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Murray State University Bulletin 2015-2016

16 KAR 2:050 16 KAR 9:080

I. Executive Summary: Serving our communities through excellence The mission of the College of Education and Human Services is the preparation of leaders for successful careers that positively impact communities as advocates and practitioners, through student-centered, authentic and engaging academic programs. Our programs are designed to provide authentic professional experience to candidates with structured reflective activities to support professional growth and development. Education programs collaborate with our public school partners to enhance candidates’ experiences. The Speech-Language Pathology undergraduate degree programs in Communication Disorders supports the College’s theme by nurturing individuals to become reflective decision-makers. Reflection is the focus of course activities and is the primary means by which candidates integrate course experiences with Kentucky performance standards, College Dispositions and the candidates’ own experiences, values, and beliefs about education. At the program’s beginning, candidates are asked to reflect upon their own values and beliefs about education and seek integration of those with the College Dispositions through assignments such as philosophy statements, growth plans, fieldwork and other reflective assignments. This process continues as candidates develop portfolio items to reflect their growth and understanding of educational principles leading to the program’s end with the eligibility portfolio as a summative evaluation of their knowledge and demonstration of their skills according to Kentucky performance standards. Throughout, program course work is designed to require planning, instruction, assessing and reflecting at increasing levels of expertise. At admission to teacher education, candidates are interviewed by faculty and asked to respond about the College dispositions and the Kentucky School Personnel Code of Ethics. The Kentucky School Personnel Code of Ethics is presented three additional times to candidates during orientations to teacher education, student teaching and at application for certification through the CA-1. As program policy, candidates follow curriculum guide sheets, MAP reports, and confer with advisors to help them to monitor their own progress and prepare them for the continuous self-assessment required of professional educators. Admission Requirements Applicants to the undergraduate program must complete 40 hours of coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and apply for admission to the undergraduate program. Application to the graduate program is competitive and is based upon academic qualifications (eg, GPA, GRE) and clinical skills as verified by letters of recommendation and other exemplars. The Graduate program for state licensure is a 62-credit hour program. Interested candidates are directed to the Director of Teacher Education Services for guidance for admission to teacher education and subsequent requirements for Kentucky teacher licensure. Exit Requirements Undergraduate candidates must complete the 120-hour program with a 3.0 GPA or better. Graduate candidates must meet GPA requirements for the 62-hour program, but also satisfy clinical requirements and pass a comprehensive exam and a PRAXIS II. For teacher certification, additional coursework may be required.


Alternative Certification Graduates of the MS in SLP program are eligible for Temporary Provisional certification through Option 6 of the Alternative Routes to Teacher Certifications. To be eligible, applicants must show a passing GRE (5 years or more recent) or CASE for admission to teacher education, a 2.75 overall GPA , and a letter of hire from a school district as an SLP. Candidates wil then have 3 years to complete all coursework, testing, and KTIP requirements. Modes of Delivery Programs are delivered face to face and in hybrid format. Clinical experiences occur on campus at the Speech and Hearing Clinic, and also in hospital and school settings. II. Conceptual Framework The mission of the Graduate Program in Speech-Language Pathology is to prepare highly competent speech-language pathologists by providing quality academic and clinical education in order to prepare them to function within the profession and serve as a resource for communication disorders throughout the region. SLP candidates seeking teacher certification at Murray State University adhere the same conceptual framework. This document is available at III. Continuous Assessment Program continuous assessment. The faculty meet annually to complete a strategic plan for the program. This plan guides curriculum decisions, but also resource allocations throughout the unit. Candidate continuous assessment. SLP student progress is closely tracked and is verified through multiple measures, clinical and academic. Supervisors carefully follow student development. Remediation is prescribed anytime a student falls below standard.

