marketing analytics: how to quantify everything and why

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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Marketing analytics (or “statistics”) consists of all of the numbers, stats and additional data produced during the course of your marketing efforts. Specifically, it is the data that allows you to quantify and benchmark your team’s progress, as well as analyze any specific campaigns you have initiated. Marketing analytics are important because they provide insight into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, which can often be seen by outsiders as “murky” or lacking concrete accountability and transparency.


Marketing AnalyticsHow to Quantify Everything and Why

February 22, 2014

Shaun JuncalMarketing ManagerUCSB Office of Technology & Industry Alliances


• Why Marketing Stats Matter

• Tools for Tracking Marketing Analytics

• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Practical Applications

Why Marketing Stats Matter• Make informed, numbers-backed decisions

• Quantify and track marketing efforts

• Bring accountability to marketing teams

• Sync with the rest of the office


• Why Marketing Stats Matter

• Tools for Tracking Marketing Analytics

• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Practical Applications

Analytics Tools

Web TrafficOutreach Leads + CRM Social

Google Analytics

• Who is visiting your website?

• Where are they coming from?

• What are they looking at?• How long are they

staying?• Which visitors are

converting into leads?

MailChimp Statistics

• Who is opening your emails?

• How many times are they opening your emails?

• What links are they clicking?

• Which users have unsubscribed?

• Which emails bounced?

Salesforce Lead Tracking• Who is currently interested

in what technologies?• What stage are discussions

with leads currently at?• Where do most leads come

from?• What lead sources produce

the highest quality leads?• How many companies have

NDAs in place?


• Why Marketing Stats Matter

• Tools for Tracking Marketing Analytics

• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Practical Applications

Key Performance Indicators

Web TrafficOutreach Leads + CRM Social

VisitsPageviewsMost viewed pagesEngagementGoals (Conversion)

Opens (email)Open rate (email)ClicksClick rateReplies

New leadsLeads by stageSigned licenses


Important Notes• All raw data is relative

– Use ratios to put data into context

• Bad data is worse than no data

– Make sure your analytics systems are in place and working correctly

• Compare your data to others

Your conversion rate (number of visits that result in a lead) is a great way to track the efficiency of your technology descriptions.


• Why Marketing Stats Matter

• Tools for Tracking Marketing Analytics

• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Practical Applications

Practical Applications

• Monthly marketing reports

• Email campaign reports

• Filter email contacts by opens/clicks

• Put effort and resources into your most valuable channels


• Marketing analytics allow you to:

– Understand the efficiency of your marketing efforts

– Back up your decisions with hard data

– See technology/industry trends

Thank You!


Shaun JuncalMarketing ManagerUCSB Office of Technology & Industry | @UCSBtech

Who Benefits from Marketing Stats• Directors

– Provide statistics on progress to VCR– Quickly understand marketing teams’ progress

• Marketing Directors– Track team progress and make informed decisions

• Marketing & Communications Specialists– Track the efficiency of your individual marketing efforts

Tracking the Lead

• User opens marketing email

• User clicks on a link to an NCD

• User visit is tracked in Google Analytics

• User fills out a lead gen form

• Lead gen form creates a new lead in SF• Progress is tracked as the interested

company signs an NDA and speaks with inventor

• Deal is closed with a signed license agreement – tracked the entire process

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