md8470a - axitestthe md8470a signalling tester supports basic call processing for w-cdma (voice...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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MD8470ASignalling Tester

Mobile communications network on the deskExcellent Eco Product

LightweightPower saving


In today’s wireless communication market, packet data services and third generation systems are growingglobally. Factors for succeeding in the wireless communication business are shifting from basic communica-tion technology to the ability to plan and develop attractive mobile devices and services. The MD8470A sup-ports wireless application engineers in accelerating the development and reducing the test cycle of theseever-increasing product and service requirements.

• A single platform implements functional testing of UE applications such as voice calling,video calling, contents download and messaging.

• Call processing is performed by simple operations (W-CDMA: Voice/Video call/Packet/SMS/MMS; GSM/GPRS: Voice/Packet/SMS/MMS)

• Supports multiple communication systems (W-CDMA, GSM/GPRS).Wide frequency coverage (400 MHz to 2.7 GHz).

Global Mobile Communications Network Realizedon the Desks of Wireless Application Developers



Single platform implements functional testing of UE applications such asvoice calling, video calling, contents download and massaging.

The MD8470A Signalling Tester offers the optimum solution formobile UE application development. It supports the processesrequired for various application developments such as voicecalling, packet communications including browser/contentsdownload, video calling, SMS/MMS massaging and end-to-endUE communications (requires two sets of MD8470A). Also, the

PPP server function is incorporated. The MD8470A serves asan effective tool for establishing an integrated simulation envi-ronment in application development.In addition, Ethernet, ISDN, handset and serial I/O interfacesare provided for various data communication services.

Mobile UE

Handset(For Voice Call Test)




∗ Connect to application server function in the built-in PC ofMD8470A

Application Server(For Packet Communication Test)

Configuration for application tests

Video Call Terminal



Call processing realized bysimple operations

W-CDMA: Voice/Video call/Packet/SMS/MMS GSM/GPRS: Voice/Packet/SMS/MMSThe MD8470A Signalling Tester supports basic call processingfor W-CDMA (Voice call/Video call/PacketCommunications/SMS/MMS), GSM/GPRS (Voice call/PacketCommunications/SMS/MMS). Simple operations implement thesimulation environment required for application tests.

Multiple communication systemsupport

W-CDMA, GSM/GPRSThe MD8470A Signalling Tester is compliant with GSM/GPRSand W-CDMA standards that are the world's major 2.5G and 3Gmobile communication systems. Also, since a wide frequencyband (400 to 2700 MHz) is covered seamlessly, it can easilysupport the development of multiband mobile UE and the fre-quency expansion of systems in the future. Since the basebandprocessing is configured by DSPs and other programmabledevices, MD8470A will be able to provide flexible support foradditional functions in the future.

Platform Architecture• The base station simulator function is accomplished by installing the communication system hardware and the control software.

• The Windows® operating system provides the user interface, so simulations can be controlled without using a remote PC.(A 10.4-inch display and Windows® XP Professional operating system∗ are installed.)∗ : Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

• The chassis is designed with a small footprint so developers can use it in their personal simulation environments.(Width: 426 mm, Height: 221.5 mm, Depth: 281 mm)



The MD8470A Signalling Tester supports the simulations of various call processingstatus and service environments by operating as an artificial mobile communica-tions network on the desks of wireless application developers.

WNS (Wireless Network Simulator)

MX847010A W-CDMA/GSM Simulation Kit

Application tests implementedwith simple operations

WNS: Wireless Network SimulatorWNS (Wireless Network Simulator) is a software applicationthat simulates an interactive mobile network on the MD8470A.WNS activates the required communication bearers based onrequests by the UE and easily implements an end-to-end testenvironment for application developers. Users can set up basiccall processing parameters with GUI-based operation. The callprocessing status can be displayed graphically.Also, call origination and termination is controlled using a virtual terminal in WNS.WNS also supports network simulation functions for MMS(Multimedia Messaging Service), a messaging service withincreasing worldwide usage. Configuring a system composedof a MMS test server and a WAP gateway makes it possible toperform MMS Submit and MMS Notification/MMS Retrievaltests in an interactive environment. Settings on the test systempermits MMS testing using loopback as well as MMS Submitand MMS Retrieval tests between different terminals.

