mba brochure - university of exeter business school

Post on 12-May-2015






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3 Introduction

4 Meeting business needs

7 A unique Business School

8 Our partnership with WWF

11 Our environmental credentials

12 Why an MBA?

15 How is the One Planet MBA unique?

19 Our students

22 The One Planet MBA journey

37 Our teaching approach

38 Career development

41 The One Planet MBA Challenge

42 Full time and modular delivery

45 Entry requirements

45 Fees and scholarships

46 A stunning environment

46 Accommodation

48 Who to contact

49 How to find us

Front cover image:© Klein & Hubert / WWFsee page 25

Businesses that fail to recognise today that the planet’sresources are finite will be the failed businesses oftomorrow. The ground-breaking One Planet MBA willequip the coming generation of business leaders toconfront this reality by extending the boundaries oftraditional business education in a way that is trulyrelevant to the challenges of tomorrow.


Welcome to the future of MBAs

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93% of CEOs say thatsustainability will be criticalto the future success of their companies.UN Global Compact – Accenture CEO Study 2010

A unique MBA

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There is an urgent need to reshape the way we do business.Environmental, financial and social changes are challengingtraditional business models and we need a new generation ofmanagers and leaders who are capable of developing moresustainable business approaches. We have joined forces withWWF – one of theworld’s largest andmost respected conservationorganisations – to provide a unique MBA to meet this need.

Our One Planet MBA is designed to deliver the knowledge,understanding and skills required to run a successful andsustainable business in a rapidly changing natural, financial, socialand global market environment. Our MBA will develop ‘planet-minded’ individuals who have a deep understanding of thechallenges we face. Our MBA is global in outlook and you willlearn alongside managers from many different countries. We willdevelop your ability to innovate, to think and act strategically and to lead others and organisations through change. We placean emphasis on tools, techniques and practical application and we will inspire you to become masters of business action.

Many MBA programmes offer modules in corporate responsibilityand ethical management. Where the One Planet MBA differs isthat the core values of responsible management and sustainablebusiness run through the very heart of the programme, from thetopics covered to the learning and teaching style we adopt.

Join us and be the first of a new generation of business leaders.

Professor Richard LammingDEAN OF THE BUSINESS SCHOOL

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Exeter has an excellent reputation forthe quality of its teaching – particularlyin finance, accounting, entreprenureship,leadership, economics and operations.The new One Planet MBA is a greatexample of how Exeter is leading at thecutting edge of business education.


Hines is one of the world's leadingdevelopers of sustainable real estate. We need managers who are focused on business success but who alsounderstand the importance of energyefficiency, sustainable materials andgreen technology. The One Planet MBA at Exeter will be well ahead of the game in developing managers with such a mindset.


The One Planet MBA:meeting business needs

Business is now global – the commercial centre of Hong Kong.

Business survival and growth is about adapting dynamically to realities. Resources are finite, though the opposite assumption is embedded in much traditional businessthinking. The Institute of Directors enjoys a long-term partnership with the Universityof Exeter and is delighted that the One Planet MBA is putting the resource issuewhere it belongs. Change brings opportunity and entrepreneurs, and many willbenefit from the enlightened thinking that will flow from this programme.


A unique Business SchoolBusiness has been one of thecornerstones of the University ofExeter since it was founded. We offera wide range of business programmesfor undergraduate, postgraduate and executive students and clientsfrom all over the world. Our businessteaching is regarded as world-classand we are also recognisedinternationally for our research, which informs both our programmesand our consultancy with industry.Our reputation as a leading businessschool means we attract a very highcalibre of student – high achieving,highly focused individuals, looking for the highest quality of businesseducation. With students from 82countries, and staff from 18, we are a truly international businessschool.

We offer an unrivalled studentexperience with exceptional facilities,a stunning campus environment anda vibrant and friendly atmosphere.For the past five years the Universityof Exeter has been rated one of theUK’s top business schools for student

satisfaction. In the Times GoodUniversity Guide 2011, we wereranked in the Top 10 in the UK forevery subject we teach.