IV. Program Experiences With the undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders, candidates can meet Certification Requirements as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant in Kentucky School or meet entry-level requirements for graduate study in Speech-Language Pathology. The Masters degree is the entry-level degree for Teacher Certification as a Speech Language Pathologist in Kentucky Schools. The Kentucky eligibility requirements describe the criteria for provision of speech and language intervention services for school age children. The scope of practice for treatment of the broad range of speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders requires course work, clinical practicum, and student teaching beyond the scope of the undergraduate degree. One example of a strength of the CDI program is the amount and range of clinical hours, with a required minimum of 25 supervised clinical observations and minimum of 375 clock hours of supervised experiences. The table of Speech-Language-Hearing Association standards demonstrates the thorough alignment of standards to program content. Teacher candidates complete the components and 200 hours as required in 16 KAR 5:040 prior top student teaching.


The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association standards are integrated throughout courses as demonstrated in the tables that follow. Candidates are introduced to the standards in early coursework where they gain knowledge (K) of the role performance standards play in becoming reflective decision-makers. As coursework progresses, the standards are applied (A) in lesson plans and other instructional activities. The ASHA Code of Ethics is revisited at the graduate level and related to clinicians’ increased level of responsibility and involvement in the profession, and with students, the school, district and the community. Instructors use web-based program such as Canvas to supplement and enhance face-to-face instruction. Following is a matrix that demonstrates the integration of Kentucky New Teacher Standards into the Speech and Language Pathology coursework. Kentucky Teacher Standards for Speech and Language Pathology Program KTS









9 KTS 10

Core Courses EDP 260 Development

A (PA)


SED 300 Special Edu.



Technical and Methods Courses CDI 480


CDI 470


CDI 472


CDI 474


CDI 482


CDI 620

K K K K K K E (PA)


CDI 624

K K K K K K E (PA)


CDI 625

K K K K K K E (PA)


CDI 648

K K K K K K E (PA)


CDI 660

K K K K K K E (PA)


CDI 674

A A A A A A E (PA)


CDI 676

A A A A A A E (PA)


CDI 621 A A A A A A A (PA)



CDI 670 E E E E E E E (PA)


K – Knowledge, A – Application, E – Evaluation PA = Portfolio Artifact

A. Content Standards ASHA Standards - Speech-Language-Hearing Association



III. The applicant for certification must complete a program of study (a minimum of 75 semester credit hours overall, including at least 36 at the graduate level) that includes academic course work sufficient in depth and breath to achieve the specified knowledge outcomes. Standard IV-A: The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the principles of biological sciences, physical sciences, statistics, and the social/behavioral sciences.

Academic and clinical knowledge is obtained in courses related to the nine major areas of communication disorders (disorders of articulation, receptive and expressive language, voice and resonance, fluency, swallowing hearing, communication modalities, cognitive aspects, and social aspects of communication. The curriculum reflects required entry level skills for practice in school settings, as well as technology and scope of practice for speech language pathologists. Assessment is managed throughout the curriculum including formative assessment within courses, clinical skill assessment within all placements, comprehensive exams, and the final Praxis in Speech-Language Pathology Knowledge is demonstrated as successful outcome performance measures from undergraduate core courses one Bio sci, one Phy sci, one Soc sci, Eng 101, 102, Eng 223, Com 161 or 181, MAT 140, CIV 101, CIV 102

IV. B The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of basic human communication and swallowing processes, including their biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultural bases.

Knowledge is demonstrated in successful outcome performance in measures from CDI 215, 310, 315, 340, 465, 615,6 56, 680, 686 or equivalents

III.C The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the nature of speech, language, hearing and communication disorders and differences and swallowing disorders including the etiologies, characteristics, anatomical/physiological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistics and cultural correlates. Specific knowledge must be demonstrated in the following areas:

• articulation • fluency • voice and resonance, including respiration and phonation

Knowledge is demonstrated in successful outcome performance and measures from CDI 325, 345, 405, 452, 483, 550, 620, 624, 625, 646, 648, 669,680, 686 and/or their equivalents. Assessment is managed throughout the curriculum including formative assessment within courses, clinical skill assessment within all placements, comprehensive exams, and the final Praxis in Speech-Language Pathology




• receptive and expressive language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and manual modalities

• hearing including the impact on speech and language • swallowing (oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, and related functions, including oral

function for feeding; orofacial myofunction) • cognitive aspects of communication (attention, memory, sequencing, problem

solving, executive functioning) • social aspects of communication (including challenging behavior, ineffective social

skills, lack of communication opportunities) • communication modalities (including oral, manual, augmentative, alternative and

alternative communication techniques and assistive technologies) IV. D The applicant must possess knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention, assessment, and intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, including consideration of anatomical/physiological, psychological, developmental, and linguistics and cultural correlates of the disorders.

