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Phone: 406-228-3530 Fax: 406-228-3689 Email: Website: MSHA on Facebook

Executive Board Members

Title Name Contact Information

President Jennifer Closson

Past President Al Yonovitz

President Elect Rachel Stansberry

Secretary Catherine Drescher

Treasurer Sharlene Schmidt

Audiology member at large Lisa Cannon

Speech Pathology member at large Molly Beck

UM—CSD Chair Amy Glaspey

UM—CSD Student Liaison Sarah Schied

Montana Speech-Language & Hearing


PO Box 1065

Glasgow, MT 59230

How many MSHA members do we have currently?

18 Audiologists

7 Dual (Speech Pathologist/Audiologist)

100 Speech Pathologists

72 Students

3 Speech aides

If you have ideas for topics in the Communicator please email and share your requests…….

200 Please remember to update your membership for

the year 2015! We appreciate your support.

You ARE a current MSHA member for 2015______

You ARE NOT a current MSHA member for 2015______

Does MSHA need your membership support? YES Please renew your membership soon and support

MSHA’s efforts on behalf of our membership.

Check on your membership status below

PO BOX 1065

Glasgow, MT


December 2014 Communicator M S H A

w w w .ms ha on l in e .o r g E ma i l : ms ha@ fm dh. org

Dear MSHA Members,

Wow, 2014 has been an amazing year! We have met our goals regarding

increasing membership, starting a scholarship, developing our May is Better

Hearing and Speech Month offerings, developing our telepractice support, and

maintaining the quality of our October conference.

We received amazing feedback from the conference attendees. People

were pleased with the speakers, food, vendors, and location. We had 186 people

attend the conference and 123 people attend our member’s luncheon! The

Thursday evening MSHA/SCHWA Social was definitely the high-light of our

time together. Great food, great company, and some great competition (I’m not

quite sure how my team came in last). The silent auction was another smash hit

raising funds to support our clients across the state and we really enjoyed the live

entertainment. The poster session was also quite impressive this year as was the

awards ceremony. Professionals and students really came together this confer-

ence continuing to build our community of SLPs and Audiologists across the


Money was certainly a focus of 2014. We were awarded nearly $3000

from ASHA to rebuild our website. Diane Simpson was awarded $1500 as part

of the DiCarlo Award. MSHA & SCHWA were awarded $1000 from ASHA for

a 2015 Advocacy Event. A letter campaign sent to all MSHA non-members

increased membership and brought in $1800 to support lobbyist fees for E & M

codes. Lastly, we testified and sent emails asking the licensure board to recon-

sider their significant increase of our annual fees. To stay current on these is-

sues, please “like” the MSHA Facebook page.

I am excited to pass the baton to Rachel Stansberry as she assumes the

presidency in 2015. Rachel and I have proven to be a good team, so I am happy

I get to spend another year with her. I would like to thank Al Yonovitz, Jamie

Frost, Dani Perry, and Lucy Hart Paulson for their time and commitment. You

will be missed. I would like to welcome Jennifer Rindal as president elect,

Molly Beck as member at large, and our new non-voting members Amy

Glaspey, CSD chair, and Sarah Schied, student liaison. I am also grateful for

those remaining on the board: Lisa Cannon, Shar Schmidt, and Catherine

Drescher. I really couldn’t have done this year without this wonderful support

team and the MSHA Community.

Thank-you all for your support and kind remarks over the past year.

I have really enjoyed expanding my MSHA circle and look forward to future

encounters with you all. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you.

Warmest regards,

Jennifer K. Schoffer Closson

MSHA President 2014

President’s Message

Special Points of



MSHA on Facebook


Remember to renew

for 2015!

Fall Convention

Summary & Honors


MAG Conference

University Update

New Board Members


Thank you to Vendors,

Sponsors, and Speakers

for Fall Convention

Thanks to Doug Rehder

We wish you all

a Merry


and a

Happy New


MSHA Communicator December 2014 Page 2


Registration $21,855.99

Community Outreach $ 1,244.00

Scholarship Income $ 2,347.00

Donation Income $ 1,000.00

Vendor Income $ 850.00

Public Relations Income $ 62.50


Registration Refunds $ 315.00

Speaker Fees and Expenses $4,531.09

Hotel, Food & Gratuities $5,270.80

Printing $ 143.94

Other Fall Convention Exp. $1,426.17

Total Profit: $ 15,672.49

Please thank Jennifer Closson, Diane

Simpson, Lisa Cannon, Amy Glaspey, Shar

Schmidt, Valeria Schmauch and Eve Tolbert

for their great work in coordinating a team to

make this a successful event for the benefit of

MSHA and its members.

