may 2012 newsletter

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May 2012 Newsletter


Page –1– May 2012

counting our blessings ! ! !The annual Mt. Meeker Society Dinner was held on Sunday, March 11th. We were pleased to honor the unique

contributions of six individuals and two congregations:Ron and Sarah Baxa

Walt and Mary Ruth DuncanConnie Hauser

Cathy and Jim MonkmanLola Jane Shepherd

Janet and Matthew WalworthFirst Presbyterian Church; Kimball, NEFirst Presbyterian Church; Littleton, CO

Guests enjoyed a fantastic buffet prepared by Stuart Hilgenberg and the Highlands kitchen staff. We enjoyed music provided by the Timnath Presbyterian Church Choir. The Mt. Meeker Society honors donors who annually give $1000 or more to Highlands. It was a fun afternoon of counting our blessings!

Page –2– May 2012

Dear Friends,

Our days at Highlands this spring have been filled with many unexpected things. As we prepared to celebrate Dave Strom’s 30th anniversary at Highlands, Dave began chemotherapy treatments. On his Caring Bridge

journal, Sue and Dave share this . . .

Welcome to our roller coaster life. There is just no other way to describe it. Since the beginning of the year, Dave has spent many days at Longmont United Hospital over the course of four visits. He has been there because of his inability to fight infection, caused by chemotherapy induced neutropenia. He has not worked since early January and is due to go on disability at the end of April.

At the moment, he is on self-induced house arrest. The thought of catching some kind of bug (which the rest of us could easily fight off) and ending up back in the hospital is something we dread (but think about constantly). We are able to do IVs for antibiotics and nutritional supplements at home, which is a really big help and we see the doctors weekly. Basically we are in a holding pattern, waiting for his immune system to come back. In the meantime, he is on a ton of drugs to keep infection at bay, trying to gain some weight back and then and only then can we think about treating the cancer again.

Right now, there is nothing we need except your prayers for his white count to go up, his ability to gain back weight and for the strength for both of us to endure what is before us with grace and thanksgiving. God is good. Always.

Dave has been on medical leave from Highlands since late January, and is now on long-term disability. If you’d like to keep up with Dave and Sue, please check out their journal at

Dave’s ministry here has spanned 30 years and many, many different tasks . . . but Dave has always been a faithful steward of this beautiful place. Over those same 30 years, Sue has offered a ministry of hospitality and leadership here at Highlands. We are grateful to Dave and Sue for their service and ministry; and we continue to hold them both in our prayers daily.

Many of us could not imagine Highlands without Dave Strom. In February, we began looking for an Acting Facilities Director, and it is a joy to say that God has provided. In late February, Michael Hanratty joined our staff. Michael brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, a servant’s heart and joyful spirit. These spring months have been filled with minor and major crises and learning the ins and outs of the Highlands facility. We are grateful to have Michael join our staff. You can reach Michael via email at I’m also grateful to many volunteers and members of the Operations Sub-Committee who have stepped up to help in this transition! Our Spring Work Day will be Saturday, May 19th, and we could certainly use your help as we get ready for summer!

This spring, we also welcomed Darrel Beaty to our staff as our Registrar. If you are registering youth for camp, you will enjoy getting to know Darrel. Darrel can be reached via email at

On the Saturday before Easter, I also received news that Laura Richard had been involved in a life-threatening motorcycle accident. Laura served as our Registrar for many years and also served as Office

Coordinator and as a Housekeeper. It is expected that Laura will be in ICU for 4-6 weeks, and that her recovery will take many months. Please continue to hold Laura and her husband, Paul, in your prayers. For updates on Laura, please check the Highlands’ Facebook page at

In the midst of all this, we are preparing for summer! We are excited about the outstanding team of summer staff who are already counting the days until they arrive! In early June, we look forward to celebrating the marriage of Brian Leisher, our Summer Camp Director, and Myriah LaChance. Myriah has been a camper and counselor at Highlands, and this summer will be our Registration Assistant. We are also looking forward to the dedication of the Ken Husband Memorial Zip Line. I hope you’ll join us for this event on Saturday, June 9th. We’ll be offering free rides on the Zip Line all day! This summer, youth age 14 and older, will get to enjoy this spectacular addition to the activities at Highlands.