Main Functions of WNS

Supported BearersW-CDMA • W-CDMA: Voice (MO/MT), Packet (MO/MT), Video Call [ISDN/Loopback] (MO/MT), MultiCall

GSM/GPRS • GSM/GPRS: Voice (MO/MT), Packet (MO/MT)

Common• Client IP address setting/Server IP address setting/Router connection setting• RF Level setting

W-CDMA• Channel setting • Registration Type setting• Activation Time setting (Voice, Packet, Video, MultiCall) •Packet Window Size setting

Setup parameters • Frequency Band setting (GSM450, GSM480, GSM850, P-GSM900, E-GSM900, R-GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900)/ARFCN (CCH, TCH)

GSM/GPRS• GPRS Multi Slot setting (DL1/UL1, DL2/UL1, DL3/UL1, DL4/UL1, DL1/UL2, DL2/UL2, DL3/UL2)• Cording Scheme setting (CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4)

USIM • USIM Parameter setting (MCC, MNC, USIM_MODE, K, RAND, AUTN, IK)

• Edit and transmission of SMS/Display of received SMS (7-bit ASCII/Unicode/Binary) • MMS transmission/reception test (MMS application server is separately required) • State transition diagram for call processing/CS/PS Attach status indicator

Other functions • BTS output power setting by GUI • Out-of-service setting• MO/MT (manual and auto answer) operation by virtual terminal• Caller ID with presentation condition setup• DTMF checking by tone and display

SMSC (SMS Centre)


Function Description Scenario execution Reads and executes the compiled DLL scenarios.Real-time trace Displays signalling messages and user data during the simulation in real time.Trace log save/load Saves (Binary/Text/Packet/H.245) and recalls (Binary only) the traced log data.Trace display filtering Displays the trace filtered by channel and primitive classification.Message decode and analysis Translates and displays the traced messages (RRC, NAS ∗ , SMS, SS, Config).Scenario library function Provides the C language library function for scenario creation.External control function Provides a DLL library that allows external application to control the MX847010A control software.

∗ : Supports RR, CC, MM, GMM, SM.

Control software support functions


Simulation control by scenarios W-CDMA, GSM/GPRS execution and analysis

of simulationsThe MD8470A Signalling Tester runs simulations by loadingedited and compiled scenarios into the dedicated control soft-ware and executing them. The information being controlled dur-ing simulations, protocol messages, and user data exchangedbetween a mobile UE under test and a MD8470A are logged inreal time. After the test, simulation results can be analyzed withthe protocol message decode function (RRC, NAS [RR, CC,MM, GMM, SM], SMS, SS [Supplementary Service], Config)and the filtering function.

Simulation control software


Effective Scenario Creation Protocol Message Encoder/Decoder Tools

(Message Coder)The Message Coder is a protocol message encoder/decodertool supporting RRC, NAS (RR, CC, MM, GMM, SM), SMS,and SS (Supplementary Service). This makes the creation ofprotocol messages needed for test scenarios more efficient.

Message Encoder/Decoder LibraryA protocol message encoder/decoder library supporting RRC,NAS (RR, CC, MM, GMM, SM), SMS, and SS (SupplementaryService) is provided to simplify changing or extracting messageinformation elements in test scenarios. The information ele-ments are designated using the tree structure shown in thedecode results of the Message Coder. This feature can beused for conditional branch processing in the scenario or analy-sis of the received messages.

Message Coder


RF connection Handset


RF connection

Mobile UE

Mobile UE




RF connection

RF connection

Mobile UE

Mobile UE



ISDN interface

Video call terminal

Application Overview

Application test examples

Video Call TestingVideo call testing is performed between mobile UE and a video call terminal connected to the MD8470A. (TheMU847090B ISDN Interface Unit is required when using an external video call terminal.) Video call testing canalso be performed without using an external video call terminal by video data loopback within the MD8470A.The capability to save H.245 control protocol trace data during video calls makes it possible to perform offlineanalysis of H.245 protocol message logs.

