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Marketing and Promoting Your Product

The Magic of Using Free Social Media

and Relationship Marketing

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 2


Welcome to another Power Up for Profits Training. In this module you’re going to learn the

magic of using Free Social Media and relationship marketing to get your book in front of the

right audience.

I’m sure you’ve been highly motivated to establish a meaningful social media presence that

builds connections with your niche market, your ideal client. Congratulations. What I also know

is it can seem like a lot of work to stay up with all the tips, changes, and expert advice. One

expert has compared the social media marketing piece to adopting a puppy – to be committed

to raising that puppy into a well behaved, delightful pet, it takes dedicated, focused attention.

The strategies and steps in this module will help you “train” your social media plan and have it

work for you. By implementing the strategies you will learn in this module, you can make your

“Puppy Training” job easier and reap rewarding results that build lasting relationships with loyal


The Social Media platforms covered are:







You will learn specific strategies for each as they have their unique contribution to the mix in

getting you more visibility for your promotion.

I have to assume you know some basics about each platform as I jump into this. The strategies

covered here are to take what you are doing currently to the next level.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 3

In this module, you’re about to learn

WHY you need to be doing at least these six platforms.

These are the “key” platforms that the majority of marketers and

potential clients are using. You will understand how they work with

each other to increase your visibility and why using them all will bring

you better visibility results.

Exactly WHAT to do for each platform

Each platform has unique methods that increase the effectiveness of

its use. We’ll take a look at the specific pieces for each platform.

The Steps of How to do it

You will learn specific steps to begin using right now in each to up your visibility right now.

WHEN it is best to do it (and how you figure that out!)

We will take a look at how you can determine a “best” time for you posts. It’s not a perfect

science as you can imagine yet there are some tips that will help.

AND you will get a Handout/checklist that walks you through it!

Watch the video. Pause the video. Check off each step as you get it done.

Because there is so much material to cover, I will be going rather quickly through it. I

recommend that you print the handouts out and have them nearby while watching the video.

Take notes as you go. Go back over those pieces that were more complex or confusing. Write

your questions down! If they are not answered in the video so you can ask them later.

Let’s go train that puppy!

WHY you need to be doing at least these six platforms to promote your Kindle.

Reach: Your potential clients can be found on at least one of these social media platforms if not

all of them. Your presence and content establishes your expertise.

Search: Each platform is a powerful search engine dispersing your information.

Therefore, take the time to fully complete and optimize your profiles and pages, share

interesting relevant content, interact in groups and with individuals to increase your visibility.

Each platform is subject to change at any time – without warning.

That means what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. By having a solid strategy and

presence in each, you are building a valuable web with a diverse presence. This not only

establishes your credibility and increases the possibility that more people will see what you have

to offer, it also ensures if one platform has a major change, you can recover more quickly.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 4

Unique benefits of these 6 Social Media Platforms

o Facebook- Provides specific demographics, likes, favorites, groups, and more on every

individual that has an account. This makes a very useful search to locate those

interested in your niche.

o Pinterest Over 70 million users contributing visual content – that’s a huge amount of

visual resources available to be searched on Pinterest. It is the search engine for

“lifestyle seekers”.

o Google+ - The most influential for Search Engine visibility. Create the custom URL for

your business page and optimize the page with your business name and tag line – This

builds credibility and authorship for your posts. (It is possible to track each link you post

in Google+ through a custom URL in Google Analytics however I will not be covering

that in this video.)

o YouTube – Is the 2nd largest search engine. YouTube processes more than 3 billion

searches a month. 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute. And it is owned by

Google+ -

o Twitter – Trends and Advanced Searches – What’s happening now?

o LinkedIn - 225 Million registered users - First, LinkedIn a) Gives your presence in search

engines increases when your profile is optimized and you have a business profile with

employees listed and linked to your website b) Have employees share the business page

posts. It functions as a search engine. Second, it is a professional networking site where

people are searching for solutions. You are offering solutions through your Kindle.

A few BASICS that apply to each of these platforms:

Using images that standout will improve your results

o Images are NOT searchable unless you take these steps:

Name, label and compete the descriptions and alt tags for your images with keywords

Search engines still do not “read” images. Give your images power by providing the

searchable terms that associate them with your product.

o PNG format tends to withstand compression better than a jpeg

Know your ideal client and the Keywords to provide the juice for the search engines.

Understand the demographics and etiquette of each platform to formulate your message

Explore the automation resources offered at the end of this handout to minimize your time

spent and maximize your results

Analyze your results so you don’t have to guess what is working – or not.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 5


Recent timeline changes limit who will see the posts on your timeline. Facebook is

focusing on those posts that get the most engagement in today’s timelines as

posts worthy of visibility. Therefore, concentrating on getting more comments

and shares are the key to getting seen by your friends.