As we prepare for summer, I hope that you are busy inviting folks to come to Highlands. This year, I have over $33,000 to provide scholarships for campers. You can help by making sure that the children and youth you love are registered for camp. We can help with the cost wherever needed. . . . please help us bring kids to camp! Highlands is also a great place to hold your family reunion . . . if you’re not coming this year, be sure to book now for 2013!

Friends, I hope that you will continue to hold the staff and ministry of Highlands in your prayers! We know that God is in our midst and in our ministry! We know that God is sustaining us and we remember, as Sue Strom reminds us . . . God is good! Always!

Grace and Peace,

Maria Shupe, Executive Director

Page –3– May 2012

financial update

The Highlands Committee has adopted a balanced budget of $1,366,186.55 with an additional

$113,000 in debt reduction for 2012. The first quarter of the year has brought unusual expenses in maintenance as we cover the first three months of Dave’s medical leave while bringing on additional staff. We have also had unbudgeted expenses for repairs and services as we learn the ins and outs of our facilities and Water and Waste Water plants. The Highlands staff continues to closely monitor expenses and revenue. Revenue generated by guest groups is currently projected to be $60,000 over budget, while we will see some reductions in program revenue.

The Development Committee is encouraging donors to give unrestricted gifts to Highlands early in the year. These gifts will help to even out seasonal cash flow and summer start up expenses. We are grateful to both the Presbytery of Denver and the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks for their support. We are also delighted that the Synod of the Rocky Mountains is providing funds to help underwrite a portion of our Partnership Day Camp Program. We are also grateful to generous congregations and individuals who provide support for the ministry of Highlands . . . your support makes all the difference!

a note from the highlands committee moderatorDear Friends of Highlands,

Do you remember your summer camp days? Many adults have long and very meaningful responses to this question. Their stories of lives opened to the world’s beauty; to lasting friendships; to experiences in

independence; and often to the questions and answers of life in God, make a listener want summer camp experiences for the children and teens they know and love. Well, we have these experiences waiting at Highlands. Registration is underway. To give your child memories for a lifetime, just go to to sign up. Scholarships are available and questions can be answered at 303-747-2888. We look forward to hearing from you!

In Christ, SandyProuty,HighlandsCommitteeModerator

Saturday, May 19th9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Join us as we repair and paint fencing, do trail maintenance, wash windows, open cabins and do many projects to be sure we are ready for the summer! This special event will give you the opportunity to meet and work with Michael Hanratty, Acting Facilities Director.

Let us know if you are planning to come, and we’ll make lunch!R.S.V.P. by calling 303-747-2888 or email

ken husbands memorial

zip line dedication

Saturday, June 9thDedication Service at 10 a.m.

We’ll be offering free rides all day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. R.S.V.P. by calling 303-747-2888

