Infochuvstvo.

And it usually fails.

. Thus a student stronger confidence in the existence Infochuvstva, emerging brain trust to the information available to him on the new channel.

purpose of the introductory exercises can be considered to be achieved

The coach and student exchange roles. first exercise - search of a specified color. Allowances for the first exercise: three leaves of red and one yellow piece of paper Coach offers students close their eyes. then "hiding" one yellow sheet of paper of the three red. proffers this pack student, and offers him with her eyes closed to find a piece of paper yellow. If a student finds the correct sheet, Coach invites him to open his eyes and to make sure their decision. If a student makes a mistake, Coach invites him to continue to seek to obtain the correct result. Exercise repeated 10-15 times. then, student and trainer

switch roles. Recommendations in this exercise. Initially, it is necessary to put a piece of amber in the second or third pack. After all, if a piece of "hidden", at a subconscious level, a person is difficult to assume that the desired color is first or last. He could not help looking for it somewhere in the middle. Task Trainer to help students cope with the task, and not try to complicate the solution. Therefore, place the sheet in the middle. And only when you see that student again and again correctly looks yellow leaf and start putting in other places. Moreover, to do so without notice. second exercise - sort of two sheets of paper colors.


benefits for the second exercise:

Three sheets of paper red paper and three yellow. student closes his eyes. Trainer blends sheets of red and yellow. Gives student pack and offers it to sort by color: one way to delay a piece of red color, another - yellow. At the end of sorting students continue to keep your eyes closed. If the exercise is done properly, Coach allow students to open their eyes. If you make a mistake, Coach tells student how many sheets of different color are not in their pack. student tries to find the wrong in the first stack of sheets and shift them to their destination. When he did manage to do, he must learn from the second pack mistakenly got there a different color plates and shift them correctly. then he is allowed to open his eyes. Exercise is repeated 10-15 times. then, student and trainer switch roles. Recommendations in this exercise . When mixed sheets do not put them in one - The student is able to catch the algorithm, and sort lists by the logic and not on Infochuvstvo. Initially not place sheets of the same color in a row - this will create unnecessary difficulties student. Only later, when you feel that it is sort of sheets based on Infochuvstvo, sheets can mix in any order and in a row, and in one ...


trainer should draw the attention of students, and it's not that he did not consider the number of sheets of the same color. At the workshop, it often happens: the student was wrong, put in a pile of red leaves yellow. And when this was going to pack three sheets, he felt that all the other sheets in yellow. And not "considering" the color is automatically put them in one pack.


I always tell my students:

"Always allow the possibility of errors.

You could put the wrong color. Therefore, to "consider all the colors to the end. And, if you are already contained in one pack of three sheets of red, and you, in the remaining sheets again "feel" red, put it to red.

Finish grading and come back to the stack, where the "extra" color.

revision of this pack.

errors are found.

correct it. "

He found the error and corrects it. third exercise - sorting sheets in three colors. allowances for the third exercise: 3 sheets of paper red, 3 sheets of yellow paper, 3 sheets of paper green. Student closes his eyes. Trainer blends sheets of red, green and yellow. Gives student pack and offers it to sort by color: one way to postpone the sheets of red, the other green, and the third - yellow. At the end of sorting students continue to keep your eyes closed . If the exercise is done properly, Coach allow students to open their eyes. If you make a mistake, Coach tells student how many sheets of different color are not in their pack.


students try to find the wrong sheets in the first pack and shift them to their destination. When he did manage to do, he must learn from the second pack mistakenly got there a different color plates and shift them correctly. The same should be done with the third pack.

then students are allowed to open their eyes.

Exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

Next, students and coach switch roles.

Recommendations in this exercise.

same as if the second exercise. Fourth exercise - sorting sheets in three colors with an unknown number of sheets of each color. allowances for the third exercise: 5 sheets of paper red, 5 sheets of yellow paper, 5 sheets of paper green.

Student closes his eyes.

Trainer blends sheets of red, green and yellow.

He puts them back a different number and does not tell how many sheets student what color is in the pack.

Gives student pack and offers it to sort by color: one way to postpone the sheets of red, the other green, and the third - yellow.

At the end of sorting students continue to keep your eyes closed.

If the exercise is done properly, Coach allow students to open their eyes.

If you make a mistake, Coach tells student how many sheets of different color are not in their pack.

Student tries to find the wrong sheets in the first pack and shift them to their destination. When he did manage to do, he must learn from the second pack mistakenly got there a different color plates and shift them correctly. The same should be done with the third pack.

then students are allowed to open their eyes.

Exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

Next, students and coach switch roles.

Recommendations in this exercise.

If a student repeatedly copes with the task, you can complicate it. Do not Tell students when mixed packs or place where one of the colors. The purpose of this complication: The student should not pre-program itself not only on the number of sheets of each color, but in general, the presence of all colors in a pack. After all, with open eyes he had not made a mistake when sorting. I will not look for colors that are not in the pack.

the same result must be achieved in working with Infochuvstvom. Without prior programming for the presence of all colors proposed for sorting the pack.

