maths study skills dfs-edc

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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Dr. Farhana Shaheen


Start each day with Bismillah!

Always pray to ALLAH!

How to study for your Exams?


Ques: 1. What are the MOST Important things for studies?

Ya’ani- You want to be really GOOD in studies. So- You need to ? a. b. c. d. e.

Ques: 1. What are the MOST Important things for studies?

Ya’ani- You want to be really GOOD in studies. So- You need to ? a. Take care of your BRAIN- b. c. d. e.

Most common mistakes that you make for your studies?

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Ques:2 When do you think, you should start studying for your Exams?

Ques: 2. When to start studying for your Exams?

Answer: From DAY-1 of each semester.

Let’s look at our daily routine-

We are going to discuss--- Some….


In your daily routine/// (as a student)

How many of you face this?/? Early morning?



Get enough sleep: For 6 to 8 hours

Do you know how much these are harming you?

What if you spent the time on studying- what you spend on Messaging?

Ques: 3. How to begin your day? For studies?

Like THIS??? OR----- Like This?/?

A Kind Advice:Make your morning- a really….

Take special care of your Brain

It is the most powerful organ of your body It sends messages- … to work actively

TIPS to Increase your MEMORY

A good breakfast- gives you a better start- Do u know???

Eating the right morning meal--- Can have a big impact on brainpower- Believe

me A good breakfast- gives you a better start Nuts, milk, and fresh fruit are great ways to

feed Brain-




They are Verrrrrrrrryyyyy Harmful-

ENERGY DRINK: Miracle Juice- ABC

In case you need an Energy drink--- Go for the "Miracle Juice ABC" The A stands for Apple- B for Beetroot- C is for Carrot, blend all- drink- and energize your Brain

Avoid Fast Foods-

And go for healthy food-

Switch on to Mc Apples---

---instead of Mc Donalds

Soooo--- Always keep an Apple with you

To eat as brunch-

Eat Dark chocolate- to improve your mood:

If you really need a quick mood-boost Then dark chocolate (1 ounce) is especially

effective your brain.

Dark chocolate stimulates the production of “endorphin”

A chemical in the brain- that improves mood- and makes you Happy and Fresh-

Drink chocolate milk every morning

Epi: a natural chemical-in Cocoa beans

A flavonoid found in cocoa beans--- Helps in the formation of long-term memory Epi: an edible, natural chemical--- Associated with neural performance and

memory--- is found in Cocoa beans, even in Green Tea.

GOD’s Pharmacy is Amazing

Remember to keep your body strong If you want the Brain to be healthy Instead of taking lots of pills (for sickness) Why don't you go for "Allah's Pharmacy"

Boost your intelligence and memory- Include these food items in your diet- 1. Whole grains- Whole grains slowly release glucose in the bloodstream which keeps you mentally alert and increases your concentration. 

2. Blueberries- They improve memory and delay short term memory loss.

3. Tomatoes- Tomatoes protects your brain cells from getting damaged.

4. Pumpkin seeds- Full of zinc, enhance memory and thinking capacity.

5. Broccoli- Packed with vitamin K, broccoli enhances cognitive function and improves brain power.

6. Nuts- A great source of vitamin E, nuts prevent cognitive decline in the elderly.

Go Berries--- and Nuts---

Berries of all sort are good for memory But top among all is Blueberry

All nuts, especially Walnuts, and Almonds. These brain foods work best for memory- (Walnuts help develop neuro-transmitters to

help Brain functions)

Studying whole night?

What do you do, if you have to study whole night?

Consuming Caffeine?

Adenosine is a chemical that the brain releases When the body needs to slow down nerve cell activity It is a natural sedative that reminds us-we need to rest

(or sleep)--- When we consume caffeine, it blocks adenosine--- ---and tricks the body, which is bad for your Brain- Caffeine in Coffee may make you feel awake But it can harm the brain a lot… … if consumed regularly

It happens sometimes?/?


This is how you end up with-

Increase your MEMORY by ROSEMARY

Do you plan to increase your MEMORY? Make daily habit of …. SNIFFING ROSEMARYRosemary has been associated with memory enhancementIt can also be seeped in hot water…. ….. to make tea. 

  In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” 

Dr. Farhana Shaheen


Maths is the QUEEN of all Sciences

Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do.

It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), arts, movies, engineering, and even sports.

How many of you think…..?

??? OR

Why is Math HARD?

Do you feel like---?/?

And….How many of you think…..?

What do we need to do? To Study MATHS- and get Good grades

NEVER start your morning without takingBreakfast.Do you know WHY?

While studying, esp. Maths-

Especially a piece of DARK CHOCOLATE-

Plan ahead for your studies:

Time Management-

Learning how to manage my time effectively is the only reason I am doing well in college. (A student)

Without time management, I would wind up with three assignments all due the next day and with no hope of getting all of them done. Doing that once or twice would probably not kill your grade. Doing it all the time, however, will eventually take its toll, especially as you get into higher level classes. The main point of this is to figure out what works best for you and stick with it. 