or email

Page –4– May 2012

2012 highlands summer camp scheduleWeek 1

June 10 - 15 Middle School Camp 6th - 8th $410

June 10 - 15 Senior High Adventure 9th - 12th $555

June 10 - 15 Rough Riders 6th - 8th $600

June 10 - 13 Mother/Daughter Ages 5 - 12 $260 / $225

June 13 - 15 Father/Son Ages 5 - 12 $240 / $205

June 10 - 15 RSIT (Riding Staff in Training) 11th - 12th $325

Week 2

June 17 - 20 3rd Grade Camp 3rd $270

June 20 - 22 Buddy and Me Ages 5 - 12 $240 / $205

June 17 - 22 4th/5th Grade Camp 4th - 5th $410

June 17 - 22 Trailbusters 7th - 9th $600

June 17 - 22 Middle School Adventure 6th - 8th $535

June 17 - 22 ASIT (Adventure Staff in Training) 11th - 12th $325

June 17 - 22 RSIT 11th - 12th $325

Week 3

June 24 - 29 Senior High Camp 9th - 12th $410

June 24 - 29 Middle School Adventure 6th - 8th $535

June 24 - 29 Trailbusters 7th - 9th $600

June 24 - 27 Grandparent/Grandchild Ages 6 - 8 $260 / $225

June 27 - 29 3rd/4th Grade Camp 3rd - 4th $250

June 24 - 29 RSIT 11th - 12th $325

June 24 - 29 ASIT 11th - 12th $325

highlands 2012 summer camp curriculum“The Secrets of the Kingdom, The Parables of Jesus"

Storytelling is as ancient as human communication. From writing on the walls of caves to oral tradition,

to written words, to campfires and dinner tables—stories are how we pass on the meaning and beauty of our history. Stories make us laugh or cry. They make us more aware. They help us understand. They illuminate any shadowy spots in our lives. Jesus used stories to teach his disciples—and us—about what it means to live in his kingdom. The stories are called parables. In “Secrets of the Kingdom,” campers look to the Master Storyteller, Jesus himself, to discover five different parables and their meanings for our lives today.

Secret #1: We Are the Soil Mark 4:1–9, 4:13–20Campers hear the parable of the sower and consider

how open we are to receive and respond to God’s Word at camp.

Secret #2: We Can Ask Boldly Luke 11:5–10Campers hear the parable of a friend in need and

discover that when we earnestly seek love and grace from God we will receive. Likewise, we are called to provide love and grace to others.

Secret #3: God Is Generous Matthew 20:1–16Campers explore the parable of the workers in the

vineyard and discover that God’s grace is not determined by anything we do, but through God’s love alone.

Secret #4: God Treasures Us Luke 15:1–10Campers explore the parables of the lost sheep and lost

coin and discover that no matter how far we have strayed, God always cares for us and will always look for us; because every one of us is precious to God.

Secret #5: God Plants Us in the World Matthew 13:31–35Campers hear the parables of the mustard seed and the

yeast and learn that God can use our smallest acts to grow the kingdom.

“Summer Camp Schedule” ~ Continued on Page 5

Page –5– May 2012

Fourth of July Family Vacation

July 3 - 5 Family Vacation (Retreat Center) Family $400 / $270 / $85

July 3 - 5 Family Vacation (Cabin) Family $225 / $110 / $85

Week 4

July 1 - 4 Rough Riders 6th - 8th $405

July 1 - 4 Middle School Camp 6th - 8th $300

July 1 - 4 Intro to Adventure Camp 6th - 8th $390

July 1 - 4 Grandparent/Grandchild Ages 5 - 12 $260 / $225

July 1 - 4 3rd/4th Grade Camp 3rd - 4th $270

July 1 - 4 RSIT 11th - 12th $260

July 1 - 4 ASIT 11th - 12th $260

Week 5

July 8 - 13 Night Owl Camp 6th - 8th $410

July 8 - 13 Senior High Adventure 9th - 12th $555

July 8 - 13 Trailbusters 7th - 9th $600

July 8 - 11 3rd Grade Camp 3rd $270July 11 - 13 Grandparent/Grandchild Ages 5 - 7 $240 / $205

