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May 28, 2017 - Page

St. Barbara Catholic Church

Saint Barbara Catholic church

May 28, 2017 - Page 2

St. Barbara Catholic Church

May 27 — June 2, 2017


8:00 AM Aurelio Nillo† RIP

4:00 PM Theresa Tran Thi Nhiem † RIP

5:30 PM Arneo Felix Estiandan † RIP

7:00 PM Margarita NguyenT BachTu†RIP

8:30 PM All Souls† RIP


6:30 AM Phero† RIP

8:00 AM Maria Toma Cam Vinh TX

9:30 AM Pete Perez† RIP

11:00 AM Maria & Micae † RIP

12:45 PM Laura Hernandez SI

4:00 PM Mrs. Thao SI

5:30 PM Mr &Mrs. Bui Viet Can SI

7:00 PM Maria Dozal † RIP


6:30 AM Xinh Chau SI

8:15 AM German Carranco † RIP


8:15 AM Phanxico Xavie Jack Phan † RIP

5:30 PM Maria† RIP

7:00 PM Benjamin Vargas † RIP


6:30 AM Maria† RIP

8:15 AM Jesus Cuevas del Rio † RIP


6:30 AM Giuse Doan Van Cuong † RIP

8:15 AM Andre & Anna & Martha † RIP


8:15 AM All Souls† RIP

5:30 PM Matthew & Maria † RIP

7:00 PM All Soul † RIP


Your financial contribution for the weeks of

May 20– May 21, 2017


Your weekly support is used to sustain the ministries and ongoing operating needs of

our parish.


First Reading -- Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:1-11). Psalm -- God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47). Second Reading -- May the Father of glory give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1:17-23). Gospel -- Jesus instructs the Eleven to baptize and teach people of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20).

SHARE THE HOPE The readings for today's celebration of the Ascension of the Lord once again remind us that as Christians we are people of hope. In the second reading Saint Paul eloquently exhorts the Ephesians to enlighten their hearts so that they will know the hope and glory that come from being people who place their trust in the Lord Jesus. In the story of the Ascension, re-counted in the first reading, the Lord Jesus assures the disciples that the Holy Spirit's power will come upon them. Finally, in the Gospel, the Lord lets the disciples know that their mission is to spread the

hope of the gospel to all the nations. This wonderful feast keeps our eyes focused on the hope in which we were grounded on the day of our baptism.


Sunday: The Ascension of the Lord; World Communications Day Monday: Memorial Day Tuesday: Shavuot ("Weeks"), the Jewish festival of the giving of the Law, begins at sunset Wednesday: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday: St. Justin Friday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter; First Friday Saturday: St. Charles Lwanga and Companions; First Saturday

May 28, 2017 - Page 3

St. Barbara Catholic Church

Cristo Alfaro, Flora Saragosa, Jorge Martinez, Vera Leon, Rose Brown-ing, Victor Sanchez, Nguyen Charlene, Maria Nguyen Thi Son, Rodrigo Castro, Edna Gutierrez, Catherine Wisdom.

Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shouldered the burden of our weakness and borne our sufferings in your own passion and death. Hear this pray-er for our sick brothers and sister whom you have re-deemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation and sustain them in body and soul, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Phanxico Xavie Jack Phan, Maria Ngu-yen Thi Thin, Giuse Nguyen Van Xung, Travis Huismans, Andre Nguyen Toan Hieu, Maria Phiane Kenvisay, Dominico Binh Le, Maria Dao Thi Don, Rosario Silvas, Maria Pham Thi Tam, Maria Quach Thi Luong, Jose Asencion Torres, John Truong Nhi Bac.

