marketing secrets of the mastersif you’re a newbie then the information you’re about to learn...

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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Marketing Secrets of The Masters

By Peter J. Fogel copywriter/consultant

Thanks for signing up for my direct response e-zine and for downloading my e-book Marketing Secrets of the Masters. One of the most wonderful things about the direct response industry is that success leaves clues. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, as they say. The greats before us have indeed blazed a trail for the industry. They undoubtedly failed, (tested) succeeded, and went on to refine these strategies for us. The techniques I am about to reveal to you have been used by myself and the top heavy hitter master copywriters today in delivering high response take-no-prisoners-copy! I imagine if John Caples, Joe Sugerman, Bob Bly, Dan Kennedy, or Dan Hauptman can implement them in their own writing and campaigns successfully, earn millions of dollars for themselves and their clients, well then, they must be good enough for the rest of us, too.

Who Needs These Tried And True Marketing Techniques?

• Seasoned Marketers. If you write copy yourself, or you

supervise copywriters for your company then this will be a good review for you (and a good way to see if I know what I’m talking about.)

• Beginning Copywriters. If you’re a newbie then the

information you’re about to learn should be learned, internalized, so it becomes second nature to you. Copywriting is an exciting and lucrative roadmap to a great income and life.

And just think: You’ll be in demand, earn the big bucks, get that dream house—that dream car… and be able to get back at the “cool kids” in high-school that didn’t let you into their clique. (Just the last paragraph of copy was laden with benefits, don’t you agree?)


• Entrepreneurs. Whether you’re just beginning journey on-line

or you’re an established “brick and mortar” business owner who has decided to finally bring your business into cyber-space, this is the precise knowledge you absolutely need to profitably compete there.

Yes… But… But I’m NOT A Copywriter I’m Just a Business Owner!

Uh, huh, and that’s exactly why you need to need to be a student of this craft because the health and survival of your business depends on it. (And since when is any knowledge a bad thing?) I just used fear as a motivating factor to lead you to the next benefit and the next sentence. To achieve dazzling ON-LINE profits, where it’s extremely competitive beyond your wildest imagination, … you should immediately recognize and know the compelling, irresistible copywriting and marketing techniques of the master—because if you don’t— YOUR competition will! (more fear plus the truth – motivates.) And just imagine when you hire that copywriter (who has their heart set on earning the big money to buy their “dream house” or “dream car”) Uyou’ll both be on the same page which will enable you to make crystal clear to them exactly what you want to accomplish in your marketing. This will save you time, money and needless heartache with revisions.U (More benefits) Oh, but perhaps when it comes to marketing you’re a rebel and want to “break the rules.” Fine and dandy. Know some of the rules first—and then you can break them. And that’s why this crash course in persuasive marketing e-book is a good way to begin.

Use the K.I.S.S. Factor In Your Offer!

Keep-It-Simple-Stupid!! From beginning to end you have to take your prospect by the hand and lead him to your final destination…


which is placing an order via check, money order, credit card, or pay pal---into your account. But to do that you need a riveting call to action. You want to make sure your prospect knows exactly how their life is going to be changed or their problem will be solved and then make it extremely easy for them to order.

There should be absolutely NO ambiguity in your offer.

UYour offer should be powerful enough to stir the emotions in him (of course you know that people buy for emotional reasons and then justify their decision with logic, don’t you? Well, now you do.) And where should you put your first immediate attention in your offer? The headline. The late, great, advertising icon David Ogilvy said that the headline is 85% of your offer. It’s been said that 5 times as many people will read the headline then the body of your copy. So how do you create a compelling headline?

Get Into the Mind of Your Reader and Determine How Your Product or Service Will

Give Him What He Wants And what might that be? Well your prospect wants…

~to regain their health! ~to be creative! ~more time! ~more money! ~to lose weight which will make them healthier! ~to have higher self-esteem! ~to be popular and in demand! ~their retirement to be assured! ~to feel physically and mentally comfortable.

And what do people want to do? They want to…

win someone’s love!


~to be able to buy nice things! ~to express their personalities and make a difference! ~to appreciate the beautiful and the finer things in life! ~to improve the quality of their lives!

And what to people want to avoid?

1) Pain! 2) Worry! 3) Big risks that could hurt them! 4) Being embarrassed in public! 5) Being fired! 6) Self-doubt!

