master data governance for material ehp6: performance tweaks

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Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


APPLIES TO ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

MOTIVATION .................................................................................................................................................... 4

HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS AND SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ................................................................. 5

REFERENCE SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................... 5

APPLICATION CONFIGURATION AND UIBBS .............................................................................................. 6

STATE OF BUILDING BLOCKS AND LAZY LOAD ........................................................................................ 8

DIRECT CALL OF OVP .................................................................................................................................... 8

IGNORE WIRING .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Prerequisite ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Change Application Configuration .............................................................................................................. 10 Copy Component Configuration of Wiring UIBB ....................................................................................... 10 Change Configuration of MDG Material Layout ......................................................................................... 11 CBA Adjustments .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Delete Personalization .................................................................................................................................. 15

CUSTOM UIBBS ............................................................................................................................................. 17

CUSTOM CODE .............................................................................................................................................. 17

UI PRICE TAGS .............................................................................................................................................. 17

PERFORMANCE NOTES ............................................................................................................................... 18

UPGRADE TO MDG 6.1 AND HIGHER ......................................................................................................... 18

RELATED CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................... 19

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



Master Data Governance for material master data (MDGM) – Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0.


This document deals with several performance tweaks you can use to accelerate the startup of MDG Create or Change Material scenario. As the measurements are taken from a dedicated and unique test environment please handle the advices in this document with the necessary care. The measurement figures and performance gains may not be transferable to 1 to 1 to your system.

Author: Jan Poeschel Company: SAP Version: 1.2 History: Added CBA adjustments for chapter IGNORE WIRING (version 1.2)

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



Master Data Governance for Material master data enables customers to create, change, or deletes master data records and put them under governance. For a controlled roll-out of material data in and across enterprises a governance model is needed to guarantee that the correct data is put in the right place. In this context, the governance of material usage in processes is as important for master data as governance targeted to avoid duplicate or incorrect material records. Displaying major parts of the material master data requires more system resources than a simple report or transaction. Therefore we assume, in terms of performance, the major point of interest for customer is the runtime consumption until the material master data is completely shown and editable on screen. In our case, this means the time it takes the Material Overview Page (OVP) to fully load. Taking this point into consideration, measurements were taken on SAP performance systems and analyses were made regarding the application scaling and how much resources a single step consumes. Besides the official sizing guide for customer system landscapes, this guide focuses on the MDGM application and how it can be accelerated. The findings are based on the “Create Material” scenario but can also be applied to the “Change Material” scenario. Change Material consumes a similar but lesser amount of system resources and should be less critical. Because Create/Change Material is not a sub-second application displaying the material master data, the development group identified some best practices for tweaking the application on the customer side. Note that SAP delivers a nearly complete material master data model and based on that all possible UI building blocks. Customers adjust the standard application configurations tailoring them to their current business needs.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



Before tweaking the Create or Change Material application in your system, please follow the Sizing Guide for MDG Material. It provides guidelines for the hardware required to run a Material governance scenario. For example: if you have less than 10 active users running 200 processes an hour, you require approximately 5GB of Memory for this scenario. Whereas, if you have more than 10 users creating 750 processes an hour you require about 9GB of memory. You can find the Sizing Guide here: REFERENCE SYSTEM

Once you setup your system, you should check how the application scales on it. This guide provides you some reference figures supporting you in the early stages to find the correct hardware setup. When you don't meet the following reference figures, please adjust your system landscape before continuing, otherwise you won’t reach the ideal and targeted performance. The reference system is based on a SUN operating system with 4 virtual Intel E7- 4807 CPUs (each 1.8GHZ) and a physical memory size of 32 GB. Ideally, the system should not be under load, to prevent inaccuracy in measuring. As mentioned before, the following tweaks focus on starting the material overview page. Usually you start the initial page of Create/Change Material where you select a material ID and a change request type. We skip this step as it is not performance critical and directly start the material master. Therefore, create a shortcut/favorite in your SAP Menu for the following application: Web Dynpro Application: MDG_BS_MAT_OVP Application Configuration: BS_MAT_OVP Parameters: ACTION=CREATE, USMD_CREQ_TYPE=MAT01

Figure: SAP Menu Favorite We use the pre-delivered SAP application and configuration, which consists of the maximum of fields covering the complete model. There are no tweaks so far. This enables us to compare closely to the standard runtimes.

Note: For this and all further comparisons, follow the common guidelines for measuring performance. This means, check the system is ready for measurements, there should be no imports, not much user traffic, high system load, or any jobs scheduled. You can check common parts using transaction Z_MEC. Note that this transaction may not be present in all releases. For preparation, create runs in advance to fill buffers and avoid generating of programs or sub-routines (For example, after imports).