Set the Settings on both your page and personal profile to allow the public to view your posts. (Each

individual post may have a drop down arrow for you to select who sees the post.)


So you’ve published your book or product -

STEP 1 – Create an event as the Business Fan Page

Include all the details and a link to the opt-in page

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 6

Edit and complete the details.

Join the Event as yourself

(You will have to go back to your personal profile and then to the event to do this.)

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 7

Invite all your friends

(There is no “quick” way to do this. Invite them all. )

Include a Call to Action in the comments –

Ask people to join, comment & invite their friends. They can only invite friends if they’ve

joined or indicated maybe.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 8

STEP 2 – Post the link of the Event (or any post) to the FAN PAGE First

Description Content -

Keyword rich

Relatively short – 250 characters

keep it relatively short. Most people do not read or comment on very long


Include the Niche Audience hashtags

They help your post show up in the search

Include the full URL link to the page (

This makes it clickable.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 9


Notice – Sometimes the image does not show up on a post.

Post Type 1 – FB automatically picks up the image from the link

On many links, FB will show an image. If this is working for you make sure

The image is named correctly on the originating page

If it is WordPress website you are sending them to, set a featured image

Post Type 2 – FB is not picking up an image from the link

On other links like landing pages and some shortened URLs the image does not show up.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 10

You will need to first

Upload an image or two from your desktop (named appropriately)

FB Maximum timeline Image size – 1200 x 1200

(This will be automatically compressed for display by FB.)

Complete the description as above.

Use the Schedule feature to schedule future posts varying the images and description

for additional days and times.

This next step is the “magic sauce” for Facebook to reach all of your friends

STEP 3 – Share each Fan Page post as “you” from your Personal Profile

You will need to click back to being on Facebook as your personal profile to do this.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 11

Toggle back to your personal page from your Business Page.

From your personal page, view your Fan page.

Find the recent posts you just completed on your Fan Page

Do this by putting your page name in the search box at the top of the page; Right click

and open in another window.

(Or click the option to view your fan page if FB is displaying it at the top of the page.)

On the post, Click the SHARE button and share on your Personal Timeline as you( not

your page). You may have to click the dropdown arrow to make sure it is being shared

on your personal profile

Include a Call to Action – Ask people to like, join, comment & share. It’s funny but

sometimes that is all that it takes – Ask me and I will do it!

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 12

The next image shows a post that was shared using this method.

STEP 4 – Search and join groups specifically for Free Kindle Books

Offer your book through your opt-in page link

Free Kindle Book


Kindle Book Clubs

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 13

STEP 5 – View your Insights on your FAN PAGE to see which posts are getting the best results

You will be able to notice the trends for you and your posts on Facebook. Consider

doing your own tests. Change the wording. Change the images. What gets the best

results from your audience?

A sample insight view

WHEN to do Facebook?

There is no absolutely BEST time. It depends. Time of day in general – 1 – 4 pm (in any time zone –

that’s what makes it hard to be “specific”. ) For brands they find the most interaction on Fridays. The

next day is Thursdays. Once you have been posting awhile, check the Insights on your Fan Page and

do more of whatever is working in your time zone and niche.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 14


Over 70 million Pinterest users today are contributing searchable visual content

in contrast to the other social media sites with mainly text based content. By

sharing visually, Pinterest has become the search engine for “lifestyle seekers”.

The majority of people using Pinterest are women. 18% of Pinterest users have

an income of $75,000 or more.


STEP 1 – Create, optimize, and verify a Business Account (if you are a business)

Create a variety of Boards by topic that represent you, your values and your brand

Name Boards creatively using searchable keywords

Consider all the topics of interest to your niche

Inspiring content, beautiful images, quotes, colors

Identify Trending topics that align with your ideal client

The “trick” here will be merging the topic and the solutions you offer. It may just

be that you are the author of the offering what it is they are seeking in your pin.

Post to your Boards frequently and consistently

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 15

Choose attractive images, quotes, and infographics that appeal generally to everyone

those with a positive emotional attachment do better.

(Stay away from controversial or strong opinions.)

Create quote images, infographics, image collages, How to instructions, recipes

Size 600 px wide – length as long as you want it –

Size ratio of 2:3 or 4:5 get repined more often

Use a Word doc template to create your own.

Save as an image using screen capture software like Snippet.