Knowledge of prevention, assessment and intervention skills is demonstrated applied in clinical practicum courses/experience - Supervised Clinical Practice in the University clinic (CDI 674, CDI694), in school setting (CDI 621), and hospital settings (CDI 676.) Assessment is managed throughout the curriculum including formative assessment within courses, clinical skill assessment within all placements, comprehensive exams, and the final Praxis in Speech-Language Pathology

IV.E The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of standards of ethical conduct. Knowledge is demonstrated and assessed across the curriculum, with a particular focus in CDI 670 and 601. All individuals who provide supervisions for graduate students in the Program must provide the Clinic Director with a up-to-date copies of their ASHA CCC certification status, number, and date. This information is updated yearly for continuing quality supervisors. This information is updated annually. HIPPA, FERPPA, IDEA, the ASHA and Teachers’ Codes of Ethics, and other relevant state and federal policies are followed to protect the welfare of persons served by students in the program. All students must show a negative test




result for TB, undergo back-ground checks, and provide proof of personal liability insurance.

IV.F The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research and integration of research principles into evidence-based clinical practice.

Knowledge is demonstrated and assessed across the curriculum, with a particular focus in CDI 646. 670, 674, 694, and 601

IV.G The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of contemporary professional issues. Knowledge is demonstrated and assessed across the curriculum, with a particular focus in CDI 670, 601, and 621

IV.H The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of entry level certification and advanced certifications, licensure, and other relevant professional credentials, as well as local, state, and national regulations and policies relevant to professional practice.

Knowledge is demonstrated and assessed across the curriculum, with a particular focus in CDI 601 and 621

Course Descriptions for Communication Disorders/Speech and Language Pathology Program EDP 260 Psychology of Human Development (3). A study of the systematic changes in the cognitive, behavioral, social, and biological functioning of the individual across the developmental stages of life. Note: Cannot be counted toward both teacher certification and the psychology major or minor. SED 300 Educating Students with Disabilities (3). This course introduces students to state and federal laws impacting the education of students with disabilities, prepares them to work collaboratively with other professionals and parents, and teaches them a variety of effective instructional techniques/strategies. It also increases their awareness of the special organizations, associations and other resources that will assist them in meeting their professional needs, the needs of families, and the needs of students with disabilities. Field experience required. CDI 325 Communication Disorders I (3). A survey of the symptomatology and etiology of disorders of articulation, voice, cleft palate, and stuttering. Prerequisites: CDI 205, and 340. CDI 345 Communication Disorders II (3). A survey of the symptomatology and etiology of disorders of language in children and adults. Prerequisites: CDI 205, and 340. CDI 470 Clinical Methods I (3). A course dealing with assessment and treatment techniques appropriate to speech sound disorders. This is an applied course and consists of reading, discussion, and guided practice as well as limited lecture. Some activities will take place in the clinic. Prerequisite: CDI 325. CDI 472 Clinical Methods II (3). A course dealing with assessment and treatment techniques appropriate to child language disorders. This is an applied course and consists of reading, discussion, and guided practice as well as limited lecture. Some activities will take place in the clinic. Prerequisite: CDI 345. CDI 474 Practicum (1-3). May be repeated up to nine hours. Supervised clinical practice in communication disorders. Graded according to departmental grading scale. Prerequisite: CDI 345. CDI 480 School Services for Communication Disorders (3). This course is an in-depth study of roles and responsibilities of the speech-language pathologist and speech-language pathology assistant practicing in the schools. Student learn rules to apply State and federal laws addressing speech and language impaired children (KEG, IEP, NCLB,etc.) Prerequisites: CDI 325, SED 300. CDI 482 Augmentative-Alternative Communication (3). Introduction to assessment and intervention across the lifespan with person with severe communication disorders. The course will also focus on augmentative and alternative communication techniques, including verbal and non-verbal communication modalities.