Voice Call TestingVoice call testing can be performed between mobile UE and a handset by connecting a handset (a standardaccessory) to the MD8470A. Voice call testing can also be performed by voice data loopback using scenariosimulation. A sample scenario is provided for voice data loopback testing.

Voice Call

Video Call






Call Proc Ethernet Connect the Call Proc Ethernet with the Ethernet (0 or 1) of the built-in PC of MD8470A

Application server

RF connection

RF connection

Mobile UE

Mobile UE



In case an application server is installed in the built-in PC of MD8470A. In case an external application server is used.





Application Overview

Application test examples

End-to-End UE TestingEnd-to-end UE testing including video calls and voice call can be performed between two sets of mobile UE byconnecting them to two sets of MD8470A interconnected with cross-wired Ethernet cables.End-to-end UE test is supported by the sample scenario.

Packet Call

UE to UE

Packet Communication TestingApplication functions that use packet communications can be tested on a single platform by installing the application server in the MD8470A’s built-in PC. (Application servers can also be connected externally.)Furthermore, when a packet transmission test is performed, the user trace data can be saved.

The MD8470A’s router connection function can provide packet transmission to a different subnet over a router.


RF connection RF connection

Mobile UE

Mobile UE

Connect the Call Proc Ethernet ports to one another with the Ethernet cable (cross type).


Application Overview

Application test examples


SMS TestingUsing the SMSC (SMS Centre) software to simulate SMS (Short Message Service) makes it possible to per-form SMS transmission/reception and SMS loopback tests. The SMSC software has a simple user interface(GUI) for creating and sending Text SMS (7-bit ASCII, Unicode) and Binary SMS messages. The GUI alsoenables checking the content of messages received from mobile UE. Furthermore, by using the SMS Pushinterface, it is possible to send SMS from an external server.



HTTP Connection

WAP Connection



MMS Centre

MMS Submit

MMS Retrieval

MMS Notification

Mobile UE

Mobile UE

RF connection

RF connection

Mobile UE



MMS TestingCombining the separate MMSC (MMS Centre) application server and SMSC (SMS Centre) makes it possibleto test the MMS Submit and MMS Notification/MMS Retrieval functions. Additionally, if the MMSC software isinstalled in the MD8470A, MMS testing can be performed on one unit.MMS application server is separately required.

SMSC (SMS Centre)

MMS Submit MMS RetrievalMMS Notification


Application Overview

Application test examples


End-to-End MMS Testing By using two MD8470A units with MMS Centre installed on either one of them, it is possible to perform MMSmessage submit and retrieval tests between two mobile UEs. With appropriate MD8470A settings, submit andretrieval tests between mobile UEs of different Mobile netwark operators and between different systems (W-CDMA and GSM/GPRS) can be performed.

Mobile UE (A)

Mobile UE (A)

Mobile UE (B)

Mobile UE (B)

WAP Connection

HTTP ConnectionHTTP Connection

WAP Connection



MMS Centre

MMS Submit MMS Retrieval

MMS Notification


RF connection

RF connection

Hub WAPGateway

Multi Call

Service Interruption TestingBehavior of applications during services interruptions can be evaluated by using WNS to simulate interactivebase station operations such as incoming voice or video calls during packet communications, or SMS/MMSreception during voice calls, video calls, or packet communication.

Service Interruption Test Examples (W-CDMA) Service Interruption Test Examples (GSM/GPRS)Interruption Voice call Video call SMS MMS

Status Interruption Interruption Interruption InterruptionDuring Voice callDuring Packet commDuring Video call

: Testable

Interruption Voice call SMS MMSStatus Interruption Interruption InterruptionDuring Voice callDuring Packet comm ∗ ∗ ∗

: Testable ∗ Only when packet data is not transmitted.

