may 9, 2013 vip chapter program and meeting all telephone lines will be muted until we request that...

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May 9, 2013

VIP Chapter Program and Meeting

All telephone lines will be muted until we request that you un-mute them. Thank you. 2

Introduction of Tonight’s Speaker

Betty Lawler, CAPVice President

The Habit of Leading: First We Take Charge of Ourselves

Ulla de Stricker

The Habit of Leading: First we Take Charge of Ourselves

Ulla de Stricker


• What can we deduce from the vast number of books on leadership?

• Is it an innate trait or a learned behavior?

• What does it take to be a leader?

Common Stereotypes

• The concept of leadership is often attached to notions of charisma, glamor, power, etc

• In reality it has nothing to do with adoring crowds or high political office or senior positions in an organization

• Instead, it has everything to do with the decisions an individual makes

Sharing my Experience

• The lessons of experience are more powerful than any book

• My experience has shown me the “secret”:

• Putting one’s life in order is not selfish … why?

• Learning from others is not a sign of weakness … why?

Sharing my Experience

• Anchoring in our own selves and turning our strengths into benefit for the organization (and colleagues) is the foundation

• What rings true for me personally? … is the best guide

• What can I do?

Sharing my Experience

• I became a “leader” because I could not help myself:

• Throughout my career, I offered to assist colleagues over and above my job, served in association roles, wrote articles/books, and spoke at conferences

• The result:

Sharing my Experience

• You won’t remember me, but …

• As a result of your talk, I …

• You were a defining moment in my career …

It Just Became a Habit

• The reputation as a leader came about simply because I followed my instincts

• That is why it felt comfortable all along

• Ulla’s recipe:

Three Simple Steps: Background

• If the first is successful, the rest come easily

• Steps are not sequential, rather reinforcing and repeating

Step 1: Taking Ownership

• I am the leader in my own life, and I set my boundaries

• I am not responsible for others’ actions … I am for mine

• No one can stop me from resolving what my goals are

• Stuff happens … but I resolve not to be a victim

Examples (1)

• Are there areas where you might feel you do not live your own life because you hand it over to management by the “committee of other people’s opinion”?

• Might you inadvertently have permitted others to hold power where you should hold it because you go along with others’ games?

Examples (2)

• I am in charge! I call the shots on …

• How I organize my time • How much effort I give to what situations• How much emotional energy I grant where• What standards I apply to myself (my appearance,

my home, my work product, etc)• What projects in my life have priority

Examples (3)

• Because I am in charge, I decide …

• I will get that certificate or degree• I am going to volunteer on that committee• I do ignore nonsense, manipulation, and guilt trips• I do reward decency, kindness, and respect

Step 2: Being Strong

• Once we own our own lives, we can begin to act from a position of surplus:

• I am grateful for the insights and knowledge I was given through experience

• I know clearly what I’m good at – so I can share it• My learning and growing never ends


• Being strong means we identify our strengths and build on them!

• Take time … before running off in all directions• Check with others whose opinions we trust• Perfect “our true and full selves”• Disregard areas not aligned with inner strength

(someone else can be good at what we find difficult)

“Designer Me”

• Having a clear image – or brand – for my key strengths allows me to focus:

• What reputation is desirable so I can share my strengths with others? (Yes I want to be famous … for what I “teach”!)

• Where do I need to polish and brush up?• How do I honor myself for staying true to my “me”?

Step 3: Giving Gifts

• Once we have crystallized our “true me”, we can apply it

• From interpersonal caring to project entrepreneurship • Volunteering in the community• Stepping up to the plate in the association

• Find an area of giving that makes us proud and happy – we are “giving” for ourselves, not to live up to others’ expectations

Dealing with Doubt

• It is all too easy to see barriers:

• What makes me think I can be as good as Susan? • Won’t they think I’m pushy?• What if I stumble?

Dealing with Doubt - LATER

• Accept that we all have doubts from time to time … and promise the doubt “I’ll get back to you”

• Why don’t I just tell Susan I’ll take on that volunteer task and see what happens next?

• If anyone thinks I’m pushy … is that my problem if I meet my standard of courtesy and respect?

• Should I “stumble” (did anyone even notice?) … then what is the worst that could happen?

• I’m Scarlett O’Hara: Tomorrow I worry about what it looked like, tonight I dance!

Leaning on Others

• Why not consider a barter if someone else “has it” and I want it?

• What could I do for you in return for your sharing with me how you …

• If you would show me … then I’ll take are of …• If we were to … together, then I’ll pass it on to …

• Think of it this way: Perhaps he or she just needs to be asked!


• What actions on the part of others have impressed you?

• Was there a time you hesitated … and regretted it later?

