mddvancouver2011 programme guide

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  • 8/3/2019 MDDVancouver2011 Programme Guide








  • 8/3/2019 MDDVancouver2011 Programme Guide



    Programme SnapshotFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11:



    To coincide with Remembrance Day, Media Democracy Days 2011 kicks o witha screening ofWar Made Easy and a talk by renowned media scholar Dr. Sut Jhally onmilitarism, media, and war.

    Where: e Pacic Cinmathque (1131 Howe Street)When: Doors open at 6:30 PM, the screening begins at 7:00 PM, and will

    be followed by a Q&A session and reception at the Cinmathque.Cost: Entry is by donation, but seating is limited. Pre-registration via ourwebsite ( is recommended.

    Day two of MDD is a rich program of panel discussions and keynote addresses.

    Where: Vancouver Public Library Central Library (350 W. Georgia Street)When: From 12-5 PM

    Who: Attendees are invited to take in plenary sessions featuring the founder and celebrated Canadian activistJudy Rebick, renownedmedia scholar Dr. Sut Jhally, and lm scholar Dr. Peter Stevens.e dayalso includes panels on the future of journalism, an all-parties discussionof media policy, the new face of unionism, inclusivity in diverse media,strategies for civic engagement, and aboriginal uses of media.

    Cost: is event is free and open to the public.

    Join us at W2 Media Caf [111 West Hastings Street] following our Saturday programme for a post-MDD

    reception. Free to MDD attendees. Begins at 6:30 PM.

    What: Interactive workshopsWhere: SFU Woodwards Goldcorp Center for the Arts and W2 Media Caf

    (149 West Hastings Street)Who: will host a workshop on creating an eective advocacy

    campaign,W2 Community Media Arts will help participants build socialmedia tooklits to advance aboriginal media makers, CJSF andCFRO will tackle the basics of D.I.Y. radio, and the PacicCinmathque will explore lmmaking as resistance. e day will endwith a unique dialogue and coalition-building session, Mapping MediaMovements: A Launchpad for Action.

    Cost: is event is free, but pre-registration athttp://mddworkshops.eventbrite. com is strongly recommended.

    Sunday evening, join Sound Therapy Radio for Media Democracy for Mental Health, a night of stand up

    comedy and live music. 6-10 PM at Gallery Gachet [88 East Cordova Street]. Admission is free.

  • 8/3/2019 MDDVancouver2011 Programme Guide


    1 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    Welcome to:

    On behalf of the Media Democracy Days team, I am pleased to welcome you to thetenth anniversary of this community-oriented event. Its exciting for us to see howmuch the event has developed over the past decade through the growing support ofindividuals and groups who care about the quality of our media, and our democracy.

    In collaboration with the Campaign for Press and Broadcast Freedom, tradeunions, community organizations and concerned local individuals, the rst MediaDemocracy Day was held in 2001 as a venue to raise and spread awareness of theconcentration of media ownership in Vancouver and in Canada, and the threat to

    the diversity of public voices this posed, especially in the political climate of fearand authoritarianism unleashed by the then-recent 9/11 terror attacks. We soughtto explore options for both media practice and public policy that could help improvemedias contributions to democratic government, but also make the media themselvesmore accessible and diverse.

    We could not have guessed how much widespread and sustained interest the event would draw. Since 2001, thousands of people have year, we have

    expanded from a one day conference to a three-day event that includes a lmscreening and interactive workshops along with traditional panel discussions.

    Notwithstanding dramatic changes in the media ecology in the past decade,democratization of media remains a pressing issue that needs our focus. MediaDemocracy Day helps to provide that focus. Its a dialogue that contributes tosupporting independent media projects, organizations and individuals dedicated toraising awareness and creating change.

    We are thrilled to have keynote speakers Sut Jhally from the Media EducationFoundation and Judy Rebick from join our program this year along withother inuential producers, writers, scholars and journalists, activists and artists. ecommitment of these individuals underlines the strength and scope of a genuine,diverse and growing social movement for media democratization.

    We are pleased to have you join us during Media Democracy Days to collectively

    pursue the three-pronged ambition: know the media, be the media, change themedia.

    Robert HackettSchool of Communication, Simon Fraser UniversityFounding Member, Media Democracy Days


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    2 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    What You Didnt Know

    Launched simultaneously in Vancouver and Toronto in 2001, Media Democracy Day

    responded to a growing global media democratization movement. is movementseeks to create a more participatory media system by supporting independent andpublic service media production, celebrating innovation and creating dialogue aroundthe politics and biases linked to our increasingly corporate and concentrated media.