Function Description WNS SampleScenario

Location registrationMS originated voice call (Loopback) Performs loopback communication test. —MS terminated voice call (Loopback) Performs loopback communication test. —MS originated voice call (Handset) Performs handset communication test.MS terminated voice call (Hansset) Performs handset communication test.MS originated voice call (the end-to-end MS test) Performs the end-to-end voice call test between two sets of MS.∗ 1 —MS terminated voice call (the end-to-end MS test) Performs the end-to-end voice call test between two sets of MS.∗ 1 —Voice call released from MSVoice call released from NWMS originated packet call Performs application tests utilizing packet data communications by connecting to a server.MS terminated packet call Performs application tests utilizing packet data communications by connecting to a server. —Packet call released from MSPacket call released from NW —MS originated Circuit Switched Data (CSD) call Performs GSM circuit switched data (CSD) communication test —MS terminated Circuit Switched Data call Performs GSM circuit switched data (CSD) communication test —Circuit Switched Data call released from MS Performs GSM circuit switched data (CSD) communication test —Circuit Switched Data call released from NW Performs GSM circuit switched data (CSD) communication test —SMS transmission Performs SMS (7bit-ASCII, Unicode, Binary) test.∗ 4

SMS reception Performs SMS (7bit-ASCII, Unicode, Binary) test.∗ 4

MMS transmission Performs MMS transmission test (MMS Submit) ∗ 5 —MMS reception Performs MMS reception test (MMS Notification / MMS Retrieval) ∗ 5 —

Supplementary service Offers various sample scenarios of supplementary service such as Emergency call/Multiparty/Call waiting/USSD etc. — ∗ 7

Function Description WNS SampleScenario

Location registrationMS(Mobile Station) originated voice call (Loopback) Performs loopback communication test. —MS terminated voice call (Loopback) Performs loopback communication test. —MS originated voice call (Handset) Performs handset communication test.MS terminated voice call (Handset) Performs handset communication test.MS originated voice call (the end-to-end MS test) Performs the end-to-end voice call test between two sets of MS.∗ 1 —MS terminated voice call (the end-to-end MS test) Performs the end-to-end voice call test between two sets of MS.∗ 1 —Voice call released from MSVoice call released from NW (Network)MS originated video cal (Loopback) Performs loopback communication test MS terminated video call (Loopback) Performs loopback communication testMS originated video cal (ISDN) Performs external video call terminal ∗ 2 communication test MS terminated video call (ISDN) Performs external video call terminal ∗ 2 communication testMS originated video call (the end-to-end MS test) Performs the end-to-end video call test between two sets of MS.∗ 1 —MS terminated video call (the end-to-end MS test) Performs the end-to-end video call test between two sets of MS.∗ 1 —Video call released from MSVideo call released from NWMS originated packet call Performs application tests utilizing packet data communications by connecting to a server.MS terminated packet call Performs application tests utilizing packet data communications by connecting to a server. —Packet call released from MSPacket call released from NWMS originated PPP packet call Performs PPP (built-in server) packet data communication test. —PPP packet call released from MS Performs PPP (built-in server) packet data communication test. —PPP packet call released from NW Performs PPP (built-in server) packet data communication test. —MS originated Unrestricted Digital Information (UDI) ∗ 2 — ∗ 7

MS terminated Unrestricted Digital Information ∗ 2 — ∗ 7

Unrestricted Digital Information released from MS ∗ 2 — ∗ 7

Unrestricted Digital Information released from NW ∗ 2 — ∗ 7

Multi call Performs packet and voice call test simultaneously etc. ∗ 3 —SMS transmission Performs SMS (7bit-ASCII, Unicode, Binary) test. ∗ 4

SMS reception Performs SMS (7bit-ASCII, Unicode, Binary) test. ∗ 4

MMS transmission Performs MMS transmission test (MMS Submit) ∗ 5 —MMS reception Performs MMS reception test (MMS Notification / MMS Retrieval) ∗ 5 —

Supplementary service Offers various sample scenarios of supplementary service such as Emergency call/Multiparty/Call waiting/USSD etc. — ∗ 7

Ciphering function test Performs call processing test with W-CDMA ciphering function. ∗ 6 —


MD8470A List of Supported FunctionsW-CDMA test functions ( : Can be supported by WNS or sample scenarios : Can be supported by creating scenarios)MU847010A W-CDMA Signalling Unit and MX847010A W-CDMA/GSM Simulation Kit are required.

