maternal ppar protects nursing neonates by … ppar protects nursing neonates by suppressing the...

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Maternal PPAR� protects nursingneonates by suppressing the productionof inflammatory milkYihong Wan,1 Alan Saghatelian,2,3 Ling-Wa Chong,1 Chun-Li Zhang,1 Benjamin F. Cravatt,2

and Ronald M. Evans1,4

1Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Gene Expression Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California92037, USA; 2The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology and Departments of Cell Biology and Chemistry, The ScrippsResearch Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA

Lactation is a highly demanding lipid synthesis and transport process that is crucial for the development ofnewborn mammals. While PPAR� is known to promote adipogenesis and lipogenesis in adipose tissue, its rolein the lactating mammary gland is unexplored. Here, we report that a targeted deletion of PPAR� in miceresults in the production of “toxic milk” containing elevated levels of inflammatory lipids. Surprisingly,ingestion of this “toxic milk” causes inflammation, alopecia, and growth retardation in the nursing neonates.Genomic profiling reveals that PPAR� deficiency leads to increased expression of lipid oxidation enzymes inthe lactating mammary gland. Consistently, metabolomic profiling detects increased levels of oxidized freefatty acids in the pups nursed by PPAR�-deficient mothers. Therefore, maternal PPAR� is pivotal formaintaining the quality of milk and protecting the nursing newborns by suppressing the production ofinflammatory lipids in the lactating mammary gland.

[Keywords: PPARg; mammary gland; lactation; inflammation; alopecia; lipid oxidation]

Supplemental material is available at

Received May 3, 2007; revised version accepted June 14, 2007.

Milk lipids provide not only calories, but also signalingmolecules—such as essential fatty acids and deriva-tives—that regulate the development of the newborns.These unique demands make the lactating mammarygland one of the most active lipid synthesis and transportorgans in the body. In humans, the lactating mammaryglands secrete ∼32 g of fat daily or nearly 6 kg of fatduring a typical 6-mo lactation period (Allen et al. 1991).The mammary glands of a lactating mouse perform aneven more prodigious feat: Approximately 30 g of milklipids are secreted over the course of 20 d, equivalent tothe entire body weight of the mother (Schwertfeger et al.2003). Triglycerides make up 98% of milk lipid content,and their composition depends on diet as well as intrin-sic fatty acid synthesis and modification in the mam-mary gland (Neville and Picciano 1997). Dietary triglyc-erides are assembled into chylomicrons in the intestinalmucosa and delivered to adipose tissues such as subcu-taneous fat. In the capillaries of adipose tissue, the freefatty acids (FFAs) of chylomicrons are released from the

triacylglycerols by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and absorbedby the tissues. Therefore, milk lipids influence tissuefatty acids composition and regulate multiple functionsin the nursing newborns.

PPAR� is a member of the nuclear receptor superfam-ily of transcription factors that can be activated by lipo-philic ligands. It enhances cellular processes involvinglipid accumulation, such as adipogenesis and macro-phage foam cell formation (Tontonoz et al. 1994, 1998).It also suppresses inflammation by inhibiting macro-phage cytokine production (Jiang et al. 1998; Ricote et al.1998). A versatile array of synthetic and natural sub-stances can activate PPAR�, including thiazolidine-diones (TZDs; e.g., BRL 49653) and 15-deoxy-�12,14-pros-taglandin J2 (Forman et al. 1995; Lehmann et al. 1995;Willson et al. 1996), polyunsaturated fatty acids (Formanet al. 1997; Kliewer et al. 1997), and components of oxi-dized LDL particles such as 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoicacid (13-HODE) and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid(15-HETE) (Nagy et al. 1998). The importance of PPAR�is accentuated by the widespread use of TZDs as drugsfor the treatment of type II diabetes and insulin resistance.

Complete loss of PPAR� in mice leads to embryoniclethality due to defects in placental, cardiac, and adiposetissue development (Barak et al. 1999; Kubota et al. 1999;Rosen et al. 1999). Therefore, knowledge of the postnatalin vivo functions of PPAR� has been attained through

3Present address: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Har-vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA4Corresponding author.E-MAIL; FAX (858) 455-1349.Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date areonline at

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 21:1895–1908 © 2007 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/07; 1895

the analyses of PPAR� heterozygous mice and flox/cre-mediated tissue-specific knockout mice (He et al. 2003;Hevener et al. 2003), as well as subtype-specific knock-out mice (Zhang et al. 2004; Medina-Gomez et al. 2005),human mutation knock-in mice (Rangwala et al. 2003;Tsai et al. 2004), and hypomorphic mice (Koutnikova etal. 2003). In this study, we have generated hematopoieticand endothelial cell-specific PPAR� knockout mice us-ing the Tie2cre transgenic mice. Unexpectedly, the con-sequences of maternal PPAR� deletion were reflected inthe growth retardation and hair cycling defects in wild-type nursing pups, as the result of ingestion of “toxicmilk” containing elevated levels of inflammatory lipids.These findings reveal a novel role for PPAR� in the post-natal maternal–offspring interaction via the mammarygland, in addition to the previously described prenatalmaternal–fetal interaction via the placenta.


Maternal PPAR� deficiency results in growth retardationand hair cycling defects in nursing neonates

We generated hematopoietic and endothelial cell-spe-cific PPAR� knockout mice by crossing PPAR�flox/flox

mice (gf/f) (He et al. 2003) with Tie2cre transgenic mice(Constien et al. 2001; Kisanuki et al. 2001; Koni et al.2001). In the process of breeding and expanding the colo-nies, we observed an unexpected phenotype: Pups of fe-male gf/fTie2cre mice exhibited growth retardation and ahair cycling defect. At the time of weaning (postnatal day21–28 [P21–P28]), these pups exhibited low body weightsand near complete hair loss on their trunks (Fig. 1A).Approximately 2–3 wk after weaning to a standard chowdiet, the pups regained a new coat of hair and remainedphenotypically normal afterward. This phenotype wasstrictly dependent on maternal genotype (PPAR�f/fTie2cre)and independent of paternal genotype as well as thegenotype or sex of the progeny. Pups from female Tie2cremice or PPAR�f/fTie2cre mice, which were studied inparallel, never displayed this phenotype, indicating thatthis was not a Tie2cre-mediated effect. Furthermore,pups from female PPAR� heterozygous mice, such asPPAR�+/lacZ and PPAR�f/+Tie2cre, exhibited a similarphenotype but at lower penetrance, confirming thatPPAR� deficiency was the cause of the defects.