    Since the beginning, Media Democracy Days have operated as a forum to discuss theway in which our city, country and culture is being shaped by the media.rough thesediscussions we have helped to develop alliances and strategies for democratizing the

    media. is means using the media for democratic self-governance; and reshapingthe media themselves to make them more accessible, accountable, representative.

    In the past 10 years, we have worked to bring together citizens, academics, journalists,artists, activists, students, community leaders and policy makers into a dynamicdialogue on the state of the Canadian and global media annual event isabout the democratization both through the media, and of the media.

    Now celebrating our 10th anniversary, Media Democracy Days core mission remainsthe same:

    1. Know the media by engaging in critical, progressive, cross-cultural, andintergenerational media education.

    2. Be the media by working directly with local media makers to producemessages that intervene in cultural and political life.

    3. Change the media by collaborating with community members tocreate progressive coalitions and actionable policy goals to reshapethe institutional context of communication.

    To learn more, please visit:WWW.MEDIADEMOCRACYDAY.ORG

    Follow us on Twitter:@MEDIADEMOCDAY


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    3 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    FILM SCREENING: War Made Easy

    [Pacific Cinmathque, Friday, November 11, 6:30-10:00pm]

    Help us kick o Media Democracy Days 2011 with Dr. Sut Jhally, Professor ofCommunication at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Founder of theMedia Education Foundation as our opening keynote address.

    is keynote address will be followed by an exclusive screening of the documentaryWar Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death. Narratedby Sean Penn and based on the book by Norman Solomon, this documentaryreaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government

    deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war afteranother from Vietnam to Iraq.

    Scheduled to coincide with Remembrance Day, this event is an opportunity to reectcritically on historical narratives and images of war, while seriously considering theenormous role played by our contemporary military-media-industrial complex inmanufacturing citizen support for war. A discussion period and reception will takeplace after the screening.

    INTRODUCTION: Stuart Poyntz is an Assistant Professor

    in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser Universitywhose research interests include the relationship of children and youth with media culture, public sphere theory, with specicconcern for the work of Hannah Arendt. Most recently, he is theco-author ofMedia Literacies: A Critical Introduction.

    DR. SUT JHALLY is a professor of communication atthe University of Massachusetts at Amhearst. In 1991, Dr.Jhally founded the Media Education Foundation (MEF) afterreceiving his PhD from the School of Communication at SimonFraser University. As a non-prot organization, the MEF aimsto inspire critical reection on the social, political, and culturalimpact of American mass media. A world-leading media scholar,lmmaker and analyst Dr. Jhally brings tremendous insight to

    the task of understanding the medias role in shaping our social identities throughgender and race, commercialism, violence and politics. He is the producer of manylms and videos, including Dreamworks: Desire/Sex/Powerand Hijacking Catastrophe:9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire. He is the author of numerous books andarticles on media, including e Codes of AdvertisingandEnlightened Racism, as wellas an award-winning educator.

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    4 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    JUDY REBICK is a well-known social justice activist, writer,educator and speaker, and is perhaps best known to Canadiansas a former president of the National Action Committee onthe Status of Women, Canadas largest womens group. She isalso the founding publisher of, Canadas most popularindependent online news, and continues to blog and podcaston the site. She also contributes commentaries to a host ofnewspapers and magazines and is a frequent commentator on

    CBC radio and television. She has been a lifelong activist and most recently helpedlead a ght against the intense police repression during the G20 in Toronto.

    Judy has just stepped down after eight years as the CAW Gindin Chair in SocialJustice and Democracy at Ryerson University. Her most recent book is TransformingPower: From the Personal to the Political. Judys other books include Ten ousand

    Roses: e Making of a Feminist Revolution (Penguin 2005) and Imagine Democracy(Douglas and McIntyre 2000).

    OPENING PLENARY: Judy Rebick

    Ten Years of Transforming the Media:

    From Rabble to Twitter

    [Alice McKay Room, Saturday, November 12, 12:00-12:45 pm]

    INTRODUCTION: Dr. Kathleen Cross is a Lecturer in theSchool of Communication at Simon Fraser University and Chairsthe Media Democracy Day organizing committee. Her teachingand research interests include democratic communication, newsmedia analysis, and political campaigns and elections. She is also

    the National Coordinator for the Global Media MonitoringProject, an international project focused on gender representationin news media, and a co-director of NewsWatch Canada.