So does the above list get your creative juices going? Well, it should. As you begin to write your copy it’s your job to dig deep and figure out what makes your prospect tick so you can accomplish the goal of making your prospect “who is kickin’ and screamin” because he knows you want his money… an ally. You must court and seduce him. Hit their hot buttons. Discover what his best interests are. Have you ever thought what your prospect’s fears, needs, and wants are? What keeps them up at night? You see, you want your prospect (who is first a suspect) to have a 2 by 4 experience when he first sees your offer. And one way to do that is to make a

1) TREMENDOUS PROMISE Make no mistake: Mr. Prospect is being tugged at by so many offers from the radio, television, newspapers, and internet (his wife wants something from him, his kids are bugging him, he just got the bill for his mortgage. Uggh!) Your dazzling offer has to make such a strong promise that he STOPS dead in his tracks and gives Uyour offer the serious six seconds of thoughtU that he needs to determine if he should read on. And then for him to realize that he’d be foolish NOT to take action and order your service or widget (Has anyone actually ordered a widget?)


Remember: from the first words the prospect reads ---- to the end, your offer has to focus like a laser UNOT on your business but on your prospect’s needs, wants, and desires.U No guessing if “this offer can really benefit me?” On the subway tonight this simple ad for LST, GST, and SAT exam tutoring caught my attention (not to mention the homeless man who was napping with his head on my shoulder.) “Higher Test Scores… Or Your Money Back!” Then it followed up with a subhead with more benefits to get the prospect to call a phone number and get a brochure. Strictly a lead generation vehicle. Now, if you’re a student or even a concerned parent or grandparent, that headline immediately speaks to your needs. It focuses on what the prospect desperately craves in their lives right now! A simple, direct, major benefit if there ever was one. You know exactly what you’re going to get (hopefully.) And if you’re not sure it will happen… then rest easy my friend, you have a complete money back guarantee. (called risk reversal. But more about that shortly.)

2) BE COMPLETELY BELIEVEABLE! Don’t insult the prospect by making an offer that he can’t relate to. Don’t make this a “too-good-to-be-true offer.” And by that I mean, don’t have a headline that can’t possibly deliver on your offer: Higher Test Scores With Absolutely No Studying or

Preparation Whatsoever!

Oh, sure you’ll get the prospect’s attention, but let’s face it, we both know the only way YOU don’t have to study or prepare and still be able to a get a higher test score – is if you hire someone else to do the studying and take the exams for you. Or how about…

$50,000 Can Be Yours In 7 Days!


The above headline is based on curiosity more than anything else, don’t you think? To me, it’s the “sounds too good to be true” and another get rich scheme… for the seller, not the buyer Now here’s another excellent example taken right from today’s newspaper that provides an immediate benefit:

New super air purifier can eliminate 98% of the worst pollution in 15


Prozone Products used by the federal government and United Nations eliminate odors, smoke, pollen, dust, germs, mold, pet dander, carbon monoxide, viruses and much more. Provides fast relief for

allergies and sinus ailments. A bold promise if you’re an allergy sufferer or anyone who wants immediate relief from air pollution. But is it helpful? Well, The United Nations and “our” government uses it, so it must be helpful. (Yes, let the snickering begin.)

6 Ways to Make Your Marketing More Profitable On-Line

1) What’s Really Important If You Want Your Website To Be Profitable? (it’s not what you think) Now let’s discuss what to use on-line for a moment. Naturally, off-line your sales letter, brochure, or envelope is just as important as your offer. UYou need to decide with your copywriter and graphic designer what is the most cost efficient and most desirable way to get your offer read. BUT on line your calling card is your website. It all begins and ends with your design and lay out of your on-line store. It truly stands between having a profit and loss. Your site must be simple in giving the information that is needed for them to make an educated decision as to whether they want “play ball” with you.