To carefully examine the time line of this phenotype,female gf/fTie2cre mutants (+cre) and littermate gf/f wild-type controls (−cre) were bred with wild-type C57BL/6J

Figure 1. Maternal PPAR� deletion byTie2cre results in growth retardation andhair cycling defect in the nursing neonates.(A) gf/fTie2cre mothers raise defective pups.At weaning on P21, pups nursed by mutantmothers (+cre) exhibited growth retardationand nearly complete hair loss over thetrunk, with sparing of the head, extremi-ties, rump, and tail. (B) The developmentaltime line is depicted as the average bodyweight of pups from each of four indepen-dent litters on each postnatal day. Duringthe first postnatal week, weight gain wassimilar for all pups. Around P10, weightgain in pups from +cre mothers stoppedcompletely until after weaning at P21,when it resumed at a pace similar to thecontrol pups. Error bars represent SD(n = 6). (C) The progression of hair cyclingdefect during lactation and pelage recoveryafter weaning at P21.

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male mice. On P2, the litter size was normalized to sixpups. Pup body weights were measured daily. During thefirst postnatal week, pups from mutant mothers gainedweight at rates similar to pups from wild-type mothers(Fig. 1B). Also, the first postnatal pelage appeared normaland comparable to the controls (Fig. 1C). At about P10,weight gain in pups from mutant mothers ceased com-pletely until weaning at P21 (Fig. 1B). At about P16, ini-tial hair loss was observed around the neck and pro-ceeded caudally. By about P18, the hair loss was com-plete on the trunk, but often with the head, rump, tail,and extremities spared (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, however,weight gain resumed immediately after pups were placedon a standard chow diet at P21 and continued at a pacesimilar to control pups (Fig. 1B). Also, the hairless skingradually became pigmented, and a new pelage of hairgrew back caudally 2–3 wk after weaning (Fig. 1C).

The dramatic rescue of the phenotype at weaning sug-gested that a maternal component, either nutritional orbehavioral, was the cause of the defect. To distinguishbetween these two possibilities, we tested if separationof the pups from the mother at weaning was necessaryfor the rescue. Pups left with the mother until P35 alsoshowed weight gain and hair recovery once they wereable to eat the standard chow diet (data not shown), sug-gesting that a nutritional defect in the milk associatedwith lactation was the cause.

Hair loss results from follicular cyst (FC) formationmediated by increased inflammation

In mice, hair follicle morphogenesis as well as the firstround of postnatal catagen (regression), telogen (quies-cence), exogen (shedding), and anagen (growth) develop-ment follows a rather precise time scale (Paus and Cot-sarelis 1999; Muller-Rover et al. 2001). To pinpoint thehair cycling defect, we examined the histology of af-fected skins throughout the postnatal time course. Thehair follicles exhibited normal morphology until P16–P20. At P20, in pups from −cre control mothers, catagenstarted when the follicles regressed, followed by telogenwhen the follicles became quiescent. Around P32, thefollicles underwent exogen, ejecting the hair shaft as thenext anagen began (Fig. 2A). In contrast, in pups from+cre mutant mothers, a precocious formation of FCs wasobserved around P20 with hair shaft ejection but withoutthe concurrent initiation of anagen (Fig. 2A). These ab-errant follicular structures persisted until around P32,when the first postnatal anagen started in which all hairlayers showed inward proliferation comparable to con-trols. The dermal papillae were well developed, and newhair shafts were present in the follicles (Fig. 2A). There-fore, the major defect was in the first postnatal catagen/telogen. Furthermore, there appeared to be profound leu-kocyte infiltration in the interfollicular region and sub-cutaneous fat in the affected skin (Fig. 2B), suggesting thepresence of inflammation. Indeed, immunofluorescencestaining for CD11b/Mac-1� demonstrated a marked in-crease in macrophage accumulation in the skin of thepups nursed by +cre mutant mothers as early as P10 (Fig.

2C). Together, the histological evidence suggests thatthe hair loss was due to FC formation during the firstpostnatal catagen/telogen, possibly due to increased in-flammation.

We performed gene expression analyses of the skinsfrom pups nursed by mutant or control mothers usingreal-time quantitative PCR (RT-QPCR). First, we testedtwo genes that are important for hair follicle develop-ment. Cyclin D1 and GATA3 are critical for stem celldifferentiation in the outer root sheath (ORS) and innerroot sheath (IRS), respectively (Kaufman et al. 2003; Xuet al. 2003). The expression of both genes was decreasedin the affected skin (+cre) during the stages of hair loss(P20–P31) (Fig. 2D), but by P34, these differences re-solved along with the recovery of pelage. Reduced ex-pression of both genes indicated the lack of stem cellproliferation and differentiation required for anagen.

To determine if there was increased inflammation inthe affected skin at the transcriptional level, the expres-sion of a set of inflammatory markers was measured (Fig.3A). Expression of cytokines IL-1� and TNF�, chemo-kines MCP-1 and MCP-3, and the matrix metallopro-teinase MMP9 were all dramatically increased in the af-fected skin compared with the control skin. IL-1� andTNF� are important mediators of the inflammatory re-sponse that are mainly secreted by macrophages. MCP-1and MCP-3 are chemotactic factors that attract mono-cytes, basophils, or eosinophils. MMP9 plays an essen-tial role in local proteolysis of the extracellular matrixand in leukocyte migration. Therefore, the affectedskin exhibited an inflammatory response hallmarked byleukocyte infiltration and cytokine/chemokine secre-tion.