God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cry of your people: hear the prayers we offer for our depart-ed brothers and sisters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the fullness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Anthony’s Faith Formation Corner

The Ascension in Light of the Paschal Mystery

All of our liturgical celebrations revolve around the paschal mys-tery, which is the central mystery of our Christian faith. In a word, it is about the death and resurrection of Jesus. In his book The Holy Longing, the Canadian spiritual author Ronald Rolheiser discusses at great length the feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost in terms of the paschal mys-tery. On this Solemnity of the Ascension, I would like to borrow some ide-as from Fr. Rolheiser for our reflection… In a few distinct moments within the paschal cycle, one can find Good Friday, Easter Sunday, the 40-day period leading to Ascension, Ascension, and finally Pentecost. This con-crete example from Fr. Rolheiser can very well illustrate the pattern of the paschal mystery: The story is about a 47-year old Canadian man who worked in a grocery store. Since childhood he dreamed of becoming a hockey super-

star. He was a good player himself in his teenage years: but at age 22, he eventually realized that he was not good enough to make it to the pro. Life went on: he got married and had four beautiful children, having a decent job at the store. Overall life was good for him. But somehow he was not happy because he was still living that impossible dream… One Sunday at mass, his daughter was the reader. And later the priest talked about how the body of Jesus went up into heaven. That was an eye-opening moment for him: he realized that he had to let go of his long-time dream and let it ascend like the body of Jesus; and that he was miserable all this time because he still tried to cling on to his dream. Examining this man’s story in terms of the paschal mystery, we see that he had experienced Good Friday (or paschal death) at age 22: the death of his dream. Like the body of Jesus, that dream was crucified. But not all was lost. He also experienced his Easter Sunday: a good marriage/family and a decent job. What he needed was to undergo his Ascension and Pentecost. It took him 25 years to finally be able to let go of the dream. Once he was able to let his dream “ascend,” like the body of Jesus, into heaven, he finally was able to receive new life. That man has undergone the paschal mystery: dying, rising, and receiving the new spirit… We are constantly undergoing changes in life. We die a thousand deaths: death of our youth and good looks, death of our wholeness, death of a relationship, death of a dream, death of a certain conception, etc. Like Mary Magda-lene and like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus who did not recognize the risen Lord though he had died only a few days ago (because they were still clinging on to his former self/reality so much so that they were not able to recog-nize his new/exalted reality), we tend to “cling” on to what was lost—whether it be a dream or whatever—and find it dif-ficult to accept the current reality. What we need to do is to let go; to let the old thing ascend, just like to the body of Jesus. It may not be an easy task: the Canadian man in the story above needed a good 25 years to let go of his dream and finally achieve his Ascension! Whatever it is, we know that just like that grain of wheat, unless we die and die again, we cannot experience new life: “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it produces much fruit” (John 12:24).

May 28, 2017 - Page 4

St. Barbara Catholic Church

St. Barbara ‘s News

On Saturday and Sunday June 3-4, we will have members of the Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA) team collect your pledges for the 2017 PSA outside of our church. We will also distribute the PSA mugs at this time as a small token for your generosity. We deeply appreciate your generous support and sacrifices. May God reward you abundantly.

Chúng ta sẽ có nhân viên của Giáo Xứ nhận tiền đóng góp cho Quỹ Mục Vụ 2017 vào Thứ Bảy và Chúa Nhật ngày 3 và 4 tháng 6, 2017 ở ngoài Thánh đường sau mỗi Thánh Lễ. Nhân dịp này, Giáo Xứ sẽ phát ly kỷ niệm cho những người đóng góp $300 trở lên. Xin Thiên Chúa chúc lành và trả công bội hậu cho Quý vị.

PSA 2017 Pastoral Services Appeal


Do you have an answer to the suffer-ings in your life? Do you want to discover a way to deep-en your faith? THE CHURCH HAS AN ANSWER FOR YOU!

Bạn đã có câu trả lời cho những vấn nạn Đau khổ trong đời sống không? Giáo Hội có câu trả lời cho bạn! Chúa Giêsu Yêu bạn! mời bạn đến lắng nghe!

Catequesis se empieza! Tienes una respuesta a el sufrimiento? Quieres descubrir el Amor de Dios? Ven y Escucha!

