marketing pitch development air-guitar...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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AIT Class 3 1 Task 2 Marketing Pitch

Applied Information Technology

Task 2

Marketing Pitch Development

Air-Guitar T-Shirt

Developed by:

Student 1234

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 2

Contents Task 2 Marketing Pitch

Advertisement Advertisement Survey Conclusion

Design Document Glossary

AIT Class 3 3 Task 2 Marketing Pitch

Marketing Pitch Media to use to deliver marketing pitch

Magazine TV Radio Newspaper Leaflet Billboard Internet Posters

Skills we will need to develop these Magazine Photoshop skills TV Video editing skills Radio Audacity Internet Flash or dream weaver Billboard Photoshop Leaflet/pamphlet Variety

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 4

Chosen Method of advertising: A Magazine Advertisment The method that will best reach the identified target markets is that of advertising through magazines. Advertising space will be purchased in magazines such as Rolling Stones, Metal Hammer, Freerider and other music and extreme sport magazines. The idea of showing the advertisement in extreme sport magazines will also appeal to music lovers and those who enjoy playing around with new things and enjoying a good laugh.

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 5

Example of Advertisement:

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 6

Product as advertised in magazine:

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 7

Marketing Pitch Magazine Advertisement Survey

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 8

Survey Questions 1. Does this advertisement appeal visually to you?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) More could be done

2. What features of this advertisement appeal to you the

most? (a) colour (b) images (c) text

3. Do you feel informed enough about the product? (a) yes (b) no (c) there needs to be more

4. What is the likeliness of you purchasing this product? (a) high (b) maybe (c) no chance

5. What reasons would you purchase the product or not? ___________________________________________________

__________________________________ 6. Does the product itself interest you?

(a) Yes (b) A little (c) No

7. What changes do you feel could be made to make this advertisement more appealing? ___________________________________________________


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Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 10

Design Document Student Name: Student 1234 INVESTIGATING 1 Items to be developed Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Objective Target Market Market Analysis

• The 4 P’s • SWOT Analysis

Marketing Pitch

• Survey/test 2 Key Target Audience Teen Males who are interested in music; listening and producing. Teen females who are interested in music, particularly rock, but

also pop and alternative, as this product can produce different genres of music.

Middle aged males who enjoy making music. Children, possibly for a present as they may enjoy this product

with its sound making properties. Key target audience for marketing plan and pitch are those

working who I am going to be giving the plan to. 3 Key Design Features

Key features to build into this technology is sound and volume

adjustment Different Genres or music Ability to be washed Skill levels Movement sensors Batteries and charging availabilities Key design features of the marketing plans are the fonts, layout,

logos and slogans Also, the way in which the plan is written and how well the

readers can interpret what has been written.

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 11

4 Societal/Environmental Considerations Faults in the making and production of this product may be a

factor in the development of tis technology People may read the marketing plan, who may disagree with the

product being produced and hence the plan may not appeal to them as the product doesn’t suit their desires.

People may wish to conserve the original and typical way of making music, that is, the real life guitar and hence they may this that this way of making music is fake and unreal, so, in reading the marketing plans and such, the appeal may be false to those who wish to disapprove of the product.

5 Other Circumstances Affecting Production Techniques As mentioned above, faults in the making of this product may

effect the development of the technology of this product Time availability and being able to hurdle over obstacles may

challenge the development of this product Knowledge of software may affect the development of this

technology Knowledge of competitors and consumers will also affect the

sales and development of this product. Circumstances affecting the production of the marketing plans

and such are like above, that is, time availability and skills Knowledge of software and understanding of the task

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 12

DEVISING Time plan





Filling out design document

Executive summary

Marketing pitch Marketing pitch

Researching layouts

Developing marketing pitch

Developing marketing pitch

Market Testing

Content Map

Task 1

Air Guitar Shirt

4 P’s Product Price Place


Marketing Plans

SWOT analysis Strength

Weaknesses Opportunities


Marketing Pitch

Business Plan

Product: air guitar



6. D To b



be designe

t Layout


ed in Photo





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ent 1234

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 14

Magazine Advertising

Appealing to emotions Using Sex Appeal… Using facts and figures

Magazine Advertising

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 15

Air guitar Shirt

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 16

Idea of Layout of Magazine Advertisement:

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 17

7. Bibliography CSIRO (2006) TEXTILES: Shirts Fashioned for Rockin’ Science (On Line). Available HTTP: (2007, May). CSIRO (2006) Wearable guitar instrument shirt interview (on Line) Available HTTP: (2007, May) MPlans (2005) Bed & Breakfast Marketing Plan (On Line) Available HTTP: (2007, May) Acme Consulting (1998) Sample Marketing Plan: AMT (On Line) Available HTTP: (2007, May) Factiva (2005) Marketing Plan- Sample Outline (On Line) Available HTTP: (2007, May)

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 18

Selected Software Tools 1. Program: Microsoft Word

Reason for use: SWOT, 4 Ps, Marketing plan, marketing Pitch, Design Document, BIT plan…

2. Program: Windows Media Player

Reason for use: Watch video of product in use.

3. Program: Photoshop Reason for use: Importing my magazine article onto the design of a magazine.

4. Program: Paint

Reason For use: Cutting images and pasting them onto word

Student 1234

AIT Stage 3A Task 2 Marketing Pitch 19

Glossary Executive Summary An overview of the main points of a business plan or proposal The 4 P’s Product Price Place Promotion 4 aspects you must consider when making a business plan or proposal SWOT analysis Strengths weaknesses opportunity threats Things to take into consideration when creating a product or advertisement Marketing Pitch Process including the delivery of product and advertisement and working with target market and audience Social/environmental considerations Must be considered when working with a business proposal, product and advertisement. Production techniques I have also increased my skills in Photoshop and graphic designing, which is a skill I will need to pursue a career in Graphic Design.

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