The arachidonic acid/COX/prostaglandin pathway hasbeen shown to be an important regulator of inflamma-tory responses. Interestingly, this pathway is also in-volved in the regulation of hair cycling. Two indepen-dent studies have demonstrated that overexpression ofCOX-2 in mouse skin leads to alopecia (Bol et al. 2002;Muller-Decker et al. 2003). Therefore, we examined theexpression of several genes in this pathway. The expres-sion of both COX-1 and COX-2 genes were markedlyincreased in the affected skin (Fig. 3A), as was that of theprostaglandin transporter (PGT), which mediates the re-lease of newly synthesized prostaglandins from cells.Western blot analyses further confirmed these gene ex-pression changes at the protein level (Fig. 3C). As shownin Figure 3, A and C, COX-2 expression in the controlskin declined in catagen (P17–P20) and was barely de-tectable in early telogen (P21), but increased again duringanagen (P28–P40) (Muller-Decker et al. 2003). In con-trast, COX-2 expression in the affected skin was signifi-cantly elevated during catagen/telogen (P16–P25) (Fig.3A,C). This was also the case in the K5-COX2 and K14-COX2 transgenic mice that developed alopecia (Bol et al.2002; Muller-Decker et al. 2003). Together with the in-creased expression of COX-1, this pattern of COX ex-pression was unscheduled compared with the normalcontrols and correlated with the precocious FC forma-tion and hair loss. The increased expression of these in-

PPAR� loss causes ‘toxic milk’


Figure 2. Hair loss results from precocious FC formation. (A) H&E-stained sagittal sections of the dorsal skin of pups from selectedtime points during postnatal development (10×). During P20–P28, catagen/telogen hair follicles with the hair shaft (H) protrudingpredominated the skin of control pups (−cre, top), but was absent in the skin of pups nursed by mutant mothers (+cre, bottom). Instead,the hair follicles formed cyst-like structures (FC and arrows). By P32, anagen hair follicles with large dermal papilla (DP) developed inthe skin of pups nursed by both wild-type and mutant mothers. (B) H&E-stained sagittal sections of dorsal skin at higher magnification(20× for both −cre and +cre) showing the infiltration of leukocytes (marked by arrows) in the interfollicular region and subcutaneousfat (sf) in the defective skin (+cre, bottom) compared with the control skin (−cre, top). (C) Immunofluorescence-stained (anti-CD11b/Mac-1) sagittal sections of the dorsal skin of pups from P10 showing increased macrophage infiltration in the skin of pups nursed bymutant mother (+cre) compared with wild-type mother (−cre). (D) Expression of cyclin D1 and GATA3 was decreased in the skin ofpups nursed by mutant mothers (+cre) during hair loss, measured by RT-QPCR and illustrated as relative expression normalized byL19. Error bar represents SD (n = 4).

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flammatory genes and macrophage infiltration began be-tween P7 and P13, preceding the hair loss (Figs. 3B, 2C),suggesting the inflammation was likely the cause ratherthan the consequence of the hair loss. Furthermore, theexpression of most inflammatory markers in the affectedskin decreased by P48, indicating that the inflammationslowly resolved after the pups were weaned to a standarddiet (Fig. 3A).

Detailed examination of the pups nursed by gf/fTie2cremothers revealed that their livers often appeared palercompared with control pups. Oil Red O staining of liversections indicated increased lipid accumulation (Fig.3D). Hepatic steatosis is often linked to inflammation,and indeed, expression of several inflammatory markerswere also elevated in liver (Fig. 3E), suggesting the pres-

ence of inflammation at multiple tissues and manifestedin the skin as hair loss.

Hair loss can be rescued by COX inhibitors or fostermothers

To test if the increased inflammation and COX signalingwas the cause of the hair cycling defect, we performedrescue experiments by topical treatment with the COX-1/2 inhibitor aspirin. Gene expression analyses indicatedthat aspirin treatment resulted in the inhibition of in-flammation in the skin of pups from gf/fTie2cre mothers(Fig. 3F). By P29, all DMSO-treated pups exhibited com-plete hair loss over the trunk, while all the aspirin-treated pups retained fairly normal pelage on the back

Figure 3. Hair loss is mediated by in-creased inflammation and COX signaling,and can be rescued by COX inhibitor orfoster mothers. (A) The expression of in-flammatory markers and cyclooxygenaseswas elevated in the skin of pups nursed bymutant mothers (+cre). Error bar representsSD (n = 4). All RNA expression was mea-sured by RT-QPCR and illustrated as rela-tive expression normalized by L19. (B) In-creased inflammatory marker expressionstarted between P7 and P13 before hairloss. Error bar represents SD (n = 4). (C)Protein levels of selected genes in the skinof pups were determined by Western blotanalyses. (pAb) Polyclonal antibody; (mAb)monoclonal antibody. (D) Oil RedO-stained liver sections (P8, 40×) demon-strated increased lipid content in the liversof pups nursed by mutant mothers (+cre).(E) The expression of inflammatory mark-ers and PGT was also increased in the liv-ers of pups nursed by mutant mothers. Er-ror bars represent SEM (n = 6). (*) P < 0.05.(F,G) The hair cycling defect can be rescuedby topical application of COX inhibitor. (F)The expression of inflammatory markersin the skin of pups nursed by +cre mutantmothers was inhibited by topical aspirintreatment. Error bar represents SD (n = 6).(**) P < 0.01. (G) By P29, the DMSO-treated pups exhibited complete hair lossover the trunk (left), while the aspirin-treated pups retained fairly normal pelageon the back (right), but with some hair lossobserved on the scalp (red arrow) that wasnot directly treated. This is the representa-tive result from two independent litters(n = 6 for each treatment). (H) Wild-typefoster mothers (−cre) fully rescue the hairloss of pups from mutant mothers (+cre).Pups born and nursed by mutant mothersexhibited alopecia by P20 (left), while pupsborn from mutant but nursed by wild-typemothers displayed normal pelage (right).This is the representative result from twoindependent fostering pairs.

PPAR� loss causes ‘toxic milk’


(Fig. 3G), although some hair loss was observed on thescalp (Fig. 3G, red arrow) and the chest (data not shown)that was not directly treated. Aspirin treatment did nothave any visible effect on the skin of pups from the con-trol mothers. This demonstrated that the hair loss wasthe result of COX-mediated inflammation.