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    5 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    Building Media Democracy

    [Alice McKay Room, Saturday, November 12, 4:15-5:00pm]

    PETER STEVEN is the author ofMedia in the About Canadaseries (Fernwood Publishing, 2011). e book introduces major

    issues facing Canadian media and Steven argues that we arefacing a crisis of quality in most media sectors, despite a wealthof talent and abundant resources. He holds a PhD in Radio/TV/Film from Northwestern University, Chicago, and is Professor ofFilm Studies at Sheridan College, in Oakville, ON.

    DR. SUT JHALLY is a professor of communication at theUniversity of Massachusetts at Amhearst. After receiving hisPh.D from the School of Communication at Simon FraserUniversity, Jhally founded the Media Education Foundation(MEF), a non-prot organization that aims to inspire criticalreection on the social, political, and cultural impact of American

    mass media. He is the producer of the

    lm Dreamworks: Desire/Sex/Powerand Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling ofAmerican Empire. Jhally is the author of numerous books and articles as well as anaward-winning educator.

    JUDY REBICK is the founding publisher of,Canadas most popular independent online news, and continuesto blog and podcast on the site. She recently helped lead a ght

    against the intense police repression during the G20 in Toronto.Her most recent book is Transforming Power: From the Personalto the Political. Judy's other books include Ten ousand Roses:e Making of a Feminist Revolution (Penguin 2005) andImagineDemocracy (Douglas and McIntyre 2000).

    MODERATOR: Dr. Robert Hackett is a professor ofCommunication at SFU. Bob co-directs NewsWatch Canada, amedia monitoring program at SFU, and has co-founded severalcommunity-oriented media advocacy and education initiatives,including Media Democracy Day. His collaborative publicationsincludeExpanding Peace Journalism (2011), and Remaking Media:e Struggle to Democratize Public Communication (2006).

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    6 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    [Peter Kay Room, Saturday, November 12, 1:00-2:20pm]

    is panel is Sponsored by the BC Federation of Labour

    RESISTANCE & RENEWAL: Unions and

    Public Opinion in a Crisis Economy

    MODERATOR: Irene Lanzinger is a long-time union activistand teacher. She began her teaching career in 1978 and taughtin Vancouver and overseas. Irene was very active in the B.C. Teachers Federation serving as president of the VancouverSecondary Teachers association. Irene served as an Ocer of theB.C. Federation of Labour from 2007 to 2010. Irene was elected

    to the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the B.C. Federation ofLabour in 2010.

    LORENE OIKAWA is the rst Asian Canadian vice presidentfor the BC Government and Service Employees Union (BCGEU),and was re-elected to her third term in 2011. BCGEU representsmembers who work in direct provincial government, and a variety

    of sectors including community health, community social services,child care, post-secondary institutions, hotels, and the CanadaLine. Lorene has authored articles on a range of topics includinghealth care, poverty, human rights and more.

    MIKE OLD is the communications director for the43,000-member Hospital Employees Union. He helpedthe union launch in 1998 and survived three

    subsequent overhauls. Mike has also worked for CUPE andACTRA -- and as a freelancer. Hes interested in how unionscan use social media to engage members.

    VINCENT MOSCO is Professor Emeritus of Sociology atQueens University where he was Canada Research Chair inCommunication and Society and member of the faculty unionexecutive. Since writing Labor, the Working Class, and the Mediawith Janet Wasko in 1983, he has carried out research and worked

    to advance the interests of labor. His most recent book is Gettingthe Message: Communication Workers and Global Value Chains (withUrsula Huws and Catherine McKercher, 2010).

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    7 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM:Crisis & Opportunities

    [Alice McKay Room, Saturday, November 12, 1:00-2:20pm]

    PETER KLEIN began his career as a radio reporter for NationalPublic Radio, covering the Bosnian war and the fall of communismin Eastern Europe. In 1999 Klein joined CBS News 60 Minutes asa producer remains a contributor to the program. Klein joined thefaculty of UBC in 2005, and in 2008 he launched the InternationalReporting Program, Among other prestigious awards, his 2010 classFrontline/WORLD documentary, Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground,earned him an Emmy for best investigative newsmagazine.

    MODERATOR: Linda Solomon is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Vancouver Observer, which was the winner of the 2010Canadian Online Publishing Awards for Best online-only articlesand took second place in Best overall online-only site. She is alsothe founder and director ofe Vancouver New Media Foundationand is CEO of Observer Media Group. Linda was the recipient of theUnited Press International award for Best Investigative Reporting.