CDI 620 Phonological Disorders (3). Course will include advanced training in diagnosis and treatment of phonological disorders. Includes an extensive review of current literature. CDI 621 Student Teaching in Speech Language Pathology (5). The study and clinical practice of speech-language pathology in the public schools. A seminar component includes current issues in certification, licensure, ethical and legal aspects of service delivery, program administration and interaction with allied professionals. CDI 624 Disorders of Voice (3). Study of voice pitch, quality, and intensity, including etiology, diagnosis and therapy for functional and organic problems. Course includes a study of alaryngeal speech. Prerequisite: advanced standing in communication disorders or consent of instructor. CDI 625 Fluency Disorders (3). A study of theories and varying characteristics of stuttering, including therapy programs, methods, procedures and materials for treatment of stuttering of different ages and with different characteristics. Prerequisite: advanced standing in communication disorders or consent of instructor. CDI 640 Individualized School Placement (4-6). Provides opportunities for students to participate in all activities and duties generally expected of a speech-language pathologist in the public schools. Specific supervision will be provided. This course is designed for students with at least one year of teaching experience and seeking a new certificate (students with less than one year of experience must take CDI 621). Course activities include planning, preparation and therapy under on-site supervision. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the speech-language pathology program or permission of instructor. CDI 648 Advanced Language Disorders (3). A study of theories of language development and language disorders. CDI 660 Motor Speech Disorders (3). A study of dysarthria and apraxia of speech with emphasis on differential diagnosis and current clinical theory and application. The course will also include assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders. CDI 670 Practicum Seminar (1). This seminar is a companion course to the graduate practicum experiences in communication disorders. It explores topics on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of communication problems of individuals across all ages. This course also serves as a forum for introduction and discussion of current professional issues that impact diagnosis and treatment. One hour lecture, two hours clinical practicum. Graded pass/fail. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the speech-language pathology program or permission of instructor. Corequisite: CDI 674. CDI 674 Practicum (1-3). Supervised clinical practice with communication disorders. May be repeated up to seven hours. Prerequisites: CDI 470 and CDI 472. CDI 676 Medical/Clinical Placement (5). Supervised clinical practice within medical and health care settings including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, home health and private practice.


Assessment and treatment population will be mainly adults with neurogenic communication disorders. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. CDI 680 Adult Neurogenic Communication Disorders (3). An in-depth study of the characteristics of aphasia, right hemisphere disorders, and dementia. The cognitive, linguistic, and communicative aspects of each disorder will be explored as the foundation for differential diagnosis and clinical intervention. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the speech-language pathology program or permission of instructor. CDI 694 Advanced Clinical Practicum (1-3). Supervised clinical practice in communication disorders. Course activities include supervised planning, preparation and therapy. Prerequisites: completion of CDI 670 and CDI 674. Enrollment may be repeated for up to six hours of credit. C. EPSB Themes The following matrix demonstrates the integration of the Education Professional Standards Board Themes throughout the CDI program. EPSB Themes For Communication Disorders/Speech and Language Pathology Program EPSB Themes

Diversity Assessment Literacy/ Read


Core Courses EDP 260 Development


SED 300 Special Needs


CDI 205 K K K CDI 215 A A K CDI 340 K K K K CDI 325 K K K K CDI 470 K A A A CDI 472 K A A A CDI 480 A A A A CDI 620 K A A E CDI 624 K A K E CDI 625 K A E CDI 648 K A A E CDI 660 K A E CDI 684 K K KA KA CDI 680 K A A A CDI 686 K A A CDI 674 A A A A CDI 694 A A A A CDI 621 E E E E K – Knowledge, A – Application, E – Evaluation