When single measurements of your complete measurement series differ in more than 15%

your system is too unstable for further measurements. You should continue analyzing the reasons for this.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Measurements taken with transaction SAT do not consider the network traffic and bowser rendering time. Please be aware that all following reference figures take these two options into account. They were recorded using the SUPA tool.

First comparison point: the application startup should not take longer than 7 seconds if you have a similar or better system setup than the reference system. When you reach the range of 7 seconds, please retrieve the statistical record for one of the measurements using transaction STAD. Here examine the following figures:

Response Time: Is the total response time without network and rendering efforts

CPU Time: Should be the biggest block in terms of response time

DB req. Time: MDG-M has a very healthy relation to database runtime. The value here

should be 10% and less in relation to the given CPU time. The DB time can be up to 20%

the better the total CPU runtime develops

Overhead: The waiting time and roll processes are defined here as “overhead”. You can

calculate them by subtracting CPU and DB time from Response Time. The proportion

should be 5 to 10% maximum.

When you not meet these figures, the starting point of your analysis is the STAD result. Here you can easily see what direction your investigation may take. Is the DB time too high or too unsteady? Are your CPU capacities too low? Watch out for “extreme” deviations. One exception is when you get response times much lower than 6 seconds, the single relations behave different. For example, having a sub 6 seconds run, the CPU scales at 80% and the DB time at 17% You also gain higher response times when you have enhanced the underlying data model MM with your own entities. The values here base on the standard data model of EHP6 and therefore we recommend checking your application before any enhancement. When you already enhanced the model MM, you can try to interpolate your figures using the scalability report of the MDG-M Performance Guide for release MDG6.1.

Figure: STAD record taken as example

Please note that a STAD record often consists of more than one entry, as the application and/or backend triggers round trips. When you refresh your application using F5 you can find out the range of the statistical record sets. You will need to sum up the figures.

Note: MDG Material scales very well with available CPU power. This means that not only do free processes positively influence the response time but also the single CPU core power. In our reference measurements a slightly higher core frequency (1.8 to 2.1 GHZ) and a more available cores decrease the response time.


Once your system is setup and the application scales similarly to the reference measurement you can continue focusing on the application configuration. As mentioned before, SAP delivers the

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


maximum configuration covering all data model entities. However, not all scenarios require all material master data. The customer should define possible scenarios for the involved roles and business users. The pre-delivered roles have broad access to master data. It is possible for the customer to narrow access (and modify the UI accordingly) to just the required information for a given business role. These “focused roles” would mean that UI building blocks not required for a given role are not rendered and therefore not taking up system resources. Please see below the available building blocks and how they may scale. All UIBBs are collapsed and lazy load is set to “enabled”:

UI Building Block Comment

(Initial Load)

Change Request

Material Basic Data

One third of the total runtime is consumed by the setup of the material master scenario.

Half of the total runtime is consumed by change request and basic data. This cannot be cut off.

GTIN, Design Data, Descriptions

On level two, there are 3 UIBBs in total. With a removal you can save additional runtime.

Dimensions, Internal Comment, Basic Text

Level three contains three building blocks consisting of 7 UIBBs in total. You can save additional runtime here.

Classification On the last level only the classification UIBB is counted. It has no wiring to other UIBBs and consumes only a small amount total runtime.

Table: UI Building Block Runtime Consumption

The initial load of the material master with the required UIBBs for change request and material basic data consumes approximately half of your total runtime. This part cannot be cut. You can try to accelerate this part by upgrading your hardware in terms of operating power. The following blocks are from interest. Even if you decide not to remove complete blocks but only several UIBBs out of them you may gain a noticeable improvement in your total runtime. Analyze the need of the mentioned topic blocks, or even of parts of the blocks, and remove unused objects to improve runtime.

Note: In the floorplan manager (FPM) you can easily take the SAP standard configuration BS_MAT_OVP as template for your own configurations when you use the deep-copy function. Make sure to have the configurations copied for OVP, CBA and Layout. Afterwards, remove unused UIBBs and assigned wiring information.