To further determine if the phenotype was maternallydependent, we performed foster mother experiments. Allpups born and nursed by gf/fTie2cre mothers exhibitedhair loss, while the pups born from gf/fTie2cre mothersbut fostered by gf/f mothers were rescued at 100% pen-etrance (eight out of eight pups, Fig. 3H). Reciprocally,all pups born and nursed by gf/f mothers showed normalpelage, while the pups born from gf/f mothers but fos-tered by gf/fTie2cre mothers developed hair loss at 75%penetrance (six out of eight pups). Thus, the phenotypewas indeed maternally dependent. The fact that the haircycling defect could be reversed by fostering demon-strates that it was due to postnatal factors such as milk,rather than prenatal factors such as the placenta. In ad-

dition, fostering (Fig. 3H), but not topical aspirin treat-ment (Fig. 3G), also exhibited a rescuing effect on thegrowth retardation. Together, these results suggest thatcomponents in the milk of gf/fTie2cre mothers were ableto elicit inflammatory responses in the pups.

PPAR� deficiency increases lipid accumulationin the lactating mammary gland

We next assessed if there was any difference in the lac-tating mammary gland between gf/f and gf/fTie2cre mice.Mammary glands were collected on different lactationdays for histological analyses. H&E staining indicatedthat the mutant mammary glands had fewer lobular al-veolar structures and more stroma fat cells (adipocytes)compared with the controls on lactation day 4 (L4) (Fig.4A). The size of the adipocytes was also larger in themutant mammary gland (Fig. 4A). In addition, the epi-thelial cells in the mutant glands were filled with manylarge lipid droplets throughout lactation (L4–L16) (Fig.

Figure 4. Tie2cre-mediated PPAR� deletion increaseslipid accumulation in the lactating mammary gland. (A)Histological analyses of lactating mammary glands.(Panels a–d) In the H&E-stained sections (20×), there wasan increase in the number and size of the adipocytes(Ad), and a decrease in lobular alveolar epithelial cells(Ep), in the +cre glands (panel b) compared with the −crecontrol glands (panel a) on L4. On both L4 and L10, therewas an increase in the number and size of the intracel-lular lipid droplets in the epithelial cells in +cre glands(panels b,d) compared with −cre control glands (panelsa,c). Arrows mark the milk fat globules in the process ofbeing secreted into the lumen. (Panels e–h) In the OilRed O-stained sections, there was an increase in lipidcontent in both adipocytes (Ad) and epithelial cells in+cre glands (panels f,h) compared with −cre controlglands (panels e,g) on both L4 and L10. (B) Expression ofgenes regulating mammary gland morphogenesis was di-minished throughout lactation in the mutants (+cre). Er-ror bars represent SD (n = 3).

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4A shows examples from L4 and L10), indicating in-creased lipid synthesis and milk fat globule fusion. Incontrast, in the wild-type mammary gland, intracellularlipid droplets were much smaller, and only the biggestglobules in the process of being secreted were visible(Fig. 4A). Consistently, Oil Red O staining further dem-onstrated that there was increased lipid content in bothadipocytes and epithelial cells in the mutant mammaryglands on both L4 and L10 (Fig. 4A).

To determine the transcriptional consequences ofTie2cre-mediated PPAR� deletion, we compared thegene expression profiles in the mutant and control mam-mary glands from L4 and L10 using Affymetrix microar-ray analysis. Genes that were differentially expressed byan average fold change of more than two across all fourcomparison pairs from L10 are listed in SupplementaryTable 1. Several genes were selected for further exami-nation throughout the time course of lactation using RT-QPCR (Figs. 4B, 5D).

One group of genes whose expression was found to

change throughout lactation includes modulators ofmammary gland morphogenesis (Fig. 4B). The expressionof Hoxd9, Hoxd10, and Hoxd8 were severely diminishedin mutant mammary glands compared with controls.These three homeobox genes are localized adjacently inthe mouse HoxD cluster and are likely regulated by thesame enhancer elements (Spitz et al. 2001). Deletion ofHoxd9 in female mice, especially combined with the de-letion of Hoxa9 and Hoxb9, leads to early postnatal deathof newborns due to decreased milk production, as theresult of fewer lobular alveolar structures and more fatdroplets in the lactating mammary gland (Chen and Ca-pecchi 1999). Also, both Timp4 and Timp2 were down-regulated in the mutant mammary glands (Fig. 4B;Supplementary Table 1). TIMPs are a family of matrixmetalloproteinases inhibitors. Timp3-deficient miceshow increased adipogenesis and accelerated involutionin the mammary gland (Fata et al. 2001). Therefore, de-creased expression of Hoxd9 and Timps could be part ofthe underlying mechanisms for the increased lipid con-tent in the mutant mammary glands. Together, theseresults suggest that the lipid metabolism become deregu-lated in the lactating mammary gland of the gf/fTie2cremice.

PPAR� deficiency leads to production of inflammatorylipids in milk

To determine if milk from gf/fTie2cre mothers has in-creased inflammatory mediators, we exploited an invitro assay using the mouse macrophage cell lineRAW264.7. The cells were treated with milk for 6 h inthe presence or absence of LPL, and the expression ofinflammatory markers was measured. In the absence ofLPL digestion, there was no significant difference in theexpression of IL-1� or COX-2 between −cre and +cremilk treatments. However, in the presence of LPL diges-tion, there was an activation of both genes by the +cremilk (Fig. 5A). This suggested that, indeed, there wereincreased inflammatory mediators in the +cre milk lipid,but they were released only after LPL digestion and pos-sibly in the form of FFAs. To enrich the inflammatorymediators in the +cre milk, we extensively fractionatedthe hydrolyzed milk lipids to separate the active compo-nents from the bulk of the inactive FFAs, using silica gelchromatography followed by reverse phase HPLC (Fig.5B). Compared with −cre control milk, HPLC fraction 4from the +cre milk robustly induced the expression ofIL-1� and COX-2 by 110-fold and 67-fold, respectively(Fig. 5C).