Fall Convention Summary

Please thank everyone you know that helped out with this con-

vention from working registration tables, deciding on speak-

ers, and dealing with all the infinite details…. this is a lot of

work. Thanks to everyone who made this Fall Convention a


Please let me know if you would prefer an emailed version of the Communicator in the future. I would like

to send out the paper copies to those who enjoy them. Please contact me at:

2014 Fall Convention Attendance:

84 Speech Language Pathologists

22 Audiologists

3 Speech aides

77 Students 186 Total

Special thanks to Jonny Metropolous for emceeing, Shelby Swant

who ran the competition/game, Sierra Kamplain, Kara Joyce and

Silas Smith for sharing their musical talents. You were all amazing

and we appreciate your involvement and many talents in MSHA.

MSHA Social Thank YOUS…..

Thanks to LinguiSystems

for their generous donation

of $1000.00 which helped to

keep our convention regis-

tration fees for our students

at a reasonable rate.

Special Olympics wants to thank Tiny Eye for their generous

donation (their speaker fee) in Laura Jo McKamey’s memory.

Special thanks to MSHA members who participated as judges for the student poster session:

Lisa Cannon, Glenn Hladek, Dana Fitz Gale, Jamie Frost, Alana Hughes, Danielle Labrovic, Kim McCarthy-Cody, Jennifer Pierce, Jessica Reynolds,

Rachel Stansberry, Scott Stansberry, Julie Vetter, and Alida Wright.

The Facebook

page broke 200

likes just this

week! Like us

on Facebook to

stay in the loop.

MSHA would like to take an opportunity to thank all of the Vendor participants and Sponsors

for the 2014 Fall Convention. Thank you to: Discovery Toys, LiguiSystems, Marshalla

Speech & Language, MED-EL Corporation, Oticon Medical, State of the Heart Therapy, Inc.;

TinyEYE Therapy Services, Usborne Books & More, Audiology Systems, and ZYGO-USA.

Special thanks to our MSHA Fall Convention Speakers: Dr. Peter VonDoersten, Greg Sutton, Marnee Brick, Amy Glaspey,

Gail Sudderth, Ian and Sue Windmill, April Luxner, and Tammy Elser.

Page 7 MSHA Communicator December 2014

Jennifer has been working as a Speech-Language Pathologist for 17 years. She currently works for the

Central Montana Learning Resource Center Cooperative (CMLRCC) in Lewistown, Montana. She works

with a variety of children from preschool to middle school. She helped create and now runs the

SMLRCC’s autism team. Her co-workers admire her excellent organization skills. She received her

undergraduate degree from Arizona State University and received her Master’s degree and Northern

Arizona University. She has been married to her husband Chris for 7 years and has 3 wonderful kids:

Logan (12), Tori (5), and Kaitlyn (3). Jennifer loves baseball and is a huge Arizona Diamondbacks fan.

She loves to play golf and someday would like to start playing again!

Molly Borgreen Beck: I graduated in 2000 from Minot State University with a B.S. in Communication

Disorders. In 2002, I received my M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology from Idaho State University.

After graduation, I spent five years in the Mission Valley of Western Montana. I worked with Mosaic/

Evergreen Rehabilitation and worked in a variety of settings, and age groups. In 2007, we relocated to

Great Falls. I currently work at the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic. The clinic

provides FREE speech/language/feeding services to the birth—6 population. I have also worked on a per

diem basis with Benefis Hospital, and Missouri River Care and Rehabilitation. My husband, Kevin, and I

are enjoying raising our two children (Grace, 7 years; Logan, 4 years) in Central Montana!

Welcome New Board Members

Jennifer Rindal - President Elect

Molly Borgreen Beck - SLP Member at Large

MSHA Fall Convention Plans already underway…. October 15-17, 2015

Crowne Plaza Billings, MT Tentative Agenda includes a Thursday-Friday presentation by

MindWing Concepts called The Social-Academic Connection: Story-Based Intervention for

Social Communication & Social Learning Challenges as well as a Friday workshop on

Swallowing and a Saturday morning workshop on Billing and Coding.