WARNING: You must never want to give a reason for them to “click away” to your competition. I know… your web designer wants you to have banners and cute rotating cubes and complex graphics. (don’t let them.) Yes, graphic designers are wonderful creative people with great ideas. But you should always take control of your marketing! You know, getting a prospect in your “brick and mortar store” is one thing. (they entered for a reason—so half your battle is over), BUT the web is different. Think of cyber–space as the largest shopping mall on the planet. If your site is too difficult to surf and doesn’t immediately give the content that it’s important to your prospect, you will lose him forever. Folks come to your site for one thing… information! (repeat after me.) UYour focus should be on copy that sells your product of service that will solve the problem of your prospect… not what your business has accomplished! Lose the slow loading heavy graphics like he’s an annoying second cousin at a family barbecue who insists on talking to you with his mouth full of Buffalo wings. 2) What’s Essential To Your Success is NOT Your

Company… But YOUR Future Customer. Here’s Why!

I know you’re proud of the fact that you’re a family owned business since 1952 and that you donate to a certain charity and are a member of the local better business bureaus…. And that you have a kick ass logo… and it’s pretty… and that you want it on every single page of your site. And you feel a need to brand your company and impress your friends and relatives. Again, we’re going back to the prospect and the need for our favorite acronym (you know it and you love it) W.I.I.F.M. What’s-In-It-For-Me? And here’s the headline that tells you what your prospect is thinking:


Please Mr. Website Owner All I Want You to Do Is

Make My Life Easier – THIS VERY SECOND – And If You Can’t I’ll Find Someone Who Will!

Again, your immediate focus on your site should be the headline that your prospect sees when he comes to your homepage. It should be the first thing that hugs your customer like Shaquille O’Neal grabbing a rebound with nine players on his back. It should be that strong and give him an immediate benefit… or stirs so much curiosity that it makes him have to read the rest of your offer. UNotice the headline on my website: I wrote this in the best interest of my targeted audience… what concerns him.

“Delivering High Response Copy Your Marketing Deserves!”

If you’re a marketer… don’t you agree that THAT is what you desire from the copywriter that you hire? That is your immediate need. Or even the headline of this report: Marketing Secrets of The Masters. Everyone wants secrets that’ll help them achieve their marketing goals—BUT not just any secrets… you want the ones from the Masters. And here are some quality gems from Dan Kennedy:

• “How to Turn Your Ideas into a Fortune!” • “How to Print All the Money You Want—Legally!” • “Here Are the Exact Ingredients For A Direct Mail Moneymaking System of Your Own!”

Notice that I just used bullets with the above headlines? When laying out benefits, they are an excellent way to further your case… and they allow you to add importance to those benefits to your prospect. Let’s say you’re an alternative health care professional that wants to increase your patient base or sell a pain relief technique (on-line or off) that the average person can apply easily. Here’s one sure-fire headline that you immediately know has a benefit for the reader:


Maverick Chiropractor Shows You How to End Chronic Back Pain

Now that’s an okay headline… but you and I can do better. How about zeroing in with a more specific benefit.

Maverick Chiropractor Shows You How To End

Lower Chronic Back Pain With A Simple and Safe 5 Minute Exercise! So Effective Anyone

Can Do It!

Call toll-free 800-555-1212 for your Free No Obligation Report or go to

HUwww.painfreenow.comUH . Isn’t it about time you U Ufeel great again?

Regardless of age, if you have lower back problems (and most folks do) this is one headline that’ll catch your fancy and make you (hopefully) take immediate action. Oh, and have you noticed every sub-head I’ve used in this booklet? Which by the way is just as important as your headline… in fact, a lot of sub-heads are headlines that didn’t make the cut. But you can still use them successfully through your piece. A sub-head should present another aspect of your offer and compel your reader – to read the next line of your paragraph which will again give him MORE proof of your offer and answer any OBSTACLE they have--- and lead them to YOUR call to action. Cha-ching! Notice the above subhead that I used earlier: “What’s Essential to Your Financial Success is NOT Your Company… But YOUR Future Customer. Here’s Why!” If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur… of course you want this intriguing information and the reasoning behind it. Master Tip: Have trouble coming up with a headline for your business? Figure out what your real offer/benefit is and use the word “how” in it! It works like magic!



3) Think Features Sell Your Product or Service? Think Again!

