max bupa proposal form

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form



    Heartbeat Health Insurance Policy Proposal Form

    Please fill up this form in CAPITAL LETTERS for yourself and each proposed insured person.

     1. Proposer Details



    City District

    Current Address

    Permanent Address

    City District

    State Pin code

    Address for Communication  Permanent Current

    (Mandatory for premium above Rupees one lac)PAN No.

    Marital Status Single Married Divorced Widow(er) Separated

    Bank Details:

    Bank Name


    IFSC Code


    Account Type CurrentSavings

    Annual Gross Income (in Rs.)

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

    If salaried, specify designation

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student Housewife Others

    Highest Educational Qualification  Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate

      Post Graduate Professional Course


    E-mail ID

    State Pin code

    Account Number

    Phone No. STD Code Mobile No.Landline No.

    (atleast one of landline and mobile number should be provided)

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    1. Plan details

    Policy Type Individual Family Floater Family First

    If Family Floater, number of persons to be covered 1 Adult + 1 Child 1Adult + 2 Children 1 Adult + 3 Children1Adult + 4 Children 2 Adults 2 Adults + 1 Child

      2 Adults + 2 Children 2 Adults + 3 Children 2Adults + 4 Children If Family First, number of person to be covered Adults__________ Children __________ Please tick/fill the relevant boxes.


    4. Details of Persons Proposed to be Insured

    3. Sum Assured (in Rupees)

      2 Lacs 3 Lacs 5 Lacs 7.5 Lacs 10 Lacs 15 Lacs 20 Lacs 50 Lacs15 Lacs 20 Lacs 50 Lacs 1Cr

    3.1 Individual/Family


    Silver Gold Platinum

    Please tick the relevant boxes.

    3.2 Family First:

    Silver  Individual Base Sum Insured  Rs.1Lac Rs.2Lacs Rs.3Lacs Rs.4Lacs Rs.5Lacs

      Floater Sum Insured  Rs.3Lacs Rs.4Lacs Rs.5Lacs Rs.10Lacs Rs.15Lacs

    Gold  Individual Base Sum Insured  Rs.1Lac Rs.2Lacs Rs.3Lacs Rs.4Lacs Rs.5Lacs

    Rs.10Lacs Rs.15Lacs

    Floater Sum Insured  Rs.3Lacs Rs.4Lacs Rs.5Lacs Rs.10Lacs Rs.15Lacs

      Rs.20Lacs Rs.30Lacs Rs.50Lacs

    Platinum  Individual Base Sum Insured  Rs.5Lacs Rs.10Lacs Rs.15Lacs

    Floater Sum Insured  Rs.15Lacs Rs.20Lacs Rs.30Lacs Rs.50Lacs

    2. Proposed policy term1 year 2 year

    Coverage Selection: Section I

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d   I   n

       s  u   r   e    d

    Permanent Address

    Current Address ( ) same as permanent address

    City District

    State Pincode

    City District

    State Pincode

    Address for eldest person proposed to be insured

    Address for Communication Permanent Current

    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u

       r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d   I   n

       s  u   r   e    d


  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e


       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d   I   n

       s  u   r   e    d


  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    Note: Premium is for individual age bands and 3 geographical zones.  If you need more space please use extra sheets.

    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d


    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d

       1   0

    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d

       1   1

    Title Name

    Gender  Male Female Height (cm) Weight (kg) Date of Birth 

    Relationship with Proposer  Self Spouse Son Daughter Daughter-in-law Father Mother Son-in-law

      Father-in-law Mother-in-law Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Granddaughter Others(Please specify)______


    Highest Educational Qualification Lesser than matriculation Matriculation Graduate Post Graduate Professional Course

    Occupation  Salaried Self employed Student House wife Others

    If salaried, specify designation

    If self employed, specify business/occupation

       P   r   o   p   o   s   e    d

       I   n   s  u   r   e    d

       1   2

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    If you have answered yes in response to any of the questions in section 6, please give full details here. If you need more space please use

    extra sheets. If you are unsure whether any details are relevant, please include them.

    7. Additional Information

    Name ofProposedInsured


    fromsection 6(MedicalHistory)

    Please specify asaccurately as possiblethe symptoms or the

    medical condition.Where applicable,

    please state the areaof the body affected

    (e.g. right leg, left eye).

    When did thesymptoms start

    and/or when wasthe treatment


    What treatmentdid you receive and

    when (please includedates of treatmentand any medication


    What was the outcome ofthe treatment (e.g. ongoing,complete recovery, recurrent

    or likely to recur)?