Interestingly, the expression of two lipid oxidation en-zymes, 12-lipoxygenase (12-LO) and microsomal epoxidehydrolase (Ephx1), were elevated throughout lactation inthe mutant mammary glands (Fig. 5D). Fatty acid oxida-tive metabolism produces potent inflammatory media-tors. The lipoxygenases convert arachidonic acid intoleukotrienes, which are eicosanoid lipid mediators of in-flammation (Funk 2001). Thus, elevated 12-LO expres-sion may lead to an increased production and secretionof leukotrienes. In addition, the cytochrome P450 epoxy-

Figure 5. Tie2cre-mediated PPAR� deletion results in produc-tion of inflammatory lipids in milk. (A) Milk from mutantmothers (+cre) activated macrophage inflammation only afterLPL digestion. The mouse macrophage RAW264.7 cells weretreated with milk in the absence or presence of LPL (10 µg/mL)for 6 h. RNA was harvested and expression of inflammatorymarkers was determined by RT-QPCR. Representative result ofthree independent experiments; error bars indicate SEM. (*)P < 0.05 (n = 4). (B,C) Biochemical fractionation of hydrolyzedmilk lipids enriched the inflammatory mediators from +cremilk. (B) A schematic diagram for the fractionation procedure.(EA/H) Ethyl acetate/hexanes. (C) Compared with −cre milk,HPLC fraction 4 from +cre milk increased the expression ofboth IL-1� and COX-2 in RAW cells by 110-fold and 67-fold,respectively. (D) Expression of two lipid oxidation enzymes waselevated throughout lactation in the mutant mammary glands(+cre). Error bars indicate SD (n = 3).

PPAR� loss causes ‘toxic milk’


genases transform arachidonic and linoleic acids to ep-oxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) and epoxyoctadecenoicacids (EpOMEs, leukotoxins), respectively. AlthoughEETs are anti-inflammatory (Node et al. 1999), furthermetabolism of EETs and EpOMEs by Ephx1s generatesthe corresponding diols that can cause cytotoxicity andinflammation (Moghaddam et al. 1997; Morisseau et al.1999). Thus, elevated Ephx1 expression indicates a likelyincrease in the conversion of fatty acid epoxides intotheir corresponding proinflammatory diols. Collectively,these results provide compelling evidence that PPAR�deficiency leads to the secretion of “toxic milk” contain-ing inflammatory lipids, likely comprised of a combina-tion of oxidized FFAs generated by lipoxygenase andEphx1.

Global metabolite profiling reveals increased oxidizedFFAs in the affected skin

The hair loss was a progressive process as the result ofdigestion of “toxic milk” and accumulation of inflam-matory lipids at the skin over time. Since the skin was

the site of effectors as well as a major fat storage tissue,we next investigated if there was any difference in thelipid metabolome in the skin of pups nursed by mutantversus control mothers using discovery metabolite pro-filing (DMP) (Fig. 6). The untargeted liquid chromatog-raphy-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach employed inthis strategy allowed the simultaneous comparison ofknown metabolites and the identification of unknownmetabolites that were differentially regulated betweenwild-type and mutant tissues (Saghatelian et al. 2004).As shown by the pinnacles in Figure 6A, four groups ofunknown metabolites were present at increased levels inthe skin of pups nursed by mutant mothers. We per-formed further characterization on the metabolites ingroup 1 (Fig. 6B, top red box), since the m/z ratio andretention time indicated that they were a series of FFAs.Exact mass analyses revealed that they comprise mono-hydroxy FFAs; for example, the molecular formula of themost abundant member of this group (m/z ratio 271) isC16H32O3 (monohydroxy palmitic acid, OH-C16:0) (Fig.6B; Supplementary Table 2). The paired increased levelsof this group of oxidized FFAs in the affected skin (six-

Figure 6. Global metabolite profiling re-vealed increased oxidized FFAs in the skinof pups nursed by mutant mothers. (A)DMP of skin samples from pups nursed bymutant mothers (+cre) versus by wild-typemothers (−cre). Organic soluble skin lipidwas extracted and subjected to untargetedLC-MS metabolite profiling analyses in thenegative ionization mode. Mass ion inten-sity ratios (+cre/−cre) of metabolites arepresented on a three-dimensional surfaceplot, over a mass range of 200–1000 Da andliquid chromatography retention time of20–60 min. The skin of pups nursed by +cremothers possessed elevated levels of oxi-dized FFAs (group 1) and three unknownclasses of metabolites (groups 2–4), whilethe majority of metabolites (∼1100 ions)were unaltered. Data represent the resultof a group of n = 18 pups from eight inde-pendent mothers for each genotype. (B) In-creased levels of hydroxyl fatty acids (topred box, group 1 in Fig. 7A) and decreasedlevel of arachidonic acid (bottom red box)in the skin of the pups nursed by mutantmothers.

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fold to 12-fold) along the elevated expression of lipid oxi-dation enzymes in the mutant mammary glands suggestthese hydroxy FFAs represent stable downstream me-tabolites of the oxidized inflammatory lipids from the+cre milk. Furthermore, there were no significant differ-ences in the levels of the majority of the unmodifiedfatty acids such as palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), andoleic (C18:1) acids (Fig. 6B). In contrast, there was a sta-tistically significant reduction in the level of arachidonicacid (C20:4) (P = 0.00002, n = 18) (Fig. 6B, bottom redbox). This observation is consistent with the increasedCOX expression and enhanced arachidonic acid catabo-lism in the affected pup skin. Together, these resultsprovide further evidence that maternal PPAR� defi-ciency results in increased production of oxidized lipidsin milk that, when released by digestion and accumu-lated in the skin, trigger inflammation-mediated hairloss in the nursing neonates.