In addition to our top-flight faculty,the Business School maintainsexceptional links with industry,commerce and the professions. We are able to draw on an extensivenetwork of business leaders,management trainers and freelancespecialists who contribute regularly to our teaching and coachingprogrammes and who provide a continuous source of ideas,information and resources.

Now is a particularly exciting time to be joining us. We are enjoying a period of significant growth andinvestment in new facilities. This year we are investing £24m in new teaching, research and socialinteraction space, including world-class Harvard style lecturetheatres and conference rooms.

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Our partnershipwith WWFThe University of Exeter hascollaborated with WWF onsustainability training for businessleaders since 2007, when theUniversity began accrediting WWF'sOne Planet Leaders programme for top international executives.

The partnership with WWF offersimportant benefits when studying for an MBA. It helps to ensure theprogramme content is focused,relevant and informed by globalchallenges. WWF works closely with many large corporations around the world, including the Coca-Cola Company, HSBC, IKEA,

Lafarge, Marks & Spencer, Nokia and SABMiller. Our students willbecome part of a global network of like-minded business leaders and benefit directly from WWF’s resources and relationships.

WWF is the most far-reachingand effective environmentalorganisation in the world.Founded in 1961, it is currentlyspending nearly €370 million on conservation activities acrossthe globe. It has five millionsupporters and 5,000 staff,running more than 1,300 projects in over 100 countries.

We are really excited about this opportunity towork with a new generation of business leaderswho are ready to meet the global challengeshead-on and help to create a world with a future.


© Jürgen Freund / W


Great Barrier Reef andCoral Sea, Australia

In the face of massive, unprecedentedthreats to the natural world – especiallyclimate change and unsustainableresource management – WWF willfocus on truly global priorities which can achieve real and lasting change.

James P Leape, Director General, WWF International

e South West Moorings TestFacility buoy is part of a suite ofequipment helping to develop ourunderstanding of the dynamics of wave energy devices.

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Our environmental credentialsFor those who know the University ofExeter, it should be no surprise thatthe Business School is launching theOne Planet MBA. Exeter has agrowing reputation as a centre ofexcellence for cross-disciplinaryresearch on energy policy, climatechange, sustainable futures, ecology,conservation and renewable energy.

We have particular expertise inclimate change research. Over thenext three years, experts from theUniversity will play a high profile rolein creating what is set to be theworld’s most comprehensive reporton climate change. Seven expertsfrom the University have beenselected to take part in writing the5th Assessment Report (AR5) of theIntergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC). The University’sinvolvement in AR5 is second only inthe UK to the Met Office HadleyCentre (also based in Exeter), whichwas this year recognised as the

world’s top geosciences researchcentre by the Times Higher Education.Due to be published in 2014, AR5 willreview and assess the latest climatescience to give authoritative guidanceon the science of climate change, theimpact of changes to our climate, andhow we can adapt to or reduce theimpact. The document will guidegovernments and decision-makersacross the globe on policies to tackleclimate change.

We also endeavour to practice whatwe preach. As a university, in 2009we were awarded a First Class Awardfor environmental performance forthe second year running in the People& Planet Green League Table. We areone of the Top 10 UK universities tobe awarded the Carbon TrustStandard, and in 2010 we wereshortlisted for the Green GownAward for achievements in carbonmanagement.

I am delighted to see this new MBA programme being launched by one of the UK's top Universities. All organisations, from all sectors and fromSMEs to the major corporates urgently need to develop more sustainablebusiness models and strategies. The One Planet MBA is the first of its kind –delivering contemporary core business skills alongside the latest thinking on how to adapt, innovate and prosper within a low carbon economy.


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Why an MBA?An MBA is a qualification recognisedby employers all over the world. Itprovides the essential training forbusiness leadership. Whether studiedintensively over one year or viamodular learning, an MBA will helpdevelop managers into moreconfident, strategic, critical and global thinkers with the potential to lead change in a wide range oforganisations. An MBA will involvetraining in a broad range of businesssubjects – including finance,accounting, economics, strategy,marketing, operations, humanresources, information managementand entrepreneurship. Your MBAcolleagues will all have at least three years managerial experience and will come from many differentindustry sectors and backgrounds. This provides a rich learningexperience.