July 8 - 13 RSIT 11th - 12th $325

Week 6

July 15 - 20 Middle School Adventure 6th - 8th $535

July 15 - 20 Trailbusters 7th - 9th $600

July 15 - 18 Buddy and Me Ages 5 - 12 $260 / $225

July 18 - 20 3rd Grade 3rd $250

July 15 - 20 Senior High MAD 9th - 12th $410

July 15 - 20 4th/5th Grade Camp 4th - 5th $410

July 15 - 20 RSIT 11th - 12th $325

July 15 - 20 ASIT 11th - 12th $325

Week 7

July 22 - 27 5th/6th Grade Camp 5th - 6th $410

July 22 - 27 Senior High Trailblazers 9th - 12th $640

July 22 - 27 Middle School MAD 6th - 8th $410

July 22 - 27 Middle School Adventure 6th - 8th $535

July 22 - 25 Grandparent/Grandchild Ages 8 - 10 $260 / $225

July 25 - 27 Mother/Daughter Ages 5 - 8 $240 / $205

July 22 - 27 ASIT 11th - 12th $325

Week 8

July 29 - Aug 3 Saddle Soars 9th - 12th $660

Register online now at

“Summer Camp Schedule” ~ Continued from Page 4

Page –6– May 2012

2012 partnership day camp

This summer, a $10,000 grant from the Synod of the Rocky Mountains will help to underwrite our Partnership Day Camps in both the Presbytery of Denver and the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks. Please keep our staff and

congregations in your prayers as we minister together to children and youth in these communities.

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church: June 10 — 15, 2012Strasburg&BennettPresbyterianChurches:June17—22,2012

Arvada Presbyterian Church: June 24 — 29, 2012Peoples Presbyterian of Denver: July 1 – 3, 2012 (short-week mini-camp)

Presbyterian Church of Kimball: July 8 — 13, 2012Weldon Valley Presbyterian Church: July 15 — 20, 2012LightMemorialPresbyterianChurch:July22—27,2012

add some zip to your stay at highlands

Whether you are a non-profit, a government agency, a church, or a school group, Highlands has plenty of versatile meeting space, wonderful food, and friendly staff ready to meet your needs. Highlands also has

many programs that can easily enhance your stay and give your group something it can't get anywhere else. Here are some of those programs and how they can benefit your group:

Challenge Course: Our 22 element challenge course ranks among the best in the Front Range. Allow our experienced staff to guide your group in team-building exercises, while you have fun and are challenged in exciting experiential methods. Time spent on the Challenge Course can provide a valuable experience in trust, communication, and teamwork for any group. Please inform us of any group needs or concerns, and we will tailor your experience specifically for your group. In the winter, allow our staff to lead you with indoor team-building activities.

Zip line: Taking the challenge course to the next level. Participants build courage and self-confidence as they step off from the shoulder of Bear Rock and glide over 1000 feet across the meadow to a landing on the adjacent hillside. New this summer, be among the first to zip across the meadow!

Rock Climbing: The Boulder County Rock Club has deemed our climbing rock the best teaching rock in Boulder County. Our experienced climbing instructors will help you achieve the highest heights at our climbing rock.

Canoeing: Paddle together or race across the Highlands canoe pond. Whether soaking up the sun or racing, while on water or shoreline, our certified waterfront staff will be with you to ensure safety and fun on this great body of water!

Archery: While visiting our scenic archery range, you will be taught the basic knowledge and safety skills of this age-old sport. We can arrange for instruction and/or an archery tournament for your retreat group!

seeing is believing

If you don’t have a camper here this summer, I’d love to invite you to join us for one of our “Seeing is Believing” summer celebrations. On Friday evenings, June 29th, July 13th, 20th or 27th we’ll meet at 4:00

p.m. and join the closing picnic and worship celebration for Summer Camp. If you want to see the difference your gift makes in the life of young people, there’s no better place to do it than on a Friday night at Summer Camp Closing. If you’d like to come, please email! We’d love for you to be here!

Call Kathy or email to add some adventure to your next stay at Highlands!



list . . .

• Baker Scaffolding (to fit through doorways for use in building maintenance and repair)

• Long Twin and Queen Quilts for use on beds in the Retreat Center

• Small Counter Top Microwaves for use by guests in our cabins with kitchens

• Hand crafted quilts and items for the 2012 Christmas Party and Auction to be held December 1, 2012.