Post the image to your website in a post or article

Label the image with keywords

Pinning the image from the website ensures that it refers back to the

website and will receive traffic from that post

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 16

Image used in a website article

Share other’s pins to your boards with a comment that includes your URL

Short Description with informative Content

Keyword, hashtag rich, actionable

Short between 100 – 200 words

Include the full URL link to the page

Shortened URLs do not get clicked as often.

STEP 2 – Repost on another related board

Align with a trend in the description. Use hashtags

Repost other’s pins adding your own website link

STEP 3 – View the Pinterest Analytics to get the full report of how pins are doing in your

business account. (Not available for personal accounts.)

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 17

Your pins do not necessarily need to be images of your book cover or of the landing page. You can do

that, however, Great images, quotes and infographics have amazing longevity on Pinterest like no other

site mentioned here. When you have created “the perfect pin”, others continue to find it and repin it

again and again and again refreshing its popularity. The beauty of this is if you have the pin originate

from your website that pin will continue to drive traffic back to your website over and over again.

WHEN to post on Pinterest ?

The majority of people using Pinterest are women posting on Saturday mornings. People that pin tend

to spend 15 – 18 minutes a day doing it. When you choose to pin will depend on you and your topic.

Begin watching what gets repined, by whom and when. You can view notifications in the upper right-

hand corner of your account.

People do not tend to use Pinterest during business hours (Unless you are the one doing the pinning for

a brand.) Begin following some of the more active Pinterest accounts and test your activity times with

what you see them doing.

Don’t let timing slow you down. Just start doing it and watch the results in the clicks to your website.

Have fun!

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 18


Google+ is the most influential of the platforms. Did I say that before? Being owned by Google and connected to all of Google’s offspring gives it a distinct visibility advantage. Grow your connections on Google+ and create interest based circles. Search for your niche and ideal clients and add them to the circles. Add businesses and individuals that are connected to or indicate an

interest with Kindle books to a Kindle circle of your own. Note: Google+ authorship is an important ranking factor and one that you may not know about. Authorship tags each piece of content you create and lets Google know you created it.


STEP 1 – Google+ Set your custom URL Google help

Post to your Google+ timeline and circles consistently

Descriptive, relevant content

Keyword rich relevant content

niche audience circles using trending hashtags

Include the full url link to the page

Use Google to shorten your link

Use the coding Google+ allows to emphasize text to make it stand out

(Bold, strike through, italics)

[ *bold* / -strikethrough- / _italics_ ]

Ask a question at the end of every post / reply to those who respond

Use the new survey post option to get more responses

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 19

Use Images effectively

Upload a larger image on Google+ (named & labeled with keywords of course) from

your desktop rather than use the image Google+ automatically picks up from the link.

Images can be up to 2048 x 2048 px and are compressed to be viewed at 497 x393.

This will utilize the full display capabilities of the Google+ timeline and be more visible.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 20

STEP 2 – Share each post with PUBLIC as well as specific circles

Align with a trend by using a trending hashtag

Check the box to have an email sent to specific groups

Include a Call To Action - Ask people to share and comment

Respond to those who +1 your post and comment

STEP 3 - Upload images related to a particular promotion in a Theme Album

Invite and encourage people to +1 favorites and make comments

Build content around a theme (Kindle) and post consistently to build expertise using

your own hashtag

Provide the Link back to your website or blog with more details

STEP 4 – View the “Ripples” of a post (Google+ analytics feature) by clicking the dropdown

arrow in the upper corner of each post.

WHEN is the best time to post on Google+?

Studies have shown people are most active on Google+ in the mornings 9 – 10 am with the peak day

being Wednesday. Again, consider time zones as this broadens the time your post will be seen across

the US and the world. The “best time” may be what is best for you. Study the “Ripples” and see when

your circles are interacting with you.

By posting valuable, helpful content as well as your promotions, you build credibility and expertise. As

with Facebook, people love to interact with beautiful images, quotes and humor. The next section

discusses how to include video and YouTube to your advantage on Google+.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 21


The main benefit of using a video to share in your promotion is that Google

owns YouTube and it is intricately woven into the power Google and the search

engine. Videos contribute to credibility and establish expertise. By branding the

video with the URL you want people to visit, it will bring more traffic to your



STEP 1 – Start with a Branded YouTube Channel

STEP 2 – Create short, to the point videos (Best 1 -2 min) for each Kindle

People lose interest very quickly if they are not engaged in the content.

Keep in mind – funny, unusual, meaningful, touching – often get shared more.