Benefits and features, yes, are first cousins. But they’re inherently different. Here’s a simple example. “It’s taken our company 5 years of round-the-clock research to come up with this heavy duty design for our coffee mug.” Who cares that it took your company that long? That is a feature. But if you add… “Because of this heavy duty design it will with stand the rigors of your dishwasher day after day, year after year… so it won’t break. Saving you time and money so you don’t have to go out and purchase another one.” Now THAT’S a benefit! “And our mug comes with a handle.” Again, who cares? Of course, it does. Why would I buy a mug without a handle? That’s a feature. The reaaaaaaal benefit is: “Say good-bye to hand cramping for ever! And quench your thirst the easy way. With our scientifically and ergonomically designed handle you can comfortably grip the mug for easy sipping and the enjoyment of your favorite hot or cold beverage! So what are the benefits of your product or service? Master tip: List all the features of your product of service. Then determine how each and every feature will improve the quality of your prospect’s life or how it will solve THEIR very important problem. And once you figure out how your product or service’s is superior to your competition’s… then you’re on the road to profitability…and a great ----

4) Unique Selling Proposition

What does your widget do that the competition’s widget doesn’tU? Study your competition… if you must, become a customer of his. Figure out “what you bring to the table that other guy doesn’t.” (Because you know he’s doing the same to you.)


And no… it’s not about beating their price. Here’s an effective (and probably overused example) of a U.S.P., but it makes my point and is simple to “get!”

Fed Ex: When It Absolutely Has To Be There


(or one I just came up with) Certified Automobile Mechanic Who Makes House

Calls! (Now That’s a USP!)

When writing about the USP of your product… you must stress it in the beginning, the middle, and at the end of the promotion. It’s the lifeblood of your business/offer (and over the long haul will help you brand your business.) Master Tip: Want to turbo charge your copywriting in ten seconds? (Could be used as a headline, don’t you think?) After each line of your copy you should ask yourself this question: “And should I care?” If you answer “no.” Then you have to improve the line or figure out a way to construct your sentence to make an impact on your prospect so that he’ll read the next line and the next line.

5) Who Is Your Specific Market? If You Don’t Know… Then Who Does?

Let’s be honest: We both know we can’t please everybody (and that goes personally and professionally.) Your product or service won’t be for everyone and nor should you try to make it so. If you market high performance tennis racquets to nursing homes, I think we can agree that you might fail. Oh sure, grandma “might” purchase the racquet (and use it once if she can get through one set), But do you want those odds? Find your niche and exploit it! Some businesses lose their focus and spread themselves too thin in trying to reach the customers they believe can benefit from their widget. (Go to different websites and you’ll notice this immediately.)


Here’s a hint: If you’re a mortgage broker selling home financing and your competition is focusing on every type of buyer under the sun… why don’t you find your niche and market only to first time home buyers? And then narrow it down even further. First time home buyers who have bad credit and can’t get a loan. How about YOUR company solving their problem? And how do you do accomplish this? Do an off-line or on-line marketing test.

“Are You a First Time Home Owner with Credit Problems who’s been Turned Down For a Loan? Let Us Get You Approved!” Call Toll-free 800-555-1212

See what your response is and then test another headline.

6) Your Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!

No one wants to be taken when it comes to shelling out their hard-earned bucks. Most companies offer the standard 30 day money-back guarantee. What happens if you have a higher priced product and there’s competition for it? And let’s say your competitor is giving the standard 30 day guarantee? Well, here’s an idea that’ll help you profit. Extend your time limit from 60-90 days even up to year and build excitement into your risk reversal. “As Jehovah is my witness: Mr. Customer if you’re not totally convinced that my real estate course can’t put you on the road to unlimited riches within 90 days … I will buy back the product from you on the spot … no questions asked … and the bonuses are yours to keep!” You see, psychologically you’re putting your customer’s mind to rest. And they’re thinking now:

“Wow… now I don’t have to be in a rush to return this widget. And it has to be great… because if it wasn’t the company wouldn’t be going out on a limb with this 90 day unprecedented guarantee that the “other widget company” isn’t offering.


And they’re letting me keep the freebies! Yahoo, I get something for nothing. I’d be a fool NOT to do business with this widget company!”

Studies have shown the further you go out on your guarantee the less returns you will receive back…especially if you have a superior product. Master tip: A typical consumer will put some products on their shelf and forget about them. That’s why the longer the guarantee the fewer returns you’ll get back.