Ashley-Anne Masters is a pastor, chaplain, author and theologian in Chicago, IL. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and received her Master of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. She is co-author of “Bless Her Heart: Life as a Young Clergy Woman" and has published work in "These Days Devotional Guide” and online at Church Health Reader and Busted Halo. Ashley-Anne will be our keynote speaker for this event.

Important Information

Early Registration Cost: $120/participant (before Oct 10th)

Late Registration Cost: $135/participant (after Oct 10th)

Registration Deadline: October 22, 2012

the senior high retreat

November 2-4, 2012"DARE TO DREAM"

"Iwillpouroutmyspiritonallflesh;yoursonsandyourdaughtersshallprophesy,yourold men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit." Joel 2: 28-29

In a world filled with disappointments at every step. . .Do we as followers of Jesus, “Dare to Dream?” How does the Gospel make a difference in our

lives? How does the hope of the Gospel change everything?Come away to Highlands this November to explore these questions through worship, Bible

Study, great keynotes, games, fellowship, and fun.

plan your 2013 family reunion at highlands

Social networks are great, but there’s nothing like getting the family together to get back in touch, share stories, play together, and reconnect in person. Highlands is already taking reservations for next summer, and we’d love

to host your reunion, anniversary or birthday milestone, or destination wedding in our family-friendly Rocky Mountain setting. Families can enjoy hearty meals, retreat center and/or cabin lodging, and activities such as canoeing, archery, rock climbing, hiking and nature trails on site or in the National Park and forest service lands, nearby horseback riding or even a trip down our new zip line.

To book your 2013 Family Reunion please contact Kathy at

Page –8– May 2012

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For more information about Highlands Presbyterian Camp &

Retreat Center Contact303-747-2888 u

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MISSIONThe mission of Highlands is

to provide gracious hospitality and quality Christian programs inamajesticmountainsetting

and to nurture spiritual renewal and transformation in a safe and inclusive environment.

Please go to to subscribe or email with your request to receive you

newsletter via email. Follow us on Facebook at for upcoming events and current news.

what’s inside:

Counting Our Blessings!!! ................................................................1Executive Director’s Letter ...............................................................2Financial Update ...............................................................................3A Note From the Highlands Committee Moderator ...................3Ken Husbands Memorial Zip Line Dedication ............................3Spring Work Day ..............................................................................3Highlands 2012 Summer Camp Curriculum ................................42012 Highlands Summer Camp Schedule ..................................4-52012 Partnership Day Camp ............................................................6Add Some Zip to Your Stay at Highlands .....................................6Seeing is Believing ............................................................................6The Senior High Retreat ...................................................................7Plan Your 2013 Family Reunion at Highlands ..............................7Wish List .............................................................................................7

In Memoriam

Laura Nancy Kuehn Richard 5 October 1960 - 27 April 2012

So who was Laura? The simple statement is that Laura loved people and people loved Laura. She always had a smile and laughed very easily. Laura and her husband,

Paul, met at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter MN and have lived in Florida, Germany, Colorado, and New Mexico. As many of you know, Laura was an amazing correspondent and continued to send birthday cards and holiday greetings to people all around the world. Laura was also a much loved face at Highlands; serving from February 2005 to May 2011 as a registrar, housekeeper, office coordinator, newsletter proofreader, and bread painter!

Memorial Services

June 16 Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church, Estes Park CO Evergreen Lutheran Church, Evergreen CO Details to be posted at To honor Laura, consider a donation to:

Wild Animal Sanctuary, Keenesburg, CO

Laura loved going to the Wild Animal Sanctuary and over the years Laura and Paul have adopted a tiger and a leopard. Laura always looked forward to the letters telling her how her animal was doing.

Susan G Komen for the Cure

Laura's sister had breast cancer and Paul’s mother died from breast cancer. Laura and Paul feel this is a good organization to support.

Please don't send flowers.

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