∗ 1 : Two sets of MD8470A are used.

∗ 2 : ISDN interface (option) is used.∗ 3 : Refer to “Service Interruption Testing” on Page.10 for details.∗ 4 : SMSC(SMS Centre) is used.

∗ 5 : MMS application server is separately required.∗ 6 : W-CDMA Ciphering Software (option) is required.∗ 7 : Provided by web download service of MD8470A support service (MX847010A-20).

GSM/GPRS test functions ( : Can be supported by WNS or sample scenarios : Can be supported by creating scenarios)MU847020A GSM Signalling Unit and MX847010A W-CDMA/GSM Simulation Kit are required.


MD8470A Panel Layout

Power switchSwitches the mode between power-on (On) and standby (Stby).

[RF Main] Main input/output connector The main N-type input/output connector

[RF Aux1] Aux1 input/output connectorThe auxiliary N-type input/output connector

[RF Aux2] Aux2 input/output connectorThe auxiliary N-type input/output connector

Left keyEquivalent to the left click button on the mouse. Either Left key on theright and the left sides of the panel is available.

Right keyEquivalent to the right click button on the mouse. Either right key onthe right and the left sides of the panel is available.

[Pointer] PointerUsed to move the pointer on the screen.

Cursor keyUsed to move the cursor, equivalent to the cursor key on the keyboard.

Enter keyEquivalent to the Enter key on the keyboard.

Off-Hook keyFunctions as Off-Hook button for the measurement software that adoptsthis key, equivalent to the Shift + Ctrl + F1 keys on the keyboard.

On-Hook keyFunctions as On-Hook button for the measurement software that adoptsthis key, equivalent to the Shift + Ctrl + F2 keys on the keyboard.

Previous keyMoves the cursor to the previous item of currently selected one,equivalent to the Shift + Tab keys on the keyboard.

Next keyMoves the cursor to the next item of currently selected one, equiva-lent to the Tab key on the keyboard.

Help keyDisplays a Help window on the screen, equivalent to the F1 key onthe keyboard.

Keyboard keyDisplays the on-screen keyboard.

Extender keyThis key is pressed before entering the blue letters on the panel. Alamp on the key lights up while this Extender key is enabled.

BackSpace keyDeletes the previous letter, equivalent to the BackSpace key on thekeyboard.

Ten keyEnters numerical values for parameters.Enters A to F in hex.

[HDD] Hard disk access lampThe lamp lights up while accessing the hard disk incorporated in themainframe.

[Handset] Handset connectorThe connector for handset (standard accessories)

[USB] USB connectorThe connector for the USB1.1 compliant USB devices.

[PCMCIA] PCMCIA slotThe card slot for the PCMCIA compliant (Type I, II) memory card




[Trigger I/O Input] Trigger input connectorThe BNC connector for trigger signal input from external devices andtransmission measurement of UE in synchronization with the externaldevices

[Trigger I/O Output] Trigger output connectorThe BNC connector for event timing output to external devices

[Call Proc Timing I/O A to D] Timing input/output port for callprocessingThe 15-pin Mini D-Sub connector for call processing

[Call Proc Serial I/O A to D] Serial input/output port for call pro-cessingThe 9-pin D-Sub connector for call processing

[10 MHz Ref Input] Reference signal input connectorThe BNC connector to input the external reference signal

[10 MHz Buff Output] Reference signal output connectorThe BNC connector to output the built-in reference signal

[PCMCIA] PCMCIA slotThe card slot for the PCMCIA compliant (Type I, II) memory card

[Call Proc Ethernet A to D] Ethernet input/output port for callprocessingThe RJ-45 connector for call processing.The Ethernet port can be used for packet communication, etc.

[ISDN 0] ISDN 0 portThe RJ-45 connector for ISDN (BRI) <Option>The ISDN port can be used for video call test, etc.