Different Types of Copy To Use That’ll Help Sell Your Product or Service

• Right On the Money Copy. I call this the “Sergeant Joe Friday Just the Facts” type of copy. You present the facts, the proof, and the benefits and make your offer compelling and simple to understand. ! Oila “an oldie, but a goodie.” • Story Copy Like little kids Around Camp Fires we all adore stories. They keep us captivated and there’s usually a theme or moral to them (like “buy my product.”) They are quite effective as a strong lead after the headline– or when you have to make a specific point in your sales presentation that your customer has to absolutely understand. “Let me tell you about a friend of mine who didn’t jump at this incredible offer… he’s nothing special, but… blah, blah…” • Star Trek Copy - You’re describing your product and its benefits in a way that your reader never thought possible. Yes, you are taking him “where no man has gone before.” Describing how all his future problems will be solved and how his life will be changed forever… because of your widget for $19.95. Great way to bond with your reader… you’re his tour guide to a better existence. • The Reason Why or “Oops” Copy: You’re admitting you and your company “messed” up. You’re not perfect and your product isn’t. You have some great baseballs to sell them… but in Taiwan


where they were made… well, they got pretty scuffed up in shipment. And because they have imperfections—like all of us… well, Mr. Baseball-Aficionado-Customer you’re going to save money big time. This copy show us we’re all human, after all. • Toot Your Own Horn Copy. This seems to be the favorite of Internet marketers. Passion, excitement… It’s hard-hitting and relentless—right up to the call to action. So as not to come off as arrogant, have as many facts and figure at your disposal… not to mention have as many testimonials comin’ out the “wazuu” (whatever UthatU is.) This type of copy can come off as carnival barking, but is effective when targeted to a specific audience. • Signed or “Mom and Pop” Copy. You’re the owner of the product or service. You tell your story how you created it to help some friends out… not knowing the response you were going to get from strangers would “blow you away.” Have testimonials on hand, show the proof that your product or service really has helped thousand of folks. UAgain, educate the consumerU. And simply sign off on it. This is effective writing and assists you in bonding, too. Here’s a tip that works: If you can, put your phone number at the end of the ad. Inform the reader if they have any problems that they can call you personally. (Oh and make sure you do pick up the phone or have a voice mail message.) Or say… “If I don’t pick up it means I am out helping some clients…

but I’ll get back to you.” Anticipate what your reader might be thinking next… like right now you might be pondering to yourself “Okay, Peter, great ideas for different tactics to use in writing copy… BUT… what is…”

The Proper Length of a Sales Letter for Optimal Results?


I take your question and raise it with another one. (An old adage again?) “How long should a man’s legs be?” Answer: “Long enough to reach the floor.” So what should the length of your sales letter be? UThe Masters believe it should be as long as you need to tell your complete story and not one word more or lessU. I know, a very Zen like response, but it’s true. Yes, people are busy. Yes, people want you to get to the point. Now, if you’re doing a lead generation sales letter--- you should send a short one or two page letter to the prospect telling him how to respond to your FR-EE report. Consumers love FREEBIES. In fact, in direct response marketing FR-EE in any sentence is the most effective way to create interest and immediate action. For men, the second one is announcing…

“Hey, there’s Pamela Anderson across the street!” (But

I digress.) You see, with the short generation sales letter your goal is to get the consumer to raise their hand so you can capture their e-mail address, phone number or snail mail address for future marketing purposes. UThat’s it.

You don’t have to give a long sales message when you are giving something away for FREE... although you want to make it clear to Mr. or Mrs. Prospect that there is no obligation on their part to purchase anything else from you…(until they get your NEXT sales letter, of course.)

Here’s an example of a lead generation offer that uses a combination “news style” headline along with an “easy solution” sub headline. (It educates and sells)

Research Studies By The FDA Have Shown That

24.5% of Today’s Bottled Water Might Be Tainted With Harmful Microorganisms:.

Here’s How to Have Clear, Healthy, Sparkling Drinking Water at Your Fingertips 365 Days A



This FR-EE report is yours with absolutely no obligation when you call our toll-free number (800-555-1212) or fill out the form and return it in our SASE. Do it today… your family will thank you!

Notice the “your family will thank you” part. That’s hitting a hot button. Parents want their children to be healthy—all-the-time. And they “need” to be appreciated all the time! And when you show specificity like I did, (the number 24.5%) your headline will make an even greater impact because you’ve included proof. or

“What Your Local Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About Your Drinking Water… (And YES, It

Can Harm You!)

