mccoy world history unit 5 multiple choice

Post on 20-Nov-2015






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Multiple Choice Test (John McCoy, Mt. Hebron High School, Howard County MD). 2014-15


  • Unit 5 Test:

    Crisis and Absolutism

    McCoy 2014-2015

  • 1. The Peace of Westphalia

    a. Reconfirmed the power and grandeur of the Holy Roman Empire b. Dramatically diminished the role of religion in politics c. Returned the Continent to the status quo as of 1618 d. Strengthened the Holy Roman Empire

    2. The French Wars of Religion were finally ended when Henry of Navarre agreed to convert to

    a. Calvinism b. Protestantism c. Catholicism d. Lutheranism

    3. Philip II was nicknamed the

    a. Spanish King b. Most Militant King c. Most Catholic King d. Catholic King

    4. Philip II attempted to destroy protestant England with his fleet called the

    a. Spanish Fleet b. Catholic Armada c. Philips Armada d. Spanish Armada

    5. Which English monarch financed the Dutch during their revolt against the Spanish?

    a. Charles I b. William III c. Elizabeth I d. Mary I

    6. The Spanish Armada was part of a larger conflict called the

    a. Anglo-Dutch War b. Anglo-Spanish War c. Anglo-Italian War d. Anglo-Prussian War

    7. The French Calvinists during the French Wars of Religion were strongly associated with the

    a. Protestants b. Navarrians c. Huguenots d. Capetians

    8. The religious society founded by Ignatius of Loyola to assist the Catholic Church in the Counter- Reformation was known as the

    a. Society of Jesus b. Society of Ignatius c. Society of Caputians d. Society of Ursulines

  • 9. Philip II and the Spanish Empire fought a long and bloody war against the Netherlands, who after concluding a peace became known as the

    a. United Provinces of the Netherlands b. The Low Countries c. The Twelve Provinces d. United Spanish Netherlands

    10. When Henry IV became king of France his family, the Bourbons, replaced the

    a. Tudor family b. Habsburg family c. Romanov family d. Valois family

    11. Which statement best describes the true nature of the French Wars of Religion?

    a. The conflict is considered by historians to be the first world war b. The conflict was a struggle between the powerful French families of Valois, Bourbon, and Guise c. The conflict was an attempt by the Habsburgs to become the kings of France d. The conflict was a strictly religious struggle between Christian sects

    12. Which Swedish king nearly defeated the Catholics during the Thirty Years War?

    a. Gustavus Adolphus b. Albrecht Wallenstein c. County of Tilly d. Ferdinand II

    13. Which event is considered the start of the French Wars of Religion?

    a. The St. Bartholomews Day Massacre b. The Edict of Nantes c. The Massacre of Vassy d. The Battle of Lutzen

    14. Following the Thirty Years War, which two German states emerged as the most powerful?

    a. Russia and Prussia b. Westphalia and Austria c. Prussia and Austria d. Prussia and Germany

    15. To end the French Wars of Religion, Henry of Navarre not only adopted Catholicism but also began to change the French government into

    a. An absolute monarchy b. A constitutional monarchy c. A dictatorship d. A medieval monarchy

    16. In the late 1620s and early 1630s, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden played a key role in European affairs by?

    a. Opposing the expansionist plans of Cardinal Richelieu of France b. Acting as intermediary between Catholic and Lutheran governments c. Leading a Protestant coalition against Catholic Europe

  • d. Allying with Habsburg Spain to challenge British sea power 17. All of the following were significant consequences of the Thirty Years War except

    a. Habsburg power and dominance was diminished b. The Bourbons and France became the dominant power on continental Europe c. The Holy Roman Empire now existed in name only d. The Popes returned to the same levels of power and influence as they enjoyed during the Middle Ages

    18. The first phase of the 80 Years War was known as the

    a. Thirty Years War b. The Dutch Wars of Religion c. The Dutch Revolt d. The Glorious Revolution

    19. The term Beeldenstorm means

    a. Iconoclasm b. Iconoclastic fury c. Icon d. Iconic storm

    20. After the defeat of the Habsburgs in the Thirty Years War, the Austrian Habsburgs focused their attention on building an empire in

    a. The Americas b. Western Europe c. Southeastern Europe (The Balkans) d. Italy and the Mediterranean

    21. Which of the following statements best describes the Wars of Religion?

    a. They were a political conflict that evolved into a religious conflict b. They concluded the Enlightenment period of European history c. They severely diminished the power of the Bourbon family d. They diminished the influence that religion had upon political affairs

    22. In order to control the Dutch, the Spanish attempted identify and execute rebels by creating the

    a. Star Council b. Council of Troubles c. Inquisition d. Council of Rotterdam

    23. What event was the spark of the Thirty Years War?

    a. Defenestration of Vienna b. Defenestration of Prague c. Massacre of Vassy d. Battle of Lutzen

  • 24. All of the following noble families were major participants in the French Wars of Religion except

    a. Guise b. Stuart c. Bourbon d. Valois

    25. Of the major European powers, which Catholic nation supported the Protestants during the Thirty Years war?

    a. Sweden b. Spain c. France d. Savoy

    26. The Thirty Years War was fought almost entirely in

    a. England b. Spain c. The Netherlands d. Germany

    27. Which country actively supported the Catholic Reformation by supporting the Catholic cause throughout the Wars of Religion?