Type 1 Video

Clip an image of your book’s cover or the landing page

Create a voice over script describing the offer or give away

“Review” the offer / Quote from the book

Record the script over the still image

Optional – Brand it with an intro and extro –

Edit using YouTube’s tools to add the URL layered on top of the video

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 22

Type 2

A live video of you reading from your book or talking about the book.

Optional – Brand it with an intro and extro –

Edit using YouTube’s tools to add the URL on top of the video

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 23

STEP 2 – Upload the video to your YouTube Channel-

Keywords in Description & Title of Video on the Channel

Title no more than 100 characters

Begin the description with the full URL

Keyword rich description up to 5000 characters

Include a Call to Action – Comment below – Visit the website

Be sure to Respond to the comments

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 24

STEP 3 – Share the Video & link with a short, keyword rich description on

Google+, FB, Twitter, LinkedIn

Embed it on your website to post to Pinterest.

Request they tell you when they get the offer

Respond to any comments

STEP 4 – View the numbers and comments on your YouTube Channel

WHEN to upload to YouTube? More precisely, Do videos increase the engagement with the post?

More than 1 Billion unique visitors view video on YouTube and 100 hours of video are uploaded to

YouTube every minute. A large percentage of videos are viewed on a mobile device.

So we need to ask a different question. Does video have an impact on whether a post is viewed or not?

That is a resounding YES! Making the message engaging enough for the viewer to take action and click

through to your offer is the challenge.

On the other hand, having a keyword optimized video link in Google+ and your other posts increases

your visibility in the search engines.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 25


Twitter is an amazing tool to get traffic to your landing and opt-in pages. The

click-through rate can be disappointing. That said, Twitter is still a critical

element in building the traffic to your pages to build the visibility and credibility

of your offering. With the method being described below, you do not need a

large number of followers. Take advantage of the activity and build

relationships with the new followers.


STEP 1 - Do your Keyword homework for your niche and product

Create a list of hashtags using the keywords –

This is the secret sauce – the hashtag in your tweet content. People searching topics or

creating topic lists find your Tweets whether you are following them or not.

Make the invitation to click compelling.

Tweet Content - Keep under 100 characters for more engagement

Statistically it’s been shown, shorter tweets are clicked and re-tweeted more frequently.

Focus on your Niche Audience & trending hashtags

Be helpful, humorous, inspirational

Include the full URL link to the page

Twitter will shorten it with their shortener.

Include a call to action –

Use the entire word – Retweet – to get more retweets

Link shorteners can be used for tracking purposes, however, Twitter’s analytics

indicate a higher percentage of clicks on links when using the full URL

Pre-write 100 or more tweets alternating hashtags and messages

Enter the tweets in an excel doc to be uploaded to an automated program to upload

and schedule tweets. Hootsuite, Tweet Adder, Socialoomph, Postcron

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 26

Exact Tweets cannot be used twice on the same day

Change up the wording a bit.

Use the exact tweet the next day

Best practices

2 hashtags per tweet – more can be “annoying” if used too often

Tweet more than just your promotional tweets.

Contribute content to the Twitter community.

Be helpful, entertaining, send quotes, images.

Engage with your peeps. Follow, respond, retweet and reply.

Upload images (named appropriately) from your desktop to Twitter to get more clicks

and trigger the auto-expand function in Twitter.

The dimensions of Twitter’s picture for the in-stream, must be of 440 x 220

px, vertically centered with a radius of 2:1 and it can’t be more than 3MB. If you

want the preview pic you see on of the stream to be the same as the original, it can’t

exceed the following measurements: 1024 x 512 (aspect 2:1). Post Cron

STEP 2 – Notifications – Check and respond

Follow those who follow you

Reply – to messages sent to you

Engage in conversations – respond

Favorite Tweets to refer back to

STEP 3 – View Twitter Analytics to view what is working.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 27

WHEN is the best time to Tweet?

I think you are seeing a pattern here – It just depends. The fastest growing group on Twitter is people

between the ages of 55 - 64 and they seem to like to Tweet Monday through Thursdays between 1 and

3. Taking time zones into account and your location, it could be the better part of the day that someone

is reading your tweets. Generally speaking, the late night hours have significantly less activity.

The key takeaway for this strategy is doing your Keyword and niche research to know the topics that

your niche are searching for to provide answers that you are providing. Balancing the content of the

tweet with just the right number of hashtags that entice each person to click on your link and the offer it

provides will take a bit of creative Tweet production. Once you’ve gotten it underway, review the

analytics both for Twitter and your website to see which have produced the best opt-in rates for your


Let’s look at the final platform – LinkedIn

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 28


LinkedIn is an influential, professional networking site. Using it for your benefit

requires knowledge of the etiquette for the site and the groups you may join. If

you focus on being helpful, offering solutions, and writing from an expert point

of view, you will find your connections growing and your posts being “Liked”

and shared.