Every Monday and Thursday in Room 2-7, @ 7:30 pm. Begins/ Comienza / Bắt đầu : Monday, May 1st, 2017 (714) 775-7733 or (714) 510-6324

St. Anne Church & School Festival 1344 S. Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92707

All are invited to support St. Anne Church and School this weekend from Friday, May 26th-Sunday, May 28th for their yearly festival. They will have delicious food, thrilling rides, high-value raffle prizes and great musi-cal entertainment which include: Los Cadetes de Lina-res, Los Pasteles Verdes, La Sonora Santanera, Los Terrícolas, Los Ángeles Negros y Vilma Díaz y Su Sono-ra. The raffle includes 10 wonderful prizes; the grand prize being a 2017 Toyota Camry. The raffle ticket price is $5 and can be purchased in their Church Office or during their Festival Weekend. For more information, please visit their website: or call them at (714) 835-7434

Saturday, May 27, 2017

1. Trinh Vu & Paul Vu 2. Hanh Ngoc Thi Nguyen & Troy Peter Fucane

Saturday, June 3, 2017 1. Caroline Tran & Hoang John

Saturday, June 10, 2017

1. Stephanie Martinez & Ty Reese

McNeese 2. Dahlia Lopez & Danny Gutierrez

In Observance of Memorial Day, the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 29th. We will re-sume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 30th,2017.

God Bless America!

May 28, 2017 - Page 5

St. Barbara Catholic Church



Giải đáp ô chữ tuần trước 5/21/17

01. Yêu mến (Ga 14, 21) 02. Điều Răn (Ga 14,21) 03. Luôn mãi (Ga 14,16) 04. Mồ côi (Ga 14,18) 05. Thế gian (Ga 14,17) 06. Đấng Bảo Trợ (Ga 14,16) 07. Thế gian (Ga 14,19) 08. Thần Khí Sự Thật (Ga 14,17) 09. Chúa Cha (Ga 14,16) 10. Cha Thầy (Ga 14,20)

Hàng dọc : Yêu Mến Thầy

Chúa nhật tuần 7 PS –A LỄ CHÚA THĂNG THIÊN Mt 28,16-20

SỨ MẠNG NGƯỜI MÔN ĐỆ CHÚA “Anh em hãy đi và làm cho muôn dân trở thành môn đệ, làm phép rửa cho họ nhân danh Chúa Cha, Chúa Con và Chúa Thánh Thần.” (Mt 28,19)

Suy niệm: Trước khi lên trời, Chúa Phục Sinh hiện ra với các môn đệ trên một ngọn núi tại Ga-li-lê, Người đã trao cho các ông sứ mạng loan báo Tin Mừng Phục Sinh: “làm cho muôn dân trở thành môn đệ, làm phép rửa nhân danh Chúa Cha, Chúa Con và Chúa Thánh Thần”. Sau khi nhận Thần Khí của Chúa Phục Sinh, các môn đệ đã ra đi tới các miền Sa-ma-ri, An-ti-ô-khi-a, A-thê-na, và đến Rô-ma. Các ông đã làm chứng cho Đức Giê-su bằng việc sẵn sàng chịu chết vì danh Chúa: Phao-lô bị chém đầu, Phê-rô bị đóng đinh ngược trên thập giá. Các Tông đồ khác trừ Gio-an, đều được phúc tử vì đạo.

Mời Bạn: Ngày lãnh nhận bí tích Rửa Tội và Thêm Sức, chúng ta đón nhận sứ mạng rao giảng và làm chứng Tin Mừng Phục Sinh mọi nơi mình hiện diện. Nhờ các việc bác ái cụ thể được thực hiện trong sự khiêm tốn yêu thương vô vị lợi, mà Tin Mừng Phục Sinh sẽ tỏa sáng, giúp cho nhiều anh em lương dân nhận biết chúng ta thực là môn đệ Đức Giê-su và tôn vinh Thiên Chúa, Cha chúng ta ở trên trời.