    KAREN PINCHIN is the founding editor ofOpenFile Vancouver,a community-powered collaborative news website. She has reportedand edited fore Canadian Press, Macleans and Newsweek, andfreelanced for outlets including e Globe and Mailand e Walrus.

    DAVID BEERS is founding editor of e Tyee. He has wonnational awards for his journalism in Canada and the United States,writing for e Globe and Mail, Vancouver Magazine, e New YorkTimes Magazine, Harpers, and many other publications. He editedthe Fate of the Strait environmental series for the Vancouver Sun, which received Canadas National Newspaper Award for SpecialProjects.

    CHARLIE SMITH has been editor of the Georgia Straight forsix years. Before that, he was the news editor at the Straight for 10years. He has also worked at CBC Radio and CBC TV and taughtinvestigative journalism at Kwantlen Polytechnic University for seven years back in the days when it was known as Kwantlen UniversityCollege.ese days, most of his writing appears on, butsome nd its way into the print edition.

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    8 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    VOICES: Aboriginal Uses of Media

    [Alice McKay Room, Saturday, November 12, 1:00-2:20pm]

    DUNCAN MCCUE has been a reporter for CBC-TV News inVancouver for over a dozen years. His award-winning news andcurrent aairs pieces are featured on CBCs agship news show,e National. Recent honours include a Jack Webster Award forBest TV Feature, and in 2011, he received a Knight Fellowshipat Stanford University in California, where he designed anonline educational guide for reporters on covering indigenouscommunities. Duncan is Anishinaabe, a member of the Chippewas

    of Georgina Island First Nation in southern Ontario

    CANDIS CALLINSON is an Assistant Professor at theUBC School of Journalism where she teaches science journalismand media ethics. She holds a Ph.D. from the Program inScience, Technology, and Society at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, and an MSc from MITs Comparative MediaStudies Program. Candis previously worked as a journalist in

    Canada and the US. She is a member of the Tahltan Nation innorthwestern BC.

    DON BAIN is the Executive Director of the Union of BritishColumbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC), a non-prot politicaladvocacy organization dedicated to support the recognition ofaboriginal rights and respect for aboriginal cultures worldwide.From the Lheidli Tenneh community outside of Prince George,

    he graduated from UBC with a degree in Anthropology, workedon his communitys Traditional Use Study, organized UBCICsProtecting Knowledge Conference in 2000 and worked in

    Ottawa. For over ten years he has been instrumental in creating a media and onlinepresence for the UBCIC.

    MODERATOR: Gunargie OSullivan has been plugging FirstNations arts and culture for 20 years. She started her communitybroadcasting experience by coordinating a radio play incollaboration with Spirit Song eater Co. and Co op radio.Gunargie currently hosts When Spirit Whispers ,e Speaker,Sne wayulh, Late Night wiIth Savages at and one show for (90.1 FM) calledNation to Nation. She serves on two boards: Co op Radio and

    the National Community Radio Association.

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    9 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    FUTURE: A Multi Party Panel

    [Alice McKay Room, Saturday, November 12, 2:30-4:00pm]

    MODERATOR: A former Green Party school trustee withthe Vancouver School Board, Andrea Reimer was rst elected toVancouver City Council in 2008 and has championed a numberof policies over the last three years including the Greenest Cityinitiative, increasing childcare spaces in the City by 6% andestablishing Vancouver as a global leader in Open Data.

    LIBBY DAVIES is Deputy Leader for the NDP. Her historyas a strong community activist for Vancouver began over 35 yearsago. She and her late partner, Bruce Eriksen, were keygures inthe formation of the Downtown Eastside Residents Association(DERA) in 1973. In ten years of community organizing, Libbydeveloped her strong grassroots approach to working with

    people and diverse communities.

    DR. HEDY FRY was rst elected to Parliament fromVancouver-Centre in 1993. From 1996 to 2002, she servedCanadians as the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism andthe Status of Women. As a leader in the Canadian MedicalAssociation, Dr. Fry was instrumental in initiating a range of

    innovations. She is the current Federal Liberal Critic on Healthand Chair of Federal Liberal BC Caucus.

    ELIZABETH MAY is an environmentalist, writer, activist,lawyer, leader of the Green Party of Canada, and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands. Elizabeth became active in the environmental

    movement in the 1970s. She became an Ocer of the Order ofCanada in 2005, was elected Leader of the Green Party in 2006,and in May 2011 became the rst Canadian Green elected toParliament. Elizabeths home is in Sidney, BC.