There are a number of specific benefitsof studying for an MBA:

Enhanced promotion and careerprospects. An MBA will provide youwith the knowledge and skills neededto compete successfully for moresenior management and leadershiproles. Employers recognise the value ofan MBA and promotion can bringsignificant rewards.

A complete change of role orsector. Some of our participants havecome to a cross-road in their careerand are looking for a complete change.They may be in a technical role (IT orProject Management for example) andwish to progress to a more strategicposition, or they may be working inthe public sector and looking totransfer to a more commercial role. An MBA is an excellent, and safe,environment in which to explore newbusiness and employment opportunities.

A time to consolidate, reflect andchange. For others, an MBA is anopportunity to take time out, reflectand update business knowledge orskills before pushing ahead with a newcareer. An MBA will certainly stretchmost participants and it is anopportunity to immerse yourself in astimulating learning environment withlike-minded colleagues and explore newways of thinking, managing and leading.

Networking. By mixing with studentsfrom many different industry sectorsand countries you will also makeexcellent business contacts anddiscover many new opportunities.After your MBA you will join aninternational alumni network and you will also be able to make use of theBusiness School’s excellent contactswith the corporate world.

The Exeter MBA has broadened my knowledgeallowing me to see each project in the contextof the business, bringing with it new ideas and best practices from various industries.Importantly, the Exeter MBA challengesbusiness conventions and hones the skills that enable candidates to question the statusquo, in order to find better, more innovativesolutions to business challenges.

Martin Bailey, MBA 2008

The role of insurers is to quantify and pricerisk effectively. In the face of new challengessuch as climate change, sickness epidemicsand environmental liability, we are takingsustainability issues increasingly seriously.Within our own business, and indeed in all businesses, we need managers whoreally understand the sustainabilityissues and can respond accordingly.

Richard Ward, CEO, Lloyd’s of London

How is the One PlanetMBA unique?One Planet means a very specifickind of education. Business planningand strategy in the future mustrecognise that we are rapidlyexhausting the resources of ourplanet. The combination of verysignificant and asymmetric populationgrowth over the next thirty years andthe increased consumption of naturalresources make it essential thatbusiness people be educated in amanner, and with a curriculum,different to that of the past.

The One Planet MBA will deliver aneducation in core business disciplines,but it will go beyond the traditionalfunctional orientation of an MBA. It will be global in outlook andfocused on developing managers and leaders capable of runningorganisations in a culturally diverseand resource-constrained world. It will be influenced by the values ofresponsible business and responsibleleadership.

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A One Planet perspective impels leaders to be inclusive and imaginative in their vision, to berealistic about their responsibilities, and mindful oftheir legacy. On a worldwide scale, we have to makesubstantial changes to the ways we do business, in contexts of great uncertainty and complexity.


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The One Planet MBA’s unique featuresinclude:

• An emphasis on sustainabilitythroughout the curriculum.We will explore the science ofsustainability, the business case andthe importance of environmentalprotection, social responsibility andeconomic development. We will show that conserving resources isentirely compatible with winning and maintaining customer andshareholder value and confidence.

• An emphasis on leadership.To deliver sustainable businessstrategies requires transformation inmany businesses. Transformationrequires strong leadership. We focuson developing the skills and mindsetrequired to be a One Planet leader –reflective, analytical, global-minded,action-oriented and ethical.

• An emphasis on ‘application’ and experiential learning.Indeed, we refer to our MBA as aMasters of Business Action. You will engage in a range of practicalchallenges and undertake consultancyprojects for external organisations.We will develop your skills in areas

such as project management,facilitation, conflict resolution andcommunication to enhance yourability to become change agents in business.

• An emphasis on collaboration.Sustainability is not a ‘function’ inbusiness, it is an orientation, aphilosophy and a way of thinking and acting. We therefore draw onexpertise from beyond traditionalbusiness departments.

• A global perspective.The problems facing our planetrequire global as well as localresponses. The UK does not hold allthe answers and it is important thatwe learn from best practice whereverit can be found around the globe. We provide opportunities for ourstudents to travel to overseasuniversities and businesses tobroaden their global perspective.

• Our collaboration with WWF.Our students will be able to benefitfrom WWF’s global connections andprojects, with opportunities forexposure and involvement in front-line sustainability intiatives around the world.