Note: A removal due to performance reasons can be avoided when following the chapter “Ignore Wiring”. Introducing this parameter allows you to have collapsed UIBBs with nearly no load – however when you prefer to have the UIBBs open at all time, this parameter won’t be an advantage and you should still consider removing unused UIBBs.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



Our reference measurement refers to the maximum configuration with all UIBBs collapsed and lazy-load active. SAP delivers the standard configuration with this setup; see the corresponding WDP configuration MDG_BS_MAT_OVP as an example. Even if the maximum configuration is available, the state and the lazy-load prevent the system from loading the complete UIBBs. They are only fully loaded when expanded. This setup initially saves a lot of runtime. Therefore, please decide which UIBBs are important enough to be loaded in advance. Every UIBB that is collapsed can save a certain amount of runtime. In general the following rules apply for UIBBs:

When the UIBB is not assigned to the configuration, the corresponding feeder is not called

When the UIBB is assigned but collapsed, the feeder creates an instance for a later use

When the UIBB is expanded, the feeder runs and the UIBB takes part at the FPM phase

model. Time consuming sub-routines as GET_DATA or FLUSH are processed. The

maximum possible runtime for an initial load is consumed

Assure the activation of “Lazy Loading” by checking the corresponding application configuration


Note: Changing the state of the UIBBs from “expanded” to “collapsed” not only saves runtime but also up to one third (and more) of application server CPU time for a medium or full-blown standard UI.

MEMORY CONSUMPTION Memory consumption depends highly on the configuration you have chosen and the states of the single UIBBs. Beginning at the smallest possible configuration, the minimum memory consumption is 32 MB for one single process. Here only the UIBBs “Change Request” and “Basic Data” are present on the screen – it doesn’t matter if they are expanded or collapsed. If you use the full standard UI configuration, 48 MB of memory are consumed per start-up. If you collapse all UIBBs (except the Change Request UIBB) you can save up to 8 MB per start-up.

Note: Removing un-used UIBBs saves you up to 8 MB of memory consumption as in the case for all Plant UIBBs. Using the UIBB state “collapsed” instead of “expanded” saves you additional memory. Multiply the saved amount of memory per process with your users and processes to adjust your original sizing plans and achieve a lower-cost environment. These figures highly depend on the model you are using – here the standard SAP delivered data model at MDG 6.1 release without any further enhancements is assumed.


In some business cases it may be useful to start the Material Governance from the Initial Screen as proposed in the pre-delivered PFCG roles. In the Initial Screen you can select material templates, determine the change request type, or preselect organization level values. The change request process usually starts on an initial screen with a certain change request type selected (see chapter “Configuration and UIBB”) When there is no need for template data and the

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


material number shall be retrieved internally then you can start the change request process directly without processing the Initial Screen. This saves you time getting directly to the master data.

Figure: Parameters of Application MDG_BS_MAT_OVP

To do this, create a reference in your user roles and add the material master data governance (see also our performance example): WD Application: MDG_BS_MAT_OVP WD Configuration: BS_MAT_OVP (or customer-specific) Parameters:* ACTION, USMD_CREQ_TYPE


The Floorplan Manager framework, which is the basis of the MDG Material user interface, offers the ability to suppress the processing of UIBB wirings when those UIBBs are collapsed. So when the parameter is set, the UIBB’s wiring is only processed when expanded. Activating this option saves valuable CPU and memory resources by ignoring collapsed (and thus unused) UIBBs and significantly speeds up the MDG Material start-up. For more information on wiring, please see the corresponding documentation in the SAP Help Portal. This function is part of the SAP standard delivery at MDG7.0 SP1 and higher releases. For existing EHP6 installations manual adjustments are required as customers copy and modify the SAP delivered standard configuration and adjust them to their needs. (See also SAP Note 1943327). The example is based on the standard SAP delivered configuration for MDG Material without any custom enhancements. The example describes how to change the UIBB wiring of the SAP standard configuration. If a customer uses another wiring source UIBB other than the standard one (“Basic Data”) then the steps need to be done comparable. You can identify the wire source UIBB based on the used connector class: /PLMU/CL_FRW_W_CONN_URL. Prerequisite

Assure that SAP Note 1943327 or Service Pack 10 or higher is installed on your system. The SAP Note adds the required FPM parameter FPM_IGNORE_WIRE_SOURCE to the standard WebDynpro application MDG_BS_MAT_OVP. This is required for activating the function in the most convenient and minimally invasive way. To assure the parameter is correctly inserted into your system check the WebDynpro application parameters of MDG_BS_MAT_OVP (For example, using Repository Browser SE80). As the following screenshot shows, the parameter FPM_IGNORE_WIRE_SOURCE should be available and set to <blank>.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Figure: MDG_BS_MAT_OVP application parameters

Activating this option requires minor adjustments in the UI logic in order to assure a continuous user experience. Change Application Configuration

After installing the required SAP Note access your custom application configuration in change mode and search for the application parameter FPM_IGNORE_WIRE_SOURCE. Activate it by entering value “X” and save the configuration. As next step check parameter FPM_COLLAPSED_UIBB_PROC is set to “Lazy Loading”. Only the combination of both parameter values enables the accelerated start-up.