    * Requests for a Conservative Party representative for this panel were declined

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    10 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    12:00 12:45

    First Nations Welcome

    Opening Keynote Speaker:Judy Rebick

    Introduction: Dr. Kathleen Cross


    1:00 2:20

    The Future of Journalism: Crisis &Opportunities

    Panelists: Peter Klein Karen Pinchin David Beers

    Charlie SmithModerator: Linda Solomon

    Resistance and Renewal: Unions andPublic Opinion in The Crisis Economy

    Panelists: Dr. Vincent Mosco Lorene Oikawa Mike Old

    Moderator: Irene Lazinger


    :30 4:00

    Media Policies for a DemocraticFuture: An All-Party Panel

    Panelists: Libby Davies (NDP) Elizabeth May (Green) Hedy Fry (Liberal)

    Moderator: Andrea Reimer

    Lost in Translation: Challenges ofInclusivity in Diverse Media

    Panelists: Alden Habacon Winnie Hwo Lilavati Levine

    Moderator: Ajay Puri


    5 5:00

    Building Media Democracy Plenary

    Panelists: Dr. Sut Jhally

    Judy Rebick Peter Stevens

    Moderator: Dr. Robert Hackett


    SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12Schedule at a Glance

    Vancouver Public Library

    Join us at W2 Media Caf [111 West Hastings Street] following our Saturday

    programme for a post-MDD reception. Free to MDD attendees. Begins at 6:30 PM

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    11 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]




    Indigenous Choices, IndigenousVoices: Aboriginal Uses of Media

    Panelists: Duncan McCue Candice Calison Don Bain

    Moderator: Gunargie OSullivan


    ShitHarperDid, SlutWalk &LeadNow: New Directions in Civic


    Panelists: Cam Dales Katie Raso Tria Donaldson

    Moderator: Philip Djwa









    NOVEMBER 13Woodwards & W2

    149 West Hastings Street

    12:00 1:30

    Running a TransformativeOnline Campaign

    Lindsey Pinto & Reilly Yeo

    Woodwards Room 2205

    12:00 1:30

    The New Frontier is


    Irwin Oostinde ofW2

    W2 Media Caf

    12:00 1:30

    DIY Radio Basics

    Sarah Buchanan ofCJSF andBrady Marks ofCFRO

    Woodwards Room 4390

    12:00 1:30 Mediated Violence

    Liz Schulze of the PacicCinmathque

    Woodwards Room 4955

    1:45 3:00

    Mapping Media Democracyin Vancouver: A Launchpad

    for Action

    Woodwards World ArtsCenter

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    12 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    and the Future of Inclusivity in

    Diverse Media

    [Peter Kay Room, Saturday, November 12, 2:30-4:00pm]

    MODERATOR: Ajay Puri is an advocate for evidence-baseddecision making and community empowerment. For the pastten years, he has been volunteering, working and providingscientic research to improve the lives of many marginalizedpopulations including at-risk youth, visible minorities, sexworkers, and people suering from mental health and addic-tions. Ajay leads the Ethno-cultural Health Network.

    ALDEN E. HABACON is an accomplished diversityand inclusion specialist. He is the Director, InterculturalUnderstanding Strategy Development for the Universityof British Columbia (UBC) and previously the Manager ofDiversity Initiatives for CBC Television. He is the Publisher of

    Schema Magazine, and the co-founder of the Asian CanadianJournalists Association in Vancouver.

    WINNIE HWO was an award winning journalist who hasextensive experience in Chinese language media and mainstreammedia. She then joined the David Suzuki Foundation a year agoto campaign for Clean Energy and Climate Solution. She wasthe news and current aairs director for Fairchild Television,Canada West and has won ve Jack Webster Award for her workthere.

    LILAVATI LEVINE is a youth dedicated to social change.She believes that anyone can change their world with poetry,lm, music, photojournalism and journalism and has spent the

    last 3 years using these tools of media to export her messages tothe world she lives in. As a young woman of colour, she has seenand experienced the eects of oppression in her life and the livesof those around her. She is co-creator of the YouthMADE lm,I Am Here.