Sống Lời Chúa: Bạn cùng với một người trong nhóm của bạn cầu nguyện và đồng thời, đi thăm một người bạn hoặc một gia đình lương dân sống trong khu xóm hoặc cùng làm việc với bạn.

Cầu nguyện: Lạy Chúa Giê-su, Chúa muốn các môn đệ xưa kia và chúng con hôm nay tiếp tục công trình cứu độ của Thiên Chúa, bằng việc loan báo và làm chứng Tin Mừng Phục Sinh với ơn trợ giúp của Chúa Thánh Thần. Xin giúp chúng con chu toàn sứ mạng ấy trong cuộc sống đời thường của chúng con.

Ðức Mẹ Ði Thăm Bà Isave Ngày 31 Tháng Năm Ngay sau biến cố truyền tin, Ðức Maria đã vội vã lên đường đi thăm chị họ mình là Elisabeth sắp tới ngày sinh. Thoạt khi nghe lời Maria chào, người con trong lòng bà đã nhảy mừng. Ðược Chúa Thánh Thần linh ứng, bà đã thốt lên: "Bởi đâu tôi được diễm phúc Mẹ Thiên Chúa đến thăm tôi... và phúc cho em vì em đã tin và lời Chúa phán

truyền cho em sẽ được ứng nghiệm". Trong lần gặp gỡ này, Ðức Trinh Nữ tràn ngập nỗi hân hoan,

đã đáp lời bằng ca khúc Magnificat, bài ca biểu lộ lòng biết ơn và tình yêu đối với Thiên Chúa, bài ca Người đã thầm hát trong lòng ngay từ giây phút thiên sứ báo tin.

Giáo Hội đã đặt ngày lễ hôm nay để kính nhớ cuộc hội ngộ đầu tiên của Ðấng Cứu Thế và vị Tiền Hô của ngài. Lễ này đã được thánh Bonaventura cổ vũ bên Tây phương, và đến năm 1389 được phổ biến trong toàn thể Giáo Hội.

Chúng ta hãy xin Ðức Mẹ ban cho chúng ta được tâm tình bác ái như ngài đã có trong cuộc viếng thăm và giúp đỡ bà Elisabeth.

Trích Tài Liệu Công giáo trong Vietnamese Missionaries in Taiwan


Giáo xứ St. Barbara xin chân thành cảm ơn chợ Saigon City-Market Place. Xin Chúa chúc lành cho công việc bác ái của quý vị và ban cho cơ sở thương mại của quý vị luôn tiến triển tốt đep.

Cũng xin mọi người tiếp tục giúp đỡ cho giáo xứ bằng cách đi chợ Saigon City và nói số code 77.

May 28, 2017 - Page 6

St. Barbara Catholic Church

Comunidad Hispana

Festival de la Iglesia y Escuela de Santa Ana 1344 S. Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92707

Todos están invitados a apoyar a la Iglesia y Escuela de Santa Ana en su festival anual el próximo fin de semana: Viernes, 26 de Mayo al Domingo, 28 de Ma-yo. Tendrán deliciosa comida, emocionantes juegos mecánicos, una rifa con premios de alto valor y varie-dad musical que incluye: Los Cadetes de Linares, Los Pasteles Verdes, La Sonora Santanera, Los Terrícolas, Los Ángeles Negros y Vilma Díaz y Su Sonora. Se rifa-ran 10 grandes premios, entre ellos un Toyota Camry del 2017. El costo por boleto de la rifa es de $5 y pue-den pasar a comprar sus boletos en a la Oficina de la Iglesia o durante el fin de semana del Festival. Para más información, visite su página de internet: o llame al (714) 835-7434.

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura -- Este Jesús que les han llevado volverá de la misma manera que ustedes lo han visto ir al cielo (Hechos 1:1-11). Salmo -- Entre voces de jubilo y trompetas, Dios el Señor asciende hasta su trono (Salmo 47 [46]). Segunda lectura -- Dios sentó a Jesús a su derecha en el reino de los cielos (Efesios 1:17-23). Evangelio -- Me ha sido dado todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra. Vayan, pues, y enseñen a todas las naciones (Mateo 28:16-20).