PPAR� suppresses 12-LO expression via a negativeregulatory loop

X-gal staining of the lactating mammary gland fromTie2creROSAlacZ indicator mice demonstrated thatTie2cre specifically deleted the flox allele in hematopoi-etic and vascular endothelial cells, but not in mammaryepithelial cells or adipocytes (Fig. 7A). Macrophages con-stitute a major hematopoietic cellular component in thelactating mammary gland (Gouon-Evans et al. 2002).Factors required for macrophage differentiation, such asMCSF, are also essential for normal mammary gland de-velopment and function (Van Nguyen and Pollard 2002).Immunofluorescence staining for CD11b/Mac-1� re-vealed that there was an increased population of macro-phages in the mutant lactating mammary glands (Fig.7B). Since PPAR� deletion by Tie2cre resulted in theproduction of inflammatory milk and increased expres-sion of 12-LO and Ephx1 in the lactating mammarygland (Fig. 5), we examined gene expression in macro-phages derived from mutant or wild-type mice. Asshown in Figure 7C, PPAR� deletion in the mutants(+cre) resulted in elevated expression of 12-LO, MCP-1,and MCP-3 compared with wild-type (−cre). Moreover,the PPAR� agonist BRL inhibited the expression of both12-LO and Ephx1, as well as MCP-1 and MCP-3. Thisinhibition was only observed in the wild-type but not themutant cells, and thus was PPAR� dependent (Fig. 7C).Interestingly, saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid(PA) that are abundant in the lactating mammary glandfurther induced COX-2 and iNOS expression in macro-phages (Fig. 7D; Shi et al. 2006). However, BRL robustlysuppressed this induction in wild-type cells, but not mu-tant cells (Fig. 7D). Together, these results demonstratethat PPAR� and its ligand suppress inflammation in alipid-rich environment such as the lactating mammarygland. Loss of PPAR� results in elevated expression oflipid oxidation enzymes, chemokines, and saturatedfatty acid-induced inflammatory genes, as well as resis-tance to the anti-inflammatory effect of endogenousPPAR� agonists.

The fact that the expression of lipoxygenase can beinhibited by PPAR� and its ligand (Fig. 7C) suggests thatit is under the regulation of a negative feedback loop (Fig.7E). Lipoxygenases can generate endogenous PPAR� li-gands, 13-HODE and 15-HETE, from linoleic and arachi-donic acids, respectively (Conrad et al. 1992; Nagy et al.1998; Huang et al. 1999). In wild-type mammary glands,ligand activation of PPAR� in macrophages inhibits li-poxygenase expression, thereby maintaining its steadylevels (Fig. 7C,E). However, in mutant mammary glands,PPAR� deletion in macrophages and thus the lack of theregulatory feedback loop result in sustained expressionof lipoxygenase (Fig. 7C), which in turn causes an evenhigher level of endogenous PPAR� ligands (Fig. 7E). SinceTie2cre does not mediate PPAR� deletion in epithelialcells and adipocytes (Fig. 7A), activation of PPAR� inthese cells by endogenous ligands could be, in part, theunderlying cause of the increased accumulation of lipiddroplets in the mutant glands (Fig. 7E). Collectively, thecombination of increased lipid accumulation and oxida-tion in the mutant mammary glands results in the el-evated inflammatory mediators in the milk.


Milk is the sole food for young mammals and an impor-tant constituent of human diet. The quality of milk hasgreat impact on both breast-fed infants and consumers ofdairy products in general. In this study, by using inte-grated approaches of molecular genetics, biochemistry,genomic, and metabolomic profiling, we demonstratethat maternal PPAR� is pivotal for maintaining the qual-ity of milk and protecting the nursing newborns by sup-pressing the production of inflammatory lipids in thelactating mammary gland. Maternal PPAR� deficiencyresults in increased expression of lipid oxidation en-zymes in the lactating mammary gland, production ofinflammatory milk, which consequently causes inflam-mation, alopecia, and growth retardation in the nursingpups.

There are other defects in milk that have been attrib-uted to alopecia in infants, such as deficiencies in certainmetals or vitamins. However, we did not detect any sig-nificant difference in the levels of zinc or iron betweenthe milk from gf/fTie2cre mothers and gf/f controls. Also,feeding lactating mothers with a diet supplemented withVitamins A or D had no rescuing effect on the hair cy-cling defect in the pups. Thus, the alopecia and growthretardation in the pups of gf/fTie2cre mothers weremainly due to the increased inflammatory signaling inthe milk.

Our current study demonstrates that hematopoieticand endothelial cell-specific PPAR� deletion results inaltered mammary gland morphogenesis and lipid me-tabolism during lactation. Interestingly, a previous studyusing a transgenic mouse model that overexpresses anactive form of PPAR� (VpPPAR�) in the mammary epi-thelial cells did not observe any defect in mammarygland development (Saez et al. 2004). This suggests thatPPAR� in hematopoietic and endothelial cells, rather

PPAR� loss causes ‘toxic milk’


than mammary epithelial cells, plays a critical role inthe lactating mammary gland.

Hair cycling is sensitive to many genetic and meta-

bolic factors (Nakamura et al. 2001; Tong and Coulombe2003). In humans, alopecia often occurs due to nutri-tional, hormonal, or environmental factors in addition to

Figure 7. PPAR� suppresses lipoxygenase expressionvia a negative regulatory loop. (A) X-gal staining ofthe mammary gland collected from lactating Tie2cre/ROSAlacZ mice. Tie2cre-mediated flox deletion wasspecific for the hematopoietic (H) and vascular endo-thelial (En) cells, but not in the mammary epithelialcells (Ep) or adipocytes (Ad). (B) Immunofluorescencestaining (anti-CD11b/Mac-1) of mammary gland fromL10 showing increased macrophage population in themutant (+cre) compared with wild-type control (−cre).(C) PPAR� and ligand suppress the expression of 12-LO and Ephx1 and chemokines MCP-1 and MCP-3 inwild-type (−cre) but not mutant (+cre) macrophages.(D) PPAR� and ligand suppress the induction ofCOX-2 and iNOS by PA in wild-type (−cre) but notmutant (+cre) macrophages. Macrophages were differ-entiated from spleen progenitor cells with 10 ng/mLMCSF in the presence of vehicle (DMSO) or BRL (1µM) for 6 d. The macrophages were stimulated withPA (200 µM) or BSA control for 6 h. RNA was isolatedand gene expression analyses were performed withRT-QPCR. (*) P < 0.05. (E) A model of negative feed-back loop regulation of lipoxygenase expression byPPAR�. Lipoxygenase produces endogenous PPAR� li-gands (HODEs/HETEs). (Left) In the wild-type mam-mary glands, ligand activation of PPAR� in macro-phages (mf) inhibits the expression of lipoxygenase,thereby maintaining its steady levels. (Right) How-ever, in the mutant mammary glands, PPAR� expres-sion in macrophages is absent due to Tie2cre-medi-ated deletion. The lack of the regulatory feedback loopresults in sustained expression of lipoxygenase that inturn causes an even higher level of endogenous PPAR�

ligands, resulting in increased lipogenesis in the mam-mary epithelial cell and adipocytes.