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    13 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    LEADNOW: New Directions in

    Civic Engagement

    [Peter Kay Room, Saturday, November 12, 2:30-4:00pm]

    MODERATOR: Phillip Djwa, MFA, is a creative artist anddigital media producer. He has worked on a wide range oflm, technology and online communications projects towardspromoting social change. Prior to 2000, Phillip worked for 10 years as a composer for dance, lm and theatre. His work wasinternationally recognized at Sundance. Since 2000, Phillip has ledstrategy and innovative web projects at Agentic Communications,a Vancouver-based social change web design agency.

    CAM DALES: Cam Dales is interested in the way that peoplesocialize and organize themselves online, and how it aects howthey do those things oine. He has a degree in communicationdesign from Emily Carr University, was a co-founder, and is the Art Director and a Strageist at

    TruthFool Communications.

    TRIA DONALDSON is an experienced organizer who has worked on a variety of issues - from Aboriginal rights, access toeducation, childcare, anti-racism and the environment. She is the

    Communications Coordinator at, a national onlineadvocacy organization responsible for the "Vote Mob" phenomenonduring the last election. Tria currently works for the WildernessCommittee as the Pacic Coast Campaign, where she works oncampaigns ranging from forestry to sh farms to coal mining.

    KATIE RASO is a shameless agitator. She is also one of adozen organizers behind Vancouvers SlutWalk. A long timecommunity activist, Katie has contributed to messaging andmobilizing for social justice campaigns across Canada. ese

    experiences helped give shape to the SW Vancouver mediacampaign that included dozens of interviews, and ralliedthousands of supporters.

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    14 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]


    Sunday, November 13

    [SFU Woodwards, 149 W. Hastings Street, 12:00-3:00pm]


    Learn the basics of running a campaign online. Well coverthe key elements of being a megaphone for citizen voices:alerting citizens about an important issue (working withboth traditional and social media); encouraging them totake action (i.e. clearly explaining the threat and making it

    personal); and ensuring decision-makers know and care. Bring examples of successfulcampaigns you know of or have been involved with, as this will be a peer-learningsession. Led byLindsey Pinto and Reilly Yeo

    Join speakers and hands-on workshop facilitators to get up tospeed on current social media tactics and workshopincludes a mix of peer training and social media softwareintroductions, strategies to reach targeted audiences with multi-platform productions, and ways to establish deeper engagementwith audiences. Learn from progressive journalists, First Nations

    lmmakers and ethnic media activists on how technology can strengthen our voiceswhile reaching broader audiences in the hyperlocal and global communities. Led byIrwin Oostindie, Executive Director of W2.


    Progressive Storytelling & Journalism with

    Multi platform & Social Media Tools

    [W2 Media Caf, 12:00-1:30pm]

    Space is limited for these workshops and participants are encouraged topre-register to reserve their space.ere is no cost to participate. You canpre-register at:

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    15 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    is brief, action-oriented workshop is intended to provide a platform for participantsto move through inspiration to collaboration and eective and focused action. Usinga city map of crowdsourced resources, this facilitated session will identify priorityissues mapped by conference participants, locate existing projects and organizationsto avoid duplicating our eorts, oer support in setting up communities of practice,and share strategies and tactics for keeping the work alive. Facilitated byKatie Raso(biography available on page 13) and Amanda Gibbs.

    [World Arts Centre @ SFU Woodwards Goldcorp Centre for the Arts1:45-3:00pm]


    A Launchpad for Action

    MEDIATED VIOLENCE [Rm 4955, 12:00-1:30pm]

    DIY RADIO BASICS [Rm 4390, 12:00-1:30pm]

    With much research, controversy and discussionabout the violence rife in todays mass media,there is little that helps us to understand

    how to process the brutal, explicit and numbing images that surround us. eirnormalization, and our ongoing appetite for violence, beg the question: why are weso hungry for mediated gore, terror and torture? Join us for an interactive workshop

    that explores the purposes, meanings and impacts of violent media through criticalanalysis and dialogue. Led byLiz Schulze of the Pacic Cinmathque.

    A hands-on introduction to accessing and creatingindependent radio in its many forms, including campus/community radio, podcasting, online streaming, pirate radio

    and live broadcasting from the eld. Participants will discoverthe pros and cons of each method, and why independentradio is uniquely suited to those with a Do-It-Yourselfmentality. If you have a keen interest in non-commercial

    and non-traditional radio, but dont know where to start, this workshop is for you!Participants will also get to set up their own live remote broadcast from the site. LedbySarah Buchannan of CJSF and Brady Marks of CFRO/Co-op Radio.