This is difficult, but it must be achieved.

This is the meaning Infochuvstva workout.

This is the meaning of all you have started classes.

Remember that.

"Train hard, fight easy."

Trained in the classroom Infochuvstvo will be your reliable and error-free tool in the most difficult situations. fifth exercise - sorting sheets 5 colors with an unknown number of sheets of each color. allowances for the third exercise: 4 sheets of paper red, 4 yellow sheet of paper, 4 sheets of paper green, 4 blue sheet of paper, 4 sheets of paper orange. student closes his eyes. Trainer blends sheets of all colors. Gives student pack and offers capture one top sheet, calling its color. Coach silently, without telling anything student, called a leaf lays on two packs - right and wrong. At the end of sorting student opens his eyes. Trainer counts sheets of both packs. announce the results. Exercise repeated 2-3 times. Next, students and Trainer switch roles. Recommendations in this exercise. When counting correct answers in percentage terms, remember that the sample was made not two, but five (!) colors. And, therefore, if a student from 20 sheets of 6 named correctly, it is not 30%, as in the two colors, and 50% (!). Be sure to emphasize this in their evaluation of the student. 15 correct answers correspond to 95%.

18 - 99%.

19 - 99.7% of the fifth exercise is the final in the first set of exercises. first group - are exercises with colored sheets of paper. Colored paper is essentially very informative. It is larger, has no volume, is of the same material, monochrome. Thus, information signal colored sheet is simple and powerful. This is why we start training with colored sheets of paper as a training manual. And, if you are successful with this group otzanimalis allowances, the following exercises will be given to you easily enough. practices for working with the first group of exercises. During the first day of class, you are advised to carry an introductory exercise, and exercise number 1. to Exercise number 2 you can go to, only by achieving consistent results during exercise number 1. Typically, it takes one day and the next day, you're ready for the second exercise. Classes with exercise number 2 does not require one day of training. Do not rush yourself. How much to so many and exercise. Exercise number two is fundamental. The rest of the exercises in this group will be a more complicated version of the second exercise. Having stable positive results in Exercise number 2, you can proceed to the exercise number 3. then await you exercise number 4 and number 5.

I strongly recommend not to overload. Classes should extend from one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes a day. Not any more. And ohotku. Do not force yourself. Violence on the brain does not give results. Only joy. Without strain.

And again I say to you: "Do not hurry!".

To the child was born normal, he should stay in the womb 9 months. Then he will be strong, healthy, viable. If we start to rush the process of its emergence into the light, he will be born prematurely. That is flimsy and weak. If we try to further accelerate the process of birth, it will end in miscarriage.

A little about who operates under the guise of a ghost - of Mark Komissarov. Mark, a native of Moscow, in the late 80's, "to escape the totalitarian regime", went to the United States. No matter how rich in America, but there, as elsewhere, that would normally live to work. In quality-ve chemical engineer forty Mark for U.S. employers, apparently turned out to be neither here nor there. A taxi driver with a "higher education," he did not want. For this reason, "poraskinuv brain," he took up the study of clairvoyance, good dialectical materialism at Moscow universities hammered well. His knowledge of paranormal phenomena it for a couple of Olga Lulovoy - same emigrant from Soy-last, began to share with their compatriots in New York at the Russian-language radio DAVIDZON RADIO. And to "knowledge" gave dividends, Olga and Mark establish firm «Olma LLC» (OLMA = Olga + Marco) - massage, which began to practice and other "non medical methods improvement." One of these methods was the "open" Mark, "a vision of information" - infovidenie, which in his view allows a person to "see without sight." Olga and her daughter, Natasha, was the first student Mark. Educational achievements were so-so - Natasha could not pass "test" to "vision without sight" famous American illusionist, broadcaster and popularizer of science, James Randi has not been able to obtain from its fund $ 1 million, which had been promised to anyone "clearly and unequivocally demonstrate how any of the so-called psychic or psychic phenomena. " Mark tried to challenge the objectivity of the decision Randy in his article "Exposing the

whistleblower," but "conservative" Americans do not understand the impulse of his soul, and the media obhihikali Natasha.

But a start, and in 2005 in the U.S., Mark establishes charitable fund «BLIND CARE FOUNDATION» - «Foundation for the Blind" (click to view), which aims to "not to help blind people to adapt to life in the dark, and lift them out of power darkness, to give a chance to see the light. " Application for "charity" will release his taxes. Mark gave the foundation an international status, calling on his website "Russian-American", but without confirmation that know about the registration authorities of Russia and the USA. At speed, almost all of the fund has been transferred to other countries, mainly Russia, and not for charity. In 2008, Mark patents in the U.S. "The methodology of developing a new approach to understanding the visual information."