    Note: In addition to the above, We may have additional questions for you or may ask you to undergo medical tests to complete your full medical assessment

    1) Within the last 2

    years, have you

    consulted a doctor

    or a healthcare


    2) Within the last 7

    years, have you

    been to a hospital

    for an operation

    and/or an

    investigation (e.g.

    scan, x-ray, biopsy

    or blood tests)?

    3) Do you take

    tablets, medicines

    or drugs on a

    regular basis?

    4) Within the last 3

    months have you

    experienced any

    health problems or

    medical conditions

    which you/proposed

    insured person

    have/has not seen a

    doctor for?

    Yes No



    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 1


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 2


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 3


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 4


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 5


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 6


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 7


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 8


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 9


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 10


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 11


    Yes No

    ProposedInsured 12




    In order for Us to service you fully, please answer the questions below accurately to the best of your knowledge. Please ensure that you are

    fully informed about the standard waiting periods and permanent exclusions that apply to the Max Bupa Health Insurance Policies.

    6. Medical History

    In the event of the death of the proposer any payment due under the policy shall become payable to the nominee proposed in the form and

    the receipt of the proceeds by such nominee would be sufficient discharge to the Company. Nominee for all other persons proposed to be

    insured shall be the proposer himself/herself. The following section is to be filled by the proposer:

    Nominee Name Relationship with Proposer Address of Nominee

    5. Nomination

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    The following are the permanent exclusions under the Policy. For further details on the exclusions, please refer to the terms and conditions ofthe Policy.

    Addictive conditions and disorders; Ageing and puberty; Artificial life maintenance; Circumcision; Conflict and disaster; Congenital conditions; Convalescenceand Rehabilitation; Cosmetic surgery; Dental/oral treatment; Drugs and dressings for OPD Treatment or take-home use; Experimental treatment; Eyesight;Health hydros, nature cure, wellness clinics etc; Hereditary conditions (specified); HIV and AIDS; Items of personal comfort and convenience; AlternativeTreatment (except for Consultation and Diagnostic Tests for Platinum policy holders only); Obesity; Out-patient Treatment; Psychiatric and PsychosomaticConditions ; Reproductive medicine - Birth control & Assisted reproduction; Self-inflicted injuries; Sexual problems and gender issues; Sexually transmitteddiseases; Sleep disorders; Speech disorders; Treatment for developmental problems; Treatment received outside India (except for treatment undertakenunder “Emergency Medical Evacuation and hospitalization (for platinum Policyholders only)” or “Specified Illness cover for treatment abroad (For PlatinumPolicyholders only)” of the Policy document); Unlawful Activity; Unrecognised physician or Hospital, Genetic disorders; any other such permanent exclusionsas may be specified in the Schedule.

    For all Insured Persons who are above 60 years of age as on the date of commencement of the first Policy Period, the conditions listed below will be subjectto a waiting period of 24 months and will be covered in the third Policy Year as long as the Insured Person has been insured continuously under the Policywithout any break.

    Stones in the urinary system (example kidney/bladder) • Stones in billiary system (example gall stones) •  Cataract •  Benign prostatic hypertrophy • Mennerghia fibroinyoma, uterine prolapse including any condition requiring hysterectomy • Piles (Haemorrhoids) • Hernia (inguinal/umbilical and gastric) • Degenerative disorders of knee/hip • Chronic renal failure or end stage renal failure • Retinopathy • Diabetes and related treatments

    If any Insured Person is 65 years of age or over on the date of commencement of the Policy, then max Co-payment would be applicable in accordance withthe table provided below, if any Insured Person is 65 years of age or over on the date of commencement of the current Policy Year, then it is agreed thatWe will pay the percentage provided in the table below of the amount We assess for payment or reimbursement in respect of any claim made by thatInsured Person and the balance will be borne by the Insured Person.


    Co-payment contribution table

    No. of Years of Continuous renewal at or later than the age of 65 years Percentage of any assessed claim amount payable by Us

    0 yr 80%1yr 85%

    2 yr 90%

    3 yr 95%

    4 yr or more 100%

    There could be certain declined risks as per the underwriting norms of the Company.

    Based on our assessment of your health some conditions may have waiting periods or exclusions applicable to any/all of the

    Proposed Insured.

    Optional Coverage Selection: Section II

    1. Deductible or Co-Payment 

    a. Cost Sharing option(Available only for Silver SI options of Individual and Family Floater Plans):

    By choosing one of the cost sharing options below you can get the corresponding discount in your premium calculations for this policy,

      i. 1 Lac annual aggregate deductible. ii. 2 Lacs annual aggregate deductible. iii. 3 Lacs annual aggregate deductible.