Figure: Application configuration parameters: Lazy Loading activated

Copy Component Configuration of Wiring UIBB

The example is based on the copy of the standard MDGM component configuration of Material “Basic Data”. This step is always required as long as customer hasn’t implemented another wiring source UIBB. In this case do the steps in a similar manner.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Copy the SAP standard component configuration MDG_BS_MAT_MATERIAL_FORM for Material “Basic Data” into a custom namespace.

Figure: Component Configuration MDG_BS_MAT_MATERIAL_FORM

Change Configuration of MDG Material Layout

Access your custom component configuration that is a deep-copy of the delivered SAP configuration BS_MAT_OVP_LAYOUT in change mode. In the tab “Overview Page Schema” access the section that contains the UIBB which the wire source – in our example this is section MAT_SECTION for MDG_BS_MAT_MATERIAL_FORM and component FPM_FORM_ UIBB_GL2. Insert the recently copied component configuration and copy all attributes from the source/original UIBB to the copy.

Figure: Overview Page Schema

After, access tab “Toolbar Schema” and replicate all toolbar elements according to the copied UIBB.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Figure: Toolbar Schema

These steps were taken because this instruction intends to set the original UIBB to be a “technical/hidden UIBB” assuring that “Basic Data” wiring runs even if all UIBBs are collapsed. The original UIBB is hidden (set to “technical”) and the copy is the replacement. This way is chosen as it creates the least adjustment efforts. Now the source/original UIBB is prepared for being technical. Access it and change the following two attributes: Attribute Value

Hidden Element Hidden but Processed in Event Loop (Technical)”

Rendering Type Without Panel

Figure: Set UIBB to technical UIBB

Save the changes. The final step to activate the wiring of the technical UIBB is done in the tab “Wire Schema”. Choose “Add Wiring” and add the following wiring from source to copied UIBB. The attributes for Basic Data are: Attribute Value


Configuration Name <copied configuration ID>

Source Component FPM_FORM_UIBB_GL2

Source Configuration Name MDG_BS_MAT_MATERIAL_FORM

Port Type Lead Selection

Port Identifier MARA


Filter Mode Do not filter (default)

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Figure: Create Wire Schema

In order to avoid a possible double-tagging access the UIBB which is set to value “technical”, select field MATNR and remove the check flag in attribute “Tag by Feeder class”. If this option is still checked, the attached Side Panel won’t show any data due to a double tagging of the original and the copied UIBB.

Figure: Delete double tagging at field material

Save the changes made. CBA Adjustments

The Material Delete case (mark for deletion) requires an adjustment at the context-based adaptions (CBA) functionality to guarantee an errorless processing. If you do not require the mark-for-deletion functionality or use it very seldom, you may think about still using your un-optimized configuration for this single case. You can adjust your PFCG role accordingly. Access your custom OVP configuration component, go to section “MAT_SECTION” on the tab “Overview Page Schema” and access your recently created copy of Material Basic Data (Form UIBB) with the wrench option “Configure UIBB”. Activate the “Adaption & Comparison” view. If this was successful it should look like the following screenshot:

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Figure: Adaption View

Mark line type “Basic Configuration” and press button “Add”. Uncheck option “Applies to all values” for section “Log. Action” and insert logical action DELETE. Press OK to confirm the changes.

Figure: Adaption for type of change request

Repeat this step: Mark type “Basic Configuration” again and add an adaption for section “Type of Chg. Request” with value MAT0B.

As CBA settings are/cannot be copied when copying UIBBs, compare your copy with the SAP standard UIBB and enhance or delete where necessary. Therefore select the adaptions made, compare the element list and attributes for their completeness and similarity of your copy and the SAP standard UIBB.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


Figure: Adaption element list and element attributes

For a better understanding of the comparison and adjustment steps, let’s take the assumption that an unmodified SAP delivered Form UIBB was copied. Then the following steps would be required. For adaption “DELETE” this may mean that all groups but “General Data” need to be deleted from the element list. Within the group further superfluous elements would need to be deleted and a “Marked for Delete” element would need to be added. The second adaption “MAT0B” may require adding elements for “Marked for Deletion” and/or a re-arrangement of elements order.

Note: If deleting a material is a little used business case, you may think about still using the standard UI configuration for in order to avoid CBA changes at your main configuration.

Delete Personalization

Now it is important to delete all user personalization in system that refers to the processed configuration. Otherwise this will lead to heavy inconsistencies. You can do this using the WD application WD_ANALYZE_CONFIG_USER. Start the application and insert the configuration name you are changing (the custom copy of SAP standard configuration MDG_BS_MAT_OVP). Mark and delete all entries appearing, as shown in the figure below.

