marketing summit - implementing real business impact in an e-commerce oriented environment

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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“The Marketing Summit I”

Break-out 214:00 – 15:00

Implementing real business impact in an e-commerce oriented environment

Sven Declercq, E-commerce Manager NMBS Europe

Fabienne Heiles, Customer Relationship Manager Sitecore

Destination mieux

Implementing real business impact in an e-commerce oriented environment

Marketing Summit - 14th of May, 2014

Short introduction: who are we?

SNCB Europe as carrier:

- Shareholder in Thalys, Eurostar

SNCB Europe as distributor:

• - Employment of 200 people, turnover of 285 mio €

1. - B2C: Stations (Hubs), Contact Center, Internet (75%)

2. - B2B: Travel Agencies and Corporate contracts (25%)

3. - Unique train offering in Europe: SNCF vs Deutsch Bahn

4. - Business model: commission on sales (%)

Steep online growth – higher than natural growth

- From 12% in 2008 to 36% in 2013 and up to 42% in

2014 (117M€)

- Growth thanks to continuous optimisations of the

website for our customers









2010 2011 2012 2013 Budget 2014


Most important evolutions

- ATB tickets Pdf Ticket Mobile ticket

- No global/European standardization in offering

- Global, competitive playfield (BE, FR, UK, DE, …)

- More complex, multi-device environment

- Customers search & compare loyalty issue

Become relevant to our customers….

No more ‘one size fits all’. The market, the customers are

pushing us to be more relevant to their needs.

Destination mieux

How did we get relevant ?Some specific & practical examples

Opportunities to be relevant

Wheel of travel

booking phases

- Different touch points

to be relevant

- Good for overall

scheme, but mainly for

hotels, airlines, tour


The dreaming phase

The dreaming phase

Change our homepage:

- More inspiring images

- Modern & flat design

- Cityguide to make personal guide

-17% bounce rate HP

+22% time on site

500 personal cityguides/week

Dreaming phase – via facebook

+ 80.000 fans

- Travel ideas

- Gift ideas

- Inspiration images

The dreaming phase

Google = Dream Machine

- 43% Google Adwords Traffic

- 23% SEO traffic

- 55% of Revenue

Google = start of the dream

Presence = must

But only on ‘high performing’ and ‘relevant’ searches and for

‘relevant’ people

Facebook Targeting

- Check previous buyer profiles in own CRME.g: people booking trains to South of France

- Upload the ‘opt-ins’ to Facebook

- Find similar profiles in Facebook

- Push the FB advertising to relevant profiles


0,90€ CPM

3,38€/conversion (< SEA & other ads)

947 trips to 1463 trips sold

with lower ad costs

Behaviour based relevance

- Google Keyword known (40% SEA)

- Device is known

- Interest profile stored in Sitecore

- Different content based on Google Search

- Responsive design / mobile site / app based on device

- Responsive E-mails

- Different offerings/functionalities based on profile

Behaviour based relevance

Returning booker Price seeker

Device relevancy

- April 2013 12% non desktop traffic

- April 2014 22% non desktop traffic

Based upon device identification redirect to:

Smartphone: native app or mobile site

Desktop/(mini)-tablet: responsive design

Relevance in E-mail Capture & Sending

E-mail capture optimisation

- Show relevant opt-in screen

- Based upon highest opt-in probability

- Based upon destination/train of interest

Send ‘interest’-based information in e-mail



800-1000 extra quality opt-ins

Open rate emails: 64% ( 3 x normal rate)

Responsive Emails: +15% CTR / double mobile

Optimize advertising costs through relevancy

Follow visitor on

website & register


Store interest via


More relevant banners

More effective spending

Show interest based, dynamic banner ads

More effective bidding/ ad space buying

More effective Ad spending overall

Be relevant on other sites

Put our offering & technology at disposal in a

B2B relationship:

- Marketing effort by partner

- Guide traffic to unique product offering

- Via our booking module (commission)

- Partner look & feel


Overseas customers tripled in 4 months

Good for 2,500 to 3,500 new orders/month

No cannibalisation BE home market

Geolocalisation relevancy in booking

Close monitoring of every step of booking

- Execute Multivariate & A-B tests

- Monitor & evaluate closely results

- Significant differences per country/device/browser

Results in Optimal booking screens based upon

country, device, browser type

Future: segment based booking differentiation

(new vs existing customer)

Geolocalisation relevancy in booking

4 versions of last pages before payment

- Optimal version Belgium

- Original best for ex-BE visitors

- IP based push of optimal version in BE

- Keep original for rest

Results BE market:

+6,800 orders yearly

+ 815K € yearly

+ IP based Payment


Winner Belgium


Geolocalisation relevancy in booking

8 variables tested in 64 combinations

- Optimal version all countries

- Except for Belgium – fr speaking

- IP + language based differentiation

Pushed winner version

14.03% uplift to confirmation page

34,000 extra orders/year

4M€ extra revenue/year

“Our own4 Million button!”

Winner Overall but be-fr


Booking – shopping basket abandonment

E-mail who did not converted: “Price availability”

After 1 hour + after 4 days = crucial phase


Very high E-mail open rates: 60%

Clicks to conversion ratio: 30%

Good for 500 – 600 extra ‘lost’ orders

Bye, bye local sites…welcome global site

• Language: France

• Language:English

• LanguageGerman

• LanguageEnglishFrenchGermanDutch

1 .COM global & intelligent site

• Browser language

• IP geolocalisation

• O-D based content

• Customer profile based

Relevancy in Service/support

- High interaction Online & Contact Center:

e-mail offers < 12h , Social media < 2h

- Screensharing/Call-Back/Chat

- Only shown in certain cases:

Optimal service level

Average time on critical page

Known, logged customer

High basket value

Payment/ site problems

Hugh uplift in drop off rates in specific situations

Customer intimacy after booking

- Send relevant afterbooking & pre-travel email

- Multi-Channel: mobile users – frequent/business

traveller priority lines in station/ in contact center

Get customer insights & build relationship:

- Trustpilot rating after booking

- Share/ ask / complain via Social Media

social support: within 2 hours, 4 languages,

social aftersales

- Crowd testing new developments (via Facebook)

Our growth….the result of many actions….

- Our growth is more than natural growth

- A continuous optimization process based on customer

behaviour, profiling and feedback

But….this is only the beginning….









2010 2011 2012 2013 Budget 2014


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