D. Program Faculty

Name Highest Degree, Field, &


Assignment: Indicate the role(s) of the

faculty member (1)

Faculty Rank


Scholarship (3), Leadership in Professional Associations,

and Service (4); List up to 3

major contributions in the past 3 years


Status (FT/PT to institution, unit, and program)

Kleinhans, Kelly

Ph.D. Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kentucky

Academic Director, Program Director Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor

Associate Professor

Kleinhans, K.G., Chakradhar, K., Muller, S. & Waddil, P. (2014) Multigenerational perceptions of the academic work environment in higher education in the United States. Higher Education Kleinhans, K.A., Hart, S.B., Robertson, J., Dunham, M. Mahoney, J. & Pender, R. Enhancing Interdisciplinary Education and Service: A Pilot Multidisciplinary

Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program


Hart, Sharon

Ph.D. Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kentucky

Clinic Director, Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor

Assistant Professor

Team. College of Education and Human Services Collaborative Grant Program, December 2014: $5,000 Kentucky Speech Language Hearing Association Vice-President: Issues in Higher Education Hart, S. and Kleinhans, K. (2014) Modeling evidence-based practice for graduate clinicians: Perspectives from off-site supervisors in medical settings, American Speech-Language Association Perspectives on Administration and Supervision, 24, 21-31. Kleinhans, K. and Hart, S. (2012) Opportunities for enhanced clinical experiences through regional stewardship.

Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program


Karen Coulter

Ph.D. Special Education, University of Louisville

Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor

Assistant Professor

American Speech-Language Hearing Association Perspectives on Administration and Supervision 22, 64-70 Subject Matter expert for American Speech-Language Hearing Association for Practice Portal (2013-2014): Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonology Kentucky Autism Training Center, AAC Webinar Series (June 2012 - April 2013) Program coordinator for site host of the Hanen training “More than Words” at MSU Kentucky Speech Language Hearing Association – Secretary Elect

Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program


Steve Branson Ph.D.

Capella University

Instructional Faculty

Lecturer Service to MSU graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology

Part-time to Institution, Part-time to Program

Brown, Susan Alison Brown Megan Smetana

MA., Univ of Kansas Medical Center MS. Speech-Language Pathology, University of Kentucky MS Speech Pathology, Murray State University

Instructional Faculty, Clinic Supv & Clinic Service Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor

Lecturer and Audiologist Lecturer Lecturer

Kentucky Commission of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2005 to present Service to the university, college, and program. West Kentucky Stroke Camp, 2014 Playhouse in the Park Penguin Project 2013 to present Service to the university, college, and program NSSLHA Advisor 2014 to present Service to the university, college, and program

Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program


(1) e.g., faculty, clinical supervisor, department chair, etc. (2) e.g., professor, associate professor, assistant professor, adjunct faculty, lecturer, administrator, etc. (3) Scholarship is defined by NCA

Jasmine Young Stephanie Schaaf

MS Communication Sciences and Disorders Alabama A & M University MS Speech Pathology, Murray State University

Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor Instructional Faculty, Clinical Supervisor

Lecturer Lecturer

Service to the university, college, program and in the community Schaaf, S., Johnson, R., Ward,P., Kramer, J. (2014, July) EDPB Not just another four letter word. Presented at Calloway County Special Education Summer Institute, Murray, KY Kleinhans, K., Hart, S. Smetana, M., Schaaf, S. (2014, April). Promoting evidence-based practices and problem solving. Presented at SCI Grand Rounds at Murray State University.

Full-time to Institution, Part-time to Unit, Full-time to Program


TE as systematic inquiry into the areas related to teaching, learning, and education of teachers and other school personnel. Scholarship includes traditional research and publication as well as the rigorous and systematic study of pedagogy, and the application of current research findings in new settings. Scholarship further presupposes submission of one’s work for professional review and evaluation. (4) Service includes faculty contributions to college or university activities, schools, communities, and professional associations in ways that are consistent with the institution and unit’s mission. (5) e.g. officer of a state or national association, article published in a specific journal, and an evaluation of a local school program.