[ISDN 1] ISDN 1 portCurrently not available.

[Keyboard] KeyboardThe connector for the keyboard (standard accessories)

[Mouse] MouseThe connector for the mouse (standard accessories)

[Headphone] HeadphoneThe connector for the 3.5 mm headphones

[Microphone] MicrophoneThe connector for the 3.5 mm microphone

[VGA] VGA connectorThe 15-pin Mini D-Sub connector for the external monitor

[USB] USB connectorThe connector for the USB2.0/USB1.1 compliant USB devices

[Ethernet 0] Ethernet 0 portThe Ethernet port can be used for built-in PC.

[Ethernet 1] Ethernet 1 portThe Ethernet port can be used for built-in PC.

[RS-232C] RS-232C portThe 9-pin D-Sub connector for the external PC

Main power switchSwitches On or Off the main power. The power switch on the front panelenters standby (Stby) mode when the main power is switched on.


Main SpecificationsFrequency range: 400 to 2700 MHz

Frequency setting resolution: 100 Hz

Output level range: –120 to –18 dBm (RF Main ), –106 to –4 dBm (RF Aux1 when Tx mode)

Transmitter characteristic Level setting resolution: 0.1 dB

Output level accuracy: ±3.0 dB (Output level: ≥–50 dBm, +18 to +28˚C)

Modulation accuracy: ≤7%rms (when MU847010A is mounted)

Phase error: ≤4˚rms (when MU847020A is mounted)

Frequency range: 400 to 2700 MHz

Receiver characteristicFrequency setting resolution: 100 Hz

Maximum input level: +34 dBm (Average)

Reference setting range: –30 to +20 dBm (RF Main)

RF Main/RF Aux1/RF Aux2: N type connector, Impedance: 50 ΩTrigger I/O: BNC connector, TTL, Event trigger input/output

Call Proc Timing I/O A to D: 15-pin Mini D-Sub connector, TTL, Timing signal for call processing

External interface Call Proc Serial I/O A to D: 9-pin D-Sub connector, RS-232C, Serial interface for data communications

Call Proc Ethernet A to D: RJ-45 connector, 10Base-T, Ethernet interface for data communications

ISDN 0/1: RJ-45 connector (Option), ISDN interface for data communications (I.430), ISDN1 is reserved

Handset: Modular jack, Handset interface (incl. the dedicated handset)

10 MHz Buff Output

Frequency: 10 MHz

Level: TTL level

Reference oscillator Connector: BNC type

Startup characteristics: ≤±5 x 10–8 (5 minutes after power-on, reference to 24 hours after power-on)

Aging rate: ≤±1 x 10–8/day, ±1 x 10–7/year (reference to 24 hours after power-on)

Temperature characteristics: ≤±2 x 10–8

10 MHz Ref Input

Frequency: 10 MHz (±0.5 ppm)

External reference input Level: ≥0 dBm

Impedance: 50 ΩConnector: BNC Type

OS: Windows® XP Professional operating system∗ 1

Built-in personal computerCPU: Mobile Intel® Pentium® 4 processor 1.7 GHz∗ 2

HDD: 40 GByte

Memory: 512 MByte

Display: Color TFT LCD monitor, 10.4 inch, XGA

Headphone: 3.5 mm headphone jack

Microphone: 3.5 mm microphone jack

USB: USB1.1 (Front panel), USB2.0/1.1 (Rear panel)

User interfaceRS-232C: 9-pin D-Sub connector

PCMCIA: Type I, II compliant (Front/Rear panel)

Keyboard: PS/2

Mouse: PS/2

VGA: 15-pin Mini D-Sub connector

Ethernet 0/1: RJ-45 connector (10Base-T/100Base-TX)

Dimensions 426 (W) x 221.5 (H) x 281 (D) mm ∗ Without protuberances

Mass ≤17 kg (when all options are installed)

Power supply AC 100 to 120 V/200 to 240 V (–15%/+10%, Max: 250 V), 47.5 to 63 Hz, ≤300 VA

Operating temperature +5 to +40˚C, Humidity ≤95% (no condensation)

Storage temperature –20 to +65˚C, Humidity ≤95% (no condensation)

EMC EN61326: 1997/A2: 2001 (Class A), EN61000-3-2: 2000 (Class A), EN61326: 1997/A2: 2001 (Annex A)

LVD EN61010-1: 2001 (Pollution Degree 2)

∗ 1: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.∗ 2: Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.