Assuming you have a fully optimized personal profile

STEP 1 –

Post Content to your timeline consistently

Keyword rich content

Include the full URLlink to the page

Ask a question at the end of every post.

Reply to those who respond

STEP 2 – Use the Publish function to post a longer article (Click the pencil on the post)

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 29

A Keyword rich statement works well as a title - 40 - 49 characters

Keyword rich content – Neutral feeling rather than Positive or Negative

1900 – 2000 words seems to do best

1800 next

Divide content with sub headers – 5 is optimum

Include up to 8 self explanatory images that are eye catching, labeled with keywords.

Consider using the infographic you’ve created for the topic.

Include up to 8 keyword labeled images in your post

(Videos tend to get less click throughs on LinkedIn)

Include the full URL link to the page

Include a Call To Action - Ask people to comment and share. Reply and keep the

conversation going

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 30

STEP 3 – Are you a business? Create a business Company page for LinkedIn

Have employees link their profiles to your business

Offer consistent, helpful tips and solutions

Link back to your website or blog

STEP 4 – Join Kindle related Groups – Authors – Writers – Niche Topics

Consistently participate and post helpful tips, solutions, and invitations where

appropriate. (Some groups do not want you to promote in any way.)

Link back to an article you’ve posted on LinkedIn

Link to a post on your blog

STEP 5 – View the LinkedIn Analytics for your posts individually to see how your posts are doing

or by following the instructions linked here for your business.


WHEN to post on LinkedIn?

45% of LinkedIn subscribers check in on their mobile device. The biggest usage happens between

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 – 5. Being this is a professional network, the more value you can provide in

your content, the more likely you will have people viewing, sharing and interacting with your posts.

Take advantage of the networking opportunity, sharing your content with groups in need of the

information you have to share.

Summary –

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 31

This book contains a quick deep dive into some proven Social Media strategies to get you more traffic to

your Kindle book release. The strategies presented were proven to work at the time of this printing.

There are no guarantees the platforms introduced here will continue to operate in just the same way

tomorrow. Now that you’ve trained one puppy, you will have the confidence to take on the next one.

When change does happen, you have a basis for adjusting your strategy to “go with the flow”.

Wishing you great success as you launch into the magical world of Social Media promotions.

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 32

Copyright © 2014 Kathleen Gage Pleasant Hill, Oregon 97455

Information in this documentation is the property of Kathleen Gage, Turning Point, Inc., and Power Up for Profits™.

No part of this publication and/or product may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval

system, without permission in writing from author or publisher.

All rights reserved.


While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility

for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

This publication is an information product and is not intended for use as a source of legal, accounting, or tax advice. Information contained herein may

be subject to varying national, state, and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain the services of competent professionals for legal,

accounting, or tax advice.

The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use

of these materials and information, including adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state, and local, governing professional licensing,

business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction in the world. No guarantees of income

are made. Publisher reserves the right to make changes.

If you can’t accept these terms, kindly return product. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of

any purchaser or reader of these materials. (website) (blog)

©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 33


©2014 Copyright Kathleen Gage and Power Up For Profits™. All rights reserved. 34


Kathleen Gage is the “no-nonsense, common sense” speaker,

author, product creation specialist, and owner of the highly

successful company, “Power Up for Profits.”

She works with speakers, authors, coaches, and consultants

who have a higher purpose in what they do. Kathleen’s

clients are driven by making a difference through their own

unique voice.

Considered to be one of the nation’s most passionate speakers, Kathleen is

known for cutting through the fluff and helping people to leave their sob

stories behind, so they can stop focusing on the past and start looking

towards the future.

She speaks and teaches about what she believes are the core elements of a

successful life: accountability, integrity, honesty, and living with passion and

hope. Her motto is, “No Wimps Allowed.”

This is not to say that Kathleen doesn’t know struggle. At the age of 25, she

was homeless without a college degree. With no direction, no focus, and no

true purpose, she wondered if she’d ever find a use for her life.

Following a spiritual awakening, she decided it was time to do something

with her life and “come out of hiding.” This started an upward trajectory

over 30 years ago leading to the creation of her first company, “Street

Smarts Marketing” in 1994.

Since then Kathleen has become a much sought after speaker and writer

refusing to deliver what she calls “boring ass messages.”

Kathleen’s clients are driven by making a difference through their own

unique voice. They want to know how to get their message out via

information products and books, online means as well as speaking

engagements and live events.

Visit for more information.

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