Wan et al.


genetic predisposition. For example, alopecia can resultfrom essential fatty acid deficiency, androgen overpro-duction, chronic stress, or chemotherapy. Here, we havedescribed a unique mouse model that links diet, inflam-mation, and hair cycling abnormalities in the absence ofintrinsic genetic defects in the affected offspring. Thealopecia in the pups results from the accumulation ofinflammatory lipids transmitted from “toxic milk” andcan be rescued by an anti-inflammatory agent. The hairloss was typically confined to the trunk; however, insevere cases, it could extend to the scalp (Fig. 3G, left). Itis known that the duration of the hair cycle and thelengths of hair shafts are different among scalp, dorsal,and ventricle follicles, with the scalp hair having thelongest cycle (Saitoh et al. 1970; Stenn and Paus 2001).Therefore, hair follicles from different skin regions havevarying sensitivity to the inflammatory insult from the“toxic milk,” resulting in differences in the timing andseverity of the hair loss. The acute onset and recoveryafter weaning suggests that this is a specific type of alo-pecia equivalent to “telogen effluvium” in human pa-tients. Our findings will enhance the understanding ofthe roles for lipid metabolites and inflammation in theetiology of alopecia and other skin disorders, and facili-tate the development of novel pharmacological strate-gies for the prevention and treatment of these diseases.

Materials and methods


gf/f mice (He et al. 2003) were backcrossed to C57BL/6J mice forfour generations. Tie2cre transgenic mice were generously pro-vided by the laboratory of Dr. M. Yanagisawa (University ofTexas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX) (Kisanuki etal. 2001). gf/f mice were bred with Tie2cre mice to generate gf/f

and gf/fTie2cre+/− mice, which were further backcrossed toC57BL/6J mice for three generations. To determine the tissuespecificity of Tie2cre-mediated gene deletion in the lactatingmammary gland, Tie2cre mice were bred to the ROSAlacZ in-dicator mice (Jackson Laboratory). Mice were maintained withregular rodent diet. For mammary gland and pup hair cyclinganalyses, 8- to 16-wk-old nulliparous female littermate micewere bred to wild-type C57BL/6J male mice. The litter sizeswere normalized to six pups. For foster mother experiments,two pairs of gf/fTie2cre and control gf/f female mice that werebred with wild-type C57BL/6J male mice and delivered pups onthe same day were used. On P1, the litter size was normalizedto six pups. Four pups were switched between the gf/fTie2cremother and the gf/f mother, and two pups were left with theoriginal mother as controls. The fostered pups and original pupswere distinguished by ear punching.

Histology and staining

For histological analysis, mammary glands and skin were col-lected and immediately fixed in 10% PBS-buffered formalinovernight. The tissues were then processed, paraffin-embedded,sectioned, and H&E-stained in the Histology Core Facility atthe University of California at San Diego according to standardprotocols. For Oil Red O staining, the tissue samples were im-mediately frozen in OCT compound in a dry ice/ethanol bathand stored at −80°C until sectioned. The frozen sections werefixed in formalin for 10 min. The sections were dipped in 60%

isopropanol and then stained in Oil Red O working solution(60% 3 mg/mL Oil Red O in isopropanol) for 15 min. Afterrinsing in 60% isopropanol and H2O, the sections were coun-terstained with Mayer Hematoxylin for 3 min and mounted. Forimmunofluorescence staining, frozen OCT sections were fixedin acetone for 10 min and stained with FITC–anti-CD11b/Mac-1� (BD Pharmingen) at 1:250 for 1 h. The sections were washedtwice and mounted with medium containing DAPI (VectorLaboratories).

Milk analyses

Milk was collected according to previously described proce-dures (Schwertfeger et al. 2003) with minor modifications. OnL8–L12, lactating females were separated from their pups for3–5 h to allow the mammary glands to refill. Before milking, thelactating female was anesthetized with an i.p. injection ofavertin (0.6 mL of a 20 mg/mL stock), and then i.p. injected with0.5 U of oxytocin (0.2 mL of a 2.5 U/mL stock) to induce milkejection. Milk was immediately collected from mammaryglands by gentle vacuum suction through a capillary tube. All10 mammary glands were milked two rounds for a total of 20min per mouse, allowing the collection of most of the milk. Toassess for inflammatory mediators in the milk, mouse macro-phage RAW264.7 cells were cultured in serum-free mediumovernight, and then treated with milk at 1:2000 dilutions for 6h in the presence or absence of LPL (10 µg/mL). RNA was iso-lated and the expression of inflammatory markers was deter-mined by RT-QPCR.