Units/Options/Software MU847010A MU847020A MU847090B MX847010A MX847011A MX847010A-20W-CDMA GSM ISDN W-CDMA/GSM W-CDMA MX847010A Support

Configurations Signalling Unit Signalling Unit Interface Unit Simulation Kit Ciphering Software Service (One year)

W-CDMA test configuration Required Optional Required Optional Required

GSM/GPRS test configuration Required Required Required


configurationRequired Required Optional Required Optional Required



Hardware W-CDMA Signalling Unit (MU847010A)This hardware unit simulates the operation of W-CDMA basestations.

GSM Signalling Unit (MU847020A)This hardware unit simulates the operation of GSM/GPRS basestations.

ISDN Interface Unit (MU847090B)This unit enables the ISDN interface. A video call communica-tion test is performed with a mobile UE under test by connect-ing a video call terminal UE to the ISDN interface.

Software W-CDMA/GSM Simulation Kit (MX847010A)This software is required for use with W-CDMA and GSM/GPRS.The kit includes libraries for scenario programming, control soft-ware for scenario execution and tracing/analysis, sample scenar-ios for basic call processing, and user manuals.(Microsoft® Visual C++®.NET Standard 2003∗ is separatelyrequired for scenario compiling. Also, in case Visual C++®.NETStandard 2003 is installed in the MD8470A’s built-in PC, a CDor DVD drive with a USB interface is separately required.)

∗ : Microsoft Visual C++ is a registered trademark of Microsoft

Corporation in the United States and other countries.

W-CDMA Ciphering Software (MX847011A)This software is required to test the W-CDMA ciphering func-tion. It supports the standard ciphering algorithm in 3GPP.

Software maintenance contract MX847010A Support Service (One year)

(MX847010A-20)This contract covers response to inquiries from users, maintenance releases (including trouble support), and commer-cial UE support by WNS (Wireless Network Simulator).MX847010A-20 is the software maintenance contract forMX847010A.(Refer to separate materials for contract detail.)

W-CDMA test configuration: Ability to run a simulation corresponding to W-CDMA 1BTS.GSM/GPRS test configuration: Ability to run a simulation corresponding to GSM/GPRS 1BTS.W-CDMA/GSM/GPRS test configuration: Includes the functions of test configurations for both W-CDMA and GSM/GPRS.


Model/Order No. Name

— Mainframe —MD8470A Signalling Tester

— Standard Accessories — Power Cord, 2.6 m

Z0741 MD8470A Operation Manual (CD-ROM)Keyboard (Japanese or English)∗ 1

G0134 MouseA0013 HandsetMX847000A Platform Software

— Units / Options — MU847010A W-CDMA Signalling UnitMU847020A GSM Signalling UnitMU847090B ISDN Interface UnitZ0714 English OS OptionZ0715 Japanese OS OptionZ0716 Retrofit OptionMD8470A-90 Extended Three Year Warranty ServiceMD8470A-91 Extended Five Year Warranty Service

— Software —MX847010A W-CDMA/GSM Simulation Kit∗ 2

MX847011A W-CDMA Ciphering SoftwareZ0728 Software Installation KitMX847010A-20 MX847010A Support Service (One year)

Model/Order No. Name

— Application Parts —J1261A Ethernet Cable (Shield type, Straight), 1 mJ1261B Ethernet Cable (Shield type, Straight), 3 mJ1261C Ethernet Cable (Shield type, Cross), 1 mJ1261D Ethernet Cable (Shield type, Cross), 3 mJ1262A RS-232C Cable (Straight), 2 mJ1262B RS-232C Cable (Cross), 2 mJ0576B Coaxial Cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 1 mJ0576D Coaxial Cord (N-P · 5D-2W · N-P), 2 mJ0127A Coaxial Cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 1 mJ0127B Coaxial Cord (BNC-P · RG58A/U · BNC-P), 2 mJ1263 W-CDMA Interface CableJ1264 N-SMA AdapterJ1265 Adapter (Serial Connector)J0658 Adapter (SMA, L Type)B0543 Carrying CaseB0329D Front Cover for 1MW 5UZ0749 MN8110B + Inch Screw CableJ1287 HDD-SUB15P Cable (Milli-Inch)

∗ 1: Selected by OS option.

