marketing startegy (presentation 1)

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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A New Environment,A New Strategy

Presentation Topic:

GROUP MEMBERS:RIDA NASIR 12-SE-95Salma Khaliq 12-SE-15

CASE STUDY Case study is about making a new environment or new strategy of hamburger store for more health conscious consumers.

SURVEY A survey has been carried out which contains the followings questions:

Question Response 5 years ago

Response Today

“I am health-conscious” 45% 57%

“I try to watch what I eat” 75% 85%

“I try to avoid fried foods” 68% 73%

“I eat out often” 52% 65%

“I enjoy going out to dinner: 78% 79%

“I’m on a diet” 10% 12%

“I like to exercise” 24% 26%

“I try to exercise regularly” 34% 50%

“Fish is a good alternative to meat”

47% 55%


Q#1.Which of the trends (survey responses) do you consider to be the most significant for the hamburger store?





Through the response of survey, following trends should be considered to be most significant.


Customer prefer only those restaurants that provide food at low cost.

SPEED OF SERVICE:Customers usually prefer only those restaurants that take less time in serving their orders.

LOCATION:Location must be peaceful Refreshing Interesting Greenery

QUALITY OF FOODS:Quality Of the foods must be a important factor .

Quality standard foods will increase your business revenue.


Lack of proper cleanliness is one of the most common reasons why food businesses are prosecuted.

Restaurants must be cooked hygienic foods and fulfilled

cleanliness criteria

Q#2 Given these issues, how would you advise this shop to adapt to this changing environment?

There are few recommendations for the issues that has been earlier explained…

For Price:

Restaurant use coupons and special discount offers.

Buy one get one free

successful restaurants must maintain operational efficiency

For Quick Service:

Use of several strategies that can decrease service time

using technology to speed up the food preparation time.

using technology to outsource the order taking mechanism to a call center

For Location:

Location must be

High visibility Full of Peace And Calm Convenience access Contains Greenery

For Quality of Food:

Main focus should be on to provide a healthy food to customers.

Ingredients need to be reasonably fresh and prepared in a consistent and sanitary fashion

The foods Must have consistent tastes, consistent portions, and is delivered at consistent temperatures.

For Cleanliness:

Restaurant service workers must be required to keep their hands clean.

Controlling temperatures is also

one of the most important factor.

Food must be properly washed and cooked.

Q#3:Do you foresee a long-term future for this type of firm, or do you predict that they will need to significantly change their food offering? That is, at this stage, do they need to change at all? Why/why not?

Food is the necessity of life and in the present world of hassle and bustle so people have no time to have a full proper meal.

They can add some new products and drinks to attract customers and to satisfy their increasing demands

If a restaurant is offering burgers and drinks then they should start selling pizza and chips to compete with changing market trends. There is no need to totally change the offerings because restaurant is visited by people of all ages.


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