Remember: KISS In the direct response industry there’s an old adage that you should take to heart: “Tell More, Sell More.” In sales, you are educating the consumer about your product. You want them to think… “I didn’t know that…cool! I need this!” or “I had no idea that this widget could also clean my baby’s crib, safely…” Education is your key to success! Be down to earth, talk to your prospect like he’s sitting across from you at dinner. Use “you” as many times as it necessary to give intimacy to your offer. You want the person who is reading your letter to feel that you are only talking to him. URememberU: (notice how this word alone just got your possible undivided attention.) You’re enlightening your prospect about your product or service and “you” should take as long as you need to do it. This is your time for your product or service to shine brightly in his mind like the Bat Signal over Gotham City. Use it! You don’t want the prospect to have any unanswered questions. Lay out as much proof --- be one step a head of them as much as you possibly can. Bob and weave… (Yes, sometimes the sales process is almost a confrontation.)


Seduce them … and overcome any reluctance they might have in doing business with you, and not the other guy. Never give your prospect an opportunity to be bored, complacent and rip up your letter or “click away.” Make your offer as compelling and as irresistible an offer as you possibly can (within your budget.) If a five page letter tells your complete story… good. If it takes a fifteen page letter to close the deal. BETTER! Take care of your businessU so the prospect has absolutely no choice but to put money in your pocketU!

****FREE BONUS***** There’s that “word again” Free. But notice how your eyes immediately went to it. Naturally, this e-book was given to you for free… so the free bonuses are kind of redundant. But when you give bonuses away with high “perceived” value in your offer… make sure that the customer can keep them… even if they return your wonderful product or cease using your service…for any reason. Because you’re a cool marketer, a great person--- and because your competition is doing the same thing (not to mention another version of risk reversal.) UDo this and your sales response will be higher. Don’t forget: Give as much as you possibly can without hurting yourself. It’s been proven that some customers buy the product just for the cool bonuses they get. So you be the judge. And now (drum roll, please) I give you your “Fr-ee” bonuses that come with your… Fr-ee e-book. ☺

14 Effective Tips That Can Improve Your Copywriting and Response!

1) Always make the right offer to the right customer.


2) Write your first draft without the “little voice” in your head commenting on it. Write now… edit later. 3) No matter how complicated your product is it’s important to make sure that the language you use with your reader is at a sixth grade level. Whether the prospect is a junior high-school graduate or PH.D candidate in microbiology use the K.I.S.S. formula and make your copy easy to understand and your offer simple to grasp. 2) Paragraphs should be no longer than six sentences each (see above.) And on-line six or less is preferable. You don’t want your copy to be intimidating to the reader. And that’s why it is preferable to use plenty of white space in your sales letter…. especially on-line. 3) Industry standard is that eighty percent of your copy should have five letters or less. 4) The length of sentences should be no more than 15-20 words. 5) One thought… one sentence, please! 6) Use present tense, second person. You must perfect the craft of writing like “you” speak. (Forget what Mrs. Jones in high-school English taught you. You’re selling now.) And again, use “you” as much as you can.

And apply the four to one ratio. For every I/we/our use four you/yours. The reader will never tire of feeling as if you’re talking right to him. 7) After your first draft is written read your copy aloud. If the rhythm is choppy or you stumble over words… rewrite and edit so everything flows as smoothly as water over your desktop fountain. (Do this exercise every time you finish some copy and you’ll immediately know why this works effectively.) 8) Give your copy to friends and ask for their opinion. Would they buy the product? Where did you lose their attention? Where were they excited and did they want to know more about your product or service? Even better, try and target someone who might actually purchase this particular widget.