Patenting preceded by "research infovideniya" both in the U.S. and in Russia. Any intelligible material on research in the United States could not find, but the "research" in Russia, you can tell the following: In February 2007, Mark based on his not yet patented technique, with the participation of the leading members of the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. IM Sechenov (IEFB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the author of GDV (gas discharge visualization) Ph.D. Korotkov KG, held at the St. Petersburg school of the blind and visually impaired children to them. KK Grot experiments activation TsIVa have sighted, poorly-sighted and blind students. The sight is so puzzled scientists of the Institute that the professor, MD AN Shepovalnikov and Professor, MD Zvonnikov VM, with Korotkov KG (Another brand) signed a protocol in which it is said:

"1. All visually impaired children aged 8-11 years, which were carried out over-making, after the first session revealed the ability to recognize images (chi-thief in the text) and navigate in space without direct vision (opaque mask).

2. Blind children 16 years after the first session revealed the ability of GRO-colored sheets of paper used to know imposed M. Komissarov randomly and viewed independently. Sampling was carried out in 6 colors.

3. During training, an increase in the number of correct answers from 20-30% to 90-100% in different children.

4. With recorded EEG and GDV before experiments and in training.

5. GDV data on a number of children during the process revealed a sharp improvement in the psychosomatic state - the transition from the power-hungry state in one or both hands in the initial state to a stable state of equilibrium after 2 days of classes Sx.

6. Processing and presentation of all the data will be held following of an additional series of measurements of children in the days after the end of training. "

This protocol and became the basis for the proof of the U.S. patent "novelty, reality and embeddable" methodology Mark. In this case, it was not important that:

• what is said in paragraph 3.1 in the future was not confirmed and was totally groundless;

• data obtained from step 4, do not permit any reliable conclusions;

• and the data "on the GDV "referenced in section 4 and 5, the data are identical with" best guesses ";

• "process and present data ... more ... after a series of measurements ..." in paragraph 6. never implemented due to lack of "additional series of measurements."

Why do scientists IEFB signed as questionable document? At the turn of the millennium Academician NP spondylitis (Now deceased) met with the "children of the Bronnikov having an alternative vision of the phenomenon," and on the basis of degenerate conduction experiments with them at the Institute of Human Brain Sciences in St. Petersburg, came to the conclusion that such a phenomenon. What was said and from the high tribune. This statement was "met with hostility," the other members of the RAS and found pseudoscientific, but NP Bekhterev disagreed and continued to insist on the. Is that why in 2007, her students from IEFB tried to support her, to take part in experiments Mark? What was fixed protocol.

Following the death of Natalia Petrovna, her son and ideological heir - Director of the Institute of Human Brain of RAS, RAS corresponding member Svyatoslav Medvedev in an interview with "The Miracle in feathers" WG № 9 from 01/20/2010 had to admit that children Bronnikov "not at all phenomena. They are either very skilled podglyadev-vayut (!), Or exercising hard, learned to record a very small number of quanta of light, due to what they see and the text (?). There is nothing unusual .. "

But a ghost infovidiniya things remained the same: no scientist IEFB did not disavow the signature on

the above-mentioned report; further explore "was repeated in experiments phenomenon" "scientific method" in IEFB "no agreement silsya", and remained in Mark "handouts" experiments in school (but without the signatures of scientists IEFB) that Mark likes to quote.

Specifically, it states (extracted by the text published on the website of the Information Center of Perception):

"These statistically significant results suggest that when testing Sergey D. ability to define colors and read the text in a hit exception image on the retina, there is a reorganization of the space-time

relationships of oscillations brain activity that can be associated with the activation of the analytic-synthetic activity of the brain associated with the receipt of information through communication channels , which does not use the peripheral part of the visual analyzer of Skye.

This conclusion contradicts the current scientific paradigm, however, the obtained data could be seen as unfair to artifacts or nedobrosove-stnoe manipulating any unaccounted factors. It is advisable to continue to live a detailed study of the phenomenon described in additional strictly independent control of highly qualified specialists.

Special attention should be observed by staff of the Laboratory (A.Shepovalnikov, E.Galperina, D. Tsaparina) observations from totally blind from birth Olga M. (9 - r class, age 15), which, after 20 minutes of training, almost without errors at a distance of about 50-60 cm, such that any of the 6 CEE-ing to provide sheets of paper the size of a 4. "

(end of excerpt). Based on these documents ghost actively promoting his method, propylene'm following: "The presence of a psychological barrier in the human brain due to its representation leniem on how to obtain their information from the outside world through the five senses, as the only possible ones. This view is under a "genetic" basis and is based on hundreds of millions of years of evolution of life on Earth. The purpose of technique - to overcome this presumption and to open a new channel for the brain receiving information from the outside. developed method of activating the DSC includes two stages: removal of a psychological barrier at the level of human consciousness. Removal psychological barrier at the subconscious level of man. '

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