Our programme will immerse, excite and challenge you. You will bejoining a global network of new leaders – leaders who view the planetdifferently and have the skills and motivation to make a difference.


I manage resources, just like many managers, but mine are physical, tangible, environmental resources. I joined the One Planet MBA to find out more about business.My organisation has an important role to play in promotingsustainability, and I needed to understand how businessesoperate and make their decisions. I am genuinely excited to bepart of this new programme and what I believe it can achieve.


Our studentsIn 2010/2011 we had 40 students on the full-time programme and 20 on our Executive MBA. On our full-time programme the studentscome from all around the world: USA, Pakistan, Sweden, Romania,Taiwan, Russia, Azerbaijan, BurkinaFaso, Australia, St Vincent, Malaysia,China, Ghana, India, Nigeria, thePhilippines, Brazil, Colombia, France and South Africa.

Quite exceptionally, relative to otherMBA programmes, just over half of the full-time cohort are female. Theaverage age is 30.

The Executive MBA programmeconsists mainly of students from the UK and Europe, although themode of delivery (short intensiveperiods of study) does also encourage students from further afield to fly in to take the programme. The average age for the Executive MBA is 37.

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Before the MBA I worked for Ripcurl Europe. The One Planet MBAis a pioneering programme and a great experience. My next careerstep is to really help businesses understand how dynamic andsuccessful they can be if they give more attention to sustainability.

Eric Dargent (FRANCE), MBA 2010

I came to Exeter from Ghana. I can’t quite believe the mix ofstudents I have joined. I have colleagues from 22 different countriesand everyone is incredibly supportive. It’s hard work but theclasses and the practical emphasis is stimulating and so topical.

Keren Asante (GHANA), MBA 2010

I joined the MBA from Unilever. The programme is idealfor me. It is helping me understand both the commercialaspects of running a business but also how companieslike Unilever can innovate to be more sustainable.

Tatiana Avila Viana de Silva (BRAZIL), MBA 2010

My previous work experience was quite specialised and I neededan MBA to broaden my horizons and business skills. At Exeter theprogramme has just the right mix and is so forward-thinking.

Bijoy Sasi (INDIA), MBA 2010

I joined the One Planet MBA to broaden my businessknowledge and also to build on my current role asthe Brend Hotel’s Environmental Resource Manager.The One Planet MBA provides the tools todemonstrate that business can embracesustainability and still be profitable.

Amanda Brend (UK) MBA 2010

The world needs business managers andleaders who understand the pressures onglobal resources and can proactively deliverinnovative solutions – in product development,sourcing, the supply chain, production,marketing, financing, reporting and, indeed,every facet of business. Equally importantly,business needs them too. In my sessions with the Exeter MBA students we explore how businesses can innovate and thrivethrough sustainable approaches.


Stage 4

Advanced business specialisms

Stage 5

Consultancy or research project

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The One Planet MBA journey

Our MBA will take you on a journey ofpersonal discovery and transformation –broadening and deepening yourunderstanding of business andexploring how innovative sustainablestrategies can be developed. Alongsidethe study of theory and managementpractice, we will develop yourleadership skills so that you can resumeyour career at a more senior level.

After the programme induction, theMBA journey begins with an explorationof the environmental, social andpolitical challenges facing business andmanagement. We then focus on thebusiness fundamentals associated withfinance, accounting, marketing,operations, and talent management but from a sustainable perspective. You will then progress to examiningbusiness from a more strategicperspective before specialising in aparticular management specialism ofyour choice. The programme concludeswith a major consultancy or research

project, which would typically be apractical assignment working with anexternal organisation. Sustainability isembedded throughout the curriculum,allowing you to readily appreciate how managers and businesses canimprove their stewardship of natural,social and financial resources.

Stage 1

One Planet Mind

Stage 3

Strategic thinking

Stage 2

Business fundamentals for sustainability

leading in sustainable business

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Stage 1

One Planet Mind

We believe that future business leadersshould understand the science behindsustainability, the business case forsustainable strategies and also thepersonal and professional challengesthat will arise when leading change in organisations. We call this the OnePlanet Mind.