      Deductible option Premium Discount percentage You can choose only one option marking “Yes”

      1 Lac annual aggregate deductible. 25%

    2 Lacs annual aggregate deductible. 33%

    3 Lacs annual aggregate deductible. 45%

      b. Optional Co-payment for insured persons younger than 65 years: By choosing one of the two co-payment option below you can avail areduction in the premium of this policy. This option is only available for policies where none of the proposed insured persons are 65 years

    or older.

    Co-payment and discount option Premium Discount You can choose only one option marking “Yes”

    10% co-payment for all claims that you submit to Us. 10%

    20% co-payment for all claims that you submit to Us. 20%

    2. Enhanced geographical coverage for

    a. Emergency Medical Evacuation and Hospitalization benefit and

    b. Specified Illness treatment abroad benefit.Platinum customers with sum insured of 15 lacs, 20 lacs, 50 Lacs, 1 Cr or with Family First option can enhance their coverage for the above 2benefits, to include pre-authorized treatment in US and Canada as well, by paying additional premium.Would you like to include US and Canada in the covered geographic area for the above 2 benefits?

      Yes No3. Health Relationship Loyalty Program

    You can choose anyone from the below mentioned options of Health Relationship Loyalty Program if you renew the policy continuously without any break.

      Option 1: Loyalty Points worth 10% of last paid premium which can be redeemed against various products and services

    Option 2: 10% additional Sum Insured of expiring base Sum Insured upto a max of 50% of current base Sum Insured

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    5. Caution

    You are obliged to make a full and frank disclosure of all facts material to the assumption of risk in relation to you and every person proposed to

    be insured that would influence our decision to issue policy, or the terms on which it is issued and You must not misrepresent any information

    to Us. The obligation continues until the Policy is issued, and does not end with the submission of this proposal form. If therefore, there is any

    change in the information given herein or new information comes to light before the Policy is issued, then you must inform Us of the same in

    writing without delay. If there is insufficient space to provide additional information, whether as requested or otherwise, then please attach an

    extra sheet duly signed. If the disclosure obligations are breached then this may render any policy issued void.

    4. Renewal Payment Sign-up

    Payment of renewal premium of your health insurance policy can be made every year through continuing your existing ECS instructions

    with Us. Under this option, your policy can be renewed promptly, but subject to you completing all additional requirements of

    information and documentation as may be required by Max Bupa.

    Would you like to opt for the ECS renewal option at this stage?

    Yes No

    If you have chosen ‘Yes’ above please fill up the ECS Mandate form attached along with this form.

    2. Checklist of Documents

    3. Existing Insurance Details

    Is the proposer or any of the persons proposed to be insured already insured under or proposed for a health insurance policy for

    in-patient hospitalisation with Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited or any other insurance company.

    If yes, please indicate below the Policy/Application number(s). (Please mention the application number in case of a pending proposal)

    Since when have you been continuously insured (please provide the insurance history of atleast last 3 years for

    each proposed insured person if they have been continuously insured)

      Name Policy No. / Application No. Insured from (date) To (date) Sum Insured Claim details (if any)

    In addition to the information given above, please also submit to Us (as an annexure to this proposal form) all the policy documentsrelating to the existing policy in order to avail the portability benefit from your existing insurance policy.

    3. Existing Insurance Details

    a. ID Proof   Passport PAN Card Voter ID Driving License Letter from Recognised Public Authority Others

    b. Age Proof School/College Leaving Certificate Passport PAN Card Voter ID

    Driving License Letter from Recognised Public Authority Others

    Family Physician’s Name

    1. Family Physician’s Details


    City District

    State Pin code

    General Selection: Section III

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form



    Proposal Form No. Date

    We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your proposal and amount by Cash/Cheque/Demand Draft/ Others ________________________ of

    amount of Rs. ___________________________ dated ___________________________ drawn on ____________________________ .Neither the submission to Us of a completed proposal for insurance nor any payment for any policy sought obliges Us to agree to issue a policy,which decision is and always shall be in our sole and absolute discretion. If We accept a proposal for insurance, it shall be subject to the policyterms and conditions and We shall have no liability whatsoever if premium is not received by Us in full and in time or is not realized. If We do notaccept the proposal, We will inform you and refund the payment, if any, received from you without interest.

    Signature of the receiver and office seal

    8. Vernacular Declaration

    I hereby declare that I have fully explained the contents of the proposal form and all other documents incidental to availing the health insurance

    from Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited to the Proposer in the language understood by him/her. The same have been fully

    understood by him/her and the replies have been recorded as per the information provided by the Proposer. Replies have been read out to, fully

    understood and confirmed by the Proposer.