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: La Ascensión del Señor; Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones Sociales Lunes: Día de los Caídos Martes: Shavuot (observancia judía) comienza a la puesta del sol Miércoles: La Visitación de la Santísima Virgen María Jueves: San Justino Viernes: San Marcelino y san Pedro; Primer viernes Sábado: San Carlos Luanga y compañeros; Primer sábado

COMPARTE LA ESPERANZA Las lecturas de hoy para la celebración de la Ascensión del Señor una vez más nos recuerdan que los cristianos somos pueblo de esperanza. En la segunda lectura, san Pablo con elocuencia exhorta a los efesios a iluminar su mente para que puedan conocer la esperanza y la gloria que vienen de ser personas que ponen su confianza en el Señor Jesús. En el relato de la Ascensión, narrado en la primera lectura, el Señor Jesús asegura a los discípulos que el poder del Espíritu Santo vendrá sobre ellos. Final-mente, en el Evangelio, el Señor da a conocer a los discípulos que su misión es proclamar el Evangelio a todas las naciones. Esta maravillosa fiesta mantiene nuestros ojos enfocados en la esperanza en la que nos afianzamos desde el día de nuestro Bautismo.

PSA 2017 Campaña de Servicios Pastorales

El sábado 3 de Junio y el Domingo 4 de Junio, los miem-bros del comité del (PSA) estarán recolectando nuestras promesas, para el 2017 y estarán en el lugar de siempre, (al lado de la puerta de la sacristía). También se dis-tribuirán las tasas de recuerdo el programa como un agradecimiento a su generosidad. Su generosidad es muy agradecida, pues sabemos el sacrificio que esto representa. Que el Señor les pague abundantemente.

May 28, 2017 - Page 7

St. Barbara Catholic Church


St. Barbara Youth Ministry

*All events are in the Youth Room* For more Informa on please

contact us via: _ Instagram ID: _ Face-


•Youth Night: June 12th (6:30pm—9pn) •Bible Study: June 17th, 25th, 31st (7:30pm—9pm)

2017-2018 Registration:

July 15-16 & July 22-23

The work of a catechist is God’s work.

We need your

help to serve the Lord in our

youth and chil-dren, and we are willing to

train you. Contact Sr.

Grace Duc Le at 714-775-

9475 or 714sbff@

We will be making a trip on June 3rd to help the Cubans and Haitians as well as local homeless people in Tijuana.

June 2: come help us prepare food and

goodie bags from 5:00pm-8:00pm June 3: departure at 6am; return around

6pm If you would like to help us to be a part of

this act of charity, contact us at 714-775-9475 or

May 28, 2017 - Page 8

St. Barbara Catholic Church

ST. BARBARA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Open Arms. Open Minds. Open Hearts.


TK (Students must be 4 years old by Sept. 1) —8th Grade

A Great Catholic Education is Awaiting Your Child at St. Barbara Parish School! Go to Prospective Parents section or

call 714 775-9477 for more information about St. Barbara Parish School and how to apply!

3rd Graders went to sea, sea, sea to see what they could see, see, see! Mrs. Teller’s third grade visited Discovery Cube’s Ocean Front. Hands-on exploration and a boat trip

on the ocean blue were part of a day of marine life studies for science class.

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St. Barbara Catholic Church


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St. Barbara Catholic Church


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St. Barbara Catholic Church


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St. Barbara Catholic Church


Rev. Joseph Tuan Ngoc Pham 714-775-7733

Parochial Vicars

Rev. Joseph Thai Nguyen 714-775-7733

Rev. Anthony Hien Vu 714-775-7733

Rev. Ramon Cisneros 714-775-7733


Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen 714-965-0777

Dcn. Carlos Navarro 714-308-6706

Parish Office

Theresa Thanh Ta, Eng/Viet 714-775-7733 ext. 221

Faith Formation

Sr. Grace Duc Le, DFF & Confirmation 714-775-9475 ext. 238

Sr. Stella Le, CRE Vietnamese 714-775-9475 ext. 239

Sr. Lieu Nguyen,CRE & Confirmation Program714-775-9475

Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish 714-775-9475 ext. 242

Hang Nguyen, Secretary 714-775-9475 ext. 236

Kris Nghiem Tran, Youth Minister 714-775-9475

Adult Education (R.C.I.A.)

