marketing pr

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Case studies

Henry Paul &

Dan leaf

Tesco released an advert apologising for horse meat being found throughout many of their products. This was all very well and good but it brought up a bit of an uproar in the food industry. It was holding its hands up in terms of its mistakes but itwas also attempting to shift some of the blame.

"What's been happening lately has made us Look at the way we do things. Made us realise that we need to do our bit To change the way our food industry works.”

This is a caption from one of Tescos adds and they insist it is not in any kind of poetic form. It caused some discrepancies because it is implying that it is the whole food industry that needs to change. They were almost indirectly shifting blame. As we know there are many competent food companies and distributers. Many of these people were offended by this advert because they take pride in their work and would never lie to the customers in the same way the large chains have. This advert was later removed from the public eye by the ASA.There are a few PR strategies that were used within this advert. One technique they have used here is damage limitation. By holding there hands up and admitting they were wrong they have avoided being caught out at a later date. Although this could still be damaging, its no where near as bad as being found out and denying the situation. They have also attempted to manage the message by making themselves look more well rounded as a company by coming up with loads of different adds after the first one was discontinued.

"We know that all this will only work if we areOpen about what we do.And if you're not happy, tell us.Seriously.This is it.We are changing.”

They have almost put a spin on the bad publicity by releasing loads of ads apologising. Although many people will learn of their mishaps they will also look more honest to certain people, then in turn wining them back.

A woman named Jo Moore was a Labour party aide/spin doctor. Miss Moore’s motive behind sending the email at the top, was to ‘spin’ her bad news about the councillors expenses. Her way of doing this was by releasing her bad news on the same day as the Twin Tower’s attacks. She was basically saying in the email that any news released that day was obsolete compared to the Twin Tower’s attacks. Whether this is true or not, many high up people in government thought this was a very cynical and wrong way to look at such a travesty. Another PR technique that was initiated was damage limitation, she was trying to minimisethe publicity of her news by releasing it on the same day of the Twin Towers attacks. This still doesn’t really justify the inconsiderateness of the initial email that she sent before the second tower had even fallen.

Panasonic ToughPad is a tablet that has tried to break into a niche market by setting itself apart from competitors. There are many other tablets on the market, but little have the durability of the tough pad. They did a marketing scheme where they went to the Cowboys stadium in Dallas, Texas and put a ToughPad inside a football. It was then kicked from one end of the pitch to the other. The tablet wasn’t secured inside the ball so that it had a maximum chance of causing damage. There are a few marketing and PR techniques that are used throughout this case study.

It involves many marketing techniques including a marketing strategy. They are trying to prove how tough and durable their product really is. They are making a point and setting them selves off on a good foot to be known as the most robust product on the market. Another marketing technique they are using is advertising, they are making their product known to the thousands of people watching in the stadium and on TV. This is also a very good technique for helping your brand promotion. There were many people in the media industry invited including 400 media, customers, wireless carriers and business partners. They were all invited to try out the tablets innovative features and to test the products strength. All these people will go away and spread the word either by voice, text or video.

It also involves a lot of different PR techniques. One of these is ‘Organising Events’. To promote this product, the company who made it had organised an event to allow people to test it out and see how effective it is. Organising the event also coincides with positive publicity. The effect of all the people seeing it and trying it out, should create positive publicity, if the product is as good as the company say it is. Another PR technique that is used is managing the message. They are trying to set in stone that they are the toughest tablet on the market. If they continue with this as there message they will be renowned throughout the tablet market as the most full bodied tablet on the market.

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