    Declarant’s Name:


    City Pin Code

    Signature of declarant: Signature of applicant in vernacular:

    7. Declaration

    I/We hereby declare, on my behalf and on behalf of all persons proposed to be insured, that the above statements, answers and/or particulars

    given by me are true and complete in all respects to the best of my knowledge and that I/We am/are authorized to propose on behalf of these

    other persons.



    Signature of the Proposer

    Name of Proposer

    6. Authorisation (Please read carefully and put a check mark against each before signing)

      I understand that the information provided by me will form the basis of the insurance policy, is subject to the Board approved underwriting

    policy of the insurance company and that the policy will come into force only after full receipt of the premium chargeable.

      I/We further declare that I/We will notify in writing any change occurring in the occupation or general health of the life to be insured/proposer

    after the proposal has been submitted but before communication of the risk acceptance by the company.

      I/We declare and consent to the company seeking medical information from any doctor or from a hospital who at anytime has attended on

    the life to be insured/proposer or from any past or present employer concerning anything which affects the physical or mental health of the life

    to be assured/proposer and seeking information from any insurance company to which an application for insurance on the life to be

    assured/proposer has been made for the purpose of underwriting the proposal and/or claim settlement.

      I/We authorize the company to share information pertaining to my proposal including the medical records for the sole purpose of proposal

    underwriting and/or claims settlement and with any Government and/or Regulatory authority.

    I consent to and authorize any of Company’s authorized representatives not being direct employees of the Company to seek medical

    information required for the purpose of policy issuance or claim settlement under this policy from any hospital/medical practitioner that I or any

    person proposed to be insured/insured has attended or may attend in future concerning any disease or illness or injury.

    Authorization for electronic policy fulfillment and service communications

      I hereby consent that the policy documents may be sent to me by email at _______________________________(Please provide us your e-mail id)

      I hereby consent to and authorize Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited( “ Company”) to make welcome calls, service calls or any other

    communication (electronic or otherwise) with respect to the proposed or existing policy of the Company from time to time.

    Dated Signature of the Proposer

    Place Name of Proposer

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    Processed By Date Approved By Date

    Customer ID


    STATUTORY WARNING AS PER SECTION 41 OF THE INSURANCE ACT 1938 PROHIBITION OF REBATESPayment of rebates is expressly prohibited under Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938.1. No person shall allow or offer to allow either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in

    respect of any kind or risk relating to lives or property in India any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of thepremium shown on the policy nor shall any person taking out or continuing a policy accept any rebate except such rebate as may be allowed inaccordance with the prospectus or tables of the Insurer.

    2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this Section shall be punishable with fine, which may extend to five hundred rupees.

    Bank Name/Branch

    Max Bupa Branch Location Code No.

    Business Sourced By: Advisor/DST/Corporate Agency/Other Channels Code No.

    Name Code No.

    Premium Payment Details:

    Amount Date

    Credit Card (16 digit no)Cheque/DD No.Cash

    For Office Use Only

    Proposal Received On: Date

    Date : Signature of the Insurance Advisor

    Insurance Advisor’s Report

    1. Name of the Proposer

    2. Are you related to the Proposer? Yes No

    3. If yes, nature of relationship?

    4. Is this a proposal form for yourself? Yes No

    5. Since when do you know the Proposer? Years Months

    6. Are you satisfied with the identity of the Proposer? Yes No

    7. Does the Proposer have any physical deformity/defect or mental retardation? Yes No

    8. Have you explained the exclusions of the policy and has the Proposer personally completed the health declaration? Yes No

    9. What is the Proposer’s state of health at the time of making of this proposal form?

    10. Do you recommend acceptance of this proposal form considering all the factors, including moral hazard? Yes No

    Additional Details for Bancassurance Channel only

    Branch Code SP Code RM/LG Code

    Customer Account No

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    Max Bupa Health Insurance Company LimitedCorporate Office: Block B1/I-2, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi -110044.

    Registered Office: Max House, 1, Dr. Jha Marg, Okhla, New Delhi -

    ‘Max’ and Max Logo are registered trademarks of Max India Limited. ‘Bupa’ and the HEARTBEAT logo are the registered service marks of The British United ProvidentAssociation Limited. All these marks are being used under license by Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation

    Neither the submission to us of a completed proposal for insurance nor any payment for any policy sought obliges us to agree to issue a policy,

    which decision is and always shall be in our sole and absolute discretion. If we accept a proposal for insurance, it shall be subject to the policy

    terms and conditions and we shall have no liability whatsoever if premium is not received by us in full and in time, or is not realised.