A rich mix of guest lecturers from avariety of disciplines will lead debateson the challenges facing business andthe potential solutions. We will explorethe role and responsibility of business in society and the impact of businessactions on the environment.

We will examine the implications ofclimate change, the depletion of naturalresources, pollution and trends inconsumption. We will consider theimportance of ecosystems andbiodiversity. We will examine the impactof environmental and social regulationon business. We will explore the actionsbusinesses can take to manage thesechallenges, including new approaches to reporting, operations, sourcing,energy use, waste, recycling and watermanagement. We will encourage you to develop and defend your own viewson the issues and to refine your ability to argue, persuade and inspirecolleagues on the planetary challengesthat businesses face.

© Mark Edwards / WWF-Canon

Solar Power Station atWhite Cliffs, New SouthWales, Australia

If businesses want to develop sustainablestrategies they need to be good at innovating.On the One Planet MBA we explore and apply the latest thinking on innovation and the key tools and techniques. The students also directly apply these skills through management consultancy projects with external companies.


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Stage 2

Business Fundamentals

Effective business decisions require an understanding of businessfundamentals. We will explore theseconcepts, tools and techniques, but will look to challenge how they need to be adapted in the new economic,ecological and social climate.

• Global and EnvironmentalEconomics

• Business, Social andEnvironmental Accounting

• Finance and ResponsibleInvestment

• Managing Resources andOperations

• Talent and Organisations

• Sustainable Marketing

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Stage 3


Sustainability does not fit neatly into anyone particular management discipline.It is a way of thinking and acting andevery facet of an organisation needs toembrace sustainability for productivechange to occur. For this reason inStage 3 of the programme we take a more strategic perspective.

• Global Strategic Analysis and Management

• Strategic Innovation

• Consulting

• One Planet Leaders

The programme incorporates a uniquemodule based on the internationally-acclaimed One Planet Leaders executiveprogramme delivered by WWF and IMD (International Institute forManagement Development) inSwitzerland. This is an intensive changeprogramme which will develop yourunderstanding and ability to respond to the sustainability challenge. It is aninnovative module which challengesbusiness as usual and promotes newways of thinking. The module focusesparticularly on transforming businesspractice and achieving competitiveadvantage. In WWF’s view, a strategicapproach to sustainability will not onlylead to business innovation and valuecreation, but is vital to protect thenatural capital on which all businessdepends. We explore how to leveragesustainability to build competitiveadvantage and long-term loyalty. This is an innovative module whichchallenges business as usual andpromotes transformation and newways of thinking.

In the Innovation and Consultingmodules you will work on an excitingconsulting project with an external client.We work with the European Centre for Environment and Human Health(ECEHH) to identify client organisationsthat wish to improve their approach to innovation and sustainability.

We chose the University of ExeterBusiness School because of itsambitions to revolutionise howwe think and teach business.


James Jobling-Purser – graduate of the University of Exeter and ManagingDirector of 3D MSI – describes thestory of his success to MBA Studentsduring a session in 2010.

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Leadership Skills

We aim to develop leaders capable of running organisations in a rapidlychanging, complex and global business environment. Effectiveleadership in such circumstancesrequires a particular mind-set andrange of skills. We will explore the competencies required for effective leadership and will work with you to build on your strengths and help overcome weaknesses.

Effective leaders require exceptionalcommunication skills, and we will help develop your listening, report-writing, presenting, debating and public speaking skills. Uniquely, we will introduce you to the skills of communicating effectively with the press and TV media in crisis situations.

As an agent of change in organisationsyou will also need to be skilled innegotiation, facilitation and conflictmanagement. We will use role-play,simulation and consultancyassignments to enhance yourcapabilities in these areas.

Leaders in the new global market place need to be able to operate andcollaborate effectively with managersin very different types of organisations.We will develop your sensitivity todifferent stakeholder perspectives andexplore the practical implications fordecision-making and leading change.Leaders also need to be strategic andcritical thinkers, challenging the statusquo and thinking creatively to achieveresponsible business growth. We will helpdevelop your ability to think outside ofthe box and in ways that can achievetransformational business change.