Submitted by: Rachel Stansberry

SPRING CONFERENCE (May 1st and 2nd):

Time is flying faster than Santa's reindeer, and the MAG Spring

Conference will soon be here! Reserve your room soon and be of

good cheer, or you may be out of luck, we fear!

Chico Hot Springs Reservation Information:

Phone: 406-333-4933 Room Block is under MAG or Montana Audiology Guild for April 30th

through May 3rd.

We look forward to seeing you there! Submitted by: Lisa Cannon

MAG Notes


Need to Update Your Membership? If your information has changed please email so those changes can be made in the database….

December 2014 MSHA Communicator

PO BOX 1065

Glasgow, MT 59230

Name: ______________________________________ Phone: ______________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: _________

Current email: ______________________________________________________________


Area of Specialty that you would like to include

on the MSHA website? ________________________________

Name: ______________________________________ Phone: ______________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: _________


The information may be published in the directory yes / no on the website yes / no (please circle yes or no on each)

__________________________________ (signature). Year you first became a MSHA member: ______________

Would you like to volunteer to work on a committee yes / no or be nominated for an office yes / no. If so, which

one(s)?: _______________________________________

Please circle all that apply: SLP AUD DUAL AIDE/ASSISTANT STUDENT


Dues (Full Membership $75.00)) $

Dues (Aide/Assistant or Student $25.00) $

Contribution to Community Outreach $

Contribution to Scholarship Fund $


Contribution to Community Outreach

Community Outreach is a MSHA program

that provides modest grants to clients of

speech pathologists and audiologists for

funding materials or equipment necessary for

our clients to reach their potential.

Full Membership (licensed or equivalent) - $75.00


Student Membership—$25.00

Membership dues include January 1 through December 31 of each year


Mail this form and payment to:

MSHA; PO Box 1065; Glasgow, MT 59230

Page 6 Page 3 MSHA Communicator December 2014

Continuing Education Information Valeria Schmauch is the Continuing Education Administrator

for both MSHA sponsored and ASHA sponsored CEUs.

State licensure requires 40 hours of continuing education every odd year, and ASHA certification requires 30

hours during each 3-year certification maintenance interval. MSHA sponsored CEUs follow the same standard

set by ASHA.

Anyone interested in organizing workshops and wishing to provide documented attendance and offer

CEUs, contact Valeria at and she will send you the necessary forms for

documentation. Note that this can take up to 60 days so please contact her promptly with your plans!

Feel free to contact Valeria if you have any questions related to CEUs.

2014 Fall Convention Award Recipients



MSHA recognized the following 8 individuals and/or organizations at the Fall 2014 MSHA

Convention in Missoula. Recipients were as follows:

MSHA Meritorious Awards were presented to Jennifer Closson and Carol Ecke (posthumously)

MSHA Service Awards were presented to Jessica Reynolds, Glenn Hladek,

MSHA Achievement Awards were presented to Diane Simpson

Organizational Awards were presented to Doug Doty and the OPI Montana

Autism Education Project; and to Nancy Marks with CSPD

The Laura Jo McKamey “Big Purse” Award was presented to Sharlene Schmidt.

Congratulations to the 2014 MSHA Honors recipients! We appreciate all you have done and

continue to do for individuals with communication impairments and our professions.

The Montana Audiology Guild (MAG) agrees to endorse HR 5304, the Au-

diology Patient Choice Bill. See full endorsement on the website. The

MSHA Executive Board also endorses this bill. Doug Rehder has received both written endorsements

and has forwarded them to ADA.

Doug Rehder issued a challenge to those who attended the Audiology portion of the MSHA Fall

Convention. He said that he would match up to $500 of contributions made from the individuals in the

room supporting HR 5304. This challenge generated an additional $615.00 from the group!

Doug kept his promise and sent MSHA another $500 to help with these political endeavors.



Page 4 MSHA Communicator December 2014

University of Montana Communicative Sciences Department Update

MSHA mourns the loss of Twila Berg, SLP from Missoula.

She passed Friday, October 24th.

Twila was once the treasurer for MSHA and a UM alumnus.

Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

SCHWA has 75+ undergraduate and graduate members. This semester, we have volun-

teered with the ALS Walk, the MSHA Convention, the Ronald McDonald House, and Sunday

Sweepers. We also participated in Trick-or-Treat So Missoula Eats, raising 239 lbs. of food for

the Missoula Food Bank. Various fundraisers with local businesses such as Buffalo Wild Wings

and Tamarack Brewing Company have brought in about $350 for the RiteCare Clinic and

SCHWA. SCHWA members held three workshops in November to help undergraduates with

their graduate school applications, bringing in speakers from Career Services, the Writing Center,

current graduate students, and professors. Topics included letters of recommendation, the applica-

tion process through CSDCAS, and personal essays. Study jams and peer advising/tutoring are in

full swing.

Currently, SCHWA has several projects in progress. We received the ASHA Student Ad-

vocacy Grant in conjunction with MSHA, which is scheduled to be in February next year. We

have submitted a proposal to host a room in the UM Tunnel of Oppression, which is an event

aimed at educating and challenging students and community members to think more deeply about

highlighted issues. Our topic will be communication disorders and autism. For the holiday sea-

son, we have adopted a family of three through Salvation Army’s Adopt-A-Family program. Our

last monthly members meeting and social this Friday will conclude the semester. What a busy

and exciting year!

Submitted by: Kylie Bull

Three old guys are out walking.

First one says, “Windy, isn't it?” Second one says, “No, it's Thursday!”

Third one says, “So am I. Let's go get a beer..”



MSHA Committees

Standing Committees:

Political Action: Jessica Reynolds

Honors: Molly Beck

Ethical Practices: Lisa Cannon

Continuing Education: Valeria Schmauch

Licensure: Catherine Off

Ad Hoc Committees:

Summer Institute: Diane Simpson

SEAL: Janis Hayes-Strom

Fall Convention: Rachel Stansberry

SMAC/STARS: Carol Morse

Advisory Council: Suzanne Bender, Jenny Nitz

Prevention: Diane Simpson

Community Outreach: Leah Jacobsen

CSPD: Jennifer Closson

Website: Diane Simpson and Jennifer Closson

Watch for the NEW

MSHA Webpage to

go Live in January!

MSHA Communicator December 2014

Page 5

The Community Outreach Application can be

found on the MSHA website. Currently there

is $1,914.19 available in this fund. Community Outreach Funds

Once again, MSHA was well represented at the 2014 ASHA Convention in Orlando, Florida.

Diane Simpson, was seated at the breakfast table of the ASHFoundation President Alex Johnson

and was recognized for her work with telepractice by receiving the Louis M. DiCarlo Award for

Recent Clinical Achievement. You make us so proud Diane!

Jennifer Closson attended her last meeting of the Council of State Association Presidents (CSAP).

Montana continues to be a leader with regard to state associations.

The following MSHA members presented at ASHA:

1 hour seminars:

ABC to XYZ: What the Research Says About Alphabet Instruction & How Young Children Learn

- Lucy Hart Paulson & Jane Reynolds

MOSSAIC: Undergraduate Clinical Opportunity

- Jennifer Schoffer Closson

30 minute technical research presentations:

Within & Across-Session Naming Under the Microscope: How Dosage & Stimulus Variables Influ-

ence Naming Performance

- Catherine Off & Jenna Griffin

The Acoustic & Forensic Analysis in the Trial of the State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman

- Al Yonovitz

Poster sessions:

Incorporation of Counseling Into Adolescent Language-Literacy Intervention: A National Survey of

School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists

- Ginger Collins & Mina May

SSD Case Study: The Relationship Between Speech Adaptability & Treatment Target Selection

- Amy Glaspey

Prophylactic-Dysphagia Intervention for Patients With Head & Neck Cancer Receiving Radiation

With or Without Chemotherapy

- Laurie Slovarp & Shanna Stack

Real-Time Analysis of Electrical Brain Activity Preceding Speech

- Al Yonovitz & Silas Smith

Submitted by: Jennifer Closson

MSHA Represented at ASHA 2014 in Orlando

Thank you for all of the hard work put in to

preparing this information for ASHA.

You are an amazing group of professionals

and MSHA applauds you.

Diane Simpson recently attended the ASHA convention in Orlando where she was presented with the

ASHFoundation Louis M. DiCarlo Award for recent clinical achievement. Diane received a plaque

and $1500 to further her clinical work in the area of telepractice.

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