    AMANDA GIBBS is a public engagement specialist,

    communications strategist and facilitator with 15 yearsexperience supporting organizations working on issues rangingfrom civic participation and arts and culture to social justice andenvironmental change.

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    16 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    CiTR 101.9FM is the broadcasting Voice of UBC. Itsa student run, community supported and nationallyrecognized radio station that has been giving a voice toUBC students and the Vancouver Community since1937. @citrradio

    is years Media Fair is a trade show-style exhibition of local, alternative, non-

    commercial and innovative media production. Our goals are to bring together anumber of diverse communities involved in media advocacy and education, andto help promote the cause of media democratization to a much wider public. efollowing organizations will be present at this years Media Fair:


    [VPL Promenade, Saturday, November 12, 12:00-5:00pm]

    With a circulation of over 100,000, Adbusters is anot-for-prot, reader-supported magazine addressingthe impacts commercial forces have on our physical

    and cultural environments, and motivates social actionaround these issues to change the way we live in the21st century information age. @adbusters

    One of the most recognizable human rightsorganizations in the world, Amnesty International is aglobal movement of people committed to the promotionand protection of human rights. We focus on freedomof expression, through conventional and social media

    outlets, as well as advocacy on behalf of press freedom, journalists, and other media professionals who havebeen threatened or imprisoned around the world.@aicanadamedia

    Art reat is a non-prot online publication devoted topolitical art and cultural policy. We discuss art that seeksto interpret, inuence or reect upon society; showcaseartists who inspire social change and discuss policy in

    terms of culture. @artthreat

    e Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is anindependent, non-partisan research institute concernedwith issues of social, economic and environmental justice.Founded in 1980, the CCPA is one of Canadas leadingprogressive voices in public policy debates.ey publishthe CCPA Monitor, a publication on the forefront ofmany progressive struggles in Canada. @ccpa

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    17 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    Using online space and mixed-media storytelling, CoopCulture's mandate is to enrich Canada's dialogue oncultural diversity. @coopculture

    e Council of Canadians is Canadas largest citizensorganization, working to protect Canadian independenceby promoting progressive policies on fair trade, clean water,energy security, public health care and other issues of socialand economic concern to Canadians. @vancofcdns

    One of the world's best-known environmental action

    organizations, Greenpeace International is backed byan international membership of nearly 3 million, withregional oces located throughout the world.@greenpeaceca

    Published by CiTR 101.9FM out of the Universityof British Columbia, Discorder magazine has beenproviding Vancouver with vibrant, dynamic, andengaging coverage of the citys independent music scenesince 1983. @discordermag

    Gen Why is a community building production groupthat uses public art, media, workshops and events toengage society in new forms of civic participation.@genwhymedia

    Associated with the grassroots movement to launch eCorporationlm, Hello Cool World is an alternative adagency whose mandate is: Ideas to audiences; audiencesto action; action to outcome. @hellocoolworld

    SFUs campus radio station gives voice to local artists,activists, cultural inuencers, and media makers through

    its diverse and entertaining programming. @cjsf

    By telling local stories at street level, and puttingdistribution in the hands of community members,Megaphone makes media for change. @megaphonemag

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    18 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011] is a national, non-partisan, non-protorganization working to advance and support an openand innovative communications system in Canada.eyare best known for coordinating the 'Stop e Meter'campaign earlier this year, a campaign widely recognizedas the biggest online citizens' campaign in Canadianhistory. @openmedia_ca

    Out In Schools engages youth through lm in thepromotion of safer and diverse learning environments,free from homophobia and bullying. rough cinemaand social dialogue, they foster community engagementaround issues facing the queer community. @outinschools

    Pacic Cinmathque is a non-prot lm societybringing Vancouver the essential cinema experience. Forover fteen years, our education department has oeredscreenings and workshops in critical media literacy,digital lmmaking and lm education. @thecinemateque

    Pull Focus is Vancouver's only non-prot lm school,empowering students to raise social awareness through

    thought provoking documentary lms. Students aretaught to write, produce, lm and edit broadcast-qualitymini-documentaries that can be used as outreach andpromotional lm material for charities/non-prots whocan't aord it. @pullfocuslms

    e United Nations Association in Canada's Multimedia+ Multiculturalism Project has partnered with SchemaMagazine to coordinate, develop & deliver the Me InMedia (MIM) project. e goal of MIM is to inspiredialogue around the inclusion of ethnic diversity in the

    multimedia landscape.