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Stage 4


This stage provides an opportunity forMBA participants to specialise in areasof personal interest. This is the chanceto dig deeper into the challenges ofparticular aspects of business, leadershipand sustainability. The number ofelectives you will be required to take will depend on your mode of study and the number of credits you need to accumulate.

• Managing Sustainable SupplyChains

• Collaborating and Partnering

• Building New Enterprises

• Leadership

• Developing Global Markets

• International Finance andInvestment

• Governing Responsibly andEthically

• Roundtables for PractisingManagers

• Ecoliteracy

As part of the One Planet MBA we areable to offer students the opportunity tojoin the well-established and acclaimedRoundtables for Practicing Managersmodule. This is an intensive one-weekprogramme which takes place in adifferent country each year. Joining theprogramme will be participants onExecutive MBAs from the UK, Canada,Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Iceland,Slovenia and Mexico. The module aimsto probe, reflect on and shareexperiences and study critically howmanagement takes place in differentparts of the world. Faculty teaching thisprogramme include Professors JonathonGosling (Exeter) and Henry Mintzberg(McGill University, Canada).

The One Planet MBAdelivers the core businessknowledge but alsoengages at the cuttingedge. In 2010, as part ofthe MBA programme theBusiness School organiseda major event in London,exploring the sustainabilitychallenges for business.

Rachel Crossley fromBroadwaters investmentManagement led a sessionon the challenges ofsustainable finance andresponsible investment.

The One Planet MBA is an exciting opportunity to develop your businessacumen within the context of the growing challenges businesses face intrying to grow at the same time as ensuring we conserve resources forfuture generations. As an investment banker with an MBA I appreciatethe value of the management tools and techniques taught at Exeter and I use them regularly. I am also enjoying applying my MBA skills in a not-for-profit context and the world of animal conservation – I haverecently launched the Giraffe Conservation Foundation in Africa.


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Stage 5

The One Planet Project

This stage represents the culmination of learning and will allow you theopportunity to individually apply theknowledge and skills you havedeveloped and mastered to a practicalproblem. This is also your opportunity to customise your MBA and pursue a project that will make you moreattractive to a future employer. Uniquely,our MBA offers students a range ofoptions for this final part of the MBA:

Consultancy: A consultancy assignmentfor an organisation wishing to solve abusiness problem.

Case Study: A report exploring theapproach a particular organisation hastaken to address a business problem orexploit a business opportunity.

Research Dissertation: An explorationof a particular issue or topic of personalinterest.

Placement: Working for two to threemonths in an organisation in the UK oroverseas, focusing on a project which isthen evaluated for a dissertation.

I have been in my new job for just over a month. I haveno doubt that the MBA was pivotal in my career change.The company director and the board recruited me notjust for my experience, but because of the real worldvalue the Exeter MBA offers. I have applied many aspectsof my studies in my job role already, and every day Idiscover that my new found knowledge can be appliedto develop the business.


Our teaching approachOur approach is built around thelatest thinking and techniques from a wide range of managementdisciplines. We will provide theframeworks and tools to help youmanage more effectively. Theteaching will be interactive andstimulating, and alongside our ownteaching faculty you will also learnfrom leading practitioners – a widerange of guest speakers and trainers will contribute throughoutthe programme.

A significant amount of learning takes place as a result of debate and interaction between groupmembers. Study groups foster mutual motivation and support, as well as developing teamwork and leadership skills.

Our teaching approach includesconventional lectures and case studyseminars but the programme also has unique experiential elements. You will have the opportunity to work on a consultancy assignmentwith a local or international businessor to travel abroad to research ormanage a project in association with WWF or one of our corporatepartners.

We have a varied approach toassessment. You will find conventionalassignments and exams, but we willcomplement these with more practicaland applied assessments. These willinclude assessed presentations, asimulated press conference, reflectivediaries, negotiation exercises, peerreview and client feedback.

An Exeter MBA provides an overview of business activities,a focus on decision making and a portfolio of managerialtools. It also provides the opportunity to share ideas andexperiences with international managers.


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e Exeter MBA team win the Cranfield Regatta 2010.

