me and my movies

Post on 26-May-2015






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PR4: Me and my Movies

Date set:29/11/12

Submission Date: March 21st 2013

Task 1: Presentation

1.Choose a genre and at least 3 examples of films from that genre. On your slides give the film title, director, year of production and a brief synopsis. (slides 1,2,3,4)

2.Consider what it is that attracts you to your chosen genre. Why do you like the genre? List at least three factors, e.g. Stars, story, special effects (slide 5)

Is there any intertextuality with other films? Does intertextuality encourage you to watch a film?

Star Theory: Do you watch a film because of who is in it? What makes you want to see a particular star in a particular role?

3. Frameworks of interpretation: Choose 3 film trailers of your chosen genre. Use your genre analysis sheets (as used on Pulp Fiction) to analyse codes and conventions, narrative setting etc. Add these notes to your slides and illustrate with examples.

3. Consider how you find out about the films you watch. What makes you go to see a film? (slide 6)

Media literacy: How do you find out about films. Where do you get your information?

Social networking Web apps Blogs Magazines

4. Reception Theory: conditions of reception and pre- and post-viewing experiences.

5. Active Spectatorship

Task 2

When your presentation is finished, you will get into work groups and make a short documentary (5 mins min, 10 max)called ‘Me & My Movies’ contaikning all of the information above.

You will need to:



Film and edit your short by March 21st 2013

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