9) Give away FR-EE information as much as you can. Continue to educate your customer by giving him knowledge that he doesn’t have and can help them right now to make their purchasing decision. Either you write it… or get someone else to do it. 10) When it comes to naming items in a series, such as with bullets, use three to five items as opposed to two to four. (There’s a natural rhythm to it.) 11) Make it easy for your prospect to find your ordering information on-line and off. Don’t allow them to search for it. Tell them to fax, e-mail, click here, call or cut out the coupon and send back in the convenient SASE. UDon’t give them a reason NOT to order! 12) Put as much time and energy into having a compelling headline. The whole foundation of your offer is held up by it (and in your sub-headlines.) (Subscribe or read Bottom Line Personal by Boardroom Publications if you want a real education in how and why headlines and bullets work so effectively The headline is read more than any other part of your offer. Not sure? Then come up with 25 of them if you have to--- and choose the most compelling one, or combine them to come with the one that works And second to the headline that is read the most is the P.S. In fact, some readers won’t even read your letter in its entirety. Instead, they’ll immediately hop and skip right to the P.S. Try not to introduce any more information in the P.S. Just reinforce the main benefits that you had throughout the letter. This is to give more emphasis to your whole offer and explain (if they haven’t read your letter completely) what the main benefit is, the bonuses, and their guarantee will be. (After they do… hopefully they’ll go back and read your whole letter.)


Use P.P.S. sparingly –unless you want to give a SURPRISE bonus or remind the reader that your product is truly scarce—or that this definitely a limited time offer and you reallllllllllllly mean it! (13) Fact! Prospects skim sales letters (on-line and off) and that’s why your headline should be (in the perfect world) no more than seven words. This is so that those “skimmers” when reading your headline (and subheads) will “get” the full gist of your offer. And when you make your headline seven words or less (as in Marketing Secrets of the Masters) it will force you to focus on one main benefit for your reader. (Naturally, there are plenty of exceptions to this rule.)

(14) Become a student of direct response advertising.

Read all direct mail pieces that come to your house and surf the web to determine why an offer or website works. And what you might do to improve upon it.

Wait! There’s More! See? You stopped. And that’s what you want in your copy to capture your reader’s attention if you have another important point to make. Here are some other “golden nuggets” to remember when you’re writing your promotion or having someone else do it.

1) If you’re a creative or marketing director, remember you’re writing your sales letter or having your copywriter do it--- not to impress the client, or your boss, or to win awards. You’re writing the offer to the person who puts food on your table: your present and future customer.

1) Don’t ever write copy because you “have to.” Do it

because you believe in your product or service and because you enjoy the craft and you know it’s a means to an end. If your attitude is not right… it will creep into the copy and your reader will sense it immediately.

2) Know and understand the “art of salesmanship in print,” so you can advise your copywriter on what you need, instead of telling him, “I don’t know… you’re the copywriter. I’ll know it when I see it!” This is not constructive for either of you reaching your goals.

3) DO NOT write a promotion in any altered state. Had a fight with a spouse, kids, or co-worker? Or have too much food and wine in the belly? Then wait until you’re ready to write again. Be completely clear headed. Then you’ll have peak performance copy that’ll reap you big dividends!

4) What me worry? Yes, if that’s what’s going on with you

at the moment—indulge yourself, then move on. If you get fatigued while writing and other thoughts pop into your noggin—take a well deserved break.

Above all go the extra mile with your customers and clients. Don’t ever give them 100%... give them 110%. Surprise them. And here’s a perfect example: I went and bought a new cell phone last week. Standard deal, right? Any authorized dealer would’ve given me the same price. BUT this dealer threw in a case, head set, charger at no extra cost to me. Think I’ll do business with them, again? You know I will. Figure out what you can bestow upon your customer to make them thrilled. (Notice the little anecdote I just gave you? It kept you interested in the copy, didn’t it?) I hope this e-book delivered value. Please know I use these dame techniques outlined in this book with all the copy I write for my clients and for own business. They work! As always – if you any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at Hcompellingcopy2005@yahoo.comH. Good luck with your next promotion.



P.S. If I can be of assistance to you in your next direct mail or website promotion… contact me for your FREE No-obligation 15 minute consultation! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Peter J. Fogel is a copywriter/consultant/speaker located in

Delray Beach, Florida. His clients include Agora Publishing, Vital-Max Vitamins, Taipan Group, Renaissance Health, Al Sears MD, Biocentric Health, Musical Heritage Society—just to name a few. He’s the author of the critically acclaimed and best selling book: “If Not Now… Then When?” Stories and Strategies of People Over 40 Who Have Successfully Reinvented

Themselves.” His articles have appeared in DM News and Inside Direct Mail. Peter’s website is H and his e-mail address is He can be reached at 561-245-5252 Copyrighted 2008 Feel free to pass this e-book along to anyone who might find it useful. All I ask that you don’t change any of its content and keep the bi-line. Thank you!

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