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The One Planet MBAChallengeOn any MBA programme you will bepersonally challenged in many ways –including your ability to deliverincisive academic reports, to deliverhigh-impact presentations, tomanage team-based activities and tomanage an intensive workload. Onthe One Planet MBA we go one stepfurther. We will encourage you to setyour own additional challenge and totest and demonstrate your ability toinitiate and lead by example. Toachieve transformational change inbusiness requires managers andleaders who are proactive and willrise to a challenge. More specifically,we will provide space in thetimetable for you to propose, planand deliver a project that advancessustainability in the local community.We set no particular boundaries butit should be a focused activitydesigned to promote sustainabilityand to demonstrate the leadershipskills of our unique One Planet MBAstudents.

You will find many otheropportunities for physical and mentalchallenges at Exeter. Our MBAstudents in the past have achievedgreat success in the annual MBARegatta. This is an event initiated byCranfield University MBA studentsbut it attracts participants from MBAprogrammes all over the world. In2010 a team of Exeter MBA studentspowered to an impressively dominantvictory – winning three races out offive. This opportunity will again beavailable in 2011 and we encourageyou to take on the challenge.

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Career coachingOur programme is personal. It is aboutdeveloping your capability to progressinto a senior management orleadership position. Throughout theprogramme you will have a mentorwho will coach, challenge and adviseon how your management andleadership skills can best be developed.Our dedicated MBA career coach canalso advise on opportunities for jobshadowing, placements and suitabledissertation topics to maximise yourchances of success.

We will also support you in your search for the next position in yourcareer. We will help you articulate your personal brand proposition, planyour career strategy, refine your CVand prepare for interviews. We will also introduce you to our extensivenetwork of employer contacts, nowfurther enhanced by our associationwith WWF.

After your MBA we hope you willsecure your dream role in industry,commerce, the professions, the public

sector or a not-for-profit organisation.You will be equipped with a mindsetand the knowledge and skills to be acatalyst for change in the organisationyou join. We would naturally hope thatyou will make your own significantcontribution to developing sustainablebusiness models for the future.

When you graduate you will not beworking alone. You will join the ExeterMBA alumni community that stretchesacross the globe. You will join the widerExeter University alumni communitywhich extends to over 10,000 in 120countries. You will also be a part of the One Planet Leaders Community – a growing network of students andexecutives who have benefited fromWWF, IMD and Exeter programmes. We hope you will engage andcontribute to these communities andshare your experiences for everyone’sbenefit. We also hope you will return to Exeter to participate in the growingrange of executive programmes we offer.

As a direct result of the ExeterMBA I have now made thatcareer change so many of usaspire to and have my ‘dreamjob’ as Managing Director of a rapidly growing renewableenergy company.

, Brian Kennelly, Managing Diretor, Earth Energy Ltd

Full time and modulardeliveryThe One Planet MBA is delivered intwo modes – full time and modular.

Full timeThe year is divided into three periods: • September 2011 to January 2012

for the core fundamentals • January to May 2012 for integration

and elective modules • June to September 2012 for the

MBA project.

Some modules are taught on a weekly basis, eg three hours per week, whilst others are taught in acompressed block, 4–5 days, andshared with Executive MBA students.

ExecutiveThe Executive MBA is designed forthose who wish to remain workingwhile completing their MBA. Deliveredover a period of just over two years,the programme also starts inSeptember. You will take 12 or 13

modules plus the project (dependingon the credit weighting of the modules you choose). Each modulewill be delivered intensively over aperiod of 4–5 days. You will take 6–7modules in the first year and 6–7 in the second year, with a gap of around6–8 weeks between each module.Your MBA project can be started atany time in the second year and canbe submitted after the completion ofyour final taught module.

The Executive MBA is designed with flexibility in mind, to the extentthat it may also be possible to studysome modules on a weekly basis, eg every Tuesday, where such modules are available in the full timeprogramme. In due course, we willalso be offering a number of modules that can be completedthrough a mix of face-to-face contact and e-learning.

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The new One Planet MBA is an incredibly refreshing approachto developing and equipping our business leaders of thefuture with a genuine focus on long-term sustainability.


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Entry requirementsAcademic qualifications and work experienceAdmission to the MBA programme isusually dependent upon a good first degreeand a minimum of three years' managerialexperience.

