martial arts mainia

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Martial Arts Mania!

How To Do A Proper Punch-page 5

_The art of Savate-page7

Chuck Norris jokes-page 4

Table of Contents

Page 2: Intro

Page 3: Chuck Norris jokes

Page 4: How to do a proper punch

Page 6: Savate, a french martial art

Page 7: Martial arts vocabulary Wordle... in french!

IntroI have loved martial arts since I was five years old. I didn’t want to join at first, but my mom made me, and I am happy she did. Hi, i’m Jaden Howard, and I have a passion for tie-kwon-do, or any martial art. It has been a part of me since I was five years old, when I set a goal to become a black belt. I completed my goal almost one year ago, and decided to pass it on by teaching other kids, and hope they find their passion. You are probably thinking “why is he saying this” and “I just want to know how to be Chuck Noris, get to the good stuff, like how to do a proper punch on page 3”, but this IS how you get to be like Chuck Noris and Bruce Lee. You start with a passion and you take it from there. You can take a million classes, and read “How to do a proper punch” twenty times over, but you will never be like them. You have to have fuel to keep your fire burning, even if you have a flamethrower to start it. That was some nice poetry, but flip the page for some Chuck Norris jokes/facts.

1.When Chuck Norris hit puberty- it died.

2.The celebrity 'Wheel of Fortune' was cancelled after Chuck Norris appeared- the wheel is still spinning and they can't get it to stop.

3.The Universe is indeed expanding at an increasing rate- it's trying to get away from Chuck Norris.

4.Go Google "find Chuck Norris" - hit 'I'm feeling lucky'

5.Whenever Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into The Hulk. Whenever The Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.

6.Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9% of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100% of whatever the heck he wants.

7.Death once had a near Chuck Norris experience.

8.A few guys tried to follow Chuck Norris during a light workout while he was vacationing in Hawaii. It's now called the Ironman Triathlon.

9.Chuck Norris doesn't stub his toe- he breaks furniture. And walls. And curbs.

10.Chuck Norris was actually born on Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

Chuck Norris Jokes

How to do a proper punch

Lots of people can punch, but not many can do a PROPER punch. That is about to change, because I will show you how.

STEP ONEPut the left leg in front of the right leg.

STEP TWOPull the right hand back, with the elbow behind you and the hand beside your shoulder. put your hand into a fist. Remember to have the thumb on the outside of the fist under the middle joint If the thumb is inside the fist you BREAK YOUR THUMB!

STEP THREETurn your upper body 45 degrees to the right. Remember to keep your eye on the area you want to punch. THE AREA YOU WANT TO PUNCH SHOULDN'T BE SOMETHING LIVING.

STEP FOURTwist your body back to facing forward, and extend your arm. It should reach full extension when your body is facing forward again. Don’t snap your elbow back to hard when you reach full extension because it can hurt.

IMPORTANT TIPSWhen you make contact with the surface you are practicing on make sure that you are not hitting the surface with the top of your hand or the bottom of your hand or you will BREAK YOU RIST!

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Have you ever wanted a diet

were you are guarantied an

awesome look? Well here is one that’s

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Jackie Chan eats exactly what you will be

eating!Thats right, we see what Jackie Chan eats, and the next week you will be able to eat it to!

The Jackie Chan Diet!

! Savate is a French martial art, but began as a type of street fight. It was made an Olympic sport in the 1924 summer Olympics, but has not been since. The first place to practice it was opened in 1825, but was made into a popular sport later. At the time, a closed fist was considered a deadly weapon, so kicks and slaps were better to use. Also, sailors used it because they could defend themselves, but still have their hands free to hold on to the rocking boat. It is also known as French Boxing, French Kickboxing or French Foot fighting. Michel Casseux is known as the creator of Savate, but a sport cant be created by one person, although Michel Casseux opened the first place to teach it, and brought it to people’s attention. Savate is a full contact sport, but is safer than other sports. According to USA Savate, there are less injures than football, soccer, ice hockey, gymnastics, basketball, baseball, and gymnastics.


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