    a. Sweden b. Spain c. France d. Austria

    28. The religious climate of France prior to the French Wars of Religion was best characterized by?

    a. a nobility that was nearly entirely Lutheran b. a population that was split evenly between Huguenots and Catholics c. a growing organized Huguenot opposition to Catholic authority d. Catherine de Medicis complete support of the Huguenots

    29. The Thirty Years' War became primarily a political conflict during the

    a. Swedish-French phase b. Danish phase c. German phase d. Italian phase

    30. The mission of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was to

    a. acquire territory in the Baltic area b. replace Queen Elizabeth with a Catholic monarch c. form a naval alliance with France d. reunite the throne of Spain

  • 31. Which of the following is TRUE of the Dutch Revolt?

    a. the nobleman, William of Orange, led the revolt b. the war was both a political and a religious struggle c. the Dutch flooded their own lands to hamper the Spanish d. all of these choices are correct

    32. Who was the last monarch of the Tudor family?

    a. Mary, Queen of the Scots b. Elizabeth I c. James I d. Charles II

    33. To end the religious conflict in France, Henry IV made Catholicism the official religion of France, but gave the Huguenots the rights to worship and enjoy all political privileges in the

    a. Edict of Worms b. Edict of Nantes c. Edict of Westphalia d. Edict of Navarre

    34. The Dutch resistance against Spanish authority in the Netherlands was led by

    a. William I the Silent (of Orange) b. Henry of Navarre c. Sir Francis Drake d. Don John of Austria

    35. The Low Countries are known by all of the following names except

    a. The Dutch Republic b. The United Provinces c. Netherlands d. Westphalia

    36. Where did the French absolute monarchs establish their royal courts by the late 1600s?

    a. Paris b. Versailles c. Orleans d. Lyon

    37. The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    a. decimated the ranks of the Protestant leadership but failed to suppress the anti-Catholic movement in Europe b. was successful and led to the collapse of French Protestantism c. was followed by an English effort to assist the Huguenots d. resulted directly in an English effort to assist the Catholics

    38. In general, which of the following MOST accurately reflects the state of Europe in 1648?

    a. the northwest of Europe was predominantly Protestant while the south was mostly Catholic b. Catholicism was triumphant everywhere in Europe c. the Holy Roman Empire emerged as a completely Lutheran sphere of influence d. France lost in her struggle with the Habsburgs to become the dominant land power in Europe

  • 39. Following the Thirty Years' War, what nation became dominant in Europe?

    a. Swden b. France c. Italy d. England

    40. Which of the following resulted from the English defeat of the Spanish Armada?

    a. the French invasion of Spain b. the end of silver imports from the New World c. growing nationalism in England d. the conversion of Spain to Protestantism

    41. Historians who argue that the Treaties of Westphalia mark the beginning of a new era in diplomatic history cite all of the following arguments EXCEPT

    a. the treaties laid the groundwork for the subsequent rise of Prussia as a major Continental power b. Switzerland emerged as one of the strongest powers in Europe c. the German territorial princes acquired the right to sign treaties and make war, except against the emperor and

    the empire d. the Austrian Habsburgs abandoned their Spanish cousins

    42. All of the following were consequences of the Thirty Years' War EXCEPT the

    a. settlement of the religious wars between Catholics and Protestants in Germany b. depopulation and economic stagnation of Central Europe c. emergence of Russia as a great European power d. decrease of the power of the Holy Roman Emperors

    43. Which two royal ministers controlled the French government during the period of political instability lasting at the start of the 1600s to the 1650s?

    a. Mazarin and Richelieu b. Cromwell and Mazarin c. Colbert and Richelieu d. Baptiste and Napoleon

    44. How does the textbook define absolutism?

    a. A system in which the people hold absolute power b. A system in which the elected government holds absolute power c. A system in which the military holds absolute power d. A system in which the monarch holds absolute power

    45. Charles V ruled the Hapsburg Empire until 1555, which included all of the following except

    a. The Low Countries b. Austria c. Spain d. France

  • 46. Which region of the Netherlands successfully revolted against Spanish rule?

    a. East b. West c. Southern d. Northern

    47. The Treaties of Munster and Osnabruck comprise the

    a. Peace of Nantes b. Peace of Westphalia c. Peace of Augsburg d. Peace of Worms

    48. Which English king from the Stuart family was beheaded?

    a. Charles I b. Charles II c. James I d. Henry VIII

    49. Which rival to the throne did Elizabeth I executed that angered Philip II?

    a. Mary I b. Mary, Queen of Scots c. William the Silent d. Anne Boleyn

    50. In order to become Holy Roman Emperor, a candidate had to win the majority of votes from the

    a. Electorate b. College of Cardinals c. Electoral princes d. Electoral council

  • Historical Term Identifications: Please complete on a separate sheet of lined paper with your name, period, and term listed.

    Peace of Westphalia Thirty Years War English Civil War Phillip II of Spain

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