    If we do not accept the proposal, we will inform you and refund payment, if any, received from you, without interest.

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    This page is not a part of the proposal form. In case you want to take the option ofpaying renewal premium through ECS, then you are requested to fill up this ECS form.

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


    Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation . Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited. IRDA Registrationnumber 145. 'Max', 'Max logo', 'Bupa' and HEARTBEAT logo are trademarks of their respective owners and are beingused by Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited under license.

    Key Feature Document


    Max Bupa is dedicated towards being fair and transparent with its customers. This document summarizes key features and major exclusions in yourpolicy. Please read it carefully to understand your policy better.

    Room Rent/Hospital Accommodation:  Indicates the level of room rent a patient is eligible for.

      Silver Plan Gold Plan Platinum Plan

      Heartbeat Individual Shared Room or 1% of Single Private Room No Limit  and Floater the Sum Insured

    It is important to note that the total claim amount is deducted if room rent opted is more than the eligibility. For e.g. If the room rent limit in policyfor an insured is Rs.3000/day, you can opts for Rs.6000/day room and the total hospitalisation bill is Rs.50,000/- then we shall pay reasonable andcustomary charges i.e. equivalent of cost of same treatment incurred in Rs.3000/- room rent in the same/equivalent hospital on our network.

    Pre Existing Disease (P.E.D): Any condition/illness/injury which the insured person has suffered from before issuance of policy is classified asP.E.D. Claims with respect to P.E.D are not payable till the completion of waiting period i.e. 48 months (in case of silver plan) / 24 months (in case ofgold/platinum plan) since inception of the policy and continuous renewal.

    International Medical treatment and Assistance: Emergency medical evacuation and Specified Illness treatment abroad are covered inplatinum plans only. This benefit is applicable worldwide excluding USA and Canada. USA and Canada may be included by paying additionalapplicable premium.

    Maternity:  Medical expenses for Maternity and all pregnancy related complications are payable post a waiting period of 24 months afterinception of the policy and subject to continuous renewals as per plan eligibility. Both Husband and Wife should be covered under the same policyto avail maternity benefit.

    Pre and Post hospitalisation expenses: Expenses incurred 30 days prior to hospitalisation and 60 days post hospitalisation are payable onlyif hospitalisation is accepted for claim payment under the policy. If we have accepted the In-patient claim with a co-payment, then co-payment shallbe applicable for pre and post hospitalisation treatment as well.

    Out Patient Benefits: OPD benefits are available in platinum plan only as per plan eligibility.

    Optional Co-Payment: Customers less than 65 yrs age have an option to choose either a 10% or 20% co-payment to avail discount on premium.No co-payment shall be applicable below the age of 65 unless this option is specifically chosen.

    Compulsory Reducing Co-Payment above the age of 65 Yrs:  Reducing co-payment starts at 20% and reduces by 5% for each continuousyear of cover. For e.g. if a customer has a continues coverage of 3 years prior to his/her commencement of 65th yrs of age, then the co-paymentapplicable at the age of 65 yrs shall be 5% and 66th year of age onwards co-payment shall be nil.

    Specific waiting period: For all Insured Persons who are above 60 years of age as on the date of commencement of the first Policy Period, 11listed illnesses (such as Piles, Hernia, Degenerative disorders of knee/hip and Retinopathy) are subject to a waiting period of 24 months.

    Portability Benefits: Waiver of waiting period(s) is provided to the extent of period and Sum Insured already covered continuously and withouta break with any previous Indian retail health insurance policy as Insured.

    Rise in Premium with age: your health insurance premium will increase gradually every year as insured person(s) age increases.

    Health Relationship Loyalty Program: The customer has an option to choose at commencement or renewal of the policy, between loyaltypoints or enhancement of sum insured (S.I). The loyalty benefit shall be passed on if the Policy is renewed without any break. Switching from S.Ienhancement to Loyalty point option cannot be done.

    Health Check-up: Max Bupa will cover the cost of a health checkup every year in case of Gold/Platinum plan and once in two years in case ofsilver plan.

    Member addition/deletion: Any addition or deletion of the member(s) in the policy can be done only at the time of renewal.Free Look Provision: If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the policy, you may cancel the policy stating reasons within 15 days ofreceipt of the policy document provided no claim(s) have been made. Premium shall be refunded post deducting charges for medical checkup,stamp duty and proportionate risk premium for the period on cover. The free look provision is not applicable at the time of Renewal of the Policy.


    Date: __________________ Signature of Proposer: _______________ 

    Place: __________________ Name of Proposer: _________________

  • 8/19/2019 Max Bupa Proposal Form


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