E. Curriculum Contract/Guide sheet Guidesheets for the undergraduate and graduate programs are submitted as supplemental information. Below is the admission is the admission to teacher education and student teaching information.


Teacher Education To be admitted to teacher education, students must:

1. Attend an admission to teacher education orientation.

2. Earn passing scores on the Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE) test with these subject scores – Reading 156, Writing 162, and Mathematics 150. Request ETS to send scores to Teacher Education Services electronically by using this code, R1494. If any of the PPST subject areas were passed prior to September 1, 2014, use these PPST scores - Reading 176, Writing 174, and Math 174.

GRE (Graduate Records Exam) scores may be used for Graduate Students only with a minimum passing score of 150 in verbal, 143 in quantitative, and 4.0 in analytical writing.

3. Earn an overall undergraduate GPA of > 2.75 on a 4.0 scale at the point of admission. This 2.75

minimum GPA remains a requirement throughout the teacher certification program. .

4. Complete a minimum of 24 credit hours with a GPA > 2.75 to include the following coursework:

(1) ENG 101, 102, 104 or 105 with a “B” or higher (2) MAT 117 (or higher level math) with a “B” or higher

(3) COM 161 or HON 165 with a “B” or higher (4) EDU 103 with a “B” or higher (or AED 380 or EDU 104 or CTE 200 or MSU 123 or ELE 605 [graduate students])

5. Participate in the admission to teacher education interview and receive their academic

advisor’s recommendation to continue the program. 6. Review the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel. Sign the Declaration of Eligibility (pink sheet) affirming a commitment to uphold the code and acknowledging awareness of information required for state certification. If answers given on the Declaration of Eligibility change during the time of participation in the teacher education program, the Director of Teacher Education Services must be notified immediately. These requirements must be documented in Recruiter. CASE or GRE scores must be sent to MSU (R1494) via ETS. Admission will only be granted following a successful review by Teacher Education Services.


NOTE: Students who have not been admitted to Teacher Education will not be eligible to enroll in upper level courses that specify admission to teacher education as a prerequisite. Student Teaching To be admitted to student teaching, students must have 1) been granted admission to Teacher Education; 2) filed a formal application in Teacher Education Services two semesters prior to the term in which

student teaching is desired (Applications are distributed at scheduled student teaching orientations only.); 3) earned and maintained GPA > 2.75 in major/areas, professional education, and overall; 4) demonstrated teaching ability in field and clinical situations; 5) documented completion of 200 or more field hours and components (beginning 9/1/2013); 6) senior, post-bac, or graduate status and have completed all major courses and specialty areas; 7) been admitted to Teacher Education; 8) completed all required professional teacher education courses (EDU 103, EDP 260,

EDU 303, SED 300 and EDU 403, etc. – see specific requirements by major or area) with a GPA > 2.75 GPA; 9) filed a valid and current medical examination, which includes a TB risk assessment (to begin

student teaching within six months of exam); 10) obtained a criminal records background check; and 11) supplied TES with any other required information (transcripts, course substitution forms, etc.). General Requirements for Kentucky Certification Graduates who wish to be recommended by MSU for an initial Kentucky teaching certificate must have 1) successfully completed an approved teacher education program including student teaching; 2) filed an application for certification (CA-1) with Teacher Education Services at MSU; 3) obtained at least minimal scores required on PRAXIS specialty area tests and the appropriate Principles

of Learning and Teaching Test (PLT); 4) completed all applicable computer literacy and applications requirements; 5) earned a bachelor’s degree; 6) mailed a copy of criminal record check to EPSB; and 7) sent official transcript to EPSB. In addition, in Kentucky, full certification requires the completion of the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program. To be recommended for certification in other states, all Kentucky requirements must be met. NOTE: Requirements for teacher certification are established by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (KEPSB). Students are cautioned that changes in these requirements may occur after publication of the current Murray State University Bulletin. For the most current information, students should check with an advisor in one of the departments in the College of Education.


F. Syllabi


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