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Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Hi Mars Class,

I have added some new and exciting activities for you to add

to your daily Home Learning which I hope you’ll enjoy. Have a

nice day. From Mrs. Brown.

Physical Task

Option 1: Joe Wicks PE workout at 9am Option 2: You could login to our brand new ‘Fitter Future’ account and access lots of fitness activities! The login details are Username: year3 and Password: year3 Option 3: You could try some yoga!

Maths Task

1. This week we’re going to continue learning all about place value! We’ll be finding 1000 more or less than a number.

2. Take a look at these videos, look at the slides, then do the activities.

3. Take a look at the activities – the second one is more challenging – it’s up to you which one you go for! Or you could have a go at both!

4. what is place value?

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Task 1:

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Task 2:

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020




Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Reading and Writing Tasks

Today we will be carrying on with our Talk for Writing work on Jungles! Task 1: Write away!

Now you’re ready to write your

instructions! Use your plan and draft them

on a separate piece of paper and don’t

forget to check the punctuation and flow.

Does it sound bossy enough?

Task 2: Edit and improve your Instructions.

Check your spelling, word choice, punctuation and

grammar. Does every sentence make sense? Edit and

improve your writing.

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Spelling Task

Please learn and practise the following 3 spelling words today, and then write 3 sentences containing the words:

breath disappear guide

I’d like you to practise these words that follow a spelling pattern too. These pattern words will be the same every day to make sure we learn them really well. Let’s take a look at words ending -ous (such as 'dangerous' and 'courageous') Please practise these words:

furious jealous curious

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


RE Task

Learning Focus 2: Special places for the Christian community. Pilgrimage: A religious or spiritual journey, usually to an important religious place. Pilgrim: A person who performs a religious or spiritual journey known as a pilgrimage. Many countries around the world have their own places of pilgrimage. Here are some different places of pilgrimage around the world:


Rome is an important place of pilgrimage, particularly for Roman Catholics. The Vatican is the home of the Pope, the spiritual head of the Roman Catholic Church.

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020



The pilgrimage site of Lourdes is near the Pyrenees mountains in France.

Every year, it is visited by millions of pilgrims, particularly Roman Catholics. They come to Lourdes to see the site of a famous vision experienced by a young girl called Bernadette Soubirous and to be healed by its supposedly miraculous waters


(Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem, Bethlehem)

Bethlehem is situated approximately five and a half miles west of Jerusalem. It is the place where Christians believe Jesus was born. The most important site in Bethlehem is

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


the Church of the Nativity in Manger Square, which was built in the fourth century.

Inside the Church of the Nativity, there is a tiny area called the Grotto of the Nativity. In this grotto, there is a 14-pointed star, which is believed by some Christians to indicate the birthplace of Jesus Christ.


(Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth)

Nazareth is believed to be the place where Jesus spent his childhood. Therefore, Christians visit places in Nazareth that are said to mark areas of importance to Jesus' family.


Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Jerusalem is an important place of pilgrimage for Christians, just as it is for Jews and Muslims.

Christians believe that Jesus visited Jerusalem at Passover time and spent the week leading up to his death there. Christian pilgrims visit Jerusalem, therefore, to remember key events in Jesus' final week, known as Holy Week.

Did you know there are places of pilgrimage in England and Wales, which you can research further? For example:

Our Lady’s shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk. This shrine honours the Annunciation and was one of the greatest shrines for Christians in medieval times – when travel to the Holy Land was very difficult.

Our Lady of the Taper is the national Catholic shrine of Wales. It is in Cardigan. A legend describes how a statue of Mary was found about one thousand years ago by the side of the river Teifi. The statue was of Mary with Jesus on her lap and a candle (taper) burning in her hand.

St Winefride’s Well in Holywell, North Wales, centres round a holy woman called Winefride who lived in the 7th century. She became a saint and her well at Holywell has been a place of pilgrimage and healing since that time.

Part of a pilgrimage to a special place is that it reminds people how important it is to pray and take time to think about what is important in their lives.

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Take a quiet moment now to reflect on God being with us always, with this prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us so many special places In our homes, In our school, in our churches, in our world, in our hearts. Help us to take time to be still. Some key questions to discuss:

Q Have you or anyone you know been on a pilgrimage?

Q Why do you think people go on pilgrimages?

Q What might be the joys of a pilgrimage and how would it help the person in their Christian life?

Q What do you think the challenges of making a pilgrimage might be?

Q Why do you think a pilgrimage is a special time to pray? Activity: In the past, pilgrims often returned from their pilgrimage with a badge to show where they had been. Pilgrims to the shrine of St James at Compostella in Spain wore a shell badge:

Design a badge for one of the special places of pilgrimage you have learnt about today. You could then label it, giving reasons for your choice of design.

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Daily Prayer to practise and learn

Please continue to practise the Holy, Holy, Holy prayer so that you can say it when we attend Mass together when we get back to school.

Holy, Holy, Holy Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Daily Music Task

Explore Chrome Music Lab - Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments. Have fun and enjoy experimenting!

Mars Class Wednesday 1st July 2020


Daily Something Extra you could try…

Mini Catapult Challenge:

Take on the challenge and see what materials you can usse to make a mini catapult at home. What type of catapult will launch the ball the furthest? Click here to see how to make one:

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