• If you could do it over … what would you do differently?

• How did it feel when you did stick your neck out?


• Sure, I’m a Sagittarius … they are very outgoing, eh?

• In university I would have laughed off the idea of becoming a professional leader

• But once I got my professional footing, I just performed steps 1,2,3 … over and over!

It May not Feel Natural

• But such poise is a requirement!

The Information and Knowledge Professional’sCareer Handbook: Define and create your success

Ulla de Stricker and Jill Hurst-Wahl

Thank You!

Access to articles and KM blog at 36


Debra R. Leonard-PorchVIP Chapter Nominating Committee Chair 37

2013-2014 VIP Chapter Officer Candidates

Candidate Summary of Qualifications

Romanita L. Ross, is a Regional Marketing Specialist for the Midwest Marketing Department at Microsoft Corporation. She joined IAAP in 2004 as a member of the PepsiCo Beverages and Foods Chapter and served in various officer positions.

Upon leaving PepsiCo, she joined CLSC and then transferred to the West Loop Chapter and served as President Elect and President until they disbanded, when she joined the VIP Chapter. Romanita is the Immediate Past Illinois Division Treasurer .

For the office of President 38

2013-2014 VIP Chapter Officer Candidates

Candidate Summary of Qualifications

Donna Corcoran –Fuchs, CAP, has 25 years of administrative professional as well as project management experience working in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently employed with ViroPharma Inc.

Donna joined IAAP and received her CAP designation in 2009.

For the office of Vice President 39

2013-2014 VIP Chapter Officer Candidates

For the office of Secretary

Candidate Summary of Qualifications

Kimberli House has worked for The Chicago Veterinary Specialty Group for the past 2.5 years. Prior to that she worked for the Anti-Cruelty Society for 1.5 years, and for the Steppenwolf Theatre Company for 2 years preceding that.

She joined IAAP in 2012 and is very excited about learning all she can about IAAP and thinks that taking on a leadership role in the VIP Chapter is the best way to learn! 40

2013-2014 VIP Chapter Officer Candidates

For the office of Treasurer

Candidate Summary of Qualifications

Dewoun M. Hayes, MAEd., CAP-OM, has been an office professional for over 15 years and currently works for The Prairie State College Foundation, and is a motivational speaker and Work/Life Coach.

She joined IAAP in 2005 as a member of the Chicago Lake Shore Chapter, where she has also served as their Chapter Secretary and Membership Committee Chairman.

Dewoun currently is the Immediate Past Illinois Division Secretary, and a member of the VIP Membership and APW/APD Committees. 41

What We’ve Done and How We’ll Vote

Section 3. Nominations and Election

A. The Committee on Nominations shall consist of a chairman and two members who shall be appointed by the president and approved by the membership at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting.

B. The Committee on Nominations shall submit a slate of one or more candidates for each office to the membership at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

C. Nominations may be made from the floor prior to the elections, and such nominated candidates shall be entered on the slate, provided they have consented to the nomination. Nominations from the floor must receive two seconds.

D. Officers shall be elected by ballot posted by electronic means, and votes shall be captured electronically via polls, surveys or other appropriate web tools. If there is one candidate for each office, the officers may then be elected viva-voce. Votes collected electronically will be held on record once the voting is completed.

E. If the voting results in no candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast on the first ballot, all but the two highest for such office shall be eliminated and the balloting continued. If the vote remains a tie after the second ballot, the election shall be determined by lot, the manner to be determined by the presiding officer.

F. A vacancy occurring among the officers-elect in the interim between the time of their election and prior to the time they take office shall be filled by a special election, said election to take place at the first meeting following creation of said vacancy. Nominations shall be made from the floor, and a majority vote of the eligible members present at said meeting shall be required for election, which shall be cast electronically. All provisions previously outlined shall prevail. 42

As a NEW IAAP Member, Have You Ever Wondered…?

What’s the big deal about IDAM or EFAM? Why is it so important to have elections annually? Why our meetings are called to ordered and adjourned by

the chapter president? Who, What, When and What the heck more seasoned

members are talking about?

Here’s your opportunity to have an open forum to have your questions answered and to find out things you didn’t even know,

you wanted to know… 43

As a NEW IAAP Member, Have You Ever Wondered…?

This meeting is not just for the new IAAP members, for any “seasoned” members who wish to attend – please contact me at and provide me with one of the following…

1. Your request for a one-on-one meeting with your availability,or

2. 2 dates/times that you are available to attend and participate in a webinar 44

IAAP Events

– Illinois Division Annual Meeting (IDAM) June 7-9, 2013 – Rolling Meadows, IL

– Education Forum & Annual Meeting (EFAM) July 27-31, 2013 – Anaheim, CA

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