mcvp mkt 14.15 application part ii ricardo noguera

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Advertising strategies focused on our values to show externals quality and professional-ism in our organisation.To keep the coobranding strategies with our allies such as marca Colombia.Media appareances, News, Interviews.Brand and sales strategies standardized for all the committees without exception.Coaching on merchandising for stands and particular events such as global villages that let us show our tangible results and the experiences that we develop.Cooperation with other MC’s to benchmark, learn new strategies and share materials, knowledge, ads, work also with embassies to sell the atributes of certain countries.Keep members and externals who can be potential EP´s connected to our mission and products generating challenges and contests to engage them more easily.Create a new AIESEC in Colombia website to address externals and let them get infor-mation about us with a more user friendly page.One event for externals minimum once a year to show who we really are.



From Marketing We can solve this Issues and improve our message performance with:When we know how to seduce our objective market studind its behavior and availability to take this experience, the issue here may be is be cause we are selling just a producto and this is a new great experience, now the challenge is to translate in to amazing organisational facts and results that become an important point of view and differentiator. The develop a successful marketing strategy I propose 2 steps:

We need to sell the right expectations, what really is going to happen since the person steps on Idian terri-tory, what is going to be the huge difference between staying here, going to other country or looking for another organisation to work abroad.

Which factors for our poten-tial EP’s are making him/her to go or not go to make that internship (family, economics, cultural differences,...). If our marketing is flat and is not atractive they won’t get out of their confort zone and it’s even harder for NON AIESE-Cers.

Thanks to our good ally MARCA CO, we are becoming experts selling the best of our country, but is this case we need people we IT’s abilities to go away to a different country like India. If we study this destination we can find a lot of paradigms that with our marketing strategy to sell IT’s product is necessary to break it. If we want a campaign different, innovative and with a succesful reach we need to sell India like we do with Colombia. Tell potential EP’s about cultural facts like the diversity of dialects, religions, gastronomy.And if we are willing to offer these potential EP’s, we need to sell this like a relevant bilateral experience, be cause they are not going just to work they are going to live the sights, sounds, tastes and smells that they have never faced before. If we don’t do this, the campaign would look flat without interest. If we are going to improve we need to do that selling the benefits that we have for being an amazing organisation as a differen-tiator and the benefits of going to India an amazing huge country with lots of experiences to offer.

In AIESEC we have a lot of facts that mes us atractive and really different from other organisations and we need to communicate that, improve campaign calling their attetion but not saturat-ing our potential market with information that the won’t remember.

What is this product effering really to change a mindset?For us, AIESEC we need to connect values like integriry, sustainability, living diversity among others to make those potential EP’s feel that their are doing something remar-cable and changing their lifes and maybe others.



One of the problems that I saw for the Youth 2 Business is to ensure the assistance of university students to this event.Id we create a Youth To Business focused on university and develop this forum constantly we will positionate this event and the AIESEC brand as the international platform that can change students experiences.The idea is to develop the Youth to Business for Universities, reach many universities in Colom-bia and structure a forum filled with great conference teams and activites in subjects such as sustainability, social development, etc.The event would be made executed inside the universities to engage students easier, and the advertisement must be done not filling the university with thousands of flyers, we must develop expectation campaigns, a more sophisticated and sustainable to spread the message more effectively.

A massive Global Village, one for each main city where AIESEC is present in Colombia. We need to work together with all the committees, we to organize and structure an amazing cultural event for externals and bring trainees from the most relevant projects that they are working on actually such as Shape Colombia, Eduaction, etc.We have NOT positionated the Global Village Brand, we need to sell it and work on it to let people know that we have an incredible multicultural event that can show the benefits of going to other countries, and show that we are really working and making a difference with students from more than 100 countries. First we need to be tangible then relevant.This event could a part in addition to the Youth 2 Business forum, it means that it can be executed simultaniously.


We need for each program to unite showcasing with ads, all the pieces that we make for our different media should have the releveant information of showcasing that we use (Trainee name, internship, company, country, etc). Fort he incoming áreas is important to make emphasis on our values to show tn takers, companies, involved, different organisations and people in which we can créate the need of taking us into account what we are able to do and the reach of working hand in hand with AIESEC for different benefits.

Our ads must have expectation campaigns guided through a timeline, the dates must be coordinated with the core áreas to develop a communication flow and get a better understand-ing of what we are selling. The idea of creating expectation is to organize more our contact with stakeholders and to send a constant not saturated message.

Additional information to the showcasing we should tell the AIESEC “facts” for instase tell our audience what happens when someone goes to another country to teach children, we can measure that impact and show how only one person helped, supported and changed the lifes of certain number of children. Usually we don’t show that and makes us clear of what we do and encourage through internships.

We need to gather more information of what our allies say about AIESEC, we need reliable information from companies around the world that certificate the great things that an AIESECer can develop inside a company in different issues.

Also it is important to speak to embassies, communicate with them and share ideas to create a posititioning strategy for countries that have so much to give in terms of profesional and economic growth but are unknown to some potential EP’s. Like we do with marca país, we share ir with other coun-tries around the network but we are not recieving relevant and atractive information about them to impulse outgoing programs.

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