∗ 2: P0027: W-CDMA/GSM TEST USIM is attached by this option.

Ordering Information

ANRITSU CORPORATION1800 Onna, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-8555 JapanPhone: +81-46-223-1111Fax: +81-46-296-1264

• U.S.A.ANRITSU COMPANYTX OFFICE SALES AND SERVICE1155 East Collins Blvd., Richardson, TX 75081, U.S.A.Toll Free: 1-800-ANRITSU (267-4878)Phone: +1-972-644-1777Fax: +1-972-644-3416

• CanadaANRITSU ELECTRONICS LTD.700 Silver Seven Road, Suite 120, Kanata, ON K2V 1C3, CanadaPhone: +1-613-591-2003 Fax: +1-613-591-1006

• Brasil ANRITSU ELETRÔNICA LTDA.Praca Amadeu Amaral, 27 - 1 andar01327-010 - Paraiso, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55-11-3283-2511Fax: +55-11-3886940

• U.K.ANRITSU LTD.200 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 3LU, U.K.Phone: +44-1582-433280 Fax: +44-1582-731303

• GermanyANRITSU GmbHGrafenberger Allee 54-56, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49-211-96855-0 Fax: +49-211-96855-55

• FranceANRITSU S.A.9, Avenue du Québec Z.A. de Courtabœuf 91951 LesUlis Cedex, France Phone: +33-1-60-92-15-50Fax: +33-1-64-46-10-65

• ItalyANRITSU S.p.A.Via Elio Vittorini, 129, 00144 Roma EUR, ItalyPhone: +39-06-509-9711 Fax: +39-06-502-2425

• SwedenANRITSU ABBorgafjordsgatan 13 164 40 Kista, SwedenPhone: +46-853470700 Fax: +46-853470730

• FinlandANRITSU ABTeknobulevardi 3-5, FI-01530 Vantaa, FinlandPhone: +358-9-4355-220Fax: +358-9-4355-2250

• DenmarkAnritsu AB DanmarkKorskildelund 6 DK - 2670 Greve, DenmarkPhone: +45-36915035Fax: +45-43909371

• SingaporeANRITSU PTE LTD.10, Hoe Chiang Road #07-01/02, Keppel Towers,Singapore 089315 Phone: +65-6282-2400 Fax: +65-6282-2533

• Hong Kong ANRITSU COMPANY LTD.Suite 923, 9/F., Chinachem Golden Plaza, 77 ModyRoad, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, ChinaPhone: +852-2301-4980Fax: +852-2301-3545

• P. R. ChinaANRITSU COMPANY LTD.Beijing Representative OfficeRoom 1515, Beijing Fortune Building, No. 5 North Road,the East 3rd Ring Road, Chao-Yang DistrictBeijing 100004, P.R. ChinaPhone: +86-10-6590-9230

• KoreaANRITSU CORPORATION8F Hyun Juk Bldg. 832-41, Yeoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, 135-080, KoreaPhone: +82-2-553-6603Fax: +82-2-553-6604

• AustraliaANRITSU PTY LTD.Unit 3/170 Forster Road Mt. Waverley, Victoria, 3149,AustraliaPhone: +61-3-9558-8177Fax: +61-3-9558-8255

• TaiwanANRITSU COMPANY INC.7F, No. 316, Sec. 1, NeiHu Rd., Taipei, TaiwanPhone: +886-2-8751-1816Fax: +886-2-8751-1817

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Catalog No. MD8470A-E-A-1-(3.00) Printed in Japan 2005-8 W/CDT


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