mc regional director zon 14.15 application part ii alberto pérez

Post on 10-Dec-2014






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Due to the constant membership changes in the organization, and all the innovations coming from AIESEC International, we cannot say that results from three or more years before would affect significantly the upcoming results, just like most of the companies. I took the realizations for all the programs last year, and as a starting point the main strengths and weaknesses that the LC’s have right now. Also I included what each LC can offer and needs to receive in order to start innovating with synergic strategies.

Local Entity YEAR IGCDP OGCDP IGIP OGIP Main Strengths Main WeaknessesOur Contributions to


What we need from

ZoN2013 93 16 13 2

2014 110 50 25 20

Growth 18% 213% 92% 900%

2013 8 4 0 0

2014 40 30 15 15

Growth 400% 650% 1500%* 1500%*

2013 26 10 0 19

2014 241 63 16 45

Growth 827% 530% 1600%* 137%

2013 3 8 1 0

2014 30 35 15 10

Growth 900% 338% 1400% 1000%*

2013 12 18 1 3

2014 65 59 28 22

Growth 442% 228% 2700% 633%

2013 175 168 26 37

2014 290 230 75 55

Growth 66% 37% 188% 49%

2013 20 10 6 4

2014 55 50 35 15

Growth 175% 400% 483% 275%

TOTAL 2013 337 234 47 65

TOTAL 2014 831 517 209 182

1300 1800 490 720

64% 29% 43% 25%

Support in

Membership Education

Massive projects that

involve the whole


Financial experience -

Support in massive


Exportation of

Passionate and

collaborative members

Strategic Leaders with

selling experience

The starting Point My Synergies

Financial Education


Cooperation - Support

in sales closing

Support in Tools


Financial Education -

Identity and Values

Strong organizational

structure - Experience

in massive exchanges

Lack of financial

culture - Weak quality

& TM areas

Experience in massive

recruitments / selling


Quality in our


Experience in Trainee

servicing - ICX


Unexplored markets in

all four programs

Lack of AIESEC

knowledge and


Experience in

delivering AIESEC in

nearby towns

Experience in efficient


Financial debts - Lack

of culture of


Agreements and good

relations with 2



ZoN Contribution for 2014

North Zone Contribution 2014

High retention rates -

Sales Experience in


Financial and



High credibility with

our universities and TN


Weak synergies &


Selling culture -

Financial and


Weak M&M structure -

Lazy membership

Zero debts - Good

relations with TN

takers - supportive LC

Financial area - Small

Sales Force










North Zone 2014 Analyzing those numbers, I could Identify three main challenges to work as a Regional Director: • GIP Growth : I identified the two programs with the biggest growth ratio per LC (highlighted in

black and white) and most of them are in IGIP and/or OGIP. That means that the north zone needs a huge boost in the corporate sector, and also regional corporate products to boost productivity within the region.

• Massive Exchanges : Big LC’s such as Uninorte, Santa Marta and Cartagena are planning to realize more than 100 Exchanges in IGCDP and OGCDP (highlighted in gold). These exchanges must be done smart, with massive projects that also involve quality. A big challenge would be to maintain the balance between big results and good quality in those projects.

• Regional & Individual Manageme : As you can see, we have seven entities that are completely different from each other, and one of my biggest challenges would be to treat each LC like one entity, and try to implement regional strategies at the same time. I think it will only be possible through the best teamwork environment, which I hope to create with my work!

GIP Growth

Massive Exchanges

Regional & Individual Management


Level 5 200 + 80 + 200 + 70 +

Level 4 141 - 200 51 - 80 121 - 200 41 - 70

Level 3 71 - 140 26 -50 66 - 120 26 - 40

Level 2 41 - 70 .11 - 25 21 - 65 11 - 25.

Level 1 0 - 40 0 - 10 0 - 20 0 - 10

Global Competitor

Integral Growth

Low Growth




MARTASpecialized Growth



Regional Management Initiatives What: Nomad Strategy – A plan to import and export talent within the region. When: Summer and Winter breaks regularly, more often if necessary. How: Identifying the local strengths and weaknesses of experienced members. Results: LC’s supported in their weakest points by their neighbor LC’s.

What: LCP Meetings – Constantly gathering the local leaders to create reactive strategies in peaks. When: Once a Month (Could be in regional/national events). How: Promoting relevant topics to make these meetings a MUST for our Local leaders Results: LCPs aware of the reality of the whole region

What: Zone CEEDers – Bringing the top international talents to travel through the region. When: At least once every two months (I plan to make it as often as possible). How: Creating a strong and attractive CEEDer program and showcasing its good results afterwards. Results: Our zone implementing international strategies to achieve new results.

What: Zone Corner Meetings – Gathering OCP’s and corners from different LC’s to discuss. When: One month before the event (recruitment for example). How: Bringing representatives of each corner in one specific city with an agenda supported by the MC. Results: Projects and corners with better results and synergy.

What: Clustered Local Events – A way of bonding LC’s starting with their newbies in “Zonalitos”. When: At least once a year (one event alone, the other one with another LC). How: Building strong OC’s and ER teams with members from each LC to increase synergy. Results: Neighbor LC’s working together as a generation.

What: NES – Newbies Empowerment Seminar – A regional event with the newest top talent together. When: Twice a year (could be more often, but twice a year for a starting event is great!). How: Acknowledging the top performing newbies with a fee to assist a regional event. Results: A whole generation of top performing newbies working for the region.

What: Clustered LCM’s – A space to bring two neighbor LC’s together in one creative agenda. When: Twice a year (at first, because we need a proper OC for these events). How: Planning an event in a place equidistant from both LC’s to make it fair. Results: Two LC’s now fully aware of each other’s realities.

What: Operational Excellence Summits – a meeting to strengthen our operations in our LC’s. When: Once per Q, to focus our agenda in the three upcoming months. How: With the full support of the National Operations Team and tracking from the regional team. Results: Improvement in the number and quality of the local operations.


MC – RD – LCP’s: As a Regional Director I need to ensure that the national strategies not only are heard and implemented, but customized at local level to ensure maximum efficiency. I could work side by side with the LCP to fuse local and national strategies to obtain the best possible outcome.

North Zone LCP

Local Committee


MC @Colb

One of my main challenges as Regional Director is to keep a communications flow between LC’s and MC, living away from the MC. I’ll share my strategies to connect each entity (LCP, LCVP and/or MC) with each other through the regional director.


MC – RD – LCVP’s: The regional Director could act as a bridge to keep tracking of the local operations teams and make sure they are working with quality. Also, this could be a way to solve urgent problems along the way and then notify my fellow MCVP’s, thus giving it a faster solution to a sudden issue.

LCP – RD – LCP: This channel could be used in two ways. One, to solve any given problems with market segmentation and/or interference between two neighbor LC’s. The other one is to gather LCP’s to find a regional solution to a local problem, and/or to come up with ideas that could benefit the whole region.

LCVP – RD – LCVP: This is the best way to strengthen local processes, with help from the region itself, but not only from the RD but fron another LCVP and/or Team Leader that runs the same process in a different reality. A good implementation of this channel could lead to a huge improvement in our local processes.

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