mastercam x8 chapter 16 toolpaths p-51 fuselage · mastercam x8 p-51 fuselage toolpaths page 16-1...

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Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-1Inch -HST Finish Hybrid


Toolpaths P-51 Fuselage

HST Hybrid

A. Machine Type and Stock Setup.Step 1. If necessary, open your file Mastercam X8 from

Chapter 15.

Step 2. If necessary, display Operations Manager. Use Alt-O.

Step 3. If Machine Group is not displayed in the Operations Manager,Fig. 1, click MACHINE TYPE Menu > Mill > Default.

Step 4. Expand Properties (click the +) in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 1.

Step 5. Click Stock Setup in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 1.

Step 6. Confirm Stock View is TOP, Fig. 2.

Step 7. Confirm Display is checked.

Step 8. Click the left front top corner of the stock to move the origin. After you click corner the arrow will point to corner.

Step 9. Key-in X, Y and Z stock dimensions into the fields: X 12 Y 1.7 Z 2.5

Step 10. Key-in Stock Origin coordinates: X 0 Y -.85 Z 0

Step 11. Click OK in the Machine Group Properties, Fig. 2.

Mastercam X8Chapter 16

Fig. 2

Click corner to move arrow

Fig. 1


© Tech Ed

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-2Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

B. Confirm Stock Dimensions, Origin and Tool Plane.Step 1. Confirm Stock dimensions,

Fig. 3.In the bottom left corner of the display, confirm Tool Plane (T/Cplane) is TOP.Confirm the Origin. Use F9 to toggle axes.

C. Finish Hybrid Toolpath.Step 1. Click TOOLPATHS Menu >

Surface High Speed > Hybrid.

Step 2. Click OK in the NC name dialog, Fig. 4.

Step 3. Click the solid body to select as Drive Surfaces, Fig. 5. The solid will highlight when selected.

Step 4. Click End Selection (ENTER) in ribbon bar to accept solid as drive surfaces.

Step 5. Click Containment boundary Select button in the Toolpath/surface selection dialog box, Fig. 6.

Step 6. Click Chain (C) in Chaining dialog box, Fig. 7.

Step 7. Click any line of rectangle, Fig. 8.

Step 8. Click OK in Chaining dialog box, Fig. 7.

Fig. 4

Fig. 6

Fig. 3

TOP Origin

Top Tool Plane


Fig. 7

Fig. 5

Body solid

Fig. 8


Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-3Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

Step 9. Click OK in Toolpath/surface selection dialog box, Fig. 9.

Step 10. Select Toolpath Type from the tree control and confirm:Hybrid toolpath Drive surfaces Containment boundary Fig. 10.

Fig. 10

Fig. 9

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-4Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

Step 11. Select Tool from the tree control and: click Select library tool button, Fig. 11.

Step 12. Click Filter button, Fig. 12.

Step 13. Click None button under Tool Types,Fig. 13.

Step 14. Click End-mill2 Sphere button (second button top row) and click OK, Fig. 13.

Fig. 12

Fig. 13

Fig. 11

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-5Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

Step 15. Click 307 1/4 Ball Endmill and click OK, Fig. 14.

Step 16. Back in Tool page set: Feed rate 90

Plunge rate 45Fig. 15.

Fig. 15

Fig. 14

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-6Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

Step 17. Select Cut Pa-rameters from tree control and set: Open con-tours Zigzag Z stepdown .06

Limiting angle 30 3D stepover .04 uncheck Pre-serve Z passes Offset method Automatic Keep tool down within 80% Stock to leave on walls and floors 0 Fig. 16.

Step 18. Select Steep/Shallow from tree control and set: Check Use Z depths Minimum 0 Maximum -1.3 Click Apply Fig. 17.

Fig. 17

Fig. 16

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-7Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

Step 19. Select Linking Parameters from tree con-trol and set: Clearance plane 0 selectMinimum Vertical Retract Part clearance .01 All Leads 0 Fig. 18.

Step 20. Click OK in Hybrid dialog box.

Step 21. Allow Mastercam to calculate toolpath and Save (Alt-F S).

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-8Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

D. Verify Left Cut.Step 1. Click Verify in the Toolpaths Manager, Fig. 20.

Step 2. Click Play (R) in VCR bar along bottom of the window, Fig. 21.

Step 3. Note Total Time to run program under Toolpath Info in Move List panel, Fig. 23.

Step 4. Switch back to Mastercam (Alt-Tab).

Fig. 21

Fig. 20

Fig. 22

Fig. 23

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-9Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

E. Switch to WCS BOTTOM CUT.Step 1. Use Alt-T to turn off toolpath display.

Step 2. Click WCS in the Status Bar at the bottom of the graphics area and Plane Manager from the menu, Fig. 24.

Step 3. Click BOTTOM CUT in the Plane Manager dialog, Fig. 25.

Step 4. Click Set All button

, Fig. 25.

Step 5. Click OK .

Step 6. Change to Isometric View (Alt-7).

Step 7. Save . Use Alt-F S.

Fig. 24

Fig. 25

Fig. 26

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-10Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

F. Copy and Paste Toolpath.Step 1. Copy and paste Hybrid toolpath in the

Toolpaths Manager. To copy, click to select toolpath, Fig. 27. Then, use Ctrl-C to copy and Ctrl-V to paste, Fig. 28.

Step 2. Expand copied Surface High Speed Hybrid toolpath and click Param-eters, Fig. 28.

Step 3. Select Planes (WCS) from tree control, Fig. 29.

Step 4. Uncheck Dis-play relative to WCS,Fig. 29.

Step 5. Under Work-ing Coordi-nate System, click Select WCS plane button , Fig. 29.

Step 6. Click BOT-TOM CUT and click OK

to close Plane Selection dialog box, Fig. 30.

Fig. 28

Fig. 27

Fig. 29

Fig. 30

Mastercam X8 P-51 Fuselage Toolpaths Page 16-11Inch -HST Finish Hybrid

Step 7. Click both Copy to tool plane and Copy to construction plane buttons to copy plane to Tool Plane and Con-struction Plane, Fig. 31.

Step 8. Click OK to

close Hybrid Toolpath dia-log box.

G. Verify Bottom Cut.

Step 1. In the Toolpaths Manager, click Regenerate all selected operations

, Fig. 32.

Step 2. Click Verify in Toolpaths Man-ager, Fig. 33.

Step 3. Click Play (R)in VCR bar.

Step 4. Click Close to close Mastercam Simulation.

Step 5. Save (Alt-F S).

Step 6. To switch WCS, use WCS > Plane Manager in the Status Bar and TOP in Plane

dialog, Set All button . Then, Isometric View (Alt-7).

Fig. 31

Fig. 33Fig. 32

Fig. 34

top related