Figure: Delete Personalization

Accessing the MDG Material overview page will now not lead to errors. For a quick cross check you may rename the Basic Data UIBB in the step before to “Basic Data <with random text>” to see that your copied UIBB is displayed and the original is hidden and used as technical UIBB. The Starting the material maintenance should now be significantly faster than before. You can compare the runtime with transaction STAD.

Note: Activating this function saves you a significant part of CPU runtime and memory consumption for all collapsed UIBBs. Open UIBBs are fully processed and do not benefit from

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks


the function. Please be aware that the resources are consumed once you open a collapsed UIBB during runtime. The advantage is that only used UIBBs are processed and consume system resources.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



Most often the standard material master data model is enhanced with customer specific fields. Besides the model extension, UI configurations and programming are needed to bring the fields onto the screen. Different UI controls consume a different amount of system resources. Note that SAP created a buffering note especially for customers that heavily extended the standard model in order to reduce the runtime consumption. Check that SAP Note 1756538 is applied to your system if you are below EHP6 SP05. CUSTOM CODE

There are several points for customers to extend the existing code base. Follow the standard ABAP programming guidelines and maintain a strong focus on performance-efficient programming. You can find more information here: When creating your own UIBB feeder or when using the cross-entity BADI in MDG make sure to access any data model related data using the Convenience API (Provided by MDG AF). Note that direct accesses are not buffered. In your feeder implementations you should raise an FPM event only one time for each round-trip (if possible) in order to avoid processing the event several times. Check the FPM event queue (as described below). Within your service provider implementation buffer results from triggered FPM actions. When you trigger a round-trip not intending to re-load UIBB data, you have the option to skip the data retrieval. Use the parameter SKIP_RETRIEVE of method BEFORE_GET_DATA for this. UI PRICE TAGS

Here some “UI Pricing Trends” that may support your decision when designing your own UIBBs. Each UI element is measured here with reference to the consumed Browser CPU Time (Rendering). The following values are taken on a dedicated test environment – nevertheless you can use them to get a feeling what certain elements may cost and how they scale on a client browser. The runtime consumption is described here as very low and low (< 1 ms) and high (up to 35 ms).

UI Element Runtime Consumption

Used Browser

Button Very low Inter Explorer 8 and 9

Input Field Very low Inter Explorer 9

Drop Down by Key Low Inter Explorer 9

Panel Low Inter Explorer 9

Group Low Inter Explorer 9

Tab per Tabstrip Low Firefox 10

Calendar Medium Inter Explorer 9

ALV High Inter Explorer 8

Table High Inter Explorer 9 Table: UI Elements and their Price Tags (Source: SAP Central Performance Team)

The following browsers were in focus:

Firefox 3.6, 4.0 and 10.0.1

Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9. Generally speaking, the browser scales and performs better with the latest release. You should get the lowest client CPU consumption (and the best performance) with Internet Explorer 9.

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



In order to assure having applied all released performance SAP Notes, please update to the latest release available. If you cannot upgrade to at least SP03 check that the following SAP Notes are applied.

SAP Note Description

1717240 FPM events triggered too often

1741031 Title not replaced in case of an error

1741173 Retrieve may be cancelled in case of error

1741408 Title not replaced in case of an error II

1745044 Data retrieval may be skipped in case of error

1732322 Performance: Action reduction on startup

1720352 Performance: retrieve and WRITE_ENTITY improvements

1717413 Performance: GET_PROPERTIES called too often

1756538 Performance: Slow startup of OVP

1756538 Buffering of Metadata Table: EHP6 Performance Notes until SP 05


The question may occur if it is better to upgrade to the next higher release for performance reasons, in this case MDG6.1. The next releases offer you a much larger data model covering more material master data entities. These enhancements may require more system resources when you use them all in parallel. See the corresponding information in the available sizing guide. Compared to MDG 6.1 release EHP6 runs faster. During MDG7.0 development there were many performance improvements which could not all be down-ported to EHP6 or MDG6.1 or require manual adjustments such as the “ignore-wiring” parameter. Installing MDG7.0 SP1 and higher assures you to benefit automatically from all performance improvements. So MDG7.0 comes with many performance improvements in the standard and is currently our fastest MDGM release ever (compared to un-tweaked releases).

Master Data Governance for Material EHP6: Performance Tweaks



Master Data Governance for Material - Overview Master Data Governance in SDN Master Data Governance Sizing Hints ABAP Performance Guide MDGM UI Extension MDGM Model Extension MDGM New Entity Types

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