Jeanna Norlin–English 714-531-2566

Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen–Viet 714-965-0777

Elizabeth Hernandez–Spanish 714-567-1625

Homebound Eucharistic Ministers

Flora Schoonover–English 714-296-4754

Lupita Calvillo–Spanish 714-839-6820

Lien Do–Viet 714-858-3069

St. Barbara School

Melissa Baroldi, Principal 714-775-9477

Jody Rogers, Finances 714-775-9473

Parish Finance Office

Kim Bui 714-775-9420

Bulletin Editor & Facility Coordinator

Anna Nguyen ( 714-775-9417

Liturgical Celebrations †††

Weekend Eucharist

Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Vietnamese 5:30 PM English 7:00 PM Vietnamese

Neocatechumenal Way

7:00 PM English (in the Hall)

8:30 PM Spanish (in the Church)

8:45 PM Spanish (in the Hall)

Sunday 6:30 AM Vietnamese 8:00 AM English 9:30 AM English 11:00 AM Vietnamese 12:45 PM Spanish 4:00 PM Vietnamese 5:30 PM English 7:00 PM Spanish

Weekday Eucharist

Mon, Wed, Thu 6:30 AM Vietnamese 8:15 AM English Tue, Fri 8:15 AM English 5:30 PM Vietnamese 7:00 PM Spanish

Saturday 8:00 AM English


Celebrated monthly on Sundays at 2:15PM.

1st Sunday — Vietnamese

2nd Sunday — English

3rd Sunday — Spanish

We strongly urge parent/s to contact the rectory

for information during pregnancy or before plan-

ning the Baptism. An infant’s Baptism requires a

commitment of accepting certain religious and

spiritual responsibilities for the child by both

parents and godparents. The role of the parish

staff is to help assist you in making these commit-


Perpetual Adoration

7th day of each month

From 9AM–7AM next day


Registered parishioners should contact the rectory

for an appointment with one of the priests at least

six (6) months prior to marriage.


At the death of a loved one kindly notify the recto-

ry at your earliest convenience so the dates and

times for the Funeral Liturgy may be arranged.


Mon: 8:45 AM — 9:15 AM Eng

Tue: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet

Fri: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet

Anointing of the Sick

(657) 345-9245



Saturday, June 3, 2017 8:00AM - Fr. Ramon Cisneros

4:00 PM - Fr. Anthony Hien Vu

5:30 PM - Fr. Anthony Hien Vu

7:00 PM - Fr. Joseph Thai Nguyen

Sunday, June 4, 2017 6:30 AM - Fr. Joseph Thai Nguyen

8:00 AM - Fr. Tuan Pham

9:30 AM - Fr. Tuan Pham

11:00 AM - Fr. Anthony Hien Vu

12:45 PM - Fr. Ramon Cisneros

4:00 PM - Fr. Vu

5:30 PM - Fr. Anthony Hien Vu

7:00 PM - Fr. Ramon Cisneros

Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 7:30PM, Sat & Sun : Closed

730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467

Website :

Email: Viet Ads Rep : Thelu Bui 310-409-5836

May 28, 2017 - Page 13

St. Barbara Catholic Church

CHURCH NAME AND AĐRESS St. Barbara Church #094900 730 S. Euclid Street Santa Ana, CA 92704 TELEPHONE 714 775-7733 CONTACT PERSON Anna Nguyen EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 7:00 PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 28, 2017 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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St. Barbara Catholic Church

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