Afraid of Maths?

Why are so many of our students so mathematically afraid?

Why do so many of our children appear so distant and so disinterested in so many aspects of classroom mathematics?

Here are some of the reasons below:

Learning Math Issues:

1. Many students claim that there are too many mathematics formulas to remember. This can be a contributing factor to students' lack of interest in classroom mathematics.

What to do?


They enhance the storage and recall of information contained in the memory.

e.g. VIBGYOR: Violet; Indigo; Blue; Green; Yellow;

Orange; Red.

(Memory devices)

(Memory devices)

LIATE: Log; Inverse; Algebraic; Trigonometric; Exponents


PEMDAS 3/7- (2/5-8)^2

Remember FOIL Method?

Finding SLOPE of a line

Mnemonics- Example: To find slopes

For horizontal lines: Slope=0 Z for zero

For vertical lines: Slope is undefined N for No slope

Memorizing the formulas:

Use- Pascal’s Triangle

MATH Mnemonics- Example

Some People Have Curly Brown Hair Through Proper Brushing Now you look yourself on the Capital Letters 

Sin x = P/H Cos x = B/H Tan x = P/B

Is there any simple way to remember the Trigonometry formulas?

Go for Mental Maths- It sharpens your mind- and saves your time

Avoid using Calculator

Say Bye to Calculator- Go for mental Maths TRY THIS-


It sharpens your mind.

Mathematics is too difficult?

2. Many students claim that mathematics is too difficult and no matter how hard they try to succeed at mathematics they are always unsuccessful, therefore it does not make any sense trying. 

Give up???

Please remember:

You ONLY loose when you give up/// You loose when you Actually think it’s


Math is NOT Impossible- It just needs Hard work- Practice, and a Lot of

Practice. Sooooooooooooo…. Don’t give up.

Set your Goals-

You are the judge; YOU decide-

Disinterested in classroom Mathematics?

3. Students also claim that too much pressure from teachers cause them to  be disinterested in classroom mathematics.

Good study habits throughout the semester make it easier to study for tests.

So……. Start studying from DAY 1

Studying Math is Different from Studying Other Subjects

Math is learned by doing problems. Do the homework. The problems help you

learn the formulas and techniques you do need to know, as well as improve

your problem-solving prowess.


Maths is all by Practice---

Each problem has its own characteristics and it’s important to have solved it in numerous ways before tackling the exam. 

There is no escaping this reality, to do well in a Maths exam you need to have solved a LOT of mathematical problems beforehand. 

 Practice, Practice & More Practice

It is impossible to study Maths properly by just reading and listening. 

To study Maths you have to roll up your sleeves and actually solve some problems.  The more you practice answering Maths problems, the better. 

Mathematics is not a spectator sport

Actively watching your teacher solve mathematical problems does have educational benefits, but the most important advice is that you will learn mathematics by doing mathematics!


Do MATHS home work Regularly-

When you work problems on homework, write out complete solutions, as if you were taking a test. Don't just scratch out a few lines and check the answer in the back of the book. If your answer is not right, rework the problem; don't just do some mental gymnastics to convince yourself that you could get the correct answer. If you can't get the answer, get help.

The practice you get doing homework and reviewing will make test problems easier to tackle.

Avoid Procrastination?

  Importance of Assignments?/?

YANBU UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BACHELOR OF SCIENCEComputer Science & Engineering (CES)Semester – 151, Academic Year 2015/16 Calculus – I (MATH 101) Section –

 Student Name:________________________________________ Student ID: __________________ Total Marks: 15 Marks Obtained: _________Instructor: Dr. Farhana Shaheen Date: 15/09/2015

Pace your Assignments:

Get an entire homework assignment done in one sitting?

Learn how to pace your assignments – do a few problems here, another few there.

That way, when it is the night before the assignment is due, you either already have it done or at least have most of the assignment done and it is not nearly as much of a time crunch to finish it on time.

Work and Reward

Choose your Best Time of Day to Study- Start out with the goal in mind- Like/// Complete Assignment?/Prepare for Quiz?/ Revise lectures?/ Work on other Projects?/ Then--- Set Amount of Time for Relaxation

Prepare Quick Review Notes-

To go through the night before the Exam. Based on the important formulas/ Mnemonics Highlights, etc.


The only thing you need to do is to do your Math problem correctly and within time, and you can do this only by using shortcut tricks.


While taking notes-

Highlight the basic concepts, and main formulas.

Make a list of important rules. This will help you- To prepare for your Final Exams.

4. Understand your Doubts

Sometimes you can get stuck trying to solve part of a maths problem and find it difficult to move on to the next stage. 

It’s common for many students to skip this question and continue on to the next. You should avoid doing this and instead spend time trying to understand the process of solving the problem.