Some applicants have extensive workexperience but no formal degree. If thisapplies to you, we may consider yourapplication if you can demonstrateevidence of professional training orprofessional qualifications of an equivalentstanding to a degree. In very exceptionalcircumstances we may consider applicantswithout qualifications although this will besubject to a test to establish your suitabilityand potential for Masters study.

EnglishInternational students must showproficiency in the English language andhave an appropriate qualification. You musttherefore be able to provide evidence of thefollowing at the level stated.• Certificate of Proficiency in English of the

Cambridge Local Examinations Grade Bor above

• IELTS 7.00 • TOEFL 250 • iBT TOEFL 100 +

Additional requirementsWe also require two references (ideallyincluding one from your last university)together with a personal statementexplaining why you are interested in theOne Planet MBA.

Fees and scholarshipsTuition FeesThe tuition fee for the One Planet MBA is £19,000. Fees can either be paid in full at the start of the programme, or ininstalments.

MBA ScholarshipsScholarships will be awarded on adiscretionary basis, with eligibility assessedusing information provided in the applicationform and the personal statement.

In 2011, the Business School will beoffering a number of Scholarships up to amaximum of £5,000 towards tuition fees.

Other Sources of FundingAlumni of the University are automaticallyentitled to an Alumni Scholarship of £1,000.In addition, the University offers a range ofscholarships and bursaries. You can findmore information on these on theScholarships, Bursaries and Studentshipspages of the University’s website, whichincludes a searchable funding database.

For more information on scholarships andother sources of funding, please visit ourwebsite

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AccommodationThe University of Exeter guarantees an offer of a place in University owned,managed or approved accommodationfor all international* students in theirfirst year of study, so long as you applyby the stated deadline. Onceinternational students have been housed – and if there is any furtheraccommodation available – applications

from EU and UK postgraduates areconsidered. More information onUniversity accommodation can be foundat

The Accommodation Office alsomaintains a database of privately-owned rental property

A stunning environmentIf you choose to study at Exeter you willhave the benefit of one of the mostspacious and attractive campuses of anyUK university. Devon really is a beautifulplace to be. We are perfectly located:minutes from the coast in one directionand minutes from the rugged wildernessof Dartmoor in the other. We are on amainline railway and motorway direct toBristol and London.

Exeter is the major business city of the South West of England, and has all

the facilities you could wish for. It is avibrant and friendly place with a realsense of history and an exciting arts andsocial scene.

So, when you need to unwind from yourMBA studies, you couldn’t find a morevaried environment in which to relax.Whether it’s cycling, surfing, antiquebrowsing, theatre, live music, hiking,sailing, coasteering or bird-watching thatinterests you, they are all readily availableon the doorstep.

*international students are defined as thosepaying international fees (see your academicoffer letter for further clarification)

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Who to contactFor general enquiries, please contact Julie Hargreaves at:

The MBA OfficeUniversity of Exeter Business School Streatham CourtRennes DriveExeterEX4 4PUUNITED KINGDOM

Tel +44 (0)1392 724494Email

ApplicationsDetails of how to apply and thequalifications you need can be found

How to find usBy railExeter has two railway stations –Exeter St David's (main station) and Central Station. Exeter St David'sStation is approximately 10 minuteswalk from the Streatham Campus and taxis are available. The averagejourney time from London Paddingtonis 2 hours 30 minutes to Exeter. UseNational Rail Enquiries to plan yourroute. For passenger information telephone 08457 484950.

By coachNational Express coaches (08705808080) call at Exeter Coach Station.The local D bus connects the coachstation to Streatham campus. Get off the bus at the top of The Queen'sDrive.

By carThe M4/M5 links Exeter directly toLondon, the Midlands, South Walesand the North. The average journeytime from either London or theMidlands is 3 hours.

By planeDirect flights operate into Exeter from Paris, Dublin, Amsterdam,Geneva and airports in the UnitedKingdom including Aberdeen, Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow,Guernsey, Jersey, Leeds/Bradford,Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich and St Marys.


University of Exeter Business SchoolStreatham CourtRennes DriveExeterUK EX4 4PU

tel: +44 (0)1392 724494email:


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