To enrich the inflammatory lipids, 6 g of milk from eachgenotype was hydrolyzed with 2 M LiOH (10 mL) for 8 h at roomtemperature. The solution was then acidified using 3 M HCland extracted with 15 mL of 2:1 chloroform/methanol. The or-ganic layer was then isolated and concentrated to afford a waxywhite solid. This material was fractionated by silica gel chro-matography using a step gradient, with 30%, 60%, and 100%ethyl acetate/hexanes fractions being collected sequentially.Using the RAW264.7 cells in vitro assay, the inflammatory ac-tivity in +cre milk was determined to reside in the 60% fraction.This active fraction was further fractionated using reverse phaseHPLC (Gemini C18 reversed phase column, Phenomenex, 5 µm,50 × 10 mm) using a binary solvent system. The mobile phase Aconsisted of 95%/5% water/methanol and mobile phase B of60%/35%/5% isopropanol/methanol/water, both containing0.1% ammonium hydroxide. The gradient started at 0% B andthen linearly increased to 100% B over 60 min, followed by anisocratic gradient of 100% B for 20 min at a flow rate of 2.5mL/min. Fractions (one per minute) were collected using a Gil-son FC 203B fraction collector. The resulting fractions werepooled to give seven samples (pool 1 included fractions 1–10,pool 2 included fractions 11–20, pool 3 included fractions 21–30,pool 4 included fractions 31–40, pool 5 included fractions 41–50,pool 6 included fractions 51–60, and pool 7 included fractions61–80). The seven pooled fractions were concentrated undervacuum and dissolved in 50 µL of ethanol/chloroform (5:2) priorto testing for inflammatory activity using the RAW264.7 cellsin vitro assay.

RNA extraction and RT-QPCR

Tissue samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at−80°C. RNA was extracted using Trizol (Invitrogen) accordingto the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA was first treated withRNase-free DNase I using the DNA-free kit (Ambion) to removeall genomic DNA. Then the RNA was reverse-transcribed intofirst-strand cDNA using the SuperScript First-Strand SynthesisSystem (Invitrogen). RT-QPCR (SYBR Green) analyses of the

PPAR� loss causes ‘toxic milk’


cDNA were performed using an Applied Biosystems 7700 se-quence Detection System. Primer sequences are available onrequest. Each reaction was performed in triplicate or quadrupli-cate in a 384-well format. The expression of each gene wasnormalized to L19 or �-actin expression.

Tissue protein extraction and Western blot

Tissue samples were homogenized in RIPA buffer supple-mented with protease and phosphatase inhibitors. After cen-trifugation, the clear homogenate was collected. Protein con-centration was determined using BCA Protein Assay Reagents(Pierce). For Western blot analyses, 15 µg of each tissue proteinextract were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitro-cellulose membrane. Primary antibodies anti-COX-1, anti-COX-2 (monoclonal and polyclonal), anti-PGT, and anti-12-LOwere from Cayman Chemicals. The anti-GATA3 antibody wasfrom Santa Cruz Biotechnologies. The anti-�-actin antibodywas from Sigma.

Affymetrix microarray analysis

Total RNA was isolated from the fourth inguinal mammaryglands of littermate gf/f or gf/fTie2cre mice on L4 or L10. Eachcondition was sampled in biological duplicates. RNA (5 µg) wassubjected to Affymetrix microarray gene expression profilingusing the Affymetrix Gene Chip Mouse Expression Set 430 2.0Aaccording to the procedures suggested by Affymetrix. This pro-tocol resulted in four measurements for each analyzed gene atL4 and L10; i.e., two measurements each for “L4 − cre” and“L4 + cre” and two each for “L10 − cre” and “L10 + cre.” Probehybridization and data scanning were performed by the Salkmicroarray core facility. Differentially expressed genes were as-signed by the MICROSUITE software for each possible pairwisecomparison. Genes differentially expressed in all four pairwisecomparisons between two −cre and two +cre samples were fil-tered by the BULLFROG analysis software.

Topical treatment

Nulliparous female littermate mice (10 wk old) were bred towild-type C57BL/6J male mice in individual cages. Litter sizeswere normalized to six pups on P2. The six pups were dividedinto two groups by ear punching. One group was topicallytreated by spreading 20 µL (P2–P14) or 50 µL (P15–P29) of aspirin(40 mg/mL or 222 mM in DMSO, Cayman Chemicals) withparafilm on dorsal skin daily, while the control group wastreated with an equal volume of DMSO.

LC-MS of tissue metabolomes

Dorsal skin samples were collected from pups after hair wasremoved with a clipper, snap frozen on dry ice, and stored at−80°C. Organic soluble metabolites were extracted with a 2:1:1CHCl3/MeOH/H2O solution and dounce homogenization. Eachsample was then centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 10 min at 4°C in aglass vial. After centrifugation, the organic (bottom) layer wascarefully removed and transferred to another vial and concen-trated under a stream of nitrogen. Samples were stored at −80°Cand dissolved in CHCl3 prior to analysis by LC-MS (Saghatelianet al. 2004). Untargeted LC-MS analysis was performed using anAgilent 1100 LC-MSD SL instrument under negative ionizationmode as previously described (Saghatelian et al. 2004). Datawere analyzed using the XCMS software for peak alignment andquantification (Smith et al. 2006). The peak ratio between +creand −cre samples (n = 18) provided a quantitative measurement

of the relative metabolite levels. To determine the molecularformula of unknown metabolites that were elevated in the +cresamples, the metabolite extracts from 15 samples were com-bined for a single LC purification as described (Saghatelian et al.2004). Fractions containing the m/z 271 metabolite were iden-tified by MS and used for exact mass analysis. The molecularformulas of several other metabolites were confirmed by exactmass measured with ESI-TOF to be within 5 parts per million(PPM) from the calculated mass.


We thank Drs. Dennis Volker (National Jewish Center for Im-munology and Respiratory Medicine), Anthony Oro (StanfordUniversity), Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), and PeggyNeville (University of Colorado Health Sciences Center) fortheir helpful discussion; Dr. Kaylee Schwertfeger (Baylor Col-lege of Medicine) for technical advice on mouse milk collection;Drs. Johan Jonker, Jun Sonoda, Ruth Yu, and Grant Barish (SalkInstitute) for discussion and critical reading of the manuscript;and Lita Ong and Sally Ganley for administrative assistance.R.M.E. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Insti-tute at the Salk Institute and March of Dimes Chair in Molecu-lar and Developmental Biology. Y.W. is supported by a post-doctoral fellowship from American Cancer Society (PF-03-081-01-TBE). This work was supported by the funding from HHMIand NIH (SCOR/HL569898 and DK57978).


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Wan et al.


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