Once you have grasped an understanding of the initial problem, you can use this as a stepping stone to progress to the remainder of the question.


Attend class every day and take complete notes. Instructors formulate test questions based on material and examples covered in class as well as on those in the text.

DON'T:  Skip class, Arrive late, or Leave early.

Did you ever feel like???

DON'T …..  Cram for tests

Cramming  means "to study with determination“ .It is the practice of working intensively to absorb large volumes of informational material in short amounts of time. It is often done by students in preparation for upcoming exams, especially at the last minute. 

DON'T   Cram for tests

Cramming is often discouraged by educators because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor long-term retention of material, a phenomenon often referred to as spacing effect.

Study regularly and constantly. Review for tests. If you need to learn the material as you are reviewing for a test, it is too late.

Cramming and Multitasking-

Cramming is a study technique that has been used for decades for anything from short quizzes to finals.

While cramming might be an easy option for the BUSY  student, it actually harms your retention of knowledge and grades.

Studying whole night?

The worst effect of cramming

In a study done at UCLA, researchers determined the worst effect of cramming is the lack of sleep students subsequently get.

The longer you put off studying, the less time your body will have to rest before a test, ultimately exhausting your brain and lowering your chances of doing well on an exam.

And you end up with-

The worst effect of cramming is the lack of sleep students subsequently get?

A word of encouragement:

You're always reviewing previous material as you do new material. Many of the ideas hang together.

Identifying and learning the key concepts means you don't have to memorize as much.

A word of warning:

Each class builds on the previous ones, all semester long. You must keep up with the Instructor:

Attend class, read the text and do homework every day.

Falling a day behind puts you at a disadvantage. Falling a week behind puts you in deep trouble.

Not all five fingers are alike:

Active Study vs. Passive Study

Be actively involved in managing the learning process, the mathematics and your study time:

Take responsibility for studying, recognizing what you do and don't know, and knowing how to get your Instructor to help you with what you don't know.


Be an active participant in the classroom. Get ahead in the book; try to work some of the

problems that are covered in class. Anticipate what the Instructor's next step will


Ask questions in class!

There are usually other students wanting to know the answers to the same questions you have.

Use the Resources You Have Available

Ask questions in class. You get help and stay actively involved in the class.

Visit the Instructor's Office Hours. Instructors like to see students who want to help themselves.

Go to the Math Help Sessions or other tutoring sessions on campus.


Utilize your free hours:

Go to your teacher in the office hours to solve your problems and ask questions.

The Instructor will be pleased to see that you are interested, and you will be actively helping yourself.

Do you know?

Teachers take interest in students- who take interest in their subjects-

Form a study group

 Meet once or twice a week (also use the phone). Go over problems you've had trouble with. Either someone else in the group will help you, or you will discover you're all stuck on the same problems. Then it's time to get help from your Instructor.

The more challenging the material, the more time you should spend on it.

Seek help from your classmates

Ask friends, members of your study group, or anyone else who can help. The classmate who explains something to you learns just as much as you do, for he/she must think carefully about how to explain the particular concept or solution in a clear way.

So don't be reluctant to ask a classmate.

Apply Maths to Real World Problems

Apply Maths to Real World Problems

As much as possible, try to apply real-world problems when approaching Maths. 

Maths can be very abstract sometimes so looking for a practical application can help change your perspective and assimilate ideas differently.

Probability, for example, can be used in everyday life to predict the outcome of something happening and determine whether you want to take a risk such as if you should buy a lottery ticket or gamble.


Share your knowledge with your fellow classmates.

Try to remember “BASIC MATHS CONCEPTS”. Know the “Basic Maths Shortcut Tricks”.

Do’s & Don’ts---

You need to know how Fast n Quick/ Efficiently you can do your Maths.

Efficiency comes from practicing maths more and more.

But if you want to do your Math problems faster than others, then you need to know MATH Short Tricks.


Square and Square Root Tricks Cube and Cube root Tricks BODMAS Rules Fraction Tricks Knowing Basic Maths

Want to Sharpen your mind?/?

Go Matheletics…

Check Maths Websites///

Most important thing in competitive Exam

We all know that the most important thing in competitive Exam is Mathematics.

If you need a good score in Exam, then you HAVE to score good in Mathematics.

You can get good score Only by practicing more and more.

ALWAYS Remember---

NOTHING is difficult--- Only…… IF YOU KNOW HOW

Don’t Give up-



Be Confident-

Many students find mathematics difficult because they “believe” they cannot solve the exercises or understand the material, even before they begin.

Approach mathematics and mathematical work with confidence and a positive attitude – you can do it!

Be Confident- Trust Allah!

Don’t forget that it’s also important to have confidence in yourself and face the exam knowing that you have prepared properly!

Always Remember: Nothing is difficult, only if you know HOW///

Thank You-

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