    Peace it Together unites youth from opposing sides of a


    ict to engage in a month-long program of dialogueandlmmaking. For the past seven years Peace it Togetherhas focused on the Israeli/Palestinian conict and has runthree dialogue & lmmaking programs as well as onedialogue & outdoor adventure program. @peacelms

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    19 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    Since 1962, the BCCLA has been an active and

    prominent defender of civil liberties and human rightsin Canada. ey provide community education on civilrights and liberties, advocacy in action, public policy andjustice programs. @bccla

    e Mainlander is Vancouvers go-to publication for

    independent, analytical and progressive coverage ofmunicipal issues. We aim to provide historical perspective,economic and political analysis, and critical journalism. We strive to create a forum for those aected by localissues, but often have their voice drowned out by largermedia. @mainlandernews

    RangiChangi Roots is a non-prot organization seeking tobring the green movement and cultural communities togeth-er. We work to build bridges between diverse communitiesthat work on human rights and climate issues. @rangichangi

    Ricepaper provides a unique and vibrant outlook on

    contemporary Asian arts and culture in a Canadiancontext. ey are committed to creating a forum forinclusive, representative and progressive dialogue forthe diverse interests of Asian Canadians. ey strive toconnect the local, national, and global community bychallenging how Asian Canadians are perceived anddened. @ricepapermag

    e Indo-Canadian Times is a high quality Punjabi weeklynewspaper that has served Canada for over 34 years. It isthe oldest and largest circulating Punjabi newspaper inCanada. Apna Roots is a bi-weekly, English newspaper

    serving the Indo-Canadian/South Asian communitysince 2001. e Punjab Di Awaaz is a Punjabi weeklynewspaper serving the Punjabi community residing inBritish Columbia and Metro Vancouver. is paper isfast gaining popularity with the Punjabis for the daredevil editorials, investigative news and articles printed inPunjab Di Awaaz.

    is year, celebrated its 10th birthday as aleading non-prot, independent media organizationdedicated to providing platforms and perspectivesunavailable anywhere else in Canada. rabble is built onthe eorts of progressive journalists, writers, artists and

    activists across the country - it's news for the rest of us.@rabbleca

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    20 MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS [NOV 11-13, 2011]

    e Vancouver Observer is creating a new mainstreamfor media by bringing Vancouverites together via theircoverage of culture, city, life, people and politics. With260+ contributors they are one of the highest rankednews sites in the city. @vanobserver

    is mural entitled Sumasx Eect: UBC and Friendship

    House Mural Project depicts the First Nationscommunities of Prince Rupert, BC, was designed by a19-year-old aspring Nisaga'a artist and includes over500 photographs taken over 4 years. Its a starting pointfor a longer-term interactive multi-media piece byJennifer Wolowic, UBC, and e Friendship House ofPrince mural will be on display on Saturdayat the VPL.

    e Vancouver local of the national Media Co-opnetwork is the city's only reader owned, grassrootsindependent news source. We launched as an openpublishing website where we post stories, videos, imagesand more from the streets of resistance. @vanmediacoop

    W2 Media Cafe is a media centre in Vancouver's DTES. W2 provides access to multiplatform broadcastingequipment, training, production and distribution support

    to promote social inclusion, breaking the digital divide,crosscultural dialogue and redress. @w2woodwards

    Founded in 1973, VIVO Media Arts Centre isVancouver's oldest media arts access centre whose visionis to directly support independent artists, community-based producers and activists to develop and exchangetheir skills and ideas.

    e Tyee is Canadas leading independent online newsmagazine. With feisty, in-depth coverage of politics,social and environmental issues and arts and culture, wepublish award-winning journalism vital to our democracy.Founded in 2003, the Tyee is a must-read for the straightgoods on whats happening in BC and beyond. @thetyee

    Schema Magazine oers a reection of pop-culture andidentity for interculturally-minded individuals shapedby the sensibilities of 1.5-, 2nd- and sometimes 3rd-generation, mixed race, transnational and urban livingCanadians between the ages of 18 and 35. Schema isn't

    a magazine for people "caught between cultures" but,instead, for "cultural navigators" who wish to share theirmovement through complex cultures within society.@schema_magazine

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    MEDIA DEMOCRACY DAYS 2011Thanks those who make it possible...

    Our Community and Media Partners:

    Poetry is DeadMagazine

    Association of BookPublishers of BC

    The Morgan

    Center for Labour

    Studies at SFU